[SBS] Secret Garden-Hyun Bin, Ha Ji-Won,Lee Philip
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Reply 479# rukiaichigo
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! nak tgk ep 10 terus boleh??? |
Reply 482# rukiaichigo
tu x bape feel. bkn dlm keadaan sebenar |
tapi siyes ke epi 10 nih btoi2 kiss yg di nantikan takot nti cume jus lick the lips with lips.. (wow) |
baru abis tgk epi 5...
aku hampir pasti, ini cerita sedih...
salah sorang sakit kronik kan? |
Secret Garden writer not thrilled about rampant plot speculation

The popularity of SBS’s Secret Garden has the internet abuzz with speculations and spoilers about future episodes, such as the nature of the body-switch, the motives of Ra-im’s dead father, and the possibility of the dreaded Cancer making an appearance in the storyline.
And while speculation is to be expected with hit shows, it has writer Kim Eun-sook just a little exasperated. She wrote a light mock-threat on Twitter this week, “These days there’s a lot of talk about the ending. There are a lot of fake endings running rampant, when I haven’t even written it yet. If you keep this up, I’m just gonna break down. I’m having a case of the Monday mornings.”
I’ve read a number of creative theories here about possible future developments — is Dad trying to keep Ra-im’s body safe, or does he want to make Joo-won really deserve her love? Or perhaps he’s trying to teach her an important life lesson — though it seems we haven’t gotten as outlandish as some of the Korean fans. For instance, Lovers In Paris is not far from the memories of some of the viewers [LIP SPOILER AHEAD], and there are some who wonder if, like in that drama, this whole series is just a dream in Ra-im’s mind. Or, perhaps she died (?!) in the first episode and this is all a product of Joo-won’s overactive imagination.
Okay, if that happened, not only will I swear off all Kim Eun-sook dramas FOREVER, I will personally have some words with a certain voodoo doll that I will have to learn how to make and then curse. (And curse at.)
Via: Hankyung, Newsen
Credit: Dramabeans |
tapi siyes ke epi 10 nih btoi2 kiss yg di nantikan takot nti cume jus lick the lips with lips.. (wow ...
lonso Post at 8-12-2010 23:20 
aku x kesah lick pun lick. At least ade skinship.
Tak jadi aku kuar rumah minggu ni. Nak record part best2. Dah tu ulang nengok sepanjang mlm....kekekekek |
Reply 490# hhhhh
gigih ko..kekek ebuat jg nx buat.pastu share kat sini ek...keekkee |
motip ko nak skip terus ke epi 10?? ko tgk la epi 6, dorg ada kisu jugak!!
rukiaichigo Post at 8-12-2010 22:51 
yessssss..ep 6 paling best so far..aku tgk 2 kali, masih gelak sakan  |
hahaha.. ak x sabar nak tggu episode 9 n 10.. uh kalo benar ah part kissu or skinship tuh mau meroyan tgk.. yelah selama ni JW kan x ada tindakan apa2...... |
aku perasan umah ni agak slow...

sbb disiarkan di SBS ker?
aku guarantee populariti drama spt Sassy Girl Chun Yang/My Girl... |
Reply 495# dauswq
mungkin jugak...
lg pon tgh bersaing ga kan dgn Marry me, mary...
actually pd aku lah... citer ni lg happening ha3 ...pelakon utama ker sampingan ker...semua interested |
he3 lex²...maksud aku.. forum ni kan ada yg kata cam slow sikit...tgk page cam sikit nak compare ngan 3M kan... maybe ramai lum tgk lg citer nih kebetulan tayang weekend jer kan...honestly... 3M aku baru jer layan 1 eps...he3 coz pada akulah pelakon nyer hadek² sikit kureng memenuhi jiwa ku 
lebih teruja layan citer nih...pd akulah coz tul² happening
nyampuk Post at 9-12-2010 02:50 PM 
betul3... maybe ramai yg belum layan drama ni lg, tu psl agak slow... xper, biar kiter2 jer yg meroyan dgn drama ni. aku ni pun kan, dok sibuk heboh2 kan ke'best'an drama ni kat kwn2 aku yg lain. biler dorg dah tgk, mmg terus jatuh chenta dgn SG!!    
nota kaki:
boleh x kalo aku ckp, thread memaner dlm SO ni, kalo la drama tu aku mmg tgk betul2 and meroyan mcm SG & SKKS, kire rumah berkenaan akan laju bergerak... rumah SG ni pun slow sbb aku x rajin nak karang sinop mcm rumah SKKS tu. kalo x sure gigih aku nak hntr karangan kat sini & gigih la korg membaca karangan aku yg merapus2 tu... sebrg karangan tidak dihantar utk rumah SG ni adalah krn gara2 mmg tiap kali nak tgk SG streaming ni, buffer asik dok sibuk jer ganggu aku. kalo time SKKS tu, mmg elok jer aku tgk w/out buffer kecuali ada satu minggu tu jer ada buffer... haila, harap2 la minggu ni buffer g balik kampung bercuti ke aper x usah dok ganggu aku...    |
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