haishhh selalu problem nak calling2 korg nih!!!
@ichi @wonto @inaniloquent
layankan poster japp..
Last edited by makdik2301 on 18-12-2014 08:45 AM
@ismaha appa jang ko ada r..jadik dr.jang...
nie tataw la cameo lama mana...
kot jadik mcm dlm cite yuchun tu...
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makdik2301 posted on 18-12-2014 08:27 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
giler ahhh best cite nie..episod 1 pon dh menarik wehh...
dan mcm biasa lakonan KIM RAEWON mmg heba ...
kannn makdikk...cess pon sukaaa....gilee lajuuuu dia nyee citee...
lakonannn mantapp tuuu dari hero ngn heroin...
pastuuuu semuaa pelakonn dlm tu sume tip top![](static/image/smiley/onion/thumb.gif)
2 ep ni mmg puas atiii laa...
mmg comeback terbaekk aa buat Kim Rae Won
cess posted on 18-12-2014 10:25 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
meluatt btol gaya LTJ nihh...huhu...
dia nie tataw la baik ke jahat...
tapi tengok gaya tu mcm jahat jer...
giler kuasa..sanggup guna cara jahat sbb nak nek pangkat..
junghwan lak kemain setia dgn dia...
jgn nnt dia tikam junghwan dr blkg sudah...
sbb yg byk tolong dia naik junghwan la...
“Punch” Actors Kim Rae Won and Jo Jae Hyun Make Ratings Promise to Broadcast in Their Underwear
Jo Jae Hyun and Kim Rae Won made a shocking ratings promise for their upcoming show “Punch.” On December 11, they were guests on the radio program “Cultwo Show,” where they shared that if their new show “Punch” reaches viewer ratings of 22 percent, they will come back as guests on the “Cultwo Show” wearing only their underwear.
It started out with Jo Jae Hyun talking about the low drama ratings this year. “These days, weekday dramas usually bring in 7-9 percent viewer ratings. That is why we’ll start off lightly with 11 percent ratings for our first episode.”
Imagining the possibility, Kim Rae Won said, “It would be nice if the first episode brought in ratings near 10 percent. Then the drama could finish at over 15 percent in ratings.”
Jo Jae Hyun responded by saying, “No, it has to come out to 22 percent by then. It’s about time for a drama to do that. That drama will be ‘Punch.’ If the viewer ratings exceed 22 percent, I will do a broadcast in just my underwear.”
Kim Rae Won appeared somewhat flustered but agreed to his co-star’s commitment, saying he would prepare for such an event.
“Punch” is a new drama from the writer of “The Chaser” and “Empire of Gold,” a legal thriller starring Kim Rae Won, Jo Jae Hyun, and Kim Ah Joong. It follows “Secret Door” and begins on December 15. harap rating tinggi la untuk cite best mcm nie...
sbb aku x sabar nak tengok KRW dgn underwearnya..
cc: @ismaha @inaniloquent @wonto @ichi
makdik2301 posted on 18-12-2014 10:35 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dia nie tataw la baik ke jahat...
tapi tengok gaya tu mcm jahat jer...
giler kuasa..sanggup guna ...
makdikk...cess risauu jee...leh kee bile dia dh sembuh kann..dia leh kee nk fight back utk doctor dia tuu![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
dia kann dok janji lps jee dia pulih kannn...sbb da tauu pangai dia tuu jenis degil nyee..
hero ni aku minat gak, tp rasanyer da tak sempat nk layan byk derama ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
cess posted on 18-12-2014 11:11 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
makdikk...cess risauu jee...leh kee bile dia dh sembuh kann..dia leh kee nk fight back utk doctor ...
tapi skg cess kita tggu je operation tu berjaya ke x...
takot operation tu gagal jer...
tapi mcm berjaya je kan...kalo dia mungkir janji x tolong doktor tu
mmg teruk la dia kena pasnie..dh la peguam jaejon ke apa nama tu pon dh aim junghwan
sbb rampas tempat dia skg..
tu la pasal..junghwan nie degil..mcm yg dia janji kat ex dia r..
alih2 dia mungkir janji kan...sian lak kat keluarga driver tu..
dh la masa tu dia dh selamat masuk dlm dewan bedah...
ex dia nak marah2 pon xboleh...huhu~
ayu dh baca review yg cess tulis...
ermm nampak menarik..boleh le tgk nti...
makdik2301 posted on 18-12-2014 11:24 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tapi skg cess kita tggu je operation tu berjaya ke x...
takot operation tu gagal jer...
tapi mcm ...
aha makdik...cess sian gilee kat kluarga driver tuu...x pepsl kann disalahkann...huhuh..
dia nye cara...mcm kena lepas kat bhgn dia dulu..huhu...
masa dia koma mesti aa dia nk ingat moment ngn ex wife dia..cess tak sabar lak nk tgk cite ni makdik...
cess posted on 18-12-2014 11:46 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ayu kena abes kan satu2 drama kan..
baru blk cuti nih..mesti byk yg miss
nnt ayu l ...
ayu rasa...ayu tgk kat tv je ler...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
tp klu berkesempatan...ayu tgk on9
cess posted on 18-12-2014 12:49 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
aha laa cite ni ganti secret door eh
ok jgk tu ayu
tgk le mana yg lebih senang...
tp kan klu tgk tv..tk leh nk fokus..sbb sure byk gangguan![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
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