Pesawat MH17 (Amsterdam - KL) Terhempas di Ukraine! 295 Dikhuatiri Maut! V1
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Innalillahiwainnailahirajiun..... Sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui... Salam takziah.... Dh xtau apa nk ckp atau type lg... Sedih sgt ni |
jengkoil posted on 18-7-2014 12:58 AM 
Ada org ckp MAS divert...ke laluan biasa sblom crisis between russia nga Ukraine?
War zone tu...
Tak, tak divert pun. Mmg itulah route yg biasa depa guna. Byk plane yg lalu, MAS yg kena. Sgt bau hekan. |
sebak sgt
this is so sad...
Firenzza posted on 18-7-2014 01:02 AM 
sapa yg tembak? russia ke?
antara suspek: russia, ukraine dan separatist ukraine
semua tak mengaku dan saling tuduh menuduh
Innalillahiwainnailahirajiun..... Sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui... Salam takziah.... Dh xtau apa nk ckp atau type lg... Sedih sgt ni |

Seriously, saya rasa 2014 merupakan tahun paling malang bagi MAS dan rakyat Malaysia. Banyak sangat kes-kes pelik, mencemaskan dan menyedihkan berlaku antaranya kehilangan misteri MH370, beberapa kes penculikan di perairan Sabah, cuaca kemarau melampau, catuan air dan terbaru MH17 ditembak jatuh.
Sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia, saya cuma mampu duduk mencari lebih banyak berita tergempar ini. Buat masa ini saya tidak mahu berikan apa-apa komen sebab banyak lagi yang belum diketahui. Kepada ahli keluarga mangsa MH17, saya ucapkan takziah, kuatkan semangat!!
Saya menyeru semua warga CI supaya lebih berhati-hati ketika memberikan pendapat. Peace. |
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bluemenx posted on 18-7-2014 01:03 AM 
amende ni.. translet la sket
Lepas satu, satu yang menimpa MAS. Kesian MAS |
Dah ade list passanger ke |
KIEV, Ukraine — A Ukrainian official said a passenger plane carrying 295 people was shot down today over a town in the east of the country, and Malaysia Airlines tweeted that it lost contact with one of its flights over Ukrainian airspace.
Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, said on his Facebook page the plane was flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet when it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher. A similar launcher was seen by Associated Press journalists near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne earlier today. The Buk missile system can fire missiles up to an altitude of 72,000 feet.
Malaysia Airlines said on its Twitter feed that it "has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow."
The region has seen severe fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia separatist rebels in recent days.
On Wednesday evening, a Ukrainian fighter jet was shot down by an air-to-air missile from a Russian plane, Ukrainian authorities said Thursday, adding to what Kiev says is mounting evidence that Moscow is directly supporting the separatist insurgents in eastern Ukraine. Security Council spokesman Andrei Lysenko said the pilot of the Sukhoi-25 jet hit by the air-to-air missile was forced to bail after his jet was shot down.
Pro-Russia rebels, meanwhile, claimed responsibility for strikes Wednesday on two Ukrainian Sukhoi-25 jets. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said the second jet was hit by a portable surface-to-air missile, but added the pilot was unscathed and managed to land his plane safely
Moscow denies Western charges that is supporting the separatists or sowing unrest in its neighbor. The Russian Defense Ministry couldn't be reached for comment Thursday about the Ukrainian jet and Russia's foreign ministry didn't respond to multiple requests for comment.
Earlier this week, Ukraine said a military transport plane was shot down Monday by a missile fired from Russian territory.
The rebels are known to possess portable anti-aircraft rocket launchers, but Ukrainian officials say that kind of weapon would have been unable to reach Monday's plane at the altitude at which it was flying Monday. Aviation experts, however, have questioned whether the stricken transport plane was flying at the altitude Ukrainian officials had claimed. |
apa malang malaysia sekarang nih.. tak putus2 bencana negara melanda sejak sekarang nih.... dah bagi banyak petunjuk..   |
tobby posted on 18-7-2014 01:01 AM 
balik2 keluar yg ni. cam harommmmm
tu laa pasal, tp aku dok reply dlm tred minachi meroyan tu ok jer x der pun jadi camnih.....adoyaiiii
malaysia beraya dlm kesedihan.... hmmm |
akubest posted on 18-7-2014 12:19 AM
mak baru dapat crew list je...
even tak kenal even sorang tapi rasa nak luruh jantung....
iols pun dah dpt list tu. iols dah nangis2 sambil upacara pengebumian mangsa2 tragedi Tg Kupang terbayang2 lagi di kotak fikiran iols. semacam akan berulang lagi peristiwa itu ... sedeynyaaa. iols dah tak boleh tidur ni., |
spiderman80 posted on 18-7-2014 01:05 AM 
Seriously, saya rasa 2014 merupakan tahun paling malang bagi MAS dan rakyat Malaysia. Banyak sangat ...
Semua kena reflect dan muhasabah diri. Napa satu persatu bala turun. |
ultra78 posted on 18-7-2014 01:01 AM 
Adik aku skrg sedang boarding flight dari Amsterdam ke KL
Semuga adik u & all on board dilindungi dari segala malapetaka...
Selawat serta doa banyak2...
Innalillah. Besar sungguh dugaan Malaysia dan kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia pun terpalit juga. |
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