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Author: per706

A Walk Thru My Friendship Memory Lane....

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Post time 26-4-2020 09:18 PM | Show all posts
per706 replied at 26-4-2020 11:39 AM
Ooo not depression...ok la...betul la tu...penat sgt agaknya..betullaa, mak2 ni nak x nk kena kuat u ...

kalau nak diikutkan i ni lagi boleh depressed , tapi i xnakla so dengan baca masalah mana mana yang mampu ..indirectly help kita utk think positive no matter what.

Kawan i tu dah kenal sejak sekolah form1. sampai dah masing masing ada rambut putih still memasing masih sibuk nak color rambut ni ha...all am saying we had our time good and bad so bila susah sikit terus kata life is unfair so tu i marahla. Tuhan xkan duga kita to the extend yg kita xleh handle so hangin there.

MCO ni ikutkan i suppose stress sbb ada dua rumah kena bayar and cars and ayah mak and i lagi single mum. Business sambilan pun mcm krik krik je tahun ni...but i decide to accept it as it is. I still can eat rice and still boleh order grab food. My son is healthy and first time puasa in his life so its a great thing. I get to know u here, i encounter some stories yang tak betul and i get to see some true colors in people so its a good thing. Life will never be the same as what we expected like what to be a , b or c exactly as what we potray...but one thing for sure Tuhan tu maha adil ..if we remember him and be kind no matter what. Yeah no one if perfect but bila kita terkucil kita adjust la balik and again life ni is a journey so trial and error will continue until la kita mati.

heheheh yeah so now i cuma nak ingat benda yg happy like having coffee dgn girlfrens and chat topik bangang pasal baju ke apa apa lah..and hopefully one day a time will come where we mothers ni will have our time to just do what we like. Meantime hangin there and sabar.


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 Author| Post time 26-4-2020 11:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by per706 at 27-4-2020 01:41 AM
adila39 replied at 26-4-2020 09:18 PM
kalau nak diikutkan i ni lagi boleh depressed , tapi i xnakla so dengan baca masalah mana mana yan ...

"Problems was meant for the strongest one, congratulation cuz u r the chosen one" - here is my quote for you to light up ur day..

Sorry to hear that u r a single parent, praying that Allah will ease everything for u, cuz i thought u live a normal complete family structure, father,mother n son/daughter...but i can sense that u r a tough women. Its good for u dear..

Mcam me i think the opposite way, people tend to c me as a tough cuz i choose to show them tough. But only No.1 got 2 c the fragile side of me.just like you, she is going thru a lot..his mom was a divorcee, but since i get to know her, seems to me, she hold the burden taking care of the is not that her mom disfunctional but dia memang dibesar kan utk pikul amanah since the young age. i c her act like ketua keluarga pon ye.Mungkin sbb tu dia nmpak always in control.

Me plak when im with her i let my guard down. Put away the tough mask that i always wear in front of others..just like you she is my other shoulder, the only one that i trusted the most..thats y i ckp, u mesti the most important person dlm hidup kwan u too, cuz she turn to you when she is down.

Sometimes my friend to ada jugak open up to me that she is tired, i yg tgok pon dpt rsa pnat tu..but she is definitely a caregiver just like you i guess. We've been thru a lot jugak together. Mcam u ckp, setiap dari kita akan ada msalah, it is how we handle it.wiselynor we just keep on complaining without doing nothing.

I supposed to have a follow up with hosp, depression, but i choose not to go..i know its not good tapi tu la, sush nk angkot tiga2  ank ni nk jumpa therapist dkat hosp seremban tu..for me tambah stress lgi ada. No 1. bsing jugak..but she know me..kalau i kata hitam then hitam..sometimes she check on me once in a while..

Sma mcam kwan u tu, i pernah slah kan life i, kenapa mcam tu, kenapa x mcam ni..sbb i da pnat sgt..dulu im at top of the game, now im just a broken warrior.msalah i xde la bsar sgt, maybe just like no. 1 said, mungkin i jnis x sesuai utk face keadaan yg i lalui kebelakngan ni..sbb i jenis easily triggered, i cepat kalut n stress n dont know how to calm mmy self down at this moment..

N yes definitely we have the dream 'to conquer' the world bila da tua nanti..lepak sma2.. u know,reminiscing ol the memories we have back then..mcam no. 1 she is planing to do kerja amal,.joining unicef, or any ngo, to help others n me, i just want to spent my life with my husband at some remote area, beli tnah buat rumah just having a peacefull live with my husband..but we definitely going to conquer the world first together...insyaAllah....



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Post time 27-4-2020 08:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 27-4-2020 12:33 PM
per706 replied at 26-4-2020 03:19 PM
"Problems was meant for the strongest one, congratulation cuz u r the chosen one" - here is my q ...

Salam Per, eh nothing to be sory about... its all in our mind. So im still blessed. Ada anak sihat, family and friends so Alhamdulillah.

Aha, i rasa your friend is like me. Nevertheless im sure kita semua ada masa akan rasa ups and down.

I doakan u will find ur strenght and able to face semua hiccups ni. Yes be with those yg sentiasa optimistic. Haaa.. i nak tulis banyak tapi I rasa berdoa dan improve diri kita sebaik boleh is the only best way.

I and even kawan kawan2 pun mcm2 perangai tapi i rasa doa la yg terbaik. So, u selagi u masih boleh relax and focus on ur dreams tu.. im sure semua akan ok.

My friend tu, dah dua hari tak text I. I pray her life will be good always. Utk kita semualah..

Nanti kita share those good memories pulak la..

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2020 05:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 27-4-2020 08:32 PM
Salam Per, eh nothing to be sory about... its all in our mind. So im still blessed. Ada anak sih ...

I hope she is doing fine..da able to keep herself together la tu kot...

Yes true...the power of doa, after da berusaha sebaiknya kan..

Ok..time for good memories lak....hihihii

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Post time 28-4-2020 11:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
per706 replied at 27-4-2020 09:44 PM
I hope she is doing fine..da able to keep herself together la tu kot...

Yes true...the power of ...

Yes she will.

Hahaha i teringat our silly moment... masa baru habis spm. Dia baru dapat license. I belum.  Jenuh ambil datang rumah just untuk keluar malam.. that is our first night out as a fully grown-up la konon. Keluar pakai long pants... then nak pegi disco la konon... change outfit to a skirt dalam kereta. Hahahah... I was like what the..... and tetiba rasa cis!!! aku pakai jeans minah ni skirt pendek. Balik rumah kena pelangkong. And it was not a memorable experience.

Then, during intern I xpenahla makan kat hotel.. masa tu Istana hotel. Order.. okay looking at the menu..heck i dont know any of it so just make a wild guess.. dapatla kebab yg cucuk2 tu... haa punyalah nak table manners guna sudu garpu sampai terpelanting daging tu. Until now we dont know where its end up, the meat.

Banyak lagi our crazy little thing we did. hahaah nanti sambung... share urs @per706

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2020 01:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-4-2020 11:09 AM
Yes she will.

Hahaha i teringat our silly moment... masa baru habis spm. Dia baru dapat license ...

Kitorang nk p disco tu x pndai..mungkin sbb budak kg kot...huhuhu..tpi time dok uma sewa ngan dia(no 1) dlu, kitorang rajin merewang malm..kdg jalan xde arah tjuan pon.sekadar lepak2 kat petrol pump yg ada tempat mkn2,borak2 kosong..kitorang pon jenis sma.. suka merayap tambah kalau stress, drive je mna tergrak smbil luah ketensionan hari tersebut..

I remember ade shari tu. Dia p klas, i dok rumah that time i keje, dia smbung master..then suddenly dgr org bukk kunci pintu tergesa2, n i was lyke. Siapa? Lepas tu p la kat pintu masok tu. Nmpak dia tgah cuak2, i intai kat luar umah,"ada org kejr ko ke?" Dia kta tak..tpi mmg i tgok tgn dia cam menggigil sket..siap ckp "aku tkot weh! Takot"

I tnya nape.then dia cite. Dia nk blik klas tdi ade roadblock,mmg area uma kitorang tu kerap ade..kwan i ni p class naek moto.n the best part is dia xde lesen moto.sbb dia pernah xcident ngan sepupu..xcident kt uma je..then trus parent dia x bgi bwak moto da..kira bwak ni curik2 la...

So tgah otw tu, dia punya cuak, smpi toreh pon xde drah..perot da sakit cuak, dada da berdebar, kepala da berpeloh nk pk camna nk get thru the rblock...then dpt idea..dia trun moto tu, buat2 sakit smbil tekan2 perot n tolak moto...kwan i ni petit je..kira kalau naek moto kena tenjet sket bru jejak tanah..hahaha..

Bley byg x dia p tolk moto kris tu lebih kurang 100m jugak..kriss kan berat..dia da la kecik.tolak la smpi rblock tu,smbil buat tekan perot, sakit sgt la konon tu..hahahhaa.
pastu pakcik polis tu tnya " hah, ko ni kenapa pulak ni,tekan2 perut ni."
Dia jawab " tak cik sya ni sebenarnya sakit period cik" siap terbongkok2 lgi..pdahal bru je abes ngan aku seminggu sudah n bukn jenis ada senggugut.
Aku punya bantai gelak la, smpi guling p uma jiran la ibaratnya.. haremmmm betul.

I rsa memang lakonan dia thap A la, sbb dia lepas..n x pasti la dia menggigil tu sebb betul cuak ke atau feeling dpt award pelakon terbaik sbb dpt goreng pak cik polis tu..hahahahaha hanat tul!

Mmm lagi satu memory jln kaki dri aeon bukit raja ke uitm shah alam..itu mmg gila punya kerja..p naek taxi,kitorang berlima. Mula taxi x nk amek..sbb lima kan..patot pat org je bley naik..tpi sbb sian kot.dia bgi laa.then ok.

Time nk balik tu, nasib x baik. Satu taxi pon x nak amek kitorang sbb 5 org. Then disebab kan semangat setia kwan yg tggi...aitttcehhhh! Sume dcide..kita jalan kaki je laaa, dekat katanyehhhhh...bukn apa..nk naek taxi smpai dua bazir babe, beli mkn..huhuhuhu..

so da dcide gitu,5  ekor budak yg x bapa nk betul tu pon memulakan perjalanan, eh bukan PENGEMBARAAN! jalan punya jalan..jaoh hawauuuuuu.naek kenderaan mmg la rsa dekat hanattt...huwaaaaa,
siap benti hentian ok.refill tekk.nasib ade vendor machine.kalu x mmg syahid da ktorang tgh jalan.msa benti tu bntai gelak, jaoh siakkk.

I pon da lupa bpa lma ktorang amek msa bru smpi hostel.yg pasti sume pass out.syahid kecil.hahahaha.penat gila wehhh.but it was the sweetest moment la that we had togther. N it will be the first thing that will crack us out when we meet each other..even borak thru phone pon.we will still reminiscing that moment ; D

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Post time 28-4-2020 02:43 PM | Show all posts
per706 replied at 28-4-2020 05:44 AM
Kitorang nk p disco tu x pndai..mungkin sbb budak kg kot...huhuhu..tpi time dok uma sewa ngan dia( ...

hahahah ......seronok baca yeahhh it reminds us our old days dulu!

Kami bukan kaki disco tu la kali pertama jejak, zaman dulu disco ni mcm ladys nite gitu since dia dapat lesen amek peluang la nak pegi sebulan jugak survey how nak pegi what to wear bagai.

Hahahahah awat la menapak jauh giler tu! bukit raja ke uitm tu...hahahah yeah setiakawan level x boleh deny tu. Sweet kan, we should cherish semua ni.  I miss my study time...belajar naik motor, dating, tido with open sky and lepak sampai pagi...and paling best main uno! hahahah entah pape dah tetua pun habis kelas balik dorm mesti main uno! terbahak bahak ketawa sbb ada kakak senior ni ...suka buat rules sendiri. And kami ni mmg layankan je..bukan main sgt uno tu tapi nak layan bangang masing masing. Sampai pagi main uno! like start 12 malam sampai ke subuh! at times sampai reject dating sbb nak balik main uno! hehehee

hmmm banyak lagi ...tapi yg paling i tak boleh lupa bila time sekolah kitaorg ni kena histeria. Satu block tu duk menjerit. I dengan kawan i ni decide untuk sama kena histeria konon nak tau how its feel like...esok naik takde suara...actually taktau la histeria betul ke apa ke ikut jerit je..sbb xnampak apa pun jerit je la...hahahah ..actually dgn yg ni mcm mcm kami explore..from school then bila masuk U and cuti semester mesti balik jumpa and lepak mc donald tu je la mampu masa tu. Nanti sambung..

Kan, at least u feel happy continue la share...nampaknya kita berdua je dlm ni heheheh

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2020 04:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by per706 at 28-4-2020 04:37 PM
adila39 replied at 28-4-2020 02:43 PM
hahahah ......seronok baca yeahhh it reminds us our old days dulu!

Kami bukan kaki disco tu la  ...

Kitorang pon bru2 kenal je mase tu..first week after orientation..tpi tu la,hasil dri nekad bodo tu la,kami ada pngalaman manis yg kekal smpi bila2...

Kat hostel i tu skali je la pernah dgr budak histeria..time exam..standard la kot time tgah stress n pressure kan...tpi tu la, ktanya lakonan semata...huhuhu. attention seeker..kwan I yg no 1 tu ada experience dia..nanti i share...

Uno tu yg maen tarik bongkah kayu kecik2 tu kan..ade gak men tu..memang best pon. Kalau tarik tu roboh, riuh sekampung.gile agaknya...hahahahaha

Hahaha prasan gak tu..kita 2 je ni.da mcam borak dlm wasap pon ye..thanx ye, luang msa lyan i merepek di thread sendu ni..huhuhuhu

Attention : sesapa ada tersinggah/terbaca thread ni, sudi2 la komen...share2 friendship moment korang...mna yg baik kita simpan jadi kenangan terindah dlm hidup kita...mna yg buruk kita amek jdi pengajaran...musim2 PKP ni mesti ada kenangan lama yg mengimbau, care to share waiting for ur experiences...come come..let us walk together in our friendship memory land..



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Post time 28-4-2020 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
per706 replied at 28-4-2020 08:32 AM
Kitorang pon bru2 kenal je mase tu..first week after orientation..tpi tu la,hasil dri nekad bodo ...

tu la... nnt i share tgh busy layan order hamper sat na

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Post time 30-4-2020 05:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 29-4-2020 09:41 PM
per706 replied at 28-4-2020 08:32 AM
Kitorang pon bru2 kenal je mase tu..first week after orientation..tpi tu la,hasil dri nekad bodo ...

eh bukan per, main game Uno kad tu... sayang i ni takde kampung... i suka life kampung... kalau raya ni kat kl je... hehehehe... klu dulu main belon aca, baling selipar etc.. teng teng kan.. klu zaman kanak kanak.

So what u had with ur friends mmg best and memories tu mmg kena simpan and share with ur kids one day... so depa taulah how adventures their mum ni.

Hmmm kawan I yg i tulis tu ni busy nak jual nasi lauk. I bagilah idea like nasi lauk budget tapi xnak.. nak jual nasi arab.. hmm ikutla..

Me and her actually kerap bertekak.. hahaha pun sbb we have different idea on how we see things. Tapi sebab dah kenal lama sangat.. gaduh tu akan tetap cari balik. I ingatlaa time remaja dulu... how we go places and sharing food and even clothes. Kami lama plan nak bercuti sampaila dan ada anak.. xdpt dpt... i hope soon.

C ya per...ngantuk dah.. nnt ble chat lagi.

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2020 01:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Halahhh,halahhh salah pintu lak...igt maen kayu bongkah kecik tu..i mmg asal kg..masa abah keje polis, kami stay di pahang for about 2+ years..tpi non of my schoolmate yg still rapat smpi skang..semua bwak haluan masing2..except for this one girl, dia mmg bff betul la...

Kakak dia clasmate kakak i, kitorang classmate of course n adik laki dia class mate ngan adik laki I..start buat haluan masing2 msa form 6.i dpt offer dip, i keluar dari Raub, to be precise..while she abeskan form 6 tu..ada la contact..but after abah da pencen..then fam i balik kg abah di segmat..trus lost contact..x lma lepas tu jumpa di FB semula..dia jdi polis di Bfields..kdg ada la i contact borak2, kdg minx legal advice..

Kira u dgn kwan u ni love hate relationship la gitu..hehehehe, xda cari, da ada gaduh..jenis gaduh x simpan dlm hati lma la dia da start niaga ke tu? Da survey market..betul la tu, nasi budget zaman2 PKP neh..kalau x jaln pon x byk sgt rugi..tpi kalau dia msak sedap ok la kot nasi beriani...huhuhu...

I nk merancang bercuti u xdelaa, tmbah skang da ade anak vacation pon byk yg spontaneous je..merancang mmg la x jadi..biasa ckp, kemas trus grak...huhuhuhu..

Byw thanks Adila tlg hilite thread ni.. ;D

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Post time 30-4-2020 03:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
per706 replied at 30-4-2020 05:31 AM
Halahhh,halahhh salah pintu lak...igt maen kayu bongkah kecik tu..i mmg asal kg..masa abah keje poli ...

Its good la kita ada kawan yg lama kita kenal so paling tak boleh lihat life kita from muda ke tua. Actually i ramai kawan yg masih in touch cuma xlah hari2.. via fb ke or sesekali call. Yang rajin call selalu merekalah... I ni sejak azali mmg jadi a listener.

Kawan yg masak tu.. i dah kenal sgt dah so ckp lepas je la. Tp kelakar dia selalu merajuk sbb I jarang wassap dia.. hehhehe. Husband dia Lebanese so life dia lainla.. nak masak lauk arab ni ingredients mahal. Tak taula jadi ke tak nak buat tu. I just encourage je la.

Ye la, planning ni kdg x jadi pun kena spontaneous je kan... but ok je berangan. Buka apa per? mak i masak rendang.. kira i ni dah naik lemak... duduk dgn mak.. mak je manjang masak.. Nanti i cerita pasal kawan i lari dari rumah and i kena cover dia.. hahaha..

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2020 08:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 30-4-2020 03:51 PM
Its good la kita ada kawan yg lama kita kenal so paling tak boleh lihat life kita from muda ke tua ...

Amboi! Awal raya tu..hahaha, ayam masak merah je, sayur, kuih byk gak husband beli..air dua jenis..brg byk da abes..sok husband cuti dia kuar beli utk top up..dok uma asek msak je..blnja beli brg dapo pon rsa lebih dri biasa...huhuhu...mna x moq kan, lepas mkn, mkn..nasib la pose..kontrol la sket..

Oo kawen ngan lebanese..betulla..mhal kalau nk buat masakan arab..sbb byk rencah, byk spices kena guna kan...xpe laaa, nt you folo up laaa..'babe amacam?' hihihi..doakan dari sebalik phone je laaa ;D

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Post time 5-5-2020 11:12 PM | Show all posts
hi uols ..

seronoknya bila dapat share the memory lane .. ada suka, ada duka ..

yeahh .. hidup ni penuh dengan cabaran .. tp, kita kena tabah hadapi segalanya ..

masing-masing ada script sendiri dlm kehidupan ..

p/s : rindu .. lama x masuk porem .. huhu

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2020 12:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
selendangmerah replied at 5-5-2020 11:12 PM
hi uols ..

seronoknya bila dapat share the memory lane .. ada suka, ada duka ..

Yup, exactly aite..semua tu bakal jadi sejarah hidup kita..setiap baik buruk kenangan tu sedikit sebnyak yg membentuk kita pda hari ni..

Setiap pengalaman akan mendewasakan kita..thanks selendang merah for commenting.welcome to my thread...nanti ada msa share ur story ya ; )

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Post time 26-5-2020 10:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Selamat Hari Raya to u and Family!

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Post time 26-5-2020 10:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
to everyone!

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 Author| Post time 26-5-2020 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 26-5-2020 10:49 AM

Selamat Hari Raya to u and Family!

Selamat Hari Raya ;) camno raya adila39..semoga bahagia hendaknya disamping keluarga tersayang..

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Post time 27-5-2020 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
per706 replied at 26-5-2020 11:30 PM
Selamat Hari Raya ;) camno raya adila39..semoga bahagia hendaknya disamping keluarga tersayang..

surprisingly raya tahun ni meriah.. sbb adik2 ramai duk dekat2 je.. makan, sesi photo, tgk movie and makan.. pastu cerita hantu mak masa kecik2... heheheh tu je la.... makan and makan...

hows urs? mesti seronok kan..

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2020 02:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 27-5-2020 12:06 AM
surprisingly raya tahun ni meriah.. sbb adik2 ramai duk dekat2 je.. makan, sesi photo, tgk movie a ...

Just us je..berlima...nk p uma mak mentua di selangor..da sah2 x lepas sbb rentas negeri..patut turn parent i di segamat..mmg xde chance la..nsib ada yg bongsu stay kg..lega la sket.. igt nk ke rumah abg husband di pilah,tpi dgr cite byk roadblock cancel je la..ptg husbnd bwak round2 bandar..dok dlm kete je la...lama sgt la x kuar uma..igt i campur cuti skolah ade la dkat 3 bulan (T_T")...

Ni pon tdi jln2 lgi..nk beli mc d,gile pjg drive thru smpai main road..last kfc je laaa..n beli cool blog..sian kat my best friend no 1 tu..her mum passed away this year..kira ni rya first without her mum...tpi x dpt balik kg di gemas utk lwat kubur...nmpak dia up status kenangn menjelang rya semsa mama nya masih must be hard for her but she needs to keep being strong for her brother...adik lelaki dia sedih jugak..and she try to comfort him.
.ptg raya adik dia p kubur jap n buat bdeo call dgn my friend..hope this will end asap,so that she can go back to her kg...

Positive side, i da tau buat rendang..hehehehe,sma2 buat ngan my husband..first trial ni..jadi tau..Alhamdulillah...sedap like a pro msak....hahahha,puji dri sndri..da rendang daging, husband buat rendang ayam pulekkkk,ngada kan..lepas ni x layan la.kari kurma sume ni,sbb da pndai merendang...huhuhuhu..esok pon husband da start keje...u still wfh ke?

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