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Author: leogal_1428

Mencari POSITIF bagi sesuatu yang NEGATIF

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Post time 21-1-2008 01:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 20-1-2008 10:25 PM
EFT is based on tapping certain points on our bodies to affect changesin our emotion. Seems crazy, isn't it? But many people vouch for theireffectiveness.

apsal crazy lak? kalau betul ianya dapat membantu mengubah status emosi - y not?
EFT pun kira dah diiktiraf sebagai versi upgrade tapi simple bagi TFT
- under psikotherapeutik (psychotherapeutic) kalau xsilap.. rasanya la kot?
tapi camne pun, ada yg masih pertikaikan EFT ni & memasukkannya dalam
kategori pseudosains - sbb lack of falsifiability, hanya terbukti melalui 'cakap2 orang' je,
& promosi yg agresif melalui internet (pasal buku, course, website, promotion, etc)

asas pada teknik/terapi ni - mcm yg agul cakap - juz tap pd certain points
yg dipengaruhi oleh 'emosi negatif' yg disebabkan oleh 'gangguan' dalam badan gak
eh betul ke ni.. lemme think.. bila kita berhadapan dgn sesuatu yg negatif & kita
dapat rasakan emosi yg negatif, sistem 'tenaga' badan kita akan terganggu pada
point/bahagian tertentu.. teori asas tekni EFT ni - lebih kurang macam aura, qi..
& point/bahagian pada badan tu actully point2 dalam acupuncture/acupressure..

EFT ni dipercayai boleh meringankan/melegakan keadaan fizikal & psikilogi seseorang
macam depression, anxiety, stress, post-traumatic, addiction, phobia, panic, tension, etc..
boleh cuba usha sini utk tahu dgn lebih lanjut -
tapi.. peringatan - jangan suka2 cuba nak tap2.. takut kang jadi lain lak..

p/s : train terlajak lagi agul!!! adehhhh~


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Post time 21-1-2008 09:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #41 naden's post

I agree, EFT is not crazy.

Cuma orang anggap benda tu macam crazy... sebab tak boleh terangkan...

Macam mana pun ramai yang kata ianya berkesan dalam kehidupan mereka.

So, they have use it, it works, what else is needed? Coonfirmation from those who never take it for checking?

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Post time 22-1-2008 02:03 AM | Show all posts
To be in the company of drunken  tramps snoozing in the city park is better then  with nobleman holed up in the Chateaus of fear.

[ Last edited by  thamrong at 22-1-2008 02:09 AM ]

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Post time 29-1-2008 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 18-1-2008 06:43 PM

exactly...and we have a choice,  either negatif or positive one

the problem is a PLOM..(poor little old me), when we have this sindrom...we love to choose the negative one

camne kita nak tau pilihan tu positif atau negatif?
sedangkan sumthing yg positif bg kita, belum tentu positif bg orang lain,
belum tentu sesuai utk diapply dlm satu2 situasi & resultnya akan positif juga?
(camtu jugak sebaliknya - bila kita anggap sesuatu itu negatif & memilihnya)

kita xleh predict the future.. nak jangka kesan/akibat drpd satu2 perbuatan pun susah
so camne ek? kalau memilih apa yg terbaik bg kita (xkira positif atau negatif) pun,
belum tentu itz okay bagi orang lain.. & yg penting sekali - izzit okay pada kita sendiri?

thinks : hidup utk memilih, memilih utk hidup & hidup dgn pilihan itu.. susahnya..

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Post time 30-1-2008 05:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naden at 29-1-2008 10:18 PM

camne kita nak tau pilihan tu positif atau negatif?
sedangkan sumthing yg positif bg kita, belum tentu positif bg orang lain,
belum tentu sesuai utk diapply dlm satu2 situasi & resultnya ak ...

I read somewhere that everything is perfect as it is, right now. It's an evolution, a movement and anything that happens is perfect at this time.

Question is, can we believe this? I can pay lip service, know it intellectually but can I believe(or爇now) that this is true at  core level?

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Post time 30-1-2008 09:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #44 naden's post

satu yg i baca bebaru nie..."tips utk kegagalan"..bagus artikel nie

satu tip utk GAGAL bila kita mengembirakan hati org lain tapi tidak mengembirakan tuhan...

apa2 saja yg kita buat utk mengembirakan tuhan akan mengembirakan orang lain secara lansung atau tidak lansung...

jadi dlm konteks nie, kita berhak memilih apa2 saja yg beri kesan positif pd kita dgn keredhaan dan hukum tuhan...w/pun ianya memberi kesan negatif pd org lain...selagi ianya positif pd TUHAN, secara lansung atau tidak ianya akan memberi kesan pd org lain....

err..paham tak

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Post time 30-1-2008 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #46 my-alja's post

Then what about people of different religion? Or the same religion with different understandings?

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Post time 30-1-2008 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 30-1-2008 09:55 PM
Then what about people of different religion? Or the same religion with different understandings?

errr...i think every GOD no matter what the colour is, may ask something gud for the human least this what i believe

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Post time 30-1-2008 11:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #48 my-alja's post

generally, it's true... but religion are different. For example in ritualistic sense, so one follower of certain religion might not like an act of worship of certain other religion.

Sometime they tolerate it, sometime they don't.

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Post time 31-1-2008 07:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #46 my-alja's post

susah la kalau nak menggembirakan orang - sbb orang xkan pernah puas
orang akan sentiasa berkata & memperkatakan sesuatu baginya yg tampak kureng
eventho benda tu xkureng pun sebenarnya.. juz nak cari pasal.. or maybe..
maybe ada antara sifat manusia tu sendiri yg suka berkata2 & memperkatakan..
mempertikaikan, menilai & menghukum.. sedangkan kadang2 tu memang langsung
tak berkaitan dengan dirinya atau hidupnya.. langsung takde kaitan & memang
takkan menjejaskan pun hidup dia.. tapi tetap nak cakap jugak.. pelik huh?

melakukan sesuatu yg positif "yg dapat menggembirakan Tuhan"
akan dapat menggembirakan orang lain? hmmmm.. maybe.. 50-50..

kita sendiri of coz akan rasa happy bila dapat buat baik dgn niat baik.. true?
TAPInya.. bila kita buat baik wlpun dgn niat baik - xsemua orang pandang begitu..
contoh : kalau kita derma.. kita ikhlas.. kerana Tuhan & kerana hambaNya
tapi akan ada orang yg berkata & memperkatakan tentangnya juga (dibelakang)
"saje nak menunjuk" ? ataupun mempertikaikan punca duit/pemberian kita tu..
perkara ni ada actually.. memang ada..

neway.. memang la sangat susah nak happykan/puaskan hati orang lain
sbb manusia memang xpernah puas.. xkan pernah puas (jika tidak redha & syukur)

kita akan gembira bila kita menggembirakan orang lain,
tapi tak semua akan bergembira atas kegembiraan kita..



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Post time 31-1-2008 08:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #49 Agul's post glass of water, is to ease ur thirst

but how u may drink it, it's up to you....nak tambah sirap or sunquick
tapi tujuannya utk mengurangkan dahaga...

so the water(god)....sirap(ritual)....

[ Last edited by  my-alja at 31-1-2008 08:24 PM ]

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Post time 31-1-2008 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naden at 31-1-2008 07:11 AM
contoh : kalau kita derma.. kita ikhlas.. kerana Tuhan & kerana hambaNya
tapi akan ada orang yg berkata & memperkatakan tentangnya juga (dibelakang)
"saje nak menunjuk" ? ataupun mempertikaikan punca duit/pemberian kita tu..
perkara ni ada actually.. memang ada..


kalo kita buat demi tuhan, apa perlu kita dengar org nak kata apa .....

kita derma ikhlas , tgn kanan memberi - tangan kiri pun tak tahu, jika tgn kiri pun tak sedar tgn kanan menderma...cemana org lain boleh tahu.......

yg jadi masalahnya kekadang, org menderma dan dia nak org tahu.....bila feedback tu tak sebagaimana yg dia inginkan, tu yg dia kecewa....jadi kita buat sesuatu utk dapat feedback yg baik, jika takde....kita kecewa, jadi disini isunya kita nak please god or human

so like u said before, it's not easy to please human even ur own flesh n blood



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Post time 2-2-2008 08:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 31-1-2008 09:37 AM
so like u said before, it's not easy to please human even ur own flesh n blood

yeah.. kalau kita dah xde flesh & blood (a.k.a MATI) lagi sekalipun,
mungkin tetap akan ada yg xpuas hati gak..
still nak berkata2 & memperkatakan..

apa nak buat.. sesuatu yg positif senang2 je leh jadi negatif..
yg negatif lak punya la susah nak jadi positif.. sigh~
ehh.. ni pun dikira pemikiran yg negatif ke? haha.. hahaha..


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Post time 2-2-2008 09:04 AM | Show all posts
it is not a matter of yang positive tu senang2 nak jadi negative or yang negative lak susah nya nak jadi positive; aku rasa it is more to perception ...

bukannya setiap tindak tanduk kita yang kita pandang positive -- mesti definite positive  or vice versa...  pada kita yang buat tu -yeah  positive ...... pada orang lain yang buat benda yang sama  nope - it's negative

jadi - unless it can be changed.... so jika ada perkara negative yang kita pandang or rasa dan memang tetap akan negative juga - let it be...  tekan lebih dengan perkara positive dan cara nak baiki lagi perkara2 positive tersebut..

tu pendapat aku sikit tentang ni... aku pun ada banyak perkara lagi nak belajar...



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Post time 2-2-2008 03:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 leogal_1428's post

Baru ternampak thread ini.................

At first I would think that positivity in any negativity just means the lessons one gets/learns from any bad incident.  Having read leogal's post, I get a different notion or message........................more of justification, just plain acceptance.....and nothing more. For that you do not need to do anything even when the message is loud and clear that something isn't right.

For example:

1. utk suami/isteri yg tidur berdengkur di waktu malam,
krn beliau tidur disisi kita bukan dengan orang lain.

Snoring may be a medical issue and it may cause sleeplessness to the wife. So what happens if she needs to go to work  in the morning?

2. utk anak/adik perempuan kita yg mengomel apabila mencuci pinggan,
krn itu bermakna dia berada di rumah, bukan di jalanan berpeleseran.

The girl has an attitude problem. You should quickly nip it in the bud rather than condone her behaviour.

3. utk cukai pendapatan yg kita kena bayar,
krn itu bermakna kita masih mempunyai pekerjaan.

This is everyone's duty. The important think is to plan expenditure and ensure sufficient fund to meet the obligation.

4. utk pakaian kita yang dah tak muat,
krn itu bermakna kita cukup makan.

What reason!! If you are really over weight, plan to control yourself!

5. utk lantai yg perlu dimop, tingkap yg perlu dilap dan rumah yg perlu
dikemas , krn itu bermakna kita mempunyai tempat tinggal.

No! I just love a clean home.

6. utk bunyi bising jiran虏,
krn itu bermakna kita masih lagi boleh mendengar.

Report to the police if it's too much. It'll stop.

7. utk timbunan pakaian yg perlu dicuci/digosok
krn itu bermakna kita ada pakaian untuk dipakai.

Plan your washing then! Get other members of the family to chip in on running the machine (nowadays most ppl are using one), hanging out & picking the clothes and so on and so forth. Don't take it all on your shoulders.

8. utk keletihan/kesakitan otot selepas seharian bekerja,
krn itu bermakna kita masih berupaya utk kerja kuat.

Means you are not fit so you need to exercise more.

9. utk tempat letak kereta yg jauh drpd lif,
krn itu bermakna kita masih berupaya utk berjalan.

Just take it as a walking exercise...........otherwise come early next time.

10.utk jam loceng yg berdering pd waktu pagi,
krn itu bermakna kita masih hidup untuk meneruskan hari tersebut...

You set it up kan? So what's the fuss?


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Post time 3-2-2008 06:14 AM | Show all posts


the next question would be to distinguish just " the plain" acceptance" and being complacent about something? Is it good or bad ? again grey area?  Personally i think human should be an active participant/ the affector to his/her  surrounding / human has the ability to affect the ambience but then ..just being a passive person would lead us nowhere.ntahlah.. what do you reckon?

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Post time 3-2-2008 01:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #56 mbhcsf's post

I believe a few others like amazed and yourself do feel the same about  this plain acceptance thing......consolation of the heart as put earlier on which to my mind is ok if you need to handle stress immediately. Just that to me it is not deemed as something positive. Simply put, something positive ought to be leading towards improvement....progress.............i.e. towards doing something that can change the outcome next time around. Otherwise we are just condoning the situation.

For example:

How would thinking that at least the daughter is home change her attitude the next time she faces her chores?
How would thinking that at least hubby is in your bed change his snoring habit?

I feel such line of thought is wanting. It has nothing to do with being greatful (bersyukur). The choice is still in our hands kan?

So is it good or bad? A foregone conclusion really.

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 3-2-2008 06:06 PM ]



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Post time 3-2-2008 04:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #56 mbhcsf's post

I think people are confused between all this apathy, acceptance and peace.

In apathy, you want it. but you think you cant. It's helpless, and you stop. it's no use.

In powerful acceptance or peace. You are sure that you can get it. If you want.Whenever you want. In a heartbeat. You believe this to the core. You may or may not want that things. But if you want it. There's nothing stopping you.



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Post time 3-2-2008 05:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #57 hamizao's post

this is a very satisfactory explanation,thus far. I like this.

Agul, probably in my case, the apathy explanation would fit best.kan? But hack life goes on...

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Post time 3-2-2008 06:04 PM | Show all posts
tapi bagaimana pula derita dalam bahagia>?

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