Pinggan, Periuk, Tupperware, Hidangan & Pelbagai brg umah
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Reply #4758 Aini_Natasha's post
Reply #4757 lito's post
nak makan pun sayang .........
errrr versi spiderman pun ada tau.......... |
Reply #4759 mkay98's post
pemes la ......
trend masa kini sama kut..........kenduri ka apa |
wow hanis!!!
nnt bg kami resipi kapkek magnolia tu naaa...
bagus cubaan pertama..moga pas ni byk lagi terhasil... |
kak chaq,
bunga kat atas tu yg cream ka
hari tu aini ada beli dari sorang kakak ni
dia letak bunga yg keras |
ketaq tangan jugak nak dapat camtu.....
tu bunga ketiga deco, hat mola ngan nombot 2 tak semenggah langsung...
magnolia kapkek tu aku kena kerosek dulu, tang mana buh tak ingat.
tapi aku ingat kalu kek coklat zaiima lagi sedap kut, buat versi bakaq ala |
Reply #4766 hanis00's post
cubaan aku berikutnya coklat kapkek..yg last week aku buat tu..pangkah teruih..tak sedap langsung..bagi aku la...
nak belajaq ising lak..aku beli dah bhn..tak berani nak tekan lagi.kekekkee.. |
btw pas buat kapkek tak sedap tu..aku buat buttercreamcheese cake pulak...sedap resipi tuuu..tapi gambaq tak dak ler..makan teruih ja
hehehhe |
hanis, aku nak resipi kapkek magnolia tuu.. |

tu diaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cantiknya bunge kaler kuning
uikkk awat sololeiq sampai kat jari itiew???
[ Last edited by Maid_fr_Venus at 16-8-2007 03:04 PM ] |
Reply #4769 kubus's post
Magnolia Vanilla Cupcakes
1 1/2 cups self-rising flour
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs, at room temperature
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Line 2 (1/2 cup-12 capacity) muffin tins with cupcake papers.
In a small bowl, combine the flours. Set aside.
In a large bowl, on the medium speed of an electric mixer, cream the butter until smooth. Add the sugar gradually and beat until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the dry ingredients in 3 parts, alternating with the milk and vanilla. With each addition, beat until the ingredients are incorporated but do not over beat. Using a rubber spatula, scrape down the batter in the bowl to make sure the ingredients are well blended. Carefully spoon the batter into the cupcake liners, filling them about 3/4 full. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted into the center of the cupcake comes out clean.
Cool the cupcakes in tins for 15 minutes. Remove from the tins and cool completely on a wire rack before icing.
[ Last edited by hanis00 at 16-8-2007 05:08 PM ] |
lagi satu......
CHOCOLATE OIL CAKE (yg ni sesuai nak buat cupcake chocolate.)
2 cawan gula
3 cawan tepung serbaguna
2 sudu teh baking soda
1/2 sudu teh garam
1/2 cawan serbuk koko
1 sudu makan chocolate emulco
2 cawan air
1 cawan minyak sayuran
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
Panaskan oven pada 175 darjah C. Dalam bekas, campurkan tepung, gula, baking soda dan serbuk koko. Masukkan air dan minyak sayuran dan esen vanilla. Pukul menggunakan tangan sehingga sebati. Tuang dalam acuan 9 x 13 inci dan bakar selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak. |
last week i masak spagetti bodow inih
tak de apa.. boh teloq gan daging ayam sajork
Reply #4778 jj's post
haku nak bg cepat kenyang..... hehehe
hang tgk hat version mula....
hat version last dah jadik peknga..... |
Reply #4779 gambiaq's post
aku kadang teruih buat style nak buat coq ketayap tuu....
muahahahahahaha.....  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara