Tennis Vol. 5 - From Grass Season 2017 Onward
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Edited by cyclops_psycho at 13-8-2017 09:12 PM
Excerp from Maria Sharapova's upcoming memoir "Unstoppable"
Some interesting juicy stuff there
"When the match (Wimbledon 2004) was over, Serena hugged me. She said something like "Good job." And smiled. But she could not have been smiling on the inside.
What I heard when I came in the locker room was Serena Williams bawling. Guttural sobs. I got out as quickly as I could, but she knew I was there.
People often wonder why I have had so much trouble beating Serena; my record against her is 2 and 19. To me, the answer was in this locker room. I think Serena hated me for being the skinny kid who beat her, against all odds, at Wimbledon. But mostly I think she hated me for hearing her cry. Not long after the tournament, I heard that she told a friend - who then told me - "I will never lose to that little b.... again."
@Mulan @ashburn @kikiharris sila baca ni
Edited by cyclops_psycho at 13-8-2017 09:24 PM
Drama: Victoria Azarenka hired Israeli lawyer, battles child's father for custody and $$$
"The tennis player, who has won the Australian championship twice in the past year, has been contending for the past year for holding her eldest son with the help of jurist Zeev Valner, one of the leaders of the family in Israel.
Victoria Azarenka , one of the most successful tennis players in the world in recent years, has struggled over the past year to hold her eldest son with the help of an Israeli lawyer. If she won the trial, the tennis player promised to visit Israel as an honor to the state.
Victoria Azarenka, a citizen of Belarus and Monaco, who twice won the Australian Open and is now considered one of the richest women in white sports, released in July 2016 an exciting statement that she and her partner Billy McGee are expecting a baby, with all the implications for her sporting and economic career. The birth passed smoothly, and when she embraced the baby, Azarenka returned to play vigorously and regained her senior position in world sports.
A year later, in July 2017, after the couple's relationship ended, McGee went to the Beverly Hills court on the grounds that he was concerned about the abduction of the baby by Azarenka and during a brief period based on the McGowan documents, the court ordered the child to be held in Los Angeles He had held the seven-month-old baby and had kept Azarenka from sleeping with her baby.
Due to the complexity of the procedure, along with the local lawyer who represents the tennis player, she decided to turn to the Israeli lawyer Zeev Welner, one of the leaders of the family in Israel After two weeks of marathon preparation of the procedure, which was kept secret from the world media and from many fans, The decision concerning overnight stays and the urgent question of parental authority raised by Azarenka, which will be heard by the court in Belarus.
Valner has announced that he is also preparing a damages claim for the huge damage caused by the former partner and that Azarenka has already lost the upcoming tournament in Cincinnati and if it loses its participation in US Open at the end of the month, the cumulative damage will reach at least $ 10 million. The next hearing was scheduled for September and Valner knows that Azarenka's chances are very good. If she wins, the tennis player promised to reward the lawyer for coming to Israel and showing respect for the state. " |
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Post time 14-8-2017 01:29 AM
From the mobile phone
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cyclops_psycho replied at 13-8-2017 09:00 PM
Excerp from Maria Sharapova's upcoming memoir "Unstoppable"
Some interesting juicy stuff there
Refraining myself from commenting about Madha after getting tagged is not in my dictionary. Ahahaha
Ok here goes.
Itu ke part yg paling menarik dlm buku Masha? Theeheehee..
Well .. while it's somthing i never read about.. that Masha heard Serena crying soooo badly after Wimb 2004..
1) Masha sure cried so much more (x kesahlah Serena dgr ke tak ke.. ) after the lopsided H2H. The nonrivalry. Heheh
2) Well I could take it just fine.. that Serena cried after losing to Masha.. bcoz I have read many times that Rafa cried badly as well after losing to Fed Wimb 2007.
It is normal. And after the cry comes the sweetest revenge.
All is fine in the tennis world.
Ok .. "rant" mode off.
U beli ke buku tu? Dah order dh?
@ashburn wajib beli letak atas meja tamu 1... letak kat tepi katil 1.. kihkihkih |
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Post time 14-8-2017 01:31 AM
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cyclops_psycho replied at 13-8-2017 09:20 PM
Drama: Victoria Azarenka hired Israeli lawyer, battles child's father for custody and $$$
"The te ...
Really? Taktau pun semua tu |
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Post time 14-8-2017 05:32 AM
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It was a joy watching zverev against fed. |
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Post time 14-8-2017 05:33 AM
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Congrats, Zverev on your first Master 1000!! |
heppp...kan dah menang rome ari tu..
sapa laki durjana dalam hidup Vika ni
kalau baca article tu, macam payah nak dapat fair/flexible agreement.
sian baby Leo. |
itu mmg perangai serena dari kecik
dlm autobio lama dia..masa kecik2 dia kalah dgn budak2 tennis club pon dia dah meroyan.
Venus dapat chances lebih dari dia pon dia dah sentap,menangis
so i'm not surprised kalau dia wailed & membitchkan si Masha tu
she hates losing |
Edited by cyclops_psycho at 14-8-2017 07:36 PM
sorry im not into reading although im one of her fan!
lagi pun tang tu je yg best kot..buat masa skrg ni iols nk tgk dia main aje, sedih sgt asyik tarik diri aje.
stress sgt iols sbg peminat beliau. nasib baik ada players lain yg iols nk follow kalau harapkan masha sorang mmg x follow tennis la jawabnya.
kan cik kiki..tp perangai sentap dia tu masa zaman dia tgh2 nk up aje + zaman kegemilangan women's tennis time tu..saingan sengit masa tu, ada Hingis, Davenport, Capriati, Pierce, Mauresmo dan Venus jugak..pastu middle of 2000's datanglah pesaing baru iaitu the Belgian Sisters (Justine & Clijster)..sesudah itu era tennis Russia pun bermula dgn kemenangan Myskina as the first Russian to win grand slam title..pastu Sharapova yg muda bergetah tiba2 menggegarkan sukan tennis dunia kemenangan bersahaja di Wimbledon, terus popular Maria in blink of eye! Mana tak kak rena tak sentap kan @Mulan!
Tapi skrg dia tak sentap lg dah sbb dia tahu rekod dia sgt mustahil dileburkan oleh pemain lain.
kan sian baby Leo..no wonder Vika taril diri semua kejohanan utk US Open series, cuma dia belum decide sama ada nak taril diri utk US Open tau tidak..tu yg siap nk minta pampasan/ganti rugi drp ex-partner sbb kes ni dia tak dpt nak main & earn $$$$$! |
perangai dominant mcm Queen Na mmg camtu ler
sejenis org tak boleh lebih dari dia
kena plak ntah celah mana tetiba awek kurus tinggi timbul pastu menang plak tu.mau tak berasap!
tapi Masha - Serena bukan rivalry.dengan Justine tu i rasa one of the most heated competitor.
tu la pasal..i teruja bila Vika buat comeback.sengal la laki ni..dpt gf kaya,kau duduk diam2 sudahlah
dahlah masuk umah org tu cuci kaki je
sejenis tak boleh nak handle pressure dpt gf famous (kot) ????
congratulations my baby Rafa, world #1.back to where you belong,mate!
speedy recovery Roger.
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Post time 15-8-2017 12:34 PM
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sore_itam replied at 14-8-2017 02:45 PM
heppp...kan dah menang rome ari tu..
Yupp.. lupa psl tuh.. u betul mmg ke2 dah ni..
Big 4 dah slow ni .. getting old.. so nmpk dia mcm blh tapau GS la |
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Post time 15-8-2017 12:34 PM
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sore_itam replied at 14-8-2017 02:45 PM
heppp...kan dah menang rome ari tu..
Yupp.. lupa psl tuh.. u betul mmg ke2 dah ni..
Big 4 dah slow ni .. getting old.. so nmpk dia mcm blh tapau GS la |
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Post time 15-8-2017 12:37 PM
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cyclops_psycho replied at 14-8-2017 07:38 PM
kan sian baby Leo..no wonder Vika taril diri semua kejohanan utk US Open series, cuma dia belum de ...
Sian Vika..
Dah la salu injured.. tmbh dgn personal probs.. nak cari makan pun susah..
Tp Vika ni bkwn dgn mamat yg pelik2 jugak... dlu dgn penyanyi yg weird tu..rambut mop |
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Post time 15-8-2017 12:41 PM
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cyclops_psycho replied at 14-8-2017 07:35 PM
kan cik kiki..tp perangai sentap dia tu masa zaman dia tgh2 nk up aje + zaman kegemilangan women's ...
Mana blh x sentap.. pompuannn..
The H2H speaks for itself. I harap masha still blh main competitively laa.. jgn la injured lama2/teruk coz nk tgk org lain mcm.. haizs boringnya..
Then Mektam lps beranak maybe slow sket.. would be interesting to see klu Masha blh bg Mektam panik2 sket.
mamat yg skandal dgn Vika dulu nama dia Red Foo..aku pun x tahu lagu apa yg dia top. |
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