[Pulau Pinang]
[GAME] Bersembang Tentang Nombor V2
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The government estimates 70% of the weapons trafficked into Mexico come from the United States.
Originally filed in 2021, the lawsuit was initially tossed out by a district court who cited legal protections for gun makers from damages resulting from criminal use of firearms. |
RM224,000 wang KWSP, simpanan peribadi lesap angkara skim pelaburan 'Freezer'. |
Pesara rugi RM108,000 terjerat pelaburan saham tidak wujud. |
Pakar onkologi di Malaysia capai 400 orang menjelang 2040 - Dzulkefly. |
Number of oncologists in Malaysia to reach 400 by 2040, says Dr Dzul |
the number of cancer cases detected at stages three and four increased to 65.1% between 2017 and 2021, compared to 63.7% from 2012 to 2016. |
Bidding for renewable energy certificates opens on Oct 7 |
PR1MA clears 18 sick projects nationwide |
500 anggota polis kawal keselamatan aksi Perak-JDT malam ini. |
Lebih 118,000 pengguna Seberang Perai terima bekalan air mulai 10 malam ini. |
Baby only 20-days-old displaced following Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon |
Solar power companies are growing fast in Africa, where 600 million still lack electricity |
Flash floods and landslides hit parts of Bosnia, killing at least 16 |
Squeezed out: last accordion maker in France to close shop after 105 years |
$1,800 a seat: luxury yachts evacuate people from Lebanon as flights dry up |
200,000 pelarian tiba di Syria selepas serangan Israel ke atas Lubnan - UNHCR. |
108 individu disyaki terlibat GISBH jalani proses pemulihan JAIS. |
MITRA lulus lebih RM95 juta untuk 11 program masyarakat India. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara