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Author: daria

Perkahwinan budak umur 14 tahun cetus perdebatan

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Post time 8-12-2010 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by noor2 at 9-12-2010 00:21
salam kak noor comel  

ilmu orang yg dah berumahtangga puluhan tahun pun be ...
OsHiN_hOnEy Post at 8-12-2010 22:52

salam shin yang comel juga...

betulla tu perkahwinan menghalang daripada zina...tapi dalam usia semua belasan tahun..14 yang baru menginjak ke alam remaja apakah kita hanya pertahankan sekadar zina...tetapi dalam kategori lain kita ketepikan tambah2 pada zaman sekarang yang penuh dengan pendedahan yang negatif..pada k.noor penting sekali keselarian faktor umur dengan sebarang perlakuan di zaman yang penuh dengan segala pancaroba..penuh dengan pendedahan yang jika kita tidak pandai memilih akan tersungkurlah kita...

pada k.noor juga umur usia lelaki 23 juga terlalu muda dalam melayari rumahtangga..betulkan jika k.noor tersilap pandang/perkiraan..rasanya di usia sebegini memang bergolak keinginan untuk melayari rumahtangga kerana lebih tertumpu kepada keseronokan bersama...tetapi bila melayari rumahtangga..terpaksa berhadapan dgn tanggungjawab...kelahiran anak2..makan pakai..keperluan lain...mulala goyah...(harap2 cikgu ni tidak)..

pada k.noor kematangan fikiran kebanyakan selaras dgn usia manusia....ada sesetengah 1 dalam 100 kut matang diusia muda..

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Post time 8-12-2010 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Banyak silap faham dan fitnah berlaku dalam isu neh... cuba kita ambik ikhtibar dan berbai ...
bintang Post at 8-12-2010 09:32 PM

fikir saya...kamu ini tidak mempunyai cukup pengalaman dengan keadaan didunia luar...kamu harus aktif bercampur dengan masyarakat didunia luar...baru kamu tahu apa arti hidup....

disini bukan dibincangkan wanita berusia 14thn itu semata2...ini perbincangan umum yg melibatkan wanita berusia dibawah 18-20thn...hanya karena dia hafezah (yg kononnya mampu menghafal quran) maka dia seorang yg sempurna dan mampu dari sudut zahiriah dan rohaniah?fikir saya fahaman kamu cetek dan dangkal...mohon kamu keluar bercampur dengan masyarakat dan banyakkan pengalaman dahulu..dunia ini luas dan hidup ini sukar dijangka

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Post time 8-12-2010 11:22 PM | Show all posts
kalau ikut pemikiran manusia, maka mereka akan melahirkan pelbagai teori dan teori itu akan berlainan pula antara seorg dan seorg yg lain... kita akan dapati hujah2 mereka akan berterusan tanpa akhirnya....

apa pula pendapat pula ulama' dan pandangan imam syafie kita.. dr sudut ahlus sunnah  secara majoritinya.. dan adakah hadith yg jelas dan nyata akan syarat2 umur untuk layaknya wanita ini sedia untuk dikahwini?

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Post time 8-12-2010 11:26 PM | Show all posts
setakat boleh beranak tapi masak ..mengemas pun suami yang kena uruskan cemana bagi yang membenarkan wanita kononnya di usia semuda mungkin,..

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Post time 8-12-2010 11:34 PM | Show all posts
yg didebatkan skrg ni? haram ke mereka kawen tuh...i taknak la samakan kes dgn sudin terlampau ajaib tuh, tuh mmg kategori yg menyalahgunakan dan mereka nih guna saluran mahkamah, hanya setelah diizinkan, dulu kes kawen dgn kerabat pahang tuh, bawah umur jgak, mahkamah benarkan, beza setahun je dgn siti maryam nih,taknak debat pulak...
i agree, for myself 14 is mudaaa, jgn la smp nak mengharamkan, setiap org berbeza... seperti kata  kerang, yg ringan jgn diberatkan, yg berat jgn diringankan... bila ivy josiah tuh mintak SEMUA agama tuh ditetapkan had 18 thun, means dlm bangsa depa pun ada knp nak ulang2 kata memburukkan agama Islam la, tp klu kes sudin terlampau tuh mmg membusukkan... lain kes mmg lain pun tetap jgak nak disamakan..diumpamakan..
knp bila 23 dan 14, byk persoalan..nti mcmane klu bercerai, mcmane nak jaga anak, walhal yg kawen 30, 40, pun bercerai jgak byk je yg tgal anak..
aku doakan mereka nih dpt keberkatan..

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Post time 8-12-2010 11:43 PM | Show all posts
kalo dah byk sgt kes seumpama nih, krjn terpakse masuk campur, krjn pun taknak susah

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Post time 9-12-2010 12:10 AM | Show all posts
14-year-old's marriage 'a rude awakening'

KUALA LUMPUR: The debate on the marriage of a 14-year-old girl to a 23-year-old man continued with calls for a solution to such cases.

The Education Ministry said it did not intervene in such matters.

"So far, there has not been a policy that prevents school-going teenage girls from getting married.

"It is a decision that they or their families make," Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said.

"I am not sure what made her do it, but I pity her."

Wee, however, said the case was a rarity, although he was surprised to find that the bride, Siti Maryam Mahmod, was still attending school.

Usually, such girls would have dropped out.

"Their first priority should be education, and they should be wary of the consequences of getting married at such a young age.

"Girls like Maryam are normally sent for counselling to ensure that they are stable."

For National Parent-Teacher Association chairman Datuk Mohd Ali Hasan, the marriage, which was reported by the New Sunday Times, was a rude awakening.

"Girls like Maryam should be allowed to grow within their age group, and not be forced to grow up through marriage at such a tender age.

"Don't prepare them so early for marriage. They deserve the right to freedom and to develop themselves in a holistic manner."

Ali also urged men to avoid being associated with child marriages.

"Although religious perspectives allow this, common sense and logic can still tell us whether it is the right thing to do."

National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) secretary-general Lok Yim Theng said such marriages were difficult to judge.

"We are talking about human relationships here, which is, truthfully, hard to ascertain as to what actually constitutes them."

"This is not a problem where formulation of policies and prosecuting laws can meet. It needs proper study, and must be addressed effectively."

Lok said girls were also maturing faster and realised their priorities much earlier.

"Therefore, at times, the marriage can be a matter of family pride as well as the girl's future, and it is simply difficult to define this issue in one word."

She said the school for pregnant teens was a good idea.

"When the chief minister of Malacca voiced the idea, it was laughed at. But look at the response now.

"Different problems have to be solved in different ways. We cannot deal with this problem the conventional way, but with a clear mind."

The marriage of Siti Maryam to Abdul Manan Othman also prompted Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to reiterate the government's position.

"Our stance is, we are not for child marriages. I want to be very clear here. As far as the government is concerned, a wedding does not make a marriage," she said at the Barisan Nasional Convention on Sunday.

Shahrizat said the ministry held that children below 16 were still in need of guidance, protection and the chance to form their own character.

"A marriage is about responsibility. She is still a child. We hope the court giving consent will be doubly cautious about this."


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Post time 9-12-2010 12:15 AM | Show all posts
satu soalan:
budak2 sekarang lebih cepat matang atau lagi lambat banding dengan mak ayah tok nenek kita dulu?

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Post time 9-12-2010 12:31 AM | Show all posts
bintang - arwah nenek kak shin bernikah pada umur 11 tahun, bercerai pada umur 14 tahun,selepas mendapat 2 zuriat...mengikut arwah moyang, arwah nenek yg pada umur dikahwinkan tu dah cukup matang untuk melayan suami, kalau kita lihat dari segi biologi mmg ternyata benar

I got a cousin seorang yg tidak kurang tinggi agama dia, bekas graduan dari sekolah agama yg sangat berprestij, dan dia juga tidak sependapat dlm hal ni, ilmu agama kalau ada didada mmg tuntutan Islam juga, tapi ilmu rumahtangga tu lain bintang, walaupun ada byk bahan rujukan, words of mouth dari orang2 yg pernah melaluinya, ianya tetap berbeza dari satu pasangan ke pasangan yg lain

mcm mana lar ada orang2 disini masih stuck di dlm fikiran mereka yg orang dulu2 pun buat, elok jer, anak berderet2 kekal bahagia jer, mereka tu berada dizaman kita ke? mereka ada kemudahan seperti kita? believe me when kak shin kata given a choice arwah nenek kak shin takda keinginan untuk berkahwin masa tu, dia prefer to panjat pokok daripada melayan suami..and this girl is struggling between being a student and a wife at such an early age, kalau bukan kita yg persoalkan,siapa kah yg layak bintang untuk memberi pelindungan kepada golongan yg memerlukan?

OsHiN_hOnEy Post at 8-12-2010 22:37

aku sokong 100% kenyataan OsHiN_hOnEy.....!!!

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Post time 9-12-2010 12:34 AM | Show all posts
Another man in a songkok

Wednesday, 08 December 2010 Super Admin

In the old days kids of 10 or 11 went to war and at 14 or 15 they were veteran soldiers and at 18 were considered old (by 40 many were already dead). That was more than 1,000 years ago. So at 14 they got married, even in the west.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The height of a man’s songkok is not a measurement of his piety, says the PAS spiritual leader, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat. Nik Aziz was of course referring to the songkok-clad PERKASA leaders.

In fact, a songkok makes a man an Indian because the songkok originated from India, not Malaysia. So the PERKASA people should be screaming Ketuanan India rather than Ketuanan Melayu.

Now another man with a songkok -- the Jakim director-general -- has decreed that child marriages are kosher. Imagine children of the age of 14 can get married but they are not old enough to vote. You can trust them to have children and raise a family but you can’t trust them to vote.

And they say we are insulting Islam.

By the way, this man, Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz, was one of those who made a police report against me that resulted in my ISA detention back in 2008.

Okay, is Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz now going to defend slavery? Slavery is legal in Islam and has never been banned. Ask any ulamak and he or she can tell you that Islam never banned slavery. Therefore, you can legally keep slaves.

The hadith also says that a man can have sex with his female slaves. Sex outside marriage is illegal in Islam. In fact, all you need to do is to be alone with a woman or girl who is not your wife and that is enough to get you arrested -- even if you did not lay a finger on her.

According to the hadith, a slave is a man’s property and you can do whatever you like with your property. You can therefore have sex with your slave.

Let’s hear what Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz has to say about this since he feels marriage with a minor is allowed in Islam.

In the old days kids of 10 or 11 went to war and at 14 or 15 they were veteran soldiers and at 18 were considered old (by 40 many were already dead). That was more than 1,000 years ago. So at 14 they got married, even in the west.

Times, however, have changed. Today, although slavery has never been banned in Islam, no one keeps slaves any longer. Should a marriage of a 14 year old therefore also be allowed? If the answer is yes then slavery should also be allowed in Malaysia and the slave owners can have sex with their property, the slaves.

Aiyah, when I talk like this they make police reports against me and detain me without trial. But how not to talk like this when those songkok-clad people keep making silly statements?


Jakim defends child marriages

(Free Malaysia Today) - The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) sees nothing wrong in child marriage if the wedding is bound “by love between couples”.

Going against the tide of resentment triggered recently by the marriage of a 14-year-old Muslim schoolgirl in a mass wedding, Jakim stressed that the practice was now widely accepted and considered “reasonable”.

Jakim director-general, Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz, said child marriage should not cause any problem, especially if the wedding was bound "by the love between couples”.

"The main issue is whether it violates Islamic law and the laws of Malaysia... but if there are elements of coercion, we must conduct an investigation,” he told FMT via a text message yesterday.

He, however, said that given the growing social problems among Muslims, such type of marriage should be encouraged.

"We ought to encourage marriage and not frighten the young people who want to get married," said Wan Mohammad.

Furthermore, he believed that pre-marriage courses introduced by Jakim since 1992 have helped many young couples to get through their married life, including the schoolgirl who tied the knot with a man doubled her age.

"The public may have objected to this idea at first, but now it (child marriage) is already widely accepted as a reasonable move," he said.

Civil rights groups have described such practice as “unacceptable” and have continuously called for restraint by religious courts empowered to approve underage marriage.

As there are many underaged unions that go unreported, the matter involving the schoolgirl only came to light when she and her husband participated in a mass wedding celebration at the Federal Territory mosque on Dec 4.

According to news reports, schoolgirl Siti Maryam Mahmod married 23-year-old schoolteacher Abdul Manan Othman last Saturday, after being given permission in a Syariah Court.

Raise the minimum age of marriage

Activist group, Sisters in Islam (SIS), which disagreed with underage marriage, proposed that the government raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 years for all Malaysians.

SIS spokesperson Yasmin Masidi said in a statement yesterday that the onset of puberty did not mean that the person has attained sufficient maturity for marriage.

"While the Quran does not state a specific age as the age of marriage, Surah an-Nisa' 4:6 requires that when orphans reach the 'age of marriage' or a 'marriageable age', they can be tested for 'sound judgment' or maturity of mind'.”

Yasmin said this indicated that a marriageable age was linked to soundness of judgement and maturity, where a child below 18 could not be said to have the life experience necessary to assume marital responsibilities.

"There is no sound reason why her family and her intended groom cannot wait until she reaches the age of majority before asking for her consent to marry," she said.

Yasmid added that Malaysia should emulate other Muslim-majority countries which are already taking steps to address child marriage as a problem.

"A man was jailed in Indonesia for sexually abusing a minor after he married a 12-year-old girl, and even Saudi Arabia is mulling over a ban on child marriage. "Studies on child marriage point to harm suffered by children, particularly girls: the loss of childhood and adolescence, denial of freedom and personal development, difficulty in accessing education, health problems due to early pregnancies and abuse," she said.

The marriage of the 14-year-old child is only the tip of the iceberg as many more cases of child marriage go unreported.

According to Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Heng Seai Kie last October, 16,000 girls aged below 15 in the country tied the knots.

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Post time 9-12-2010 12:41 AM | Show all posts
bintang - arwah nenek kak shin bernikah pada umur 11 tahun, bercerai pada umur 14 tahun,se ...
OsHiN_hOnEy Post at 8-12-2010 22:37

org selalu kata hidup kita ni makin maju makin mudah makin senang
tapi rupanya makin mundur ya... sebab cabaran lagi besar hidup lagi kompleks macam2 nak sedia sampai nak kawin pun pada usia yg semakin lanjut...

pompuan dulu awal belasan tahun dah kawin dan yg lelaki pulak awal 20an
jadi di mana letaknya kemajuan kita sebenarnya...
semua makin lewat...kan..

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Post time 9-12-2010 12:43 AM | Show all posts
kita juga selalu dengar budak2 sekarang cepat matang...
kalau cepat matang kenapa umur kawin perlu dilambat?

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:20 AM | Show all posts
It is only natural untuk orang yang dah berlaki..dah ada anak..tapi masih dalam alam kebudak bud ...
crankshaft Post at 6-12-2010 18:20

    kenapa cerita kat orang bulu crankshaft beserabut atas bawah....

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:23 AM | Show all posts
Kalau ada Golongan guru yang dah kawen tapi mengaku diri janda agak agaknya dari university mana ...
crankshaft Post at 6-12-2010 18:30

    crankshaft universiti mana?.....

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 474# anya8797

   anya janda ke??patut pun xtidor lagi....mesti sunyi tanpa suami....

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply  anya8797

   anya janda ke??patut pun xtidor lagi....mesti sunyi tanpa suami....
Zetsubou_Genius Post at 9-12-2010 02:25

    zetsubou_Genius (tak berapa) janda ke?? patut pun xtidor lagi....mesti sunyi tanpa suami....

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply  anya8797

   anya janda ke??patut pun xtidor lagi....mesti sunyi tanpa suami....
Zetsubou_Genius Post at 9-12-2010 02:25
janda kaa? hari tu kecoh kata andartu?!

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 476# anya8797

   x....i bujang teruna....

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:30 AM | Show all posts
Reply 477# Acong

   ONtahlah COng.....aku tanye tu sebab Anya asyik gaduh jer ngan crankshaft pasal status anya...aku yang x terlibat pun rase ingin tau ngan lebih mendalam lagi...

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:31 AM | Show all posts
janda kaa? hari tu kecoh kata andartu?!
Acong Post at 9-12-2010 02:28

    tu acong yang kecoh.....

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