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Author: ariyamusafir

Can Asia unite?

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Well Seph,in case you dont know...Most Muslim people usually helps people from their own religion eventhough they are located somewhere further away in the geographical position such as in the Middle East and Africa but they totally ignored their own Asian brother and sisters who are in trouble...

For most Muslims....Religion comes first, then  their own race, and then only people from the same region...It's obvious..

Christian missionaries  helping other christians in foreign countries...same goes to our muslim missionaries in helping our muslim brothers and sisters in foreign countries! We do help our own people regardless what races they are!!!

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 19-5-2004 11:30:
Can Asia Unite? This is a very interesting question and topic to be discussed. In order to form a strong United Asia first of all we have to have a strong support from every  ind ...


The thing is that it is high time we learn to unite, put our quarrels behind. India and pakistan should sit down and stop their quarrels. Same as for the Arab world to stop their quarrels. It is high time we learn how to respect others and be respected. We not only must have strong support from individuals, but our mentality must change. We must not hurt others so that we canget our personal gain. We should not have the chinese metality of teaching others not 100% in fear that they might overtake us. We must cooperate for existance. Stop your hate!!!!! Stop your disrespect for our neighbours. If everyone in Asia is like having respect for each others religion and race, that would be one great obstacle removed.

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Post time 19-5-2004 11:41 AM | Show all posts

How can WE achieve the target if each and one of US fight   or kill   one another???

Wrong ... Hindus and Buddhist not fight each other, other than maybe by words.
Hindus and Silks don't fight each others, except maybe by words and maybe a few fist fights.
Buddhist and others don't fight each others.

Why should we listen to you? We are not fighting and while we ain't close, we ain't far from each other either.

Muslims only use Peace and crap like that if it means that we will support you in your war against others. Today it's Bush, tomorrow the Israel and day after that, it will be Christians. One day after another, you will showing us your enemy and make all kind of propaganda against them and expect us to fight with you for sake of peace.

Sorry ... we got better things to do. ;)

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Post time 19-5-2004 11:45 AM | Show all posts

Christian missionaries  helping other christians in foreign countries...same goes to our muslim missionaries in helping our muslim brothers and sisters in foreign countries! We do help our own people regardless what races they are!!!  


You are not Asians as we already point out early. You do not share our culture and heritage. You have no relationship with us. You do not worship or even respect Asian religions and belief like that idiot Mat Kampung is pointing out.

Your people are the Arabs ... your place is the Middle East which is blood soaked. And We do not need your help.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-5-2004 09:17:
by ariyamusafir

Thus, Asians must help each other and go to their felow Asians aid when there is need. Of course not helping them do crimes if it is so, but if Asians are united, you would n ...

Who say muslims are not Asians based on your point. Asian consist of Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims, Christians etc. It deosn't make you a non-Asian because you are a muslim. It makes you an Asian so long as you are born, and living in Asia and Asia continent includeds the Arabs, China, Japan and Malaysia. Asia has no fix culture but there are similarities in the sense, respect for elderly etc. It is the many different culture of each and every race living in Asia which makes the Asian culture, and that wonderful unlike that of those EUs which are of one race. Even a muslim is also an Asian because of his Asian nationality. Egypt on the other hand is not Asia but African.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-5-2004 11:45:

Christian missionaries  helping other christians in foreign countries...same goes to our muslim missionaries in helping our muslim brothers and sisters in foreign countries! We do  ...

Who say there is no such thing. WICKED is the citizen of an Asian country and that makes him an Asian, don't care his skin is white, black, or yellow, don't care if his a muslim, hindu, christian etc.

Asia is not about relligion or race. It is a continent, a place and any of the natonals of the nations that is a part of Asia is considered Asians. So, there is the Our own people thing!!! You are one of our people, so as Acong and WICKED, for we are all Asians. The problem is that in Asia, there is too much quarrels and squabbles among its people.

[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 19-5-2004 at 11:56 AM ]

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-5-2004 11:45 AM:
You are not Asians as we already point out early. You do not share our culture and heritage. You have no relationship with us. You do not worship or even respect Asian religions and belief like that idiot Mat Kampung is pointing out.

Do you think that we are arabs just because most arabs MUSLIMS and it happenned that we are MUSLIMS? What about a non-muslim arabs? What do you think they are? Arent Arab countries part of ASIA? unless if you mention ASEAN, Arab will be out of question!  In order to categorize which  country is partly ASIA do you consider Australia as part of Asia  since the country is so close to ASIA?

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 19-5-2004 11:58:

Do you think that we are arabs just because most arabs MUSLIMS and it happenned that we are MUSLIMS? What about a non-muslim arabs? What do you think they are? Arent Arab countries part of ASIA ...

There are two types of Arabs. One is that of Africa but the main Arab side is on the Asian side. Yes, most Arab nations are Asian nations.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Seph...must look up at the world map to understand which country is under  ASIA CONTINENTAL!

"Asia is traditionally divided into five major realms: East Asia, which includes China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan; Southeast Asia, which includes Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, and the Philippines; South Asia, which includes India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, and Bhutan; Southwest Asia, which includes Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the other states of the Arabian Peninsula, and Russian Asia, which includes the states of Central Asia that were formerly part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). These states are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan"

*Noticed Turkey is named as part of Southwest Asia but Turkey seems to be interested to join EU!

[ Last edited by WICKED on 19-5-2004 at 12:18 PM ]

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Post time 19-5-2004 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 19-5-2004 12:04 PM:
Noticed Turkey is named as part of Southwest Asia but Turkey seems to be interested to join EU!

Most probably Turkey dont want any part in that screwed up region of the Asia continent..Anyway being in EU is more profitable and beneficial

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Seraphim at 19-5-2004 12:36 PM:

Most probably Turkey dont want any part in that screwed up region of the Asia continent..Anyway being in EU is more profitable and beneficial

I guess you are right!

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Post time 19-5-2004 12:50 PM | Show all posts

Wah! I see so much jealousy and venom spewed against singapore. you people must be so sore. I just laugh. Hahahahahahahahahaha......................


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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 19-5-2004 12:04:
Seph...must look up at the world map to understand which country is under  ASIA CONTINENTAL!

"Asia is traditionally divided into five major realms: East Asia, which includes Chin ...

Turkey is sometimes called a Tale of two Continents, one side of the river, belongs to Asia, the other Europe.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-5-2004 12:50:

Wah! I see so much jealousy and venom spewed against singapore. you people must be so sore. I just laugh. Hahahahahahahahahaha......................



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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 01:03 PM | Show all posts
If Singapore is in between a border of Asia Continental and Eu continental just like Turkey I bet Singapore would prefer to join EU too just like Turkey! too bad Singapore island is too far from EU or AMERICA :bgrin:

Could Singapore be a moving island that can make the island closer to America or EU with her people's new invention using new technology just like they  innovated NuWater?

emmm..sorry debmey if my remark offended you...I wouldnt say something like  that if I want to make sure Asia unites...but your country's policy is so obvious supporting bush otherwise you people wont be bothered to seek his help to watch Straight of Melaka. Maybe you need Bush to help drag your island closer to his country if such moving island exists  

[ Last edited by WICKED on 19-5-2004 at 01:12 PM ]

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Post time 19-5-2004 01:11 PM | Show all posts
I just laugh at your jealousy and foolish talk. Ahahahahahahaha..........

cheers mate!

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WinterNights This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Debmey, stop acting like a retard...please?

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Post time 20-5-2004 08:05 AM | Show all posts
by ariyamusafir

Who say muslims are not Asians based on your point. Asian consist of Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims, Christians etc. It deosn't make you a non-Asian because you are a muslim. It makes you an Asian so long as you are born, and living in Asia and Asia continent includeds the Arabs, China, Japan and Malaysia. Asia has no fix culture but there are similarities in the sense, respect for elderly etc. It is the many different culture of each and every race living in Asia which makes the Asian culture, and that wonderful unlike that of those EUs which are of one race. Even a muslim is also an Asian because of his Asian nationality. Egypt on the other hand is not Asia but African.

Hmph ... You cannot prove anything from Culture and heritage point of view so you switch to Geograhical? How Pathetics. ;)

There is no fix culture? ONLY a cultureless species like you could come out with nonsense like that. ;)

Each nation in Asia region has its own fixed and shared cultures and NONE of them have any relation WHATSOEVER with Muslims or Islam. I  explain ...

Japan - the culture of Warriors. The Bushido and the Samurais are unique cannot be found anywhere else in the world. At same time, they approach live by simplifying everything and every approach.

India - The vast heritage of buildings, languages, arts and diversity CANNOT be found anywhere else in the world.

Thailand, Burma, Laos and other Indochina countries - their simplified and peaceful ways of lives which slowly returning there after about 20 years of wars. Their language and their heritage has nothing to do with Muslims.

China - their cooking alone is a culture and heritage. The way they approach life, their principles and their arts (including martial arts) are unique.

Each and everyone one of this country have fix cultures which differentiate one another and at same time, blend them so they could support each other in historical and heritage way.

Take Japanese swordmanship ... it will not develop to this point IF it didn't get influence from China and Korea (whether by their men or by wars).

Chinese Cooking ... same also. It won't have developed fully without the spices from Asia and the need for Chinese men to develop more flavours and better cooking skills.

This is just some of the examples how Asians mingle and contribute to each others' heritage and culture.

What did Islam contributed other than Jawi WHICH its own people couldn't master?

by ariyamusafir

Who say there is no such thing. WICKED is the citizen of an Asian country and that makes him an Asian, don't care his skin is white, black, or yellow, don't care if his a muslim, hindu, christian etc.

You are a citizen in an Asian country ... you are not an Asian (by spirit, culture or heritage, just by your birth) just because of your IC stating so. You are just a reject ... someone who supposed to be somewhere else but accidentally borned in Asian. ;)

Asia is not about relligion or race. It is a continent, a place and any of the natonals of the nations that is a part of Asia is considered Asians. So, there is the Our own people thing!!! You are one of our people, so as Acong and WICKED, for we are all Asians. The problem is that in Asia, there is too much quarrels and squabbles among its people.

Wrong ... Asian is not only a region. It is a place where its people color it with its culture and heritage. IF a western hears the name "Asia", he will imagine Hindus temples, the various and colourful people of Asia and their cooking and cultural performance.

You show him a man, wearing a hood from top to bottom and say "Salam" and you ask this westerner what he think, he will say that the hooded man is from Middle-East. He will think twice before saying such reject is from Asia because we do not wear or force our women to wear hoods.

Asia is a region ... but we are this region's SOUL. We color it with our heritage and culture and we live in it.

We ... not YOU are Asians. You are NOTHING. Your world is the Middle-East, soaked with blood for the past 1,400 years because Death and Destruction is all that is promised to you. That is why you cannot help but to look toward the Middle-East everyday. Your body is here but your mind and heart is there. Your are not Asian.


Do you think that we are arabs just because most arabs MUSLIMS and it happenned that we are MUSLIMS? What about a non-muslim arabs? What do you think they are? Arent Arab countries part of ASIA? unless if you mention ASEAN, Arab will be out of question!  In order to categorize which  country is partly ASIA do you consider Australia as part of Asia  since the country is so close to ASIA?  

Is there such thing as NON-Muslim Arabs? Show first how many people are there in Arab nation who are non-Muslims.

Even if there are ... they are Africans, natives of African who lived there since dawn of time and before Islam came. Like Asia, Africa is a region but because of Islam and Christianity, almost ALL the culture and heritage from that region had vanished.

Whether Australia is part of Asia or not, that doesn't matter. It is a Western country ... colonized (illegally) by the white men while its people is oppressed and abused for the past 100 years.  The white men who lives there are not part of Asia for their forefathers weren't born from that land.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 08:11 AM | Show all posts
mabuk todi agaknya ni!

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Post time 20-5-2004 08:52 AM | Show all posts
Berambus ke Dunia Arab kamu tu ... ini bukan Dunia mu dan kami (non-Muslims) tak akan sokong kamu.

Tengok sahajalah berita2 kematian, peperangan di Palestine dan penderaan di Iraq yg kamu sibuk diperkatakan semata2 utk minta belas kasihan kami ... adakah sesiapa antara kami hirau nasib species kamu? TAK.

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