Agent Peter Burke from White Collar ada dlm episode neh!!!! *squeeeee!!!* |
padan muka Victoria bila selamba jer si Conrad bagitahu yg Pascale pun tak ikhlas ngan Vicky and that Pascale was also involved in flight 197.....puas ati tgk muka Vicky berubah... |
eiiii meluat nyer laaaaaaaa kat si Charlotte ngan Javier neh
bila la watak Charlotte ni nak berambus.... |
rasanya Vicky G dah tahu dah sapa Emily ni.... |
OMG V dah half way there, she knows that Ems is revenging for David...chances season finale nanti dia akan tau Ems true identity
Come to think about all this, i would say Ems should kill everyone involved (Conrad, Pascal etc) and bunuh Daniel sekali just for the fun of it, but leave V alive and suffer |
1 more thing, Nolan please not to try to save that problematic friend of his, just destroy him, let him go down together with Daniel |
hike80 posted on 14-4-2014 09:32 PM
OMG V dah half way there, she knows that Ems is revenging for David...chances season finale nanti di ...
Kan.. Takde la sakit mata tgk Daniel tu lagi..
but i cannot hadam yg diorg actually couple in real life.. Arghhhh..
i think Aiden la kot mati nanti.
most likely nak develop love story emily dgn jack balik kot..
Nolan pissed off dah.. Teringat lak quote Hackers..
mess with the best, die like the rest!
lah takder Revenge lak minggu ni...hmmm..sbb Easter holidays kot... |
The season finale of "Revenge" is coming up quickly and viewers are wondering what is going to happen. On April 20, Fashion & Style revealed that there may be a death on the final episode of season 3. However, that may not be the only death. It has been hinted that there could be another character to bite the dust before then. Fans can also look forward to seeing someone go to jail and a character to visit the psych ward.
It's not uncommon for television shows to kill off a character on season finale episodes and it turns out that the final episode of "Revenge" season 3 will do just that. Actress Emily VanCamp recently said that she was crying over the death of a character on the season finale. A lot of fans are saying that there are only a few people her character is close to and wondering if she was crying over the death of Jack or Nolan. However, VanCamp could have been referring to herself crying, not her character, so her tears could be over any of the actors on the show.
However, the season finale of "Revenge" will not show the only death. E! Online reported that another "substantial death" will happen before the final episode. It was also written that someone will spend their last hours behind bars and they do not handle it very well. Not much else was revealed about the death, but a sneak peek for "Revenge" season 3, episode 20, which airs this Sunday may give a hint.
The upcoming episode is titled "Revolution" and a sneak peek shows Pascal asking Victoria to marry him, but he is kidnapped. Emily tells him that she wants the Grayson's, but Victoria knows that she is getting revenge for David Clarke. Even though Queen V doesn't realize that Emily is really Amanda Clarke, David's daughter, she is starting to piece things together and may find out soon. The most shocking part of the clip is Victoria and Emily running through a building, as if they are fleeing from someone.
Even though both women are running in the same building, they are not together. Eventually Emily ends up on what appears to be the roof and she peers over the edge. She looks shocked at what she sees and a blood-curdling scream is heard. The face of the voice is not seen, but it sounds like Victoria. If that scream belongs to her, could that mean that she may be the next death?
It has also been revealed that a character will visit the psych ward on "Revenge." When Emily's blackouts were still happening, it was speculated that she would end up being hospitalized. However, her blackouts are over now, which brings up the possibility of other characters being admitted to a mental hospital.
Fans will have to wait until April 27 to see what will happen on "Revenge" season 3, episode 20. The season finale will air two weeks following that. |
bettyboo posted on 22-4-2014 09:06 AM
The season finale of "Revenge" is coming up quickly and viewers are wondering what is going to h ...
I harap sgt yg kena admit kat mental hospital tu either daniel or charlotte hahahahaa
chaoyunjie posted on 23-4-2014 08:38 PM
Jangan lupa malam esok..season 3 kat 8tv
okeh...hahaha...kita tgk sesama |
Si patrikc tu mcm familiar je...
ramai betul yg anti dengan emily...
cuma si nolan je setia di sisi |
bettyboo posted on 28-4-2014 01:02 PM
tak berapa paham sikit dgn episod kali ni..mungkin kena ulang tgk balik kot..hehe..
Pascale Le Ma ...
yg aku tau yg emily n da geng smua pakat nyamar homeland security psl nk gertak pascal spy bukak citer psl flight yg kna bomb tu kan..so emily/rebecca ugut la si pascal supaya ajak conrad utk bukak citer psl flight tu so emily n da geng dpt la bukti saper yg bebetul bertanggungjawab dlm bomb tu kan...
n nasib xbaik plak auntie V ternampak kad phone yg terselit dlm coat pasal so cam biasa la auntie V akn siasat smpi ke liubang cacing..n bila dia tau psl pascal cam kna ugut ngan Homeland tu trus la dia bgtau himbo danny tu...apa laie himbo tu konon nya nk protect famili dia bgtau la conrad siap ckp knal feds laie so leh la nk jg dorang + pascal skali...poyo giler himbo tu bila dia ckp dia ada mmber kt feds pdhal aku tgk dia ni sesen pn xberguna + loser..ada hati ckp ada geng kt sana..aku time ni berbahak2 gelak psl claim himbo tu..
nolan kalo dia dh nekad nk kenakan org mmg dia wat kow2..xpsl2 javier tu kena sack psl myclone tu jd sebalik nya apa yg dia dh plan..nk lawan tokey sgt kn...nolan kot..programmner terbaik kt US selepas falcon ko nk lawan kn..mmg ko blk la jd loser...padan muka giler aku kt javier tu tmsk himbo yg b4 dia poyo giler ckp project dia akn berjaya ngan bantuan javier..siap nk kenakan nolan ari tu..last2 ko blk dpt malu...
cinta mati abis si auntie V ngan pascal kan...siap trus trima prposal pascal..last2 mati gak pascal...meraung auntie V bila tgk pascal mati kt kipas heli tu... kiranya sesaper jd cinta mati auntie V mmg xkan selamat..n keadaan nya sama jer antara david clarke ngan pascal.. dua2 tu dh propose kt auntie V n siap dh nak lari utk kawin..n auntie dh feeling2 pki gaun pengantin..last2 dua2 xkesampaian nk kawin ngan auntie V. sorang dh mati siap2..sorang laie kena tuduh bunuh n bomb orang...so sesaper yg dekt ngan auntie V kena baik2 la pasni...tkt nnti nasb malang terjadi kt org lain...
plg epic dlm episode latest ni.. auntie V la yg jd penyebab bermulanya kisah malang pascal. start dr dia call homeland secutriy - bgtau danny - danny bgtau conrad - conrad plan bnda lain n bunug pascal - auntie V call blk Homeland security tp no yg anda dail tiada dalam perkhidmatan..
masa tu muka auntie V mmg berubah tetiba cam kena lenyek ngan steamroll...
aku rs pasni mmg auntie V akan balas dendam kt conrad psl membuat kn dia merana psl xsempat kawin..bkn sekali tp 2 kali...hahaha
bettyboo posted on 29-4-2014 10:40 AM
wahhhh mmg recap yg terbaik!
hhahahahahaha mmg takleh blah ko panggil Vicky G ...
aku plak ms auntie V wat 2nd call kt so called Homeland Security tp invalid no tu mmg aku memadan kn muka dia..seronok bila dia blk yg terkena...psl dia yg start suspicious kt pascal pas dia kena tahan ngan emily/rebecca..dia yg bzbody n bgtau himbo psl pascal pastu bila pascal dh mati dia blk yg kena n meraung xinmgat dunia...
so secret so called Homeland Security tu mmg tersimpan la akn..ngan pembabitan emily, nolan ngan aiden psl pascal dh mati kn.. n dia pn xsmpat n xbgtau kt sesaper kan..so selamat laie laaa..
kalo tgk2 blk kan..conrad ni walaupun dia jahat giler n xcaya kt bini sndiri tp dia xpenah rsnya suspicious ngan emily kn..dia akan target kt org2 jauh n xpenah babitkan emily dlm smua hal xcept dorg bekerjasama masa himbo nk ceraikan emily tp conrad ttp tolong utk kenalan blk himbo n auntie V..
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