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Author: yays

ALL ABOUT: miscarriage, abortion, DnC

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Post time 31-7-2008 05:59 PM | Show all posts

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

nih info yang den jumpa lam babycenter.. huhuhu...

Is it my imagination or do I have a lot more vaginal discharge now?

It's not your imagination. It's quite common to have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy.

What you're noticing is probably normal leukorrhea — the odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge that you occasionally noticed in your underwear before you were pregnant. There's just a lot more of it now, partly because of increased estrogen production and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. This discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and vagina, old cells from the walls of the vagina, and normal bacterial flora from the vagina.

You'll probably notice more vaginal discharge as you approach labor, although it's likely to look somewhat different from the flow you've become accustomed to. In very early pregnancy, cervical secretions filled your cervical canal and created a protective barrier — the so-called mucus plug.

As your cervix begins to efface (thin out) and dilate, it may expel this mucus, and you'll notice discharge that looks like egg white or mucus from a runny nose on a cold day. You may even expel the plug in one gelatinous glob. This discharge might be tinged with a bit of blood.

When should I call my caregiver?

If there's a lot of thin, clear discharge, it can be hard for you tell if it's just mucus or if you're leaking amniotic fluid. If you have any doubt, contact your midwife or doctor.

Call your practitioner right away if you're not yet at 37 weeks and you notice an increase in discharge or a change in the type of discharge (if it becomes watery, mucus-like, or bloody — even if it's just tinged with pink or brownish old blood). This can be a sign of preterm labor.

You should also call your caregiver if you suspect that you have an infection. If you have an odorless, whitish discharge that's causing you discomfort such as itching or burning — or your vulva looks inflamed — you might have a yeast infection.

If your discharge is foul-smelling or frothy or yellow, green, or gray, you might have a different kind of vaginal infection or a sexually transmitted infection, even if you don't have symptoms of irritation, itching, or burning.

In either case, don't try to treat yourself with over-the-counter medications. It's important to first see your practitioner for a diagnosis to make sure you get appropriate treatment.

Is there anything I can do about all this discharge?

There's nothing you can do to stop the flow, but you can use panty liners to absorb it if you need to. (Don't use tampons during pregnancy.)

To keep your genital area healthy, keep it clean, always wipe from front to back, and wear cotton underwear. Avoid tight pants, nylons, bubble bath, scented pads or toilet paper, feminine hygiene sprays, and scented or deodorant soaps.

And don't douche — douching can upset the normal balance of vaginal flora and increase your risk of a vaginal infection. What's more, doctors and midwives discourage douching during pregnancy because in rare cases it can introduce air into your circulatory system through the vagina, which can cause serious complications.

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Post time 31-7-2008 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by petite_adry at 31-7-2008 02:24 PM
Ina Naim kata kt wanita hari ini, air sarsi blh keringkan darah nifas, iyeke?? kalo sarsi, sebotol pon aku sanggop telan......wakakakaka

diabetes kang

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Post time 31-7-2008 10:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #496 kitty_c@t's post

Kaki cramp sebab badan kita kekurangan mineral.  Try minum air 100 plus (sedap sikit compared to ORS).  

Ngilu masa urine mungkin sebab ada infection (UTI).  Drink lots of water is possible minum air barli and cranberry juice.  Also Vitamin C and E will help to fight off the infection.  

Biasanya lepas miscarriage or d&c immune system kita a bit low so we are more susceptible to infections.  On top of that our emotions are out of whack so lagi lah senang sakit tu sakit ni.  Even tak sakit fizikal pun we are extremely depressed.  The world doesn't seem like a nice place.  

Take time to be kind to yourselves.  Rest lots and pray to Allah for strength.  Its a challenging time - especially when you see other pregnant mommies and small children.  Aduh! Sedih bukan kepalang.  

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Post time 1-8-2008 08:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #500 kitty_c@t's post

yo ko... aku takut nak makan

smlm petang badan dah seram sejuk.. kepala rasa cam nak tercabut je.. cam migrain tu... maghrib aku berselimut ..pas tu aku minum 100+ campur air masak...mata aku x bule.. kene lampu... sampai makan pun aku paksa.. makan nasi kosong sama air suam... ingat dah tak bleeding skali pagi ni bleeding lagi aduuhaiii

pinggang xsahnak kata la.. mmg perit sgt.. kali ni mmg lain dari yg lain... ingat ari ni x gi opis.. tp teringat ade urusan yg blom setel.. aku gagahkan juga gi opis jap..smlm kuar dah muntah pulak... eii mcm2 cabaran... ni lepas follow up semua aku mmg balik la....

aku notice satu la.. lepas kene inject.. pinggang aku mmg sakit gille bila mlm... then mmg jerawat naik mendadak ke ??? risau lak... hubby balik muka kita menggerutu...

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Post time 1-8-2008 11:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #504 shimaf1's post

Hari nih dah hari yang ke brapa ko miscarriage??

den rasa ari nih lega sikit... tapi ngilu2 tu ada jgk.. smlm den dah membuang akhirnya.. den tak membuang sejak sblum gugur aritu.. bayang kan la smlm dok lam tolet nak teran tak brani.. takut lain plak yang koyak..huhuh...

Cramp kaki still ada lagi kang baru nak suh hubby bli air 100plus tu.. pastu kang nak suh hubby carik gamogen.. esok genap seminggu den miscarriage..

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Post time 1-8-2008 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kitty_c@t at 31-7-2008 05:54 PM
eh yer ker... air sarsi bleh cepat kering kan darah nifas... alang-alang coke trus.. heheheh

aku pon pelik die kata mcm tu, tu petua org dulu2 la katanye, even dr pon suggest kt die mcm tu, sbb apa sarsi tidak la ku ketahuan...... tp elok buangkan gas nye dulu la..... dan jgn minum sebotoi, haku memain je tu kang kena diabetes, bak kata bib tu......

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Post time 1-8-2008 04:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #506 petite_adry's post

maybe sebab air sarsi tu asal dari herba sarsaparilla kot.. klo air sarsi bagus air root beer pun elok gak lah pasal dua2 asal dari extract sarsaparilla ...jap pi carik info pasal sarsaparilla nehhh...

nih info tu... wahhh bagus ekk ropanya ... must try..


Other Names: Khao Yen, Sarsa, Smilace, Smilax, Smilax aristolochiifolia, Smilax glabra, Smilax officinalis, Smilax regelii, Smilax sarsaparilla, Tufuling


The primary uses of sarsaparilla include the flavoring of beverages, and folk medicine.

Culinary uses

Before processing, the roots are bitter, sticky, and have a strong odor. They are dried and boiled in order to produce the extract. In beverages, oil of wintergreen or other flavors may be added in order to mask the natural bitterness of the root. Root beer made from sarsaparilla roots is generally more "birchy" than the sarsaparilla extract used in the more popular, commercial brands.

A carbonated beverage, made from and called sarsaparilla, is available in many countries.

Who is this for?:


In the United States, sarsaparilla is sold primarily as an oral remedy for skin conditions such as psoriasis. Chemicals in sarsaparilla may attach to endotoxins (the remnants of bacterial cells) that are common in individuals with psoriasis and certain other conditions. By eliminating or reducing the amounts of endotoxins in the body, sarsaparilla may help to relieve the condition.

Orally, sarsaparilla also has weak diuretic and laxative effects, which may make it useful in promoting the loss of excess water from the body and also in treating mild constipation. It may also promote sweating, which may help to reduce fever. Additionally, sarsaparilla contains chemicals that may act as a mild expectorant?a substance that may loosen mucus in the lungs and promote coughing. However, these effects are based mainly in traditional use. None has been verified through clinical studies and they may vary greatly depending on the amounts and type of sarsaparilla that is used.

Some anti-inflammatory and pain-reliving effects associated with sarsaparilla made it useful in early medicine for treating arthritis and related conditions. Inflammation is a response to irritation, injury, or infection. It usually includes pain, redness, and swelling in the area of the damage and it can occur within body tissues as well as on the surface of the skin. In recent studies, the inflammation of artificially produced arthritis was blocked in a significant number of laboratory animals that were given oral sarsaparilla. Chemicals in sarsaparilla are believed to affect parts of the immune system that decrease inflammation. No human studies have been conducted to test this possible use of sarsaparilla, however.

Laboratory studies mainly using breast cancer, leukemia, melanoma, or liver cancer cells have shown possible anticancer effects for chemicals in sarsaparilla. From very early results, sarsaparilla appears to stop the division of some cancer cells and it may also cause cancer cells to break up faster than they would normally. Also only in laboratory and animal studies, sarsaparilla has blocked nerve cell damage caused by amyloids, protein fibers that form in various organs, including the brain. Normally, amyloids are broken up and reabsorbed by the body. In Alzheimer?s disease, one type--beta amyloids--accumulate in clumps known as neurofibrillary tangles (if they are inside brain cells) or amyloid plaques (if they are between brain cells). The damage they cause eventually results in dementia, an increasing deficiency in thought processes.

Recently, slightly antifungal effects have been found in laboratory studies of sarsaparilla. Some additional laboratory research seems to show that oral sarsaparilla extract may be effective against a type of parasitic worm that is common in Asia. Human clinical studies are needed to verify these possible anti-infective effects, however.

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Post time 4-8-2008 10:40 AM | Show all posts
ari ni hari yg ke 38 aku wat d&c, tp aku still bleeding!!! waaaaaaaaaa riso nye daku....

dh seminggu lbh darah heavy giler ni..... rasanye period sbb ritu dh kuar kaler coklat2 dh mcm dh nk abis, tiba2 je kuar darah blk, byk yg peliknye perut skit pon tk sakit...... rasa nk jumpe gynea blk je.... normal ke ni.... ada sesiapa yg exp mcm ni tk??

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Post time 4-8-2008 11:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #508 petite_adry's post

Pet, maknanya dah 38 hr ko bleeding ke?
Aku mase 1st time gugur dulu, lebih kurang 2 minggu jek bleeding (mase tu wat d&c), tp takla heavy. 2nd time gugur lak,(tak buat d&c)  aku bleeding 7 hari jek (cam period jek.. 1-3 hr heavy, then lps tu ok jek)
Aku rase baik ko gi tanye gynae la.. bukan ape, takut ade ape2 komplikasi lak. Mencegah lebih baik dr merawat

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Post time 4-8-2008 02:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #509 mulberi's post

masa lps wat dnc, aku bleeding seminggu, pastu kuar kaler coklat mcm lendir tu je, lama... smpai sebulan la, pastu isnin lps start kuar fresh blood, heavy smpai mcm nk terbocor lak kt pad..... smpai skrg tk kurg2.....

tp aku tk sakit perut, tk pucat, tk rasa nk pitam pon.... aku nk tunggu lg beberapa hari kalo still sama gak nk jumpe gynea la.....

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Post time 4-8-2008 02:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #510 petite_adry's post

Aku rase, tu ko dh period balik kott..
Aku mase pas bersalin anak sulung dulu, ade gk kena camgitu.. dah lepas pantang, kuar lendir2 coklat cair  jek.. tp hari ke 58, kuar drh fresh.. tp satu hari jek.. mase tu aku pon tak tau tu drh haid ke nifas.. Tp sejak hari ke 60, mmg takde kuar drh lagi laa.. sampai anak aku 6 bulan, baru aku period balik..
Kes cam ko ni, tak tau lak aku ...

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Post time 4-8-2008 11:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #510 petite_adry's post

huishhh lamanya ko bleeding pi check doktor weh... ko ada rasa sakit2 pinggang tak?? ari nih aku sakit pinggang lah plakkkk...huhuh..pastu rasa ngilu lam perut awat aaaa??

aku kan aritu aku kata  bleeding dah kering kan... darah kuar balik arrr tapi tak le banyak.. pekat pun idak cair je klaer kuning & merah2 cair plus lendir2 bila kering kat pad tu kaler tu tuko cekelat mcm ujung2 period... bila aku citer kat mak aku dia kata tu air bisa kuar.. tatau lah aku pasal darah tu kuar on-off... ari nih kering esok kuar balik...mcm smlm setitik darah pun tak de ingatkan dah kering.. tapi petang tadi kuar lah balik tak banyak tapi ada lah sejalur kat pad tu...ari nih aku dah 12 hari lepas d&c.

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Post time 5-8-2008 10:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #512 kitty_c@t's post

aku sakit perut pon tk nikan plak pinggang....mmg tk sakit pape pon....kalo period at least ada la sakit skit2 kt perut tu kan.... ni tkd lgsg..... arini nmpk mcm dh kurg skit..... ntahla, aku nk tunggu lg 2-3 hari la....

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Post time 5-8-2008 11:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #510 petite_adry's post

yelah cer tunggu 2-3 klo nampak tade perubahan or lagi banyak cepat2 pi check doktor..

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Post time 5-8-2008 03:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #513 petite_adry's post

Hrp2 takde ape2 yg serius.. badan nk pakai lama maaaa

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Post time 5-8-2008 04:23 PM | Show all posts
mlm ni konpem aku pg jumpe gynea yg wat dnc aku ritu.....

esok aku update...

skrg dh rasa sakit skit kt bwh perut mcm senggugut tu..... riso nye......

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Post time 6-8-2008 10:32 AM | Show all posts

mlm td dh jumpe gynea.....

pueh la haku.. pjg lebo xplain satu persatu, skali die jwb, its probably ur period..... adoiii..... iye2 aku cuak.... Alhamdulillah.... tkd pape....pastu aku blh argue lg tu, aku ckp, eh, kalo period tkkn la lama sgt heavy flownye, slalu 2-3hari je, pastu die kata, ok, kite scan...

skali scan die tunjuk, ni rahim u, tgk, dlmnye kosong, tkd pape lg yg tinggal kena kosongkan selama 2bln ye.... once u peknen, kena dtg trs sbb die nk kasi ubat kuatkan rahim....

pastu nk blk die kasi ubat kasi keringkan darah....

tu jela......nasib la tkd pape......byk toi darah kotor dlm bdn aku nih.....

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Post time 6-8-2008 11:23 AM | Show all posts
saja nak nyampok.....
sebelum tue pet..sorry dear..tak tau pun pet misscarriage.....

sarsi nie petua dari mak sendiri....
everytime lepas bersalin (dua kali je pun)
memang minum air sarsi nieh
amik yang tak sejuk
buangkan gas dia dulu
then minum...

tujuan nya nak hilangkan rengat kat perut tue..
lepas bersalin kan perut kita tak selesa....

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Post time 6-8-2008 12:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #518 melati-putih's post

ekeke.. tkp kak.... oooh... jd betoi la ye psl sarsi tu.... ok, nnt nk praktikkn kalo banak lg nnt....


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Post time 6-8-2008 12:48 PM | Show all posts
sape2 yg ada pengalaman tlg jwb ni blh?

after dnc kena kosongkan rahim at least 2-3mths, nk kire tu start lps dnc ke or lps kering darah?

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