Do You Actually Know Anything About Coffee Or Are You A Fake Fan?
You got 5 out of 12 right!
You know a little about coffee but you're no expert!
You're not too concerned about the ins and outs on coffee, but you know the basics, and that's enough.
Post time 28-10-2017 08:00 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
You got 7 out of 12 right!
You know a little about coffee but you're no expert!
You're not too concerned about the ins and outs on coffee, but you know the basics, and that's enough.
You got 5 out of 12 right!
You know a little about coffee but you're no expert!
You're not too concerned about the ins and outs on coffee, but you know the basics, and that's enough.
Post time 1-9-2018 04:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
You got 4 out of 12 right!
You don't know much about coffee!
You're really not that fussed when it comes to coffee, and you could probably live without it if you had to.
Post time 18-4-2019 11:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
You got 3 out of 12 right!
You don't know much about coffee!
You're really not that fussed when it comes to coffee, and you could probably live without it if you had to.