[SBS] Secret Garden-Hyun Bin, Ha Ji-Won,Lee Philip
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Reply 512# rukiaichigo
Hehe... Study kat Taylors... Jap.... Khamis pun kerje gaks... tapi mcm nak mc... gigih sgt nak layan SG smpai MC bley tak lagu tuh?? Hohoho... Nak pi rumah pun leh, tp kena bg alamat... nnt nak mintak tolong gps carik.. huwawa...
Nak Mary tak?? ngeh2... |
Reply 520# lonso
nape aku xleh tgk preview kat tudou tu ekk??? asyik loading je..vid x kuar.. |
Reply 523# rukiaichigo
Kerje... study tu saje2 je sbb firm baya.. plus nak cuti sebulan.. muahaha.. so amek exam. haha.. bodo jah rasanya... tapi whatever.
ok pm nombo ek.. dtg umah aaa sng... sbb pas exam nak terus pi kepong... huhuhu... mekasey yuk... |
mlm td selesai dah tgk epi 7&8 with subs......sabar menanti utk 9&10 lak  |
Post Last Edit by hhhhh at 10-12-2010 11:50
Ep 9 Short preview{tak kuasa nak upload kat Youtube. Buang karen. Tak sampai 1 jam, Sbs dah block. hhhhh uploadkan utk korang je.
Ep 9 Preview Part 1[Sarikata BM ]

MediaFire link
Ep 9 PreviewPart 2[Sarikata BM ]

MediaFire link
Kata kekunci: Type je name aku... |
utk epi 10.. credit to soompi............ |
utk epi 10.. credit to soompi............
lonso Post at 10-12-2010 11:58 AM 
wah, RI akan berlakon stunt balik....  |
Spoiler In Words: Secret Garden Episode 9 and 10 (Ext. Version)
Man, I'm stilled pissed at the mere seconds video they tried to pass off as a preview.
Episode 9
After the swap, Ra Im leaves and Joo Won, panicking, quickly demanded for a lawyer. In the cell, he got a shock when he saw a drunk fellow wearing an identical tracksuit as his (*sigh* Writer Kim will never let it go, eh?)
Ra Im's shocked at the changed appearance of the house. Meanwhile, Oska finds Seul and tells her that the IP address of the person who leaked the song was traced to her.
Episode 10
Oska tells Ra Im that she's cooler than he'd thought. Joo Won glares at them (woohoo, Jeju Scene No.2).
Ra Im retorts that it's none of his business; glanced at his clothing and says something. Joo Won tells her that it's handmade (what else?) from a branded brand from France (first Italy, now France? Where's the next fashion capital?)
Ra Im ignores him and greets Oska. Joo Won also demands her to greet him, glares at her and tells her, "Be careful on the road."
The last scene is very chaotic, not sure whom among the 4 leads fight, Oska tries to stop them.
Chloe Says: Have you seen my posts lately? It's nothing but SG. How (and when) did I end up like this? Really need to stop thinking about Joo Won and Ra Im. It's unhealthy, to say the least.
Credits: dc for pictures, chinese translation by Baidu's Secret Garden, hellochloe
weeeeeeeeeee ~~ x sabar nak tngu esok!!  
JW peluk RI.. huh .. epi 9 peluk epi 10 kiss.. wow mmg progress yg bagus nih |
Reply 531# lonso
kawan RI mcm dah tersyok dkt JW je? |
ak dah tepek ruki.. sblm post tuh....perasan x??? |
oh yeke.. mmm.. ruki.. pelok dalam hujan depan rumah RI...
tp x tau ape yang JW ckp time tuh.....x dpt tangkap.. hahah.. tp mmg suke gler.. tgk first step move.. pelahan2... |
AY kan dah kapel ngan saketri JW.. mustahil die suke kat JW.. sbb die tau JW suke kat RI |
Reply 536# rukiaichigo
owhhh ye ke...huhu...tgk scene tu je jd x dpt nk fahamkan sgt. ingt kan dia tersyok JW.. |
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