who run out of material....?its you man...
where is the interet link to support your claim (verse from hindu holy book) that hindu limit to marry only one...mmm grumpy old man,suit you what....of course a thief never admit he is a thief..same like you,a grumpy old man!
evaded many issues?you're the one....
"simply follow a religion which you yourself do not understand but have to follow because your ancestors did it"
wahh..scary lah...very psycho one..no wonder lah,self acclaimed "mr know-all",the sentence self explainatory lah barney50....people who read your posting will know who do not understand one's religion..!
U never have an idol (human),neither u know your God's name is... ha ha ha ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
If I give you the link would it help you in any way? You are not going to change your mind set because you have a one track mind. So, it's people like you who are making claims that is baseless. Live with it as you wish buba |
u just dont have it....now your posting give answer who run out of material...barney50 under pressure........knowing you,you're worst...not only grumpy,may i added stubborn head as well.....
just give the link..full stop.that's it....that what we call discussion rite...I'm not forcing you to become muslim,neither you forcing me....
but,it just you,no matter how old is you,(57 is it?)...maybe u born to be like that..grumpy and stubborn....
and u still do not have the link rite....fullstop. |
Do you know what is SAPTAPADI in a Hindu marriage? Here is what it means one man one wife when both the bride and bridegroom take their vow in the marriage ceromony:
All solemn rites and ceremonies commence with the performance of Homa (sacred fire ceremony) among the followers of Vedic religion.
The SAPTAPADI is a marriage vow betwen both the bride and bridegroom going around agni [fire] taking the marrigae vows and this is what they would resite as they take each step:
Step 1:
Groom:"My beloved, our love became firm bywalking one step with me. You will offer me the food and be helpful in everyway. I will cherish you and provide for the welfare and happiness of you andour children.
Bride: "This is my humble submissionto you, my lord. You kindly gave me responsibility of the home, food and takingcharge of the finance. I promise you that I shall discharge allresponsibilities for the welfare of the family and children.
Step 2:
Groom: My beloved, you have now walked thesecond step with me. Fill my heart with strength and courage and together weshall protect the household and children.
Bride: My lord, in your grief, I shallfill your heart with strength, In your happiness, I shall rejoice. I promiseyou that I will please you always with sweet words and take care of the familyand children and you shall love me alone as your wife.
Step 3:
Groom: My beloved, now you have walkedthree steps with me. By virtue of this, our wealth and prosperity are bound togrow. I shall look upon all other women as my sisters. Together, we willeducate our children and may they live long.
Bride: My lord, I will love you withsingle minded devotion as my husband. I will treat all other men as mybrothers. My devotion to you is of a chaste wife and you are my joy. This is mycommitment and pledge to you.
Step 4:
Groom: My beloved, it is a great blessingthat you have walked four steps with me. You have brought auspiciousness andsacredness into my life. May we be blessed with obedient and noble children.May they be blessed with long life.
Bride: My lord, I will decorate you fromyour feet up with flowers, garlands and anoint you with sandal wood paste andfragrance. I will serve you and please you in every way.
Step 5:
Groom: My beloved, now that you havewalked the five steps with me, you have enriched my life. May God bless you.May our loved ones live long and share in our prosperity.
Bride: My lord, I share both in your joysand sorrows. Your love will make me trust and honor you. I will carry out yourwishes.
Step 6:
Groom: My beloved, you have filled myheart with happiness by walking six steps with me. May you fill my heart withgreat joy and peace from time to time.
Bride: My lord, in all acts ofrighteousness, in material prosperity and in every form of enjoyment and divineacts, I promise you that I shall participate and shall always be with you.
Step 7:
Groom: My beloved, as you walked the sevensteps with me, our Love and friendship became eternal. We experienced spiritualunion in God. Now you have become completely mine and I offer my life to you.Our marriage will be for ever.
Bride: My lord, as per the law of God andthe Holy scriptures [Vedas] I have become your spouse. Whatever promises wegave, we have spoken with pure mind. We will be truthful to each other in allthings. We will love each other for ever.
This is the promise that binds both the bride and bridegroom for life. When this marrige vows are broken by the husband or the wife a grave sin is committed and would pay the penance as per law of karma.
Step 1. Groom:
[ Last edited by barney50 at 1-3-2007 07:58 PM ] |
by karengkang
u see...
it's Hindu who downgrading God's power and capabilities...
not Muslim..
In what way? :stp: |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 1-3-2007 08:52 AM
by karengkang
u see...
it's Hindu who downgrading God's power and capabilities...
not Muslim..
In what way? :stp:
hello Sephiroth...
respond eastrun di bawah menjawab semua persoalan tu..
hakikatnya hanya ada satu Tuhan...
dan aku rasa maner2 penganut Hindu akan setuju dengan statement nih
Originally posted by eastrun at 26-2-2007 07:02 PM
Eleh..Barney...isn't you are the one who is downgrading the God?. .Each post you gave to me, you put in Allah is weak, Allah doesn;t know anything...and etc.And now in front other persons ... |
by karengkang
respond eastrun di bawah menjawab semua persoalan tu..
hakikatnya hanya ada satu Tuhan...
dan aku rasa maner2 penganut Hindu akan setuju dengan statement nih
Yeah, One God. That is agreeable.
But WHO said the one you are worshipping is the same as the One? Any fools can say that they worship God but in fact, they have no God.
Isn't Islam stated that what you worship is not what we worship and what we worship is not what you worship?
Isn't in Christianity that they said that their god is a dead god?
Who we worship is not the same with who you (allegadly) worship. That is fact. :no: |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 2-3-2007 08:17 AM
Yeah, One God. That is agreeable.
But WHO said the one you are worshipping is the same as the One? Any fools can say that they worship God but in fact, they have no God.
Isn't Islam stated that what you worship is not what we worship and what we worship is not what you worship?
Isn't in Christianity that they said that their god is a dead god?
ooopss...if that's your actual point
let me answer u in simple way...
from Muslim point of view..
Christian : Three God but One.. (God split/reincarnate/manifest)
Muslim believe that the One God is The Father...
Hindu : Many Gods/Goddess but One... (God split/reincarnate/manifest)
Muslim believe the One God is the one who has no name and form not some popular Gods e.g Devi, Krishna, Ganesh, Hanuman, Murugan, Ramachandra and Lakshmi
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[1] Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
[2] Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
[3] He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
[4] And there is none like unto Him.
Who we worship is not the same with who you (allegadly) worship. That is fact. :no:
i would agree with this...
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[1] Say: O ye that reject Faith!
[2] I worship not that which ye worship,
[3] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
[4] And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
[5] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
[6] To you be your Way, and to me mine.
[ Last edited by karengkang at 2-3-2007 06:22 PM ] |
This is your previous post
"The possession of many wives undermines a man's moral nature.
Hinduism. Srimad Bhagavatam 11.3 "
and my reply was
"I try to search for "Srimad Bhagavatam 11.3",this ifound on the net
But i can't find the verses u quote...Barney50,can u give the link for your verses above...the Srimad Bhagavatam 11.3"
First,u not answering the question,which I ask where is the internet link to your claim of The possession of many wives undermines a man's moral nature stated in Srimad Bhagavatam 11.3.
Second...it's only a SAPTAPADI, a marriage vow..not a verse from hindu holy book who limit to marry only one! so again u fail to quote me verses from your holy book,stated that Hindu is limited to marry one only ...i did'nt buy your argument by stated merely a marriage vow! another flaw in hinduisme i supposed! |
by karengkang
We don't give a damn what you believe. Your god (if exist) is NOT our God or vice versa.
Muslims have no place with Hindus/Buddhist (and maybe with Christians as well). They are taught that they ALONE supposed to inherit the World (as Khalifahs) and that all other beliefs are false. That is Islam.
Now, Non-Muslims MUST turn and face this false belief (called Islam). Islam has NO PLACE with Humanity, with God or on this Planet. :no: |
Originally posted by karengkang at 2-3-2007 06:11 PM
ooopss...if that's your actual point
let me answer u in simple way...
from Muslim point of view..
Christian : Three God but One.. (God split/reincarnate/manifest)
Muslim believe that t ...
Hmm..post cakap baik2 camni pun Seph nak emo..ape masalah die nie dengan Islam sebenarnya..teringin nak tau. ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 6-3-2007 06:39 PM
Hmm..post cakap baik2 camni pun Seph nak emo..ape masalah die nie dengan Islam sebenarnya..teringin nak tau.
Problem? Mana ada problem?
Saya rasa Islam adalah agama yg tak diperlukan dan Dunia patut buang agama karut ini. Itu pendapat saya. Kamu ada problem ke? :cak: |
by Seph
Problem? Mana ada problem?
Saya rasa Islam adalah agama yg tak diperlukan dan Dunia patut buang agama karut ini. Itu pendapat saya. Kamu ada problem ke?
Hmmm.... apa problemnya nih? |
dah surrender ke?takkan tak nak backup your clai kot..malulah missionary hindu kan... simle question...minta link kepada your quote je...bukan minta ang pow pun....
rasanya ada wire yg short circuit in your brain tuh...better pegi check. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Originally posted by salam03 at 7-3-2007 06:58 PM
dah surrender ke?takkan tak nak backup your clai kot..malulah missionary hindu kan... simle question...minta link kepada your quote je...bukan minta ang pow pun....
rasa ...
Ketawalah sekarang. Masa menangis akan datang kemudian. Masa itu, kami pula akan mengetawakan kamu dan agama karut kamu itu. ;) |
Reply #55 Sephiroth's post
To Sephiroth, i'm a newbie here. Sorry to say, but u r the most racist person i've ever heard in this forum. I as a Muslim, never say what u just say to other religion. The word Islam mean Peace, understand it. I won't be intimidate by you. |
aku akan ketawa sampai nampak anak tekak ku....har har har see u here after! |
Originally posted by NIXAR at 17-3-2007 12:30 PM
To Sephiroth, i'm a newbie here. Sorry to say, but u r the most racist person i've ever heard in this forum. I as a Muslim, never say what u just say to other religion. The word Islam mean Peace, ...
Janganlah kamu berpura2 baik. :no:
Adakah kamu telah menjadi buta semasa kerajaan kamu merobohkan sekolah2 Tamil?
Adakah kamu telah menjadi buta semasa kerajaan kamu merobohkan kuil2 orang Hindu?
Adakah kamu telah menjadi buta semasa kerajaan kamu buang nama2 tokoh sejarah kaum lain semata2 kerana nak cium buntut kaum kamu yg pemalas dan tak nak berusaha utk maju?
Adakah kamu telah menjadi buta semasa orang2 Islam di Selatan Thailand menyerang dan menbunuh Sami2 Buddha yg tidak bersenjata atau bermusuhan dgn kamu?
Kalau kamu nak hidup sbg orang yg buta dan pekak, lantah kamulah. Tetapi jangan kamu datang ke sini dan menuduh kami pula yg rascist. :agr:
[ Last edited by Sephiroth at 19-3-2007 08:32 AM ] |
now we know sephiroth is a Hindu extremist! |
Originally posted by salam03 at 19-3-2007 10:16 PM
now we know sephiroth is a Hindu extremist!
When Muslims invade other countries - it's spreading Islamic (crap)
When Muslims kills other people - including harmless Buddhist monks - it is freedom fighting.
But when we kick your stupid a$$, we are extremists. Stupid parasites. :agr: |
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