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Adakah ini sejarah asal islam yang telah di manipulasi oleh bangsa arab?

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Post time 4-11-2018 07:17 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 4-11-2018 07:36 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 4-11-2018 07:08 PM
Bila samdol dah kantoi bodoh mulalah buat andaian sendiri. Tak boleh tahan betul ...

Ha ha ha ha ... ko dah kantoi lah FOTHER-MUCKER

Ko hanya mampu merepek tanpa guna otak

Oops ... ko ada otek ke? Cube ko ketuk kepala ko ...

Bunyi 'tong tong tong' tak?

Kesian ko , skg ko dok merapu macam ni :
Bila samdol dah kantoi bodoh mulalah buat andaian sendiri. Tak boleh tahan betul kau ni lebai samdol

Lebih baik kau semayam hajat sahaja leh minta tohan jadikan kamu cerdik sikit!

Hmmm .. lets see ttg buat andaian ok. Ini adalah a̶n̶d̶a̶i̶a̶n̶  oops ... fakta ko

(1) Tak ada information hingga 10 century & Kristian di Petra = Islam bermula di Petra & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra
(2) Jumpa 'pottery islam' kat Petra bermakna Islam bermula kat Petra
(3) 'guidance' pada Quran3:96 makna 'arah menghadap Qibla'

Aiyoyo ... ko ni pernah ke sekolah ke? Aku tau lah ko tak mampu compete kat Malaysia ni , tu pasal ko lari kat UK

Kah kah kah .... FOTHER-MUCKER ada hati pulak tu rujuk kepada referensi english

Ko kena sedar kemampuan ko ... don't bite off more than you can chew

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Post time 4-11-2018 07:22 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 4-11-2018 07:13 PM
Samdol saya letih la layan lobai low IQ seperti kamu ni. 10century lah, tiada siapa kenal Nabi Muh ...

Ha ha ha ha ... jeng jeng jeng ... FOTHER-MUCKER masih takut nak bagi tau 10 century to berapa CE

Awat takut sgt?

Kesian ko ... tengok aje apa yg ko merepek :
Samdol saya letih la layan lobai low IQ seperti kamu ni. 10century lah, tiada siapa kenal Nabi Muhammad lah dan banyak lagi kebodohan kamu, tapi nak tunjuk cerdik. Memang ternyata kamu lembam dan low IQ.  Cara kamu. Erfikir tak seperti manusia normal

Ada ke kalo jumpa 'pottery Islam' kat Petra bermakna Islam mula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra & Qibla muslim bermula kat Petra

All because ada jumpa 'pottery Islam'

Oops ... no information till 10 century tau & kristian pulak kuat kat Petra tau

Kah kah kah .... kesian nya FOTHER-MUCKER .... muka dah cemek pasal nak menangis ... hati dah terbakar , muka pon dah hitam


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 Author| Post time 4-11-2018 07:22 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 4-11-2018 07:17 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... ko dah kantoi lah FOTHER-MUCKER

Ko hanya mampu merepek tanpa guna otak

Mungkin tiada apA lagi yang nak di debatkan kerana tahap pemahaman membaca kamu terlalu lemah dan IQ kamu terlalu rendah.
Dah seperti berforum dengan budak tadika sahaja.

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Post time 4-11-2018 07:35 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 4-11-2018 07:22 PM
Mungkin tiada apA lagi yang nak di debatkan kerana tahap pemahaman membaca kamu terlalu lemah dan  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... FOTHER-MUCKER dah tak mampu lawan dgn fakta lagi

Oops ... ko hanya auta aje ... ko mana tau ttg fakta

Skg ko dok merungut bagai org hilang akai :
Mungkin tiada apA lagi yang nak di debatkan kerana tahap pemahaman membaca kamu terlalu lemah dan IQ kamu terlalu rendah.
Dah seperti berforum dengan budak tadika sahaja.
Nak debat macamana? Pahaman ko yg teramat kureng fasih english :
(1) Tak ada information hingga 10th century & Kristian dah bertapak di Petra = Islam bermula di Petra & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra
(2) Jumpa 'pottery islam' kat Petra bermakna Islam bermula kat Petra , Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra , Qibla adalah di Petra
(3) 'guidance' pada Quran3:96 makna 'arah menghadap Qibla'

Nak kata apa lagi ....

Ko baru aje kena tampar sikit aje ... sipi2 aje ... dah jadik bagai org hilang akai

Ko ni menghadapi 'expressve dysgraphia' ke?

Lain macam aje aku tengok

Kah kah kah ... mungkin ko kena jumpa a paediatrician lah .... he he he he


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 Author| Post time 4-11-2018 07:54 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 4-11-2018 07:35 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... FOTHER-MUCKER dah tak mampu lawan dgn fakta lagi

Oops ... ko hanya auta aje ... ...

Kalau kamu cerdik sikit pun dah cukup. Ni terlalu lembam dan low IQ sebab itu jadi terlalu sukar. Seperti berforum dengan kanak kanak tadika.

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Post time 4-11-2018 08:06 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 4-11-2018 07:54 PM
Kalau kamu cerdik sikit pun dah cukup. Ni terlalu lembam dan low IQ sebab itu jadi terlalu sukar.  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... kesian FOTHER-MUCKER

Ko dah kena belasah & seluar ko pon dah kena londeh

Skg ko dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Mula lah merepek tak tentu arah ... ko kena tampar sikit aje tambi tapi bagaikan org hilang akai

Kesian dia ... muka dah cemek , hait dah terbakar & muka pon dah hitam


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 Author| Post time 4-11-2018 08:46 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 4-11-2018 08:06 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... kesian FOTHER-MUCKER

Ko dah kena belasah & seluar ko pon dah kena londeh

Bila saya online guna laptop nanti saya akan terang kan pada samdol lembam low IQ. Sekarang online guna phone dan bz tak ada masa nak terangkan pada samdol tahap pemikiran kanak kanak tadika ok!

Ternyata kau memang bodoh untuk berfikir seperti manusia lain!

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2018 09:17 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 5-11-2018 11:07 AM
sam1528 replied at 4-11-2018 06:54 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... skg aku boleh konfom 10000% yg FOTHER-MUCKER amat kureng fasih english

Ini bukt ...

@Maideen. @Gingerly @kedaikain  mari kita gelak ramai ramai pada lebai samdol otak kecil mulut besar + IQ rendah daripada bayi berumur 3 tahun! LOL

bilamana lebai samdol paling bangang dan lemah english nak ajar orang, sedarlah wahai samdol..kamu to lemah dalam segala hal + mempunyai IQ yang sangat rendah ..iatu  rendah daripada kanak kanak tadika. kamu faham yang kamu tu terlalu BODOH?

3:96) Behold, the first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah: it is full of blessing and a centre of guidance for the whole world.79
79. The second objection raised by the Jews was that the direction for Prayer had been changed from Jerusalem to the Ka'bah.

142. After his migration to Madina the Prophet continued to pray in the direction of Jerusalem for between sixteen and seventeen months. Subsequently, he received the order to pray in the direction of the Ka'bah. See(verse 144 below)

(2:144) We see you oft turning your face towards the sky; now We are turning you to the direction that will satisfy you. Turn your face towards the Holy Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it in Prayer.146

Those who have been granted the Scripture certainly know that this (injunction to change the direction of Prayer) is right and is from their Lord. Allah is not heedless of what they do.

3:96) Behold, the first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah: it is full of blessing and a centre of guidance for the whole world.79
79. The second objection raised by the Jews was that the direction for Prayer hadbeen changed from Jerusalem to the Ka'bah. This objection is answered in (Surah 2 (see verses 142 ff. and nn. 142 and147 above)


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Post time 5-11-2018 10:13 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 4-11-2018 08:46 PM
Bila saya online guna laptop nanti saya akan terang kan pada samdol lembam low IQ. Sekarang online ...

Translation : Nanti aku cuba google carik jalan macamana nak reply

Kah kah kah


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 Author| Post time 5-11-2018 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 5-11-2018 10:55 AM
sam1528 replied at 5-11-2018 10:13 AM
Translation : Nanti aku cuba google carik jalan macamana nak reply

Kah kah kah

Samdol Apasal kau terlalu bodoh dan IQ tahap kanak kanak berumur 3 tahun? Lebih baik kau pergi mati sahajalah daripada nak tunjuk cerdik di forum cari ni.

"Berdoalah saya tidak menjadi presiden LEBAI MALAYA untuk cerdikan kamu SAMDOL. Perkara pertama akan saya lakukan adalah memecat kamu iatu LOBAI SAMDOL kerana memiliki IQ tahap lobak."


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 Author| Post time 5-11-2018 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 5-11-2018 10:27 AM
sam1528 replied at 4-11-2018 05:49 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... FOTHER-MUCKER dah tersepit & skg dok terial mintak tolong

Aiiik? Cakap pasal ap ...

Kalau IQ kau tinggi dan cerdik kau akan faham apa sebenarnya yang disampaikan dalam ni>>>  

Oleh kerana kau tiada clue sebab itu kau tak boleh follow sejarah di Petra tu. Mesti mak apak Lu menyesal melahirkan samdol yang terlalu bodoh sombong dan arrogant.

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Post time 5-11-2018 11:00 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 5-11-2018 09:17 AM
@Maideen. @Gingerly @kedaikain  mari kita gelak ramai ramai pada lebai samdol otak kecil mulut bes ...

Ha ha ha ha ... he he he he ... konfom dah KOTHER-MUCKER belajar Islam dari gereja

Aku dah mula kesian tengok ko ... takut pulak bagi link kat apa ko copy paste

Ko takut bagi link tersebut pasal kalo org lain baca , ko akan kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

This is what we call intellectual dishonesty

Ni apa yg ko dok merepek :
@Maideen. @Gingerly @kedaikain  mari kita gelak ramai ramai pada lebai samdol otak kecil mulut besar + IQ rendah daripada bayi berumur 3 tahun! LOL

bilamana lebai samdol paling bangang dan lemah english nak ajar orang, sedarlah wahai samdol..kamu to lemah dalam segala hal + mempunyai IQ yang sangat rendah ..iatu  rendah daripada kanak kanak tadika. kamu faham yang kamu tu terlalu BODOH?

3:96) Behold, the first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah: it is full of blessing and a centre of guidance for the whole world.79
79. The second objection raised by the Jews was that the direction for Prayer had been changed from Jerusalem to the Ka'bah.

142. After his migration to Madina the Prophet continued to pray in the direction of Jerusalem for between sixteen and seventeen months. Subsequently, he received the order to pray in the direction of the Ka'bah. See(verse 144 below)

(2:144) We see you oft turning your face towards the sky; now We are turning you to the direction that will satisfy you. Turn your face towards the Holy Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it in Prayer.146

Those who have been granted the Scripture certainly know that this (injunction to change the direction of Prayer) is right and is from their Lord. Allah is not heedless of what they do.

3:96) Behold, the first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah: it is full of blessing and a centre of guidance for the whole world.79
79. The second objection raised by the Jews was that the direction for Prayer hadbeen changed from Jerusalem to the Ka'bah. This objection is answered in (Surah 2 (see verses 142 ff. and nn. 142 and147 above)

Bagus betul ye. Ikut pahaman songsang ko : source of guidance = direction of prayer .... hmmm

Ni lah dia , ambil satu phrase and argue about it. This is what we call : myopic thinking

Macamana ko ni tambi? Dah lah kureng fasih english ... cakap banyak pulak tu

Nak lagi? Ni dia translation dari Asad (Quran3:96) :
Behold, the first Temple ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah: 75  rich in blessing, and a [source of] guidance unto all the worlds,

Oops .. pada diri ko yg amat kureng fasih english ; [source of] guidance = punca arah .... he he he he

Dah banyak kali aku kata , baca lah ayat sebelum & selepas (95 &97) ayat 96 ... baru senang paham

Ok , skg kita pergi ke tafseer yg ko copy paste : link dia kat sini
(3:95) Say: 'Whatever Allah has said is true. Follow, then, the way of Abraham         in total devotion to Allah. He was not one of those who associate others with         Allah in His divinity.7878. The Jews had enmeshed themselves in legalistic minutiae and these had         become their major concern. They had abandoned service to the One True God and         had allowed their religious life to become corrupted by polytheism. Instead         of attending to the fundamentals of religion they indulged in discussions about         questions that had only arisen because of the hair-splitting legalism of their         scholars during their centuries of decadence.

(3:97) In it there are clear signs and the station of Abraham;80         whoever enters it becomes secure.81 Pilgrimage to the House is a         duty owed to Allah by all who can make their way to it. As for those who refuse         to follow His command, surely Allah does not stand in need of anything.
80. Here it is stressed that there are several clear signs which prove that         the Makkan sanctuary enjoys God's blessing and has been chosen by Him as His         sanctuary. Even though it is located in the middle of wide expanses of desert         God has seen to it that its inhabitants enjoy a satisfactory living. Although         the rest of Arabia was plunged into chaos and disorder for about two and a half         thousand years, peace and tranquillity reigned in both the precincts and the         environs of the Ka'bah. Thanks to the Ka'bah the entire Arabian peninsula enjoyed         four months of peace and order every year. These were the sacred months when         people went on Pilgrimage. Moreover, barely a half century before the revelation         of these verses, people had seen how Abrahah, the Abyssinian invader, fell prey         to God's scourge when he attacked Makka with the intention of destroying the         Ka'bah. At that time, this incident was known to everybody in Arabia. Its memory         was fresh and many eye-witnesses were still alive at the time of the Prophet         (peace be on him).
81. Even during the pre-Islamic era - the Age of Ignorance in Arabia - this         sanctuary enjoyed such veneration that even those who thirsted for each other's         blood saw their enemies in the sacred territory but dare not attack them.        

Kalo kita baca dari ayat 95 - 97 , konteks dia - geng yahudi dah lost the plot. Jadik the centre of guidance ditukar ke Mekkah dimana terdapat kaabah yg dibina oleh Nabi Ibrahim(as)

Objection Yahudi yg bantah terhadap direction of prayer to bermakna Jerusalem akan hilang significance dia sebagai 'the centre of guidance' atau 'the source of guidance'

Nak lagi? Boleh ... tak ada problem , rujuk Quran2:144 (Yusuf Ali) spt diberi dari rujukkan yg ko bagi :
144. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.

(1) ttg menghadap arah kaabah utk Qibla :  Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque
(2) utk petunjuk / bimbingan : for guidance to the heavens

Jeng jeng jeng .... macamana skg?

Ikut pahaman songsang & amat kureng fasih english (si mamat FOTHER-MUCKER) ; for guidance to the heavens ; bermakna kita kena solat dongok kelangit lah

LOL ... he he he he .... ha ha ha ha .... macamana ni tambi?

Aiyoyo ... lu baru mabuk ka tambi


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Post time 5-11-2018 11:06 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 5-11-2018 10:22 AM
Samdol Apasal kau terlalu bodoh dan IQ tahap kanak kanak berumur 3 tahun? Lebih baik kau pergi mat ...

Ha ha ha ha ... FOTHER-MUCKER dah gelabah

Aku rasa2 IQ ko lebih rendah dari carrot

Ni dia Quran2:144 spt rujukkan yg ka bagi :
144. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.

Kalo ikut pahaman songsang & kureng fasih english ko : for guidance to the heavens: bermakna kita kena solat dongak ke langit lah

Kah kah kah ... buat malu aje mati2 klaim duduk kat UK ... simple english pon tak paham



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 Author| Post time 5-11-2018 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 5-11-2018 11:22 AM
sam1528 replied at 5-11-2018 11:00 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... he he he he ... konfom dah KOTHER-MUCKER belajar Islam dari gereja

Aku dah mula ...





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Post time 5-11-2018 11:14 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 5-11-2018 10:26 AM
Kalau IQ kau tinggi dan cerdik kau akan faham apa sebenarnya yang disampaikan dalam ni>>>  

Laaaa .... tambi FOTHER-MUCKER dah hilang punca

Sikit aje ko kena tampar

Ko yg klaim - Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir di Petra , Islam bermula di Petra & Qibla pertama di Petra

Ko bagi Peer Review Article ni sebagai rujukkan :

Jelas dicatat
(1) Nothing recorded about Petra hingga 10th century
(2) Kristian kuat kat sana
(3) jumpa 'islamic pottery'

Kalo nothing is recorded & hanya ada 'islamic pottery' yg dijumpa , macamana ko boleh mati2 klaim Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir di Petra , Islam bermula di Petra & Qibla di Petra?

On the flipside , it merely proves that muslims were there

Oops ... Nabi Muhammad(saw) bukan kristian tau ; Islam lain , kristian lain tau

Ni kes togok kencing si non scholar Jay Smith terlampau banyak ... sudah mabuk lah

Kah kah kah .... FOTHER-MUCKER yg tak berapa rasional ... pssst ... lu paham ka apa lu baca

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Post time 5-11-2018 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 5-11-2018 11:24 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 5-11-2018 11:13 AM

Hmmm ... FOTHER-MUCKER dah marah lah tu

Kesian ye ... mula lah maki hamun macam ini :



Sebijik macam org mabuk todi

Tu lah , kalo diri tu tak ke mana ttg Islam buat apa ko mati2 nak klaim Islam salah

Rujukkan ko pulak adalah si non scholar Jay Smith yg sendiri kena kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali dgn geng Kristian dia

Depa pon malu dgn klaim2 si non scholar Jay Smith tu

Macamana ni? Masih lagi dgn pahaman guidance = arah menghadap?

Kalo macam tu ikut pahaman songsang & kureng fasih english ko , kita kena solat dongak kelangit lah

Quran 2: 144. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.

Aiyoyo tambi ... sikit pakai otak boleh ka

Buat malu aje ko mati2 klaim duduk kat UK ... ko tak mampu compete dgn org kat Malaysia kot ... tu pasal ko lari ke UK

Kah kah kah .... kesian dia ... hati dah terbakar ... muka pon dah hitam

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2018 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 5-11-2018 12:50 PM
sam1528 replied at 5-11-2018 11:21 AM
Hmmm ... FOTHER-MUCKER dah marah lah tu

Kesian ye ... mula lah maki hamun macam ini :

Samdol Kalau lah kau cerdik sikit dan mempunyai iq tahap remaja berusia 18 tahun baru best sikit untuk berforum dengan kamu! Ini dahlah bodoh + iq tahap kanak kanak berumur 3 tahun. Nampaknya kepamdaian kamu hanyalah memutarbelitkan dan menutup kebodohan kamu yang terlampau itu, akan tetapi semakin kamu menunjuk kekononya yang kamu itu cerdik semakin teserlah kebodohan dan low iq kamu tu!

اِنَّ اَوَّلَ بَيۡتٍ وُّضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَـلَّذِىۡ بِبَكَّةَ مُبٰرَكًا وَّهُدًى لِّلۡعٰلَمِيۡنَۚ ????
(3:96) Behold, the first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah: it is full of blessing and a centre of guidance for the whole world.79
79. The second objection raised by the Jews was that the direction for Prayer had been changed from Jerusalem to the Ka'bah. This objection is answered in (Surah 2 (see verses 142 ff. and nn. 142 and147 above) The Bible, itself, testifies that Jerusalem was built by Solomon more than four and a half centuries after Moses (see 1 Kings 6: 1), and that it was during his time that the worshippers of the One God began to pray towards it (1 Kings 8: 29-30). It is established by traditions from numerous sources which are undisputed throughout Arabia, however, that the Ka'bah was constructed by Abraham who lived some eight or nine centuries before Moses. That the Ka'bah was older than the Temple of Jerusalem was beyond dispute.

142. After his migration to Madina the Prophet continued to pray in the direction of Jerusalem for between sixteen and seventeen months. Subsequently, he received the order to pray in the direction of the Ka'bah. See(verse 144 below)

Tafheem ul QuranSurah 2 Al-Baqarah, Ayat 144-144قَدۡ نَرٰى تَقَلُّبَ وَجۡهِكَ فِى السَّمَآءِۚ فَلَـنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبۡلَةً تَرۡضٰٮهَا? فَوَلِّ وَجۡهَكَ شَطۡرَ الۡمَسۡجِدِ الۡحَـرَامِؕ وَحَيۡثُ مَا كُنۡتُمۡ فَوَلُّوۡا وُجُوۡهَكُمۡ شَطۡرَهٗ ؕ وَاِنَّ الَّذِيۡنَ اُوۡتُوا الۡكِتٰبَ لَيَـعۡلَمُوۡنَ اَنَّهُ الۡحَـقُّ مِنۡ رَّبِّهِمۡؕ وَمَا اللّٰهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا يَعۡمَلُوۡنَ  ﴿2:144﴾

(2:144) We see you oft turning your face towards the sky; now We are turning you to the direction that will satisfy you. Turn your face towards the Holy Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it in Prayer.146

Those who have been granted the Scripture certainly know that this (injunction to change the direction of Prayer) is right and is from their Lord. Allah is not heedless of what they do.

146. This is the injunction concerning the change in the direction of Prayer and was revealed in Rajab or Sha'ban. 2 A.H. According to a Tradition in the Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd, the Prophet was at the house of Bishr b. Bara'b. Ma'rur where he had been invited to a meal. When the time of zuhr prayer came, the Prophet rose to lead it. He had completed two rak'ahs and was in the third when this verse was suddenly revealed. Soon after the revelation of this verse everybody, following the leadership of the Prophet, turned the direction of Prayer away from Jerusalem to the Ka'bah. A public proclamation of the new order was then made throughout Madina and in the suburbs. Bara' b. 'Azib says that at one place the announcement was heard by people while they were in the state of ruku' (kneeling). On bearing this order they immediately turned their faces towards the Ka'bah. Anas b. Malik says that the news of the announcement reached Banu Salamah the next day while the morning Prayer was in progress. People had completed one rak'ah when they heard the announcement about the change of direction and the entire congregation immediately faced the new qiblah. (See Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat, vol. 1, pp. 241 f. - Ed.)

It ought to be noted that Jerusalem is to the north of Madina while the Ka'bah is to the south. In order to change direction during congregational Prayer it would have been necessary for the leader of the Prayer to walk several steps beyond what was originally the last row of worshippers. The people in the congregation, too, would have been forced not only to make a right about-turn but also to walk a little to straighten their rows. We find specific mention of this in certain Traditions.

The words, 'We see you oft turning your face to the heaven', and 'Now We are turning your face to the direction that shall satisfy you', show clearly that even before the revelation of this injunction the Prophet was expecting something of this nature. He had begun to feel, with the termination of the era of Israelite leadership, that the time had come for the central position of Jerusalem to cease and a return to the original centre of the Abrahamic mission to commence.

The 'Holy Mosque' refers to the sanctuary invested with holiness and sanctity; the sanctuary in the centre of which the Ka'bah is located.

To turn one's face in the direction of the Ka'bah does not mean that wherever a man might be he should turn to the Ka'bah with absolute accuracy. It would obviously be extremely difficult for everyone to comply with such an order. Hence the order is to turn one's face in the direction of the Ka'bah rather than to the Ka'bah itself. According to the Qur'an, we are required to find out the direction of the Ka'bah as accurately as possible. We are not required, however, to locate it with absolute precision. We may pray in the direction which appears correct as a result of our enquiry. However, if a man is either at a place where it is difficult to determine the direction of the Ka'bah or if he is in a position where it is difficult to maintain the correct direction (e.g. when travelling on a train, a boat, or an aeroplane), he may pray in the direction which seems correct, or in whatever direction it is possible for him to face. If he then comes to know the correct direction while he is in the state of Prayer he should turn his face in that direction.








strong baby girl


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Post time 5-11-2018 12:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mmg byk slh faham bab kiblat.

Dulu2 waktu awal zaman nabi tertua sebelum nabi Ibrahim ada kisah tapak kaabah mmg da pernah wujud sbg tapak pusat agama yg pertama. Lepas tu hancur sbb banjir besar.

Then nabi Ibrahim jumpa balik tapak tsebut dgn petunjuk n naikkan balik kaabah. N kebanyakan penganut agama pun join sekali mengadap kaabah sbg kiblat. Tanda persepakatan.

Lama lepas tu kiblat beralih ke Baitulmuqaddis. Ntah kenapa pun tak pasti. Mungkin ada sesuatu yg disembunyikan penganut. Nabi Muhammad pun mengadap ke Baitulmuqaddis dlm masa sama mhala ke kaabah sbg kiblat pd awalnya.


Di masa Nabi Muhammad, awalnya perintah shalat itu ke baitul Maqdis di Palestina. Namun Rasulullah saw berusaha untuk tetap shalat menghadap ke Ka’bah. Caranya adalah dengan mengambil posisi di sebelah selatan Ka’bah. Dengan mengahadap ke utara, maka selain menghadap Baitul Maqdis di Palestina, beliau juga tetap menghadap Ka’bah.

Namun ketika beliau dan para sahabat hijrah ke Madinah, maka menghadap ke dua tempat yang berlawanan arah menjadi mustahil. Dan Rasulullah saw sering menengadahkan wajahnya ke langit berharap turunnya wahyu untuk menghadapkan shalat ke Ka’bah. Hingga turunlah ayat berikut :

Sungguh Kami melihat mukamu menengadah ke langit , maka sungguh Kami akan memalingkan kamu ke kiblat yang kamu sukai. Palingkanlah mukamu ke arah Masjidil Haram. Dan dimana saja kamu berada, palingkanlah mukamu ke arahnya. Dan sesungguhnya orang-orang yang diberi Al Kitab memang mengetahui, bahwa berpaling ke Masjidil Haram itu adalah benar dari Tuhannya; dan Allah sekali-kali tidak lengah dari apa yang mereka kerjakan. (QS. Al-Baqarah : 144)."

Itulah kisahnya. So terpulang masing2 nak percaya atau tak.
Dah kaji kenapa istimewa tapak kaabah selain dijadikan kiblat. Kenapa tapak kaabah sgt sakral/haram N magic? Jeng3


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 Author| Post time 5-11-2018 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 5-11-2018 02:14 PM
sam1528 replied at 5-11-2018 11:00 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... he he he he ... konfom dah KOTHER-MUCKER belajar Islam dari gereja

Aku dah mula ...

Samdol Kalau kau cerdik dan mempunyai tahap iq yang normal seperti kebanyakan manusia lain quraan 3:96 the first house of worship “making reference to the Kaaba” dan “blessed and guidance for the worlds” itu dengan sendirinya telah memberitahu manusia semayam menghalakan ke kabah dan seperti mana yang kita ketahui Kaaba itu adalah kiblat bagi orang islam. Tak perlu nak berdebat pages di thread ni dan thread sebelum in di board isu semasa.. seperti mana yang pernah saya bagi tau kamu ianya ber maksud arah kiblat.
Tetapi seriously saya bagi tau kamu adalah manusia yang paling bodoh pernah saya jumpa didalam forum, tetapi saya tidak terkejut pun kerana saya nampak lobai di forum ni 2x5 sahaja seperti kamu!

The first house of worship
Making reference to the Ka'bah, Allah Almighty, tells us in the Quran that it was (what means):“The first house (of worship) established for mankindwas that at Bakkah (Makkah) – blessed and a guidance for the worlds.”[Quran 3: 96]


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Post time 5-11-2018 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 5-11-2018 07:29 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 5-11-2018 11:32 AM
Samdol Kalau lah kau cerdik sikit dan mempunyai iq tahap remaja berusia 18 tahun baru best sikit u ...

Baaaahwahwahwa ... FOTHER-MUCKER yg amat2 kureng fasih english

Pusing2 aje kat isu yg ko dah kantoi , ko tak mampu bawak apa2 yg baru selain dari argumen yg dah kantoi

Jawapan aku sama aje ... sila rujuk balik ke post#52

Nak lagi? Boleh ... tak ada apa2 problem : Definisi guidance
  • 1 Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority.
    ‘he looked to his father for inspiration and guidance’

2 The directing of the motion or position of something, especially an aircraft, spacecraft, or missile.
as modifier ‘a laser guidance system’

Hmm ... #2 tak boleh pakai in context pasal solat ni bukan aircraft atau spacecraft atau missle atau us being a projectile

He he he he ... FOTHER-MUCKER kena lagi ... apa yg ko dok klaim ye

Oops ... pada pengamatan ko yg teramat amat kurang fasih english ; 'guidance = direction facing'

Cuba tambi teka : boleh tak kita paham yg guidance / advice = bimbingan / petunjuk

Lagi sekali aku ada backup dari dictionary .... ko hanya bermodal ayak liuk tanpa apa2 support

Oops ... ni lagi best ... ikut pengamatan ko yg teramat amat kureng fasih english yg mati2 klaim 'guidance = arah mengadap'

Pada Quran 2:144 (rujukkan ko jugak tau) ; kita kena solat dongak kelangit & dada pon menghala ke langit lah
Quran 2: 144. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.

Ikut pengamatan FOTHER-MUCKER , cara ko solat adalah macam ni :

Cuba jelaskan sikit - macamana ko rukuk & sujud kalo muka & dada mengadap langit?

Senang aje tampar ko kiri kanan ... ko betul2 kena belasah pasal teramat amat kureng fasih english

Kah kah kah .... kesian FOTHER-MUCKER .... bukan tau malu pulak tu ... biasak lah geng liberal

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