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[GAME] Bersembang Tentang Nombor V2
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Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said Scholz urged Putin in the hour-long call to withdraw his troops and end the full-scale invasion launched in February 2022 |
The conflict will reach its 1,000th day on Tuesday |
NEW YORK: Syarikat induk TikTok, ByteDance dinilai pada kira-kira AS$300 bilion (RM1.34 trilion), selepas ia baru-baru ini mendekati pelabur berhubung program pembelian balik saham, menurut dua individu yang rapat dengan perkara itu dan dokumen yang dilihat oleh Reuters. |
Across her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II carried out a whopping 21,000 royal engagements |
In the 2010s, archaeologists found that two of the Pacific Island figures actually had torsos that measured as high as 33 feet. |
We can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from over 2 miles away. |
Blue whales weigh an average of between 130,000 and 150,000kg |
with their hearts weighing roughly 180kg. |
PALESTIN: Serangan udara Israel pada hari ini mengorbankan sekurang-kurangnya 20 orang, termasuk 4 wanita dan 3 kanak-kanak, menurut pihak pertahanan awam Gaza. |
KUALA LUMPUR: Mudajaya Group Bhd memperoleh kontrak bernilai RM41.34 juta untuk pembinaan kondominium 17 tingkat di Kuching, Sarawak. |
PETRONAS salur RM750,000 persediaan banjir di Pantai Timur. |
KOTA BHARU - Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) Briged Tenggara menumpaskan penyeludupan 547 kain pasang yang mempunyai manik diseludup dari Thailand dianggarkan bernilai RM164,100 di Kampung Simpangan, Tumpat semalam. |
The world's longest walking distance is 14,000 miles |
Japan has over 200 flavours of Kit Kats. |
A study in 1993 showed that the maximum power a horse can produce is 18,000W, around 24 horsepower. |
The United Nations recognizes 195 countries globally |
there are more than 40 ethnic groups in Kenya |
Yesterday, Singapore recorded 108.4mm of rainfall in north-western areas, the highest daily total in 46 years, amounting to 43 per cent of the average November rainfall. |
This level of rainfall ranks within the top 3 per cent of daily totals since 1978. |
12-Year-Old Boy Cares For Stroke-Stricken Mother Alone In Hospital |
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Category: Negeri & Negara