cam ner nak convince parents? pls pls help...
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wow..makcik mengamuk...mengamuk...
tak kosser aku nak cr pasal ngn ko...ko kan selalu citer pasal lelaki semua syok kat kolah...
ko selalu gunakan lelaki lah...nak pergi overseas lah..
abes apasal ko tak gunakan lelaki nak rawat ko tuh...
dan apasal mak bapak discriminasi ko mcm tuh sekali...kalo betol ko sakit...ko takleh ke suh dokter buktikan ko sakit...pastuh suh bgtau kat mak bapak ko..takkan lah dokter pun dieorg tak percaya....
pity demona...![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
Balas #42 Jesse_Mccartney\ catat
ye ke?npe plak dah serang sumer organ ke?![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
Originally posted by pressor at 22-5-2009 16:18 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
wow..makcik mengamuk...mengamuk...
tak kosser aku nak cr pasal ngn ko...ko kan selalu citer pasal lelaki semua syok kat kolah...
ko selalu gunakan lelaki lah...nak pergi overseas lah..
a ...
it's true..
actually laki yg overseas tu yg omputeh tu...dier sebenarnya cam...
self employ...tak byk duit...tapi dier ada brilliant brain...
then laki2 yg syok ngan aku tu..
memang ader yg syok..ngan aku...
then...aku cam minta tolong..
they ask for sex in return...
so...i just can't do that...
cam ner nak buktikan kat doktor...
that's why aku perlu buat biopsy..and fullscreen autoimmune scan.. |
Originally posted by mizsela at 22-5-2009 15:45 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
dah nangis2 lom?depan your parents...bukan nk wat doarang susah hati tp u have to show yang u btul2 sakit n nk buat test....
haritue adelah ternangis sikit depan my parents...then dorang cepat2 ...
the old nangis2 trick..
dah...it doesn't work on them..
dorg just ejek2..then laugh at me..
ko wat sampai alternative medicine..
tapi bukan ko dah kene diagnose masa tu?
aku lom kene diagnose...lagi...
tu problem dier...
klu aku kene proper diagnose..aku rasa...baru parents aku nyesal..
tapi parents aku tak ignorant sangat..
aku tengok...bapa aku kadang2 act2..cam happy...cam org in denial..
aku rasa dier cam tau...something wrong with me...
kadang2 cam aku terlampau lemah...
but they just don't know how to handle it..
so he compensate..cam..for example..
aku minta beli supplement omega 3 and EPO kat dier..dier beli..
yg lain cam habbatus sauda beli dari auntie aku...guna duit aku..
[ Last edited by makcikmengamok at 22-5-2009 17:52 ] |
Balas #45 makcikmengamok\ catat
oh ye ke............my parents x nk aku bergantung gak medicine hospital je..
aku rase kau cek klinik bese dulu............
hospital biasa okay tp lambt sikit......x mahal sgt kot under rm150..blood n urine tau.cek tau....x tau kt miri harga tue cmne..
if anything wrong mtak doc to refer memane hospital...kalau dapt surat tue senang sikit yaakinkan parents..
HOPE x de paperlah...doa yang terbaik je...insyaALLAh |
Balas #47 makcikmengamok\ catat
cmtue kau bgtau doc mtak dia refer kt hospital pakar ..........based on your symptoms... |
Balas #44 makcikmengamok\ catat
setau aku...poliklinik kat umah aku niha...ckp je nak test apa...bgtau jer kat dia nanti dia buat....
but then kalo tak cukup equipment dan takleh buat kat poliklinik....mintak jer die transfer ke hospital besar....aku bayar singgit jer....
tkkan lah truk benor hospital kat MIRI.....bukan ke MIRI nih bandar besar...
lusa aku nak tnye boss aku..btol ker hospital kat sana truk giler.... |
X yah konvince. Anda bawak keta, langgar lari bapa anda. Duit insuran tu guna utk buat perubatan anda ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Originally posted by mizsela at 22-5-2009 15:54 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
okay...haah doctor pkar...sbb doctor biase refer i kt klinik nefro n sle...same klinik nephro n sle tue
amik tissue kt buah pinggang,tdo 2 malam kt hospital untuk buat test tue..
soklan untuk SLE plak...sle nie pon ade kaitan ngan aku dOc tanye jugalah..
ulcer ade ke?kerap ke?
ade merah kt muka ke?merah bentuk butterfly..?
ade sakit sendi x?
ulcer mulut ni..kat bahagian mulut jerk ka? klu kat gusi..kat blkg tekak..dinding dlm pipi ni dier inflamme...but controlled by herbs yg aku makan...utk produce saliva...cam tu ker ulcer..i mean condition ulcer sblm aku amik herbs
kulit muka aku...dier cam...klu aku garu..aku..scratch pieces of my skin....so tak sempat tengok whether dier merah bentuk butterfly....sebab aku cepat. control lepas aku makan herbs..and supplement..but still happening..but...sikit2 jerk keguguran skin berlaku...
sendi2 tu...sblm aku amik herbs tu...aku nyer sendi cam takder bendalir..uncomfortable..cam org tua..pahtuh sakit2..
everything that happens to me cam keguguran rambut2....aku cepat2 improvised ...cari resources to stop it...
aku stop keguguran rambut aku...cam ni...ader supplement soya powder sebenarnya sepatutnya ditake orally..
tapi aku buat dier jadi paste then tepek kat scalp aku...malah lepas aku pakai tu...rambut aku makin lebat and tebal...
so aku tak nampak sign2...cam ordinary autoimmune disease person..yg botak tu..
sebab everything kene control....kecuali muka aku...dier tak selicin cam dulu...sebab pieces of my skin...dier cam..makin hari...cam makin....gugur. ..sikit2..gatal... |
Originally posted by mizsela at 22-5-2009 18:00 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
cmtue kau bgtau doc mtak dia refer kt hospital pakar ..........based on your symptoms...
oh i see thanx..
tapi aku tak nak pi kat poliklinik tu lagi...
sebab dorg menganiaya patients...and buatkan aku traumatized..
sebab aku terlalu lemah nak melawan...balik.. |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 22-5-2009 17:30 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
it's true..
actually laki yg overseas tu yg omputeh tu...dier sebenarnya cam...
self employ...tak byk duit...tapi dier ada brilliant brain...
then laki2 yg syok ngan aku tu..
memang ade ...
ko tulis surat atau email atau tepon Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak...
ngadu pasal hospital kat Miri tu tak nak wat check... |
Originally posted by mclaren at 23-5-2009 00:20
tapi your parents memang confirmed ada duit? tu pasal you are hoping that they would bring you for some diagnosis?
yeah...parents aku der duit..aku bukan dari keluarga miskin...
i was also in denial...
i tot that my parents care about me...in my head...i keep putting ideas in my head saying...
if they help me...that means...that...they care about me...
cam parents anak2 org lain yg dah berumo pun..dorg still support bawa pi jumpa specialist sana sini....especially masa sakit...
one day...aku nyer computer bilik rosak...so takder aper yg distract aku..
that computer is like a drug...buat aku lupakan reality..and the pain..
i sat alone in my room...my body was in pain...takde dah computer nak distract aku..
tetiba....lam otak aku bermain2..tanya2..soalan..
bila lagi ko nak tunggu...they will never help you...look at them...laughing at you..
mocking you....trying to justify and rationalizing for you..they're 50...you're 20...what's wrong with you...are you going to let your life to get by you...
so dari situ..lama2..makin hari...
aku start...accepting it...that my parents they gave up on me...
lam otak aku....cakap..i'm just lying to myself...to think that they care..
so it was a wake up call...
so aku start pakai laptop bapa aku..
and then panicking ngan emosi terganggu...and buka2 thread kat forum..
cos...aku nak dengar opinion org...on how to deal with it..when you're really2 stuck..
no energy...no money...no support system....
[ Last edited by makcikmengamok at 23-5-2009 00:54 ] |
Originally posted by pengecatbintang at 23-5-2009 00:28 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ko tulis surat atau email atau tepon Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak...
ngadu pasal hospital kat Miri tu tak nak wat check...
aku rasa...aku pernah dah...tahun2 dulu hanta email pasal tu..
tapi takder reply... |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 22-5-2009 09:36 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
cam ner nak convince parents bawa aku pi check up..
first of all..
i lied telling to you all yg aku ader autoimmune disorder..
sebab aku sundri pun tak tau..and aku malas nak explain. ...
klinik ngan spital gomen...mane2 pon camtu...servis lembab kecuali kat ptrjy okla
bersyukur sbb mak ayah ko ni berduit...atleast ko leh convince kan kat mak ayah ko lagik...
jgn tanye kitorang...ko lebey kenal mak ayah ko n tau camne nak mintak duit dr diorang ok...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 23-5-2009 00:38 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yeah...parents aku der duit..aku bukan dari keluarga miskin...
i was also in denial...
i tot that my parents care about me...in my head...i keep putting ideas in my head saying...
if the ...
when i think about it..
aku betul2 stuck kat sini..
i'd steal some of my parent's money...sikit demi sikit cam Rm10..or RM5
then pay them back later...lepas aku dpt kerja...
pahtuh aku cakap..musim aku sakit dulu...aku ader curi sikit2..sebab aku desperate..and needed some treatment right away..or i'll die...and before energy aku wear off betul2..sampai aku tak terdaya angkat badan lagi....
so now i'm paying you back all the money that i stole from you.. |
Originally posted by mclaren at 22-5-2009 21:56
me tak baca all replies, except tuan rumah punya posting yang 1st. and i think my reply may be out of topic of this thread, but closely related to the thread opener.
makcik, if this is about y ...
yer ader...money problem...i have little of it..parents tak nak support..aku bukan anak manja...
sebab...kawan2 aku...aku hairan...dah tua2 pun...parents dorg maseh tolong...
obviously...it's becos i'm not a value to them...
aku fresh out graduate...masa tu aku sakit gak..tired..most of the time..
lepas aku graduate....alumni lain...cari keja...and jadi productive..
aku try to apply for a job...but couldn't walk for more than cam...20 steps something like that..
kat kolej pun...aku jalan cepat2..then dudok...cepat2 rest..the faster i go...the faster aku dpt cari tempat dudok and the longer i can rest...
if i wasn't sick after i graduate...it would have been different...
semua org cakap cam senang jerk...
get a job..then ko leh go buy the meds..that's what how my dads thinks...
i said to my dad...if i want to be productive..i need meds first...then i can be productive...
unlike you....back when you were my age..you were young....and healthy...you can get a job...you can walk more than 20 steps...becos awal2 ko dah ada kerja...duit simpanan.....right away ko leh dpt meds..and be productive..
cos you already have the resources...
sometimes...it makes me desperate...cam nak mencuri.. |
Originally posted by mizsela at 22-5-2009 15:45 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
dah nangis2 lom?depan your parents...bukan nk wat doarang susah hati tp u have to show yang u btul2 sakit n nk buat test....
haritue adelah ternangis sikit depan my parents...then dorang cepat2 ...
oh so ko suka alternative medicine...
aku bagi beberapa info yg aku tau...pasal mende ni...
japanese green tea...bagus utk org berdisorder...aku terbaca..
dorg saintis jepon test kat tikus yg ada tendency to have autoimmune..
ader 2 tikus...satu hidup...satu lagi..dier nyer mata dier kering then akhir sekali mati..
...jangan beli yg brand boh nyer...
beli jenis yg betul2 ori japanese green tea...
pahtuh....l-glutathione..with lipoic acid..
dier sejenis anti-oxidant...
bagus utk autoimmune gak...it also helps detoxifies your body...
side effect dier hanya wat kulit ko puteh melepak..
beli jenis 1000mg nyer...
jangan beli sbrg...sebab ader yg jenis palsu..
tapi salunya org beli ni utk puteh kan kulit...
tapi best kan...ader bonus..puteh kulit and good for your health..
habbatus sauda...high quality nyer bagus gak..
klu ko alami keguguran rambut...
aku nyer style cam ni...
ader brand soy protein supplement...brand Reliv Now...
it should be taken orally...but i advise you not too..sebab dier supplement dioxide...mengeringkan tekak ko..
takut makin terok ko nyer penyakit..
ko amik sikit benda tu..then campor air sikit...make it into a paste...then tepek kat scalp ko..
klu kulit ko gatal....ko basahkan tempat gatal tu..then amik benda tu lam bentuk kering..then buat jadi scrub kat tempat gatal tu..
take omega 3 brain and radang....and EPO..utk kewanitaan ko..and radang gak..
then...aper lagi...amik grape seed oil...50 times vitamin E and 20 times vitamin C..
hidup lam badan ko for 3 days..kuar melalui kencing..
bagus utk immune system..and circulation..
klu badan ko lemah nak exercise..
ko dok berkurung kat tempat panas...then minum air panas jerk..
sampai ko berpeloh2..so that segala mineral tu circulate all over your body..
[ Last edited by makcikmengamok at 23-5-2009 02:43 ] |
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