[SBS] Man from the stars [CARI 2014 K Drama Awards: Drama of The Year] PART 5
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"0303 news" from the stars of your PD disclosed intention to shoot the second 3rd, SBS good morning live-performing arts series ' broadcast ' you from the stars ' (hereinafter referred to as the star) Zhang Taiyou PD interview program. It is learnt that the PD said in an interview about the filming of the stars of the second possibility. He said that "Although the need to negotiate and screenwriter, but I think to photograph more in part II. "PD," said Dou Minjun of Choson, the Japanese colonial era, Dou Minjun, Dou Minjun in the early 70 's. In fact, Dou Minjun's long standing relationship with Ode to thousands. Given the chance, I'm going to challenge the second part of the show.
"The stars on February 27 to the highest since the launch of ratings it inked. Hairy little Addendum: PD focus on original team didn't talk about ~ (_ ← ←)? (Knock a bowl) source: Asian economic news/LIKE → Kim Soo-hyun (Kim Soo Hyun) (Translated by Bing) |
ayushuhada04 posted on 3-3-2014 11:46 AM 
ada live ke?
ade kat website dorang kan? |
ruhanizza posted on 3-3-2014 11:50 AM 
ade kat website dorang kan?
ermm...oh yer ke? website SBS le yer
inaniloquent posted on 3-3-2014 12:02 PM 
opt 1??............malaz nk karang
yg penting rebiu kan........tgk lar kalo ade ...
wokay2...janji buat yer...
nk pastikan oppa dan SY tercalon dlm kategore best actor dan actress tau..
inaniloquent posted on 3-3-2014 12:03 PM 
nk yg plg hot.........ayu dh kebas
yg lain xbpe hot sgt.......suam2
ermm...naper ina lambat sgt...
@cess mana ek..tk nampak lagi ni..
harus ayu wassap cess ler
inaniloquent posted on 3-3-2014 12:05 PM 
acene nk wat sambutan menggalakkan
tu le..penangan oppa mmg kuat ler..

"0303 news" the you from stars Zhang Taiyou PD: "Kim Soo-hyun acting to a horrible degree" 3rd SBS good morning-in the live performing arts series Mizuki aired expose of the recently concluded show you an exclusive interview with Zhang Taiyou PD from the stars of the show. Zhang Taiyou PD for the performance evaluation of Kim Soo-hyun said: "Kim Soo-hyun acting to a horrible degree, surprising creeps very much Kim Soo-hyun as an actor is to make every effort to show the full kind of people.
"At the" thank you very much Kim Soo-hyun "conveyed the greetings.
(Thanks to Director Kim Soo-hyun's praise, expect more and better works o (* ゚▽゚ *) o) F: Kim Soo-hyun and @ Kim Soo-hyun/LIKE China's first station → Kim Soo-hyun (Kim Soo Hyun) (Translated by Bing) |
inaniloquent posted on 3-3-2014 12:06 PM 
opkos lar...............demi oppa bukan SY
tp impak pada SY gak..
inaniloquent posted on 3-3-2014 12:08 PM 
cess meeting pagi ni
moyan dia dlm bilik meeting
ohh meeting kekdahnya..
nk wassap kat cess pic oppa ler..
ina nk ke?
ayushuhada04 posted on 3-3-2014 12:09 PM 
ohh meeting kekdahnya..
xnk.............nanti kenyang
ruhanizza posted on 3-3-2014 10:23 AM 
tgk lagi epd last tu iols menangis dan menagis lagi sedih walaupun hepi ending, x sabo nak tgk ...
kat ner nak tengok epilog tu??
inaniloquent posted on 3-3-2014 12:16 PM 
info terbaru..............xtahu lar betol ke idak
epilog tu not going on air hoccay.... ...
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