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Author: dauswq

New anime: Fall 2008 Toradora

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Post time 13-1-2010 08:22 PM | Show all posts
38# outLAw

Yup, lebih kurang mcm tu la. si Taiga ni loli type. klu da 165cm, tak layak da dipanggil loli.

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Post time 13-1-2010 08:23 PM | Show all posts
39# MetalFire

165 tu da kira average lelaki kat mesia ni kot. tinggi ko berapa cm? ko bandingkan la.

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Post time 13-1-2010 11:40 PM | Show all posts
dah abis lum anime nih?
sumer baper apisode

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Post time 14-1-2010 02:50 AM | Show all posts
tu laa pasal da dekat dekat tinggi aku da tu.tu yg aku pelik tu..

JC:anime da abih da pon.da setaun da kot..abis mac 09.tak silap aku ade 25 episod..

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Post time 14-1-2010 02:51 AM | Show all posts
tu laa pasal da dekat dekat tinggi aku da tu.tu yg aku pelik tu..

JC:anime da abih da pon.da setaun da kot..abis mac 09.tak silap aku ade 25 episod..

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2010 10:45 AM | Show all posts
43# JUSTcircle

JC..tgak arr
ko kn minat korea....fefeling abis

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Post time 14-1-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts
@MF and Daus
kompom best ni?
aku minat korean muzik jerk. drama certain2 jerk..
k, nanti aku download k?
caps mana? caps? korg nih letaklah caps skit.. biar ramai teruja nak tengok nanti.. kasi umah nih berinformasi skit...

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Post time 14-1-2010 12:52 PM | Show all posts
caps tu mender

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2010 01:02 PM | Show all posts
48# MetalFire

capture pic dr video anime koo tgk tu

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Post time 14-1-2010 01:42 PM | Show all posts
oww.kalo aku nak kasik caps kene tunggu minggu depan la.berukband  tgh shilake nih.dok capped...ape kate ko tepek dulu daus

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2010 01:48 PM | Show all posts
oww.kalo aku nak kasik caps kene tunggu minggu depan la.berukband  tgh shilake nih.dok capped...ape kate ko tepek dulu daus
MetalFire Post at 14-1-2010 13:42

anime tu ak tak bwk snih arr...dh lame tengok(mksdnye dh simpan kt umaah)

sape2 baru abis tgk tepek la snih

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Post time 15-1-2010 12:59 AM | Show all posts
caps tuh ko snap la scene2 yg ada dalam anime tuh..
kasi SR2 leh nengok gak watak2 nih nyer scene.. kot2 ko rajin buat la gif ker..
heheh!1 aku kalo aku layan.. kompom aku caps kan scene yg aku suker cam aku buat kat umah bleach ngan yamanade tuh..

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Post time 15-1-2010 01:07 AM | Show all posts
anime tu ak tak bwk snih arr...dh lame tengok(mksdnye dh simpan kt umaah)

sape2 baru abis tgk tepek la snih
dauswq Post at 14-1-2010 01:48 PM

kot kalo ko jumper mana2 info.. x per la.. letak je la dlu.. make sure creditla..

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Review: Toradora! (85%)                               


Animation: 85%
Acting: 90%
Music/Sound: 80%
Story: 88%
Overall: 85%

Toradora is the standard-setter anime about high school shounen romance. It does for high school love what Kare Kano does for adolescence in general and Honey and Clover did for post-adolescence–and that well-defined scope is both its strength and its ultimate limitation.

Perhaps the most revolutionary thing that this show accomplished issimple: it allowed its characters to grow up. The entire cast begins asone would expect out of a formula shounen, otaku-oriented romance: shy,nice kids who are afraid to express their real feelings and who contortthemselves into knots in order to avoid doing so. Most shows neverallow their characters to progress much further than this, because itis part of the escapist charm for the probably older male audience ittargets: for those who are still shy and struggling emotionally, it’s acomfort to see that awkwardness on screen. At most, a better show like True Tears will allow the main leads to change over time, while the side characters remain neglected.
Toradora! manages the feat of essentially having its cakeand eating it too. It’s the reason why initial episodes seemedunremarkable to those versed in this genre of anime; the characterswere easily pegged into standard archetypes like “tsundere,” “airhead,”“nice guy,” etc; it was sufficient to reel in audiences who like thatsort of thing, but perhaps no more. Yet by the mid-point of the fallseason it was apparent that these were only surface characterizations.As in all good stories, there is more than meets the eye to these groupof characters, particularly when they revealed their vulnerabilities toeach other and to the viewer. This was rarely done in a way that feltcontrived (save for a few rushed moments near the end). Rather, momentslike the famous dialogues at the villa or the multiple physicalconfrontations grew out of characters behaving like themselves in themidst of the circumstances.

And those moments served as more than just emotional catharsis forthe viewer, hungering to hear them finally speak truth to one another. They actually changed the characters.Sometimes the change came slowly, as in Ryuuji’s halting, awkwardencounters with Minori that finally evolved into normal interaction;sometimes they came with abrupt force, as in Taiga’s willingness toaccept that she and Ryuuji belonged together. The Ryuuji and Taiga ofthe beginning and end of the show are recognizably themselves, and yetmuch more mature, and it can be explained by everything that happenedin between. That’s why Taiga’s “typical tsundere” reaction at the veryend to Ryuuji’s confession does not strike me as being regressive or a“reset” ending. Behind it is an entire history of knowing each otherwell and being themselves. It’s a true closing of the circle, and withthe repeat of the first lines of the show, the writers knew it.
Perhaps most startling of all is the final episode’s resoundingaffirmation of family ties. Here I think the charges of abrupt pacingare somewhat justified; Taiga and Ryuuji move from wanting to elope andhaving harsh words with their mothers to speaking in very mature termsabout what marriage really involves: the public blessing of theirfamilies and friends. A vow. And, almost breathtakingly for anime, anunderstanding that they might not even be ready for that at their age,and that to run away from their families was not going to give themreal happiness in the end. This, realized in the space of 10 minutesand in the shadow of one of the most compellingly and realisticallyawkward teenage kisses in anime romance, is quite frankly too much torealize so soon.

Yet, thematically, it just works. Especially when paired withYasuko’s own history of abandonment and the consequences of a teenagefling: the importance of family is most stark when its past is full ofbrokenness. What Taiga and Ryuuji did was to break that cycle, whichwould have continued had they gone through with their elopement. It iswhy her departure to live with her mother makes so much sense, even ifit was paced abruptly.
In the end what we have is a portrait of the intertwining offriendship and family. Earlier I commented on how the characters werebeginning to realize that friendship was at best an incompletesubstitute for it, and what the ending begins to hint at is how the twokinds of relationships can overlap and evolve into each other. Theclass picture to Taiga, at once hilarious and touching, is a greatportrait of an entire community standing behind one of their own;Yasuko’s comment that she, Ryuuji, and Taiga were a family of three isa literal statement of present and future.

All this, while peppered with wonderful uses of visual metaphor andsymbol: the single star, the Christmas decoration, aliens/ghosts, theimages of a tiger and a dragon. Is there anything this show cannot do?Well, yes.




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 Author| Post time 15-1-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Romance and Life
I think Author had it right, ultimately, that while this show is a stellar–perhaps thestellar–example of the high school romance genre in anime, with plentyof inroads into friendship and family–that’s where it remains. This iswhy, though it bats in the same league, Toradora! is ultimately not the equal of a Karekano or especially a Honey and Clover.Considering that those two are, in my judgment, the finest and mostgenuine portrayals of the stages of life they represent in anime,that’s no shame. There are even moments, like when Taiga is beingcarried on Ryuuji’s shoulders, when Toradora! comes close to matching the poignance and power of those shows.

To begin with, Honey and Clover is still unequaled in itsuse of music, both insert songs and general soundtrack. Music shouldnot be discounted in its importance for setting the tenor andmemorability of a show. Especially when paired with insightful lyrics,the insert songs shed light on the characters as much as they filledthe aural background. Most of the soundtrack of Toradora! wasforgettable. The OP and EDs were better (especially lyrically), thoughnothing has yet to match the brilliance of the two best H&C EDs by Suneohair in capturing the mood of the show. Considering that the director of H&C II is in charge here, though, he gave a valiant effort to come close, and the effort was worthy.
Most importantly, however, there is the sense that what H&C and Karekanohad going for them was their scope. Both were not just about love; theywere about life, period. That is why those shows gave me, at least,that veritable chill of frequent recognition, something that Iprimarily felt in Toradora! in the context of emotionally awkward romantic scenarios. Toradora!constantly elicited more sympathy than empathy from me, with thenotable exception of Minori’s guilt-driven self-sacrificial behavior.

Even as I write this I hesitate, though, to call this a weakness.One could make a very fair argument that much of the substance of life is love, friendship, and family, and Toradora’s laser-like focus on those aspects is merely the correct choice of its staff to do what it does best. Toradora!is still to be commended for expanding the normal romantic hijinks toinclude friendship and family, for all the reasons I listed above.Ultimately, this is probably a purely subjective judgment that preventsme from calling this the equal of my two favorite shoujo/josei stories.It might be my age, or my interests; just like for Author, ascompelling as the characterization and writing was, high school romancefeels more distant and unrelatable to me now than it once did.

Which leads me to wonder about the uses of entertainment/art ingeneral. For me the highest end of anime–or film, or TV–engage both thehead and heart, speaking in a fundamentally truthful way aboutparticular parts of life they represent. Good storytelling andcharacterization are crucial for that, because if either the charactersdo not seem like people or the ideas seem glib or false, I cannotactively engage the work. I suppose for this blogger, at least, activeengagement can be judged by the length of reviews , and as such Toradora!is a roaring success, a top 10 anime for sure. It’s just not quite atop 5…but rankings are only so important. What matters is that Ienjoyed the entire journey from beginning to end, and got more out ofit than mindless pleasure.
This was, in the end, a show whose popularity was deserved. How utterly refreshing.
Anime Diet Daily Recommended Allowances
Animation/Quality: 85%–Veryattractive character designs and vibrant colors made the show apleasure to watch. Some evocative shot choices, paired with H&Cstyle voiceovers, mark this as the work of JC Staff’s finest working ontheir strengths. Some deterioration of animation quality becomesapparent near the end, as motions become herky-jerky and characterdesigns become somewhat contorted.
Acting: 90%–The twoleads hit it out of the ballpark with warm, emotionally rich andnuanced performances. Junji Majima’s monologues as Ryuuji were nearlyand sometimes as good as Takemoto’s in H&C and weredelivered with the same gravity and feeling. Rie Kugimiya gives what isprobably the performance of a career, going far beyond her typecast asa “tsundere” into territory almost never seen for that character type.Major props, too, for Eri Kitamura as Ami, whose character wasconsistently fascinating and complex, and whose mysterious andwide-ranging vocalizations reflect that. Horie Yui as Minori wasfrequently hilarious and also moving, though Minori’s character was notquite as varied as some of the others and thus her voice performanceoften fell into two distinct “modes” (genki and melancholy) and littlemore.
Music/Sound: 80%–Thereare a few memorable, emotional tracks that often accompanied the show’scathartic climaxes, particularly a track called “Startup.” Heard duringthe final race in episode 13 and the climactic battle between Taiga andSumire, it was probably the emotional high point of the soundtracks.The ED songs often captured the sense of the show very well in itslyrics, though musically, they tended toward forgettability. Theappropriate-but-strained analogy about oranges in the second ED isstill no “Waltz” by Suneohair.
Story: 88%: See thewhole review! A genuine, nuanced tale about friendship, love andfamily, pretty much unrivaled by its contemporaries, and only bested bythe best of the best.
Overall: 85%–afar above average outing that will leave a genuine mark in the heart.If I were to introduce someone to the genre of anime romance, told fromthe male perspective, this would be my first pick.

  Credit to Blog of Koeta

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2010 10:30 AM | Show all posts
ak rase review blog ni dh cukup :C

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Post time 15-1-2010 08:23 PM | Show all posts
nanti aku dah layan aku capskan aper2 yg patut.. hehehe€!!

aku suker dapat tacang dari MF ngan clue nih.. hehehe!!

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Post time 15-1-2010 09:27 PM | Show all posts
JC mmg khenn

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Post time 15-1-2010 09:29 PM | Show all posts
btw,congrats daus da jadi mod.dengarnye jadik mod kat bod siti lagi tuh

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2010 10:54 PM | Show all posts
btw,congrats daus da jadi mod.dengarnye jadik mod kat bod siti lagi tuh
MetalFire Post at 15-1-2010 21:29

amboi...smpi bw news kt sni lagi

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