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Author: gjoy_chester

2PM ~ MY HOUSE Comeback

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Post time 12-6-2012 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 454# Nadia90

    nape dorank nmpak mcm kurus2 je...
tp cute la pulak..

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by gjoy_chester at 21-6-2012 17:23


#2 - 141,236
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Post time 24-6-2012 12:57 AM | Show all posts
2PM wins ‘Best Group Video’ at MTV Video Music Awards Japan

2PM has won the ‘Best Group Video‘ category at MTV Video Music Awards Japan for their “I’m Your Man” music video!

allkpop previously reported that 2PM was nominated, and that they would be performing at the event held at the Makuhari Messe on June 23rd as well.

Other music videos nominated for ‘Best Group Video’ include Coldplay‘s “Paradise“, Ikimonogakari‘s “Itsudatte Bokura Wa“, Maroon 5‘s “Moves Like Jagger” featuring Christina Aguilera, and Monkey Majik‘s “Hero“.

cr: allkpop


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Post time 24-6-2012 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Selamat Harilahir Nichkhun

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Post time 24-6-2012 08:42 PM | Show all posts
congrats 2pm!!!

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Post time 29-6-2012 12:14 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 29-6-2012 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Nadia90 at 29-6-2012 12:27

@ Mnet 20's Choice

nasib baik tak jatuh


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Post time 29-6-2012 10:02 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Nadia90 at 29-6-2012 22:03

Tracklist for 2PM’s Wooyoung solo album revealed

After unleashing a video teaser, the tracklist for 2PM‘s Wooyoung upcoming solo album “23, male, single” has been unveiled.

The Album will contain 7 tracks in total and 2 of the tracks will feature work by his fellow 2PM members. “DJ GOT ME GOING’ CRAZY feat Jun. K” will feature lyrics & composition by Junsu (Jun. K) while “Be With You” will feature lyrics & composition by Junho.

Additionally it seems “Sexy Lady” will be the lead title track and J.Y. Park “The Asiansoul” will be the man behind it’s production.



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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:38 PM | Show all posts
alamak..thread ni terbiar lagi...huhu...

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:40 PM | Show all posts
masa untuk upkan semula thread ni...korang dah tengok ke PV One Day?? Mestilah dah kan...One Day fighting!!!


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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 468# Nadia90

x dengar citer pun Wooyoung akan debut kat mana music show??? Adakah JYP hold coz katanya dia kecewa ngan performance Udong kat Mnet baru2 ni..

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:54 PM | Show all posts

Solid dreams do not break no matter what

Jang Wooyoung’s personal challenge outside of 2PM.

In July 2012, 2PM’s Wooyoung transforms into Jang Wooyoung. He’s going to deal with the huge world on his own, without the shield that is the nation’s best idol group. Perhaps he’s been dreaming of this day ever since he was dancing overnight, kindling his hopes back in the boyhood. He developed calluses on his palms and kept on lifting the barbell until his arms began to shake so that he would not forget that resolution. He’s the kind of person who devotes all of his strength to the goal he’s set. So now that he’s facing another challenge, isn’t the warrior image totally appropriate?

Something about him

The song that recently you enjoy the most: Justin Timberlake’s “All Over Again”

The restaurant Wooyoung visits frequently: Homyeondang (호면당)

If you had about a month-long vacation: I would like to go to Hawaii.

Something you do in summer all the time: Catching mosquitoes.

Special interest that others don’t know about: Interior

Something new that you’d like to learn: Architecture

My personal charm that appeals to the opposite sex: Friendliness

A woman that attracts you: Pretty, good-natured, sexy, wise, with a sense of responsibility and nice manners towards parents

The best gift I’ve ever received: My parents giving birth to me and raising me up

The gift you want to give to your parents no matter what: A trip abroad

Body sculpted with resolution

Not every man is endowed with the kind of muscles he desires. It is not easy. Even for an idol, who dances overnight and shines on stage, it is not easy to acquire splendidly developed deltoid muscle or the so-called chocolate abs. Whether it is a star or an ordinary person – everyone is equal in terms of body, so Wooyoung was not so much interested in having a “bulky” stature. Until he wished for the muscles for the first time. “I wanted to make a new transformation as Jang Wooyoung,” he said he wanted to try changing himself while preparing for his solo album.

Naturally, fans love him even if his body is not sculpted to the tiniest details, because even among 2PM he’s the Wooyoungie with a tremendous fandom behind his back. The thing he wanted to acquire through exercising was a strong body and even a stronger mind. He began making efforts for his body since the beginning of this year. Even though he’s been busy, it’s already been 6 months since he began working out regularly whenever he had some spare time. And really for the first time, becoming a cover model was the training result that wasn’t even on his to-do list. “I think that effort has no limits or boundaries,” – it is what he said before he left right after he has succeeded in this challenge.

When did you get interested in building your body?
Right after having watched the movie “Ninja Assassin”. I heard that in order to prepare for the movie Rain hyung lost a great amount of weight and trained a lot. There are different types of bodies, but I really wanted to try and make the kind of body Rain hyung showcased in the movie – lean but strong.

Did you build your body for the solo album activities?
Solo album is a great transition personally and for 2PM as a group. As far as this attempt is concerned I wanted to make a new transformation as “Jang Wooyoung”. Up until now compared to the other members I didn’t have much of a training drive, so with this opportunity I wanted to try and make a diligent change.

What was your training method?
I increased the amount of training little by little ever since the beginning of the year. Even though I had a busy schedule, I exercised whenever I had some spare time. As expected, the most important thing about exercising is consistency.

Weren’t there any obstacles?
Trainer hyungs would always say “You’re gonna build your body really fast.” But at that time I couldn’t give my best to it. Therefore, this time the challenge was a lot more meaningful on a personal level.

You were also really busy overseas.
That’s why it was really hard to regulate my diet. At first I increased my muscle mass with a protein-based diet. I tried to follow the diet as much as possible overseas as well. In order to prepare for the photo shoot a week before it I began losing weight in order to give my body this lean visual feeling.

Is there anything you’ve gained since your body got better?
Consistent and regular training in itself is enough to trigger personal development. My clothes size got larger, and even though it was hard to juggle busy schedule and training at the same time, as I kept my efforts constant, I enjoyed feeling my body getting stronger and more well-balanced.

What did you think of the other members becoming cover models?
Since 2AM and 2PM members like sports, I always get to see them exercise. But once they get the “Men’s Health” cover challenge, everyone gets lost in fierce preparations with lots of training and a strict diet. I was really touched seeing them appear on the cover after having prepared so much. Everyone was great and impressive without exception.

Have you always liked sports?
Back in my school days I like football, but once I decided to become a singer, I wasn’t able to play it as much as before. It was because in case of an injury I would not have been able to train anymore. Lately I’ve got slightly interested in basketball.

Is there a song you listen frequently to while training?
Will.I.Am’s “T.H.E.”

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:55 PM | Show all posts

What is tiresome?
Looking at Wooyoung one remembers the movie “Billy Elliot” – the story of a boy from a coal-mining town in the middle of a strike crisis who becomes the best ballet-dancer despite his father’s strong opposition. If we were to move the scene of this story from England to Busan, instead of Billy we would see Wooyoung standing there. With a talent for dance and a big dream, he said he waited for his father to change his mind, as Wooyoung would write letters every day in order to persuade him. He did so, because he didn’t want to run away, he wanted to stand there bravely and get acknowledged. Whether it is Billy’s tale of entering the best ballet school in London, or Wooyoung’s story of entering JYP entertainment after having placed 1st at the audition and having changed his father’s mind – both stories are very touching.

“Why do you like dance so much?”
After giving it a little bit of thought, he answers: “I’m the happiest when I dance. I don’t know why.”

It’s a simple and slightly banal answer, but his eyes seem to be saying “It is really true that you don’t know the reason when you like something so much it’s crazy.”

When one focuses more on the objective rather than on hardships, those hardships become the present of the days past. He’s still young enough to expect a lot more from life, but I dare to think that he’s already half-way there towards the success just by having a spirit that focuses on the goal and relentlessly works towards it without a sign of weariness.

What are your personal strong point and weak point?
My strong point is that I enjoy what I do, because I love music and dance so much. My weak point is that I think too much.

Why do you like dancing?
Because I feel the happiest when I dance.

They say that dance practice standards are close to military discipline. Are there any interesting episodes from the training days?
Rather than the military discipline, I’d say it was a “reckless” discipline (laughs). In my high school days, I used to dance until 1 or 2 am at our local civic center’s outdoor stage all alone on cold winter nights. Back then all I knew was dancing, and since I wanted to dance so much, there was nothing I would worry about and nothing I would be scared of. I remember the taxi drivers would come and look at me dance from time to time.

What was your driving force when you tried to win against your father’s strong opposition?
My father really was against me becoming a singer. But I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew exactly what I could do, so I also wanted to become a son my father would be very proud of. Instead of running away, I bravely wanted to be acknowledged, so I endlessly tried to persuade my father.

What do we need to do in order to dance as well as Wooyoung?
I’m still lacking in so many ways. Dancing, singing, acting – everything is difficult. In order to constantly develop oneself, one has but to try. I think that effort has no limits or boundaries. I’m only a person who’s trying to do everything well.

You seem to be very determined and manly.
It’s hard to say it just like that. I’m very curt on the outside. But once you get close to me, I do have cute charm. When you get to know me, I do think a lot, and I worry a lot. And I also want to do everything “perfectly”.

They say that sons are like their fathers…
I’m a lot like my father. Not only the appearance, our characters are similar as well. Father always tells me to do my best so that I would have no regrets. It’s the biggest lesson I’ve received in my life.

We’re curious about the solo album.
Solo album has been my dream since a long time ago. All the members supported me so I prepared it even more diligently. I didn’t write any song, but in order to show Jang Wooyoung I tried my best participating in the concept making and other processes related to the album activities.

You’re very active in Japan. What’s the difference between Korean and Japanese music markets?
Record album! Japanese still have this culture of treasuring hard-copy albums of their favourite artists.

Don’t you want to expand your activities beyond the field of music?
I’ve debuted as an actor in “Dream High”. I felt that being an actor is just as appealing as being a singer. So I’m really greedy when it comes to acting, but for now I want to show the solo singer “Jang Wooyoung” and be acknowledged for it.

What’s your biggest worry right now?
I want to improve my singing skills.

What path you’d like to take in the future?
Music, movies, drama and so on… Producing anything like that is a fascinating job. I want to study more, work hard and become a producer.

cr: 2pmalways

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:55 PM | Show all posts
2PM’s Junsu to return to ‘Immortal Song 2′ for the first time in a year

2PM‘s Junsu will be returning to KBS‘s ‘Immortal Song 2‘ for the first time in a year to compete against Super Junior‘s Ryeowook and INFINITE‘s Sunggyu.

Junsu will mark his official return with the episode starting July 21st, and fans are already raising anticipation for the battle between three of the biggest Hallyu stars in the current idol market. Junsu’s previous performances in June and July of last year had earned high praise for his outstanding vocals.

The summer special of the show will feature a total of 12 competing artists and will last for two weeks starting July 21st and ending on the 28th.

cr: allkpop
Nichkhun celebrates his 25th birthday with his fellow 2PM members

Khun tweeted: "

Thank you guys and all the staffs for the birthday cake!! You guys made it memorable! Love you all!! = ]"



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 Author| Post time 3-7-2012 10:56 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 4-7-2012 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 471# gjoy_chester

   nanti JYP announce la kot.. lagipun bulan july ni banyak comeback..
btw, 2nd teaser dah keluar


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 Author| Post time 4-7-2012 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply 476# Nadia90

Tak sabar ni..huhu...walaupun asalnya aku harap sub-unit KhunWoo yang debut..

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Post time 6-7-2012 02:48 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 6-7-2012 02:51 PM | Show all posts
3rd teaser

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2012 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Sexy Lady MV released

udong nampak kurus giler...terlebih exercise ni...hehe...

anyway, suka giler part breakdown dalam lagu ni..gempak giler..

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