it's ok Along, tak payah nak amik ati komen2 tu.....hafiz's took it positively, so kita kena positive jugak!! afterall like what u said, citarasa masing2 berbeza kann.......
kakleen Post at 17-1-2010 00:14
kakleen.....kalo apiz fight fairly ok x.....tu yg aku sakit ati......
errkkkk......tgk la pilihan org.....mmg berlainan.....kalo aku aku cakap tomok, black & estrange.....bunckface ok je kat does that means? x der maknanya......citarasa ...
Along_XX Post at 17-1-2010 00:09
biarlah along...tu opinion masing2....klu dorang interview fans cikgu...the answers wd have been the opposite..
errkkkk......tgk la pilihan org.....mmg berlainan.....kalo aku aku cakap tomok, black & estrange.....bunckface ok je kat does that means? x der maknanya......citarasa ...
Along_XX Post at 17-1-2010 00:09
kannn Along.......menyerlah ker tak menyerlah ker...sesuatu yg subjektif bila bercerita ttg citarasa org nih....walaupun rambut sama hitam tapi hati lain2......tapi yg tak bleh blah biler Dtk Sri FR jd salah sorang juri.....amattts biasss...
errkkkk......tgk la pilihan org.....mmg berlainan.....kalo aku aku cakap tomok, black & estrange.....bunckface ok je kat does that means? x der maknanya......citarasa ...
Along_XX Post at 17-1-2010 00:09
harus semua retis tv3 bagus2 belaka....x de cacat cela.....yg lain semua krg menyerlah kunun nye
kannn Along.......menyerlah ker tak menyerlah ker...sesuatu yg subjektif bila bercerita ttg citarasa org nih....walaupun rambut sama hitam tapi hati lain2......tapi yg tak bleh blah biler Dtk Sri FR ...
watashidiva Post at 17-1-2010 00:19
sepatutnya mmg tak bole pun...sebab ada conflict of interest tu.... ko la sore black tu best ke?
delima Post at 17-1-2010 00:21
sore black tu pitching dia bagus.....tapi aku x suka tone sore dia....high pitch sgt for a man & keras sikit....lagi pun x unik....huhu sore can lan x-MUH tu.....
hmmmm... apish jawab balik orang kata tak menyerlah dengan mengatakan yg dia dah give the best + nobody perfect... tet!!!wrong answer!!! that is the best that u can give??? come on la....
sore black tu pitching dia bagus.....tapi aku x suka tone sore dia....high pitch sgt for a man & keras sikit....lagi pun x unik....huhu sore can lan x-MUH tu.....
Along_XX Post at 17-1-2010 00:24
ko sama la dgn aku....bingit telinga aku dengar bila die nyanyi...tapi org kat M'sia ni pelik sikit...bila penyanyi ada sore mcm tu mesti dianggap vokal yg best....walhal there r so many categories of vocal....its juz like when we compare ziana zain n sheila majid....different genre of music....its between pop n jazz kan...
hmmmm... apish jawab balik orang kata tak menyerlah dengan mengatakan yg dia dah give the best + nobody perfect... tet!!!wrong answer!!! that is the best that u can give??? come on la....
aYuGiLeR Post at 17-1-2010 00:26
ilmu retis hafiz lom penuh di dada...............jwpn tok slmtkan diri dr wartawan...
salam ayu......
hmmmm... apish jawab balik orang kata tak menyerlah dengan mengatakan yg dia dah give the best + nobody perfect... tet!!!wrong answer!!! that is the best that u can give??? come on la....
aYuGiLeR Post at 17-1-2010 00:26