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Author: adila39


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Post time 27-8-2020 11:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 27-8-2020 11:46 PM
british shorthair tuuu bulu x sepah ler

Tu la, kucing yg sgt kemas, mcam dtrim plak bulu tu,kalau pndai jga nmpak mcam baldu kan...tpi tu le,mahal bebenooo,nk beli mmg kena nekad laaaa..kt ig Ada org jual kucing tak..

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2020 11:51 PM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 27-8-2020 11:33 PM
Ingin mengucapkan terima kasih buat kak @adila39 atas pemberian
Ini pemberian kedua kak dila to me, ...

Astagaaaa..nampak tunjukkk..malu je...alaaa small kim akan work harder and healthy mind. Mekasih for the doaaaa kim.... hope u like it.


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Post time 27-8-2020 11:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 27-8-2020 11:48 PM

Hihihii.. Bila dah jumpa.. Nak sekeh dia. Besaa ni. Lambat sangat cari sy.. Hahaha

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2020 11:52 PM | Show all posts
per706 replied at 27-8-2020 11:50 PM
Tu la, kucing yg sgt kemas, mcam dtrim plak bulu tu,kalau pndai jga nmpak mcam baldu kan...tpi tu  ...

Idakknya laaa nak beli memahal..amek stray cats je laaa pastu grooming..i dah tetua baru berani...bfr this mak je...tapi kena rajinlaaa

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2020 11:53 PM | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 27-8-2020 11:36 PM
didoakan semoga Sarah bertemu pasangan yg menyayangi, membahagiakan sampai syurga.. Aamiin


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Post time 27-8-2020 11:54 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 27-8-2020 10:45 PM
Dok teringat mesin basuh lipat tu.. Hahahahaaha..

Haah leh suruh niece order...dia hantu order online smp kurier & posmen semua kenal

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Post time 27-8-2020 11:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 27-8-2020 11:52 PM
Idakknya laaa nak beli memahal..amek stray cats je laaa pastu grooming..i dah tetua baru berani... ...

Tu la,kena Ada duit sekelepuk jtuh dri langit ok la kot...hahahaha..pernah tnya suami,nk bela kucing boleh tak..dia kta ok je..tpi dia x nk tlg part nk kemas2 najis bgi mkn etc tu..huhuhu,pastu kena dok liar uma dlm sngkar...kalu dok luar baik bela anjing.. hahahahaha,terkesima laki hakaq dgn statement tu..hehehehehe

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Post time 27-8-2020 11:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 27-8-2020 11:54 PM
Haah  leh suruh niece order...dia hantu order online smp kurier & posmen semua kenal

Hahahaaha.. Ada gengg

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Post time 27-8-2020 11:59 PM | Show all posts

Tu lah...sebijik cam awak...rajin tol mengorder

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 27-8-2020 11:59 PM
Tu lah...sebijik cam awak...rajin tol mengorder

Rasa seronok pulak bila courier sampai.. Hahaha..

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:01 AM | Show all posts
per706 replied at 27-8-2020 11:46 PM
Sya org Johor, tpi mmg x boleh in dgn laksa Johor...huhuhuhu,cam x dpt trima kenyataan mee nya t ...

ooyeke..u xsuka spegeti ye? agak2 kalau tukar dgn mee kuning ok x? i xpernah la mkn dgn mee kuning or laksa.. sbb org jual guna spegeti kan.. but i mmg suka benda2 mcm laksa ni.. laksa penang, assam laksa, laksam, laksa terengganu.. ni ada member ofis bagi pes laksa siam.. tp i xtau msk mcmana.. nk kena cari resepi dulu..

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni la oyen yg kena curi...huk2..

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 27-8-2020 11:36 PM
Dok tengok juga.  Skrg lazada sibuk dgn merdeka sale

terbeli semalam fence utk cats... shoppee 79.90, lazada rm46 so terus beli... tu laaaa nak cariiiii apa ek... serum nak beli online takut x ori...sarah dah beli?

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 27-8-2020 11:34 PM
Amboi, gambar yg last tu, mintak ape tueee

mintak penampar @ipes2 adeke alas kaki dia kata... bulu kucing heheheh

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 12:03 AM
terbeli semalam fence utk cats... shoppee 79.90, lazada rm46 so terus beli... tu laaaa nak cariiii ...

Hihu.. Belum.. Tengah dok fikir nak beli pixi ka nak beli eucerin..

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 28-8-2020 12:03 AM
Ni la oyen yg kena curi...huk2..

oh.. abis x jumpa dah?? terbaca.. kata kucing jenis ni paling loyal and brave and protect owner... ye ke?

alaa harap oyen in good hands

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:06 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 27-8-2020 11:51 PM
Hihihii.. Bila dah jumpa.. Nak sekeh dia. Besaa ni. Lambat sangat cari sy.. Hahaha

mungkin ada je depan mata, atau mak dia jagakan dulu before handover pada org yg layak.. in shaa Allah.. bak kata prof muhaya, org posotive akan tarik aura positive..
sometimes kita ada je terjumpa org yg tepat tapi pada masa yg salah, ada pulak terjumpa org yg salah pada masa yg tepat.. so keypo doakan sarah jumpa org yg tepat pada masa yg tepat.. In shaa Allah so kita doakan je.. sampai masa yg tepat, xcepat x lambat.. akan dtg juga nanti..

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:08 AM | Show all posts

u too.. semoga dikelilingi org2 yg tersayang..

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 12:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 28-8-2020 12:05 AM
Hihu.. Belum.. Tengah dok fikir nak beli pixi ka nak beli eucerin..

kalau eucirin kat watson je ada. pixi ni sephora or online.. tapi careful.. check original ke x... tapi entah eh.. kot original.. sephora kdg ada jual yg sample kit.. so half price... but ikut sarah.. if muka jenis x problem innesfree pun bagus and affordable or the face. ikutla sarahla... janji cantik

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 12:05 AM
oh.. abis x jumpa dah?? terbaca.. kata kucing jenis ni paling loyal and brave and protect owner... ...

Betul kak dila.. Bila sy keluar.. Dia akan teman.. Sy pesan kat dia.. Kalau makcik datang.. Makcik kat luar...jaga makcik.. Takut ada ular.. Dia dengar kata tau.. Huhuhu..tu sedih..

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