Pendedahan harta 50juta:'Saya Bukan Bimbang Soal Bayar Cukai' -Datuk Siti #pg4
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buat la thread kekayaan retis malaysia mengikut rank kepada yg gigih2 google.. ac mizal scam tu masuk list jutawan tak.. |
Untung laa..dpt plak suami yg mmg pndai biznes..rezeki dia |
iols pun 
dewimalam78 replied at 17-2-2015 09:42 AM
Klu tgk dlm CI..mcm xbo percaya sgt list tu. Sb diorg compare nicol david dgn janda kata tu. Ntah la ...
Bo tu apa.. |
Top 5 Richest Women in Malaysia
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Since we've done an article on richest men in Malaysia, we decided it's time to put the ladies into the spotlight. Although, the more common of us still worry about the gender wage gap; there are some Malaysian women raking in the big bucks! Here are some of Malaysia's richest women.
To make this list just a wee bit fun; we've added the Birkin Bag-o-meter. Because we all know the carrying of just one Birkin shows one has arrived. So just how many can these super rich women afford with their fortune?
*Forbes reported that the price of year 2013 birkin bag costs $11,000 each (RM39,000).
1. Puan Seri Lee Kim Hua
Genting Highland – the casino resort and themepark is a haven where gamblers do exercise their 'hands' whilst families spend time at the theme park. We all know who the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is, and his Genting empire helped him on his way to the Forbes list making him one of the wealthiest men in Malaysia.
Since he passed on, he left his family his fortune. Thus, it's not surprising that his wife, Puan Seri Lim Kim Hua, became the wealthiest woman in Malaysia with a total net worth of RM21.32 billion!

Birkin Bag-o-meter: 546, 666
2. Michelle Yeoh
At the age of 52, the Malaysian actress has certainly came a long way from representing Malaysia in the Miss World Pageant in 1983 to earning herself nomination after nomination for her oustanding roles in James Bond's Tomorrow Never Dies; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the Memoirs of a Geisha. She was also named the greatest action heroine of all time by Rotten Tomatoes in 2008.
Did we mention that on top of being so enviously wealthy; she is also blessed by the Gods of Good Looks? She made the list of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the world. Her estimated net worth of $245 million in 2013. She may not be no Puan Seri Lim Kim Hua but that's a lot of dosh. And let's not forget her husband is equally minting it!
Birkin Bag-o-meter: 6,282

3. Siti Nurhaliza
At the age of 16, she was offered singing contracts from various recording companies but since then she's grown from pop-star to businesswoman, whilst still maintaining her wholesome image.
The multiple-platinum selling artist has garnered more than 200 local awards as well as international awards. In 2013, she has a networth of RM50 million and was named one of the millionaires in entertainment in South East Asia.
Birkin Bag-o-meter: 1282

4. Pauline Chai
Formerly known as Malaysia's Beauty Queen in 1969, Pauline Chai is admittedly more recognised as one expensive woman to marry/divorce (only the most expensive divorce settlement in the United Kingdom). She demanded half of her husband, Dr. Khoo Kay Peng's RM2.3 billion fortune. Dr Khoo is a business tycoon: owner of the popular Laura Ashley chain of stores.
Claiming she doesn't care about the tycoon's money; she declared that the amount sought was simply to cover her expenses which includes: first class flight tickets; living in a suite at 5-star resort; chaffuer and her RM2,444 month expenses at the salon; totalling RM463,700 a month.
The trial didn't go as she would have liked, unfortunately. Instead, she was granted a monthly payment of RM244,568 a month, plus full 'custody' of her 1,000 pairs of shoes at her RM156mil mansion in Hertfordshire. We're sure the 'poverty' is painful, Pauline but hang in there!
Birkin Bag-o-meter: 72 per year

5. Nicol Ann David
Nicknamed the Duracell Bunny, Nicol Ann David has made ranking number 1 in the World Open Squash Tournament look like an everyday walk in the park. Considered the top contender for the title “The Greatest Squash Player Of All Time,” we're going to guess that her paycheck is pretty impressive too.
Although, there are a few rumours regarding her net worth official word is rather mum on the subject of her wealth. Scouring what we could; she is said to have pocketed RM487,000 in 2009 from her winnings alone. In 2013, this number reportedly rose to RM600,000. Beyond winnings, she is also said to have earned RM800,000 in sponsorship monies. Taking only these totals in consideration; Ms David has a cool RM1.4 million.
Birkin Bag-o-meter: 35

And there you have it folks - some Malaysian women with some serious dough.
The list above isn't exhaustive and we've left out those who are rich by virtue of their husband's money. But if you think anyone deserves to be on but isn't - let us know and we'll add her in!
Artikel sampah sarap.......................KIHKIHKIH
NAT_11 posted on 17-2-2015 03:10 PM 
Artikel sampah sarap.......................KIHKIHKIH

gudjob tok t... proud of u..  |
copp... group DSG/fb tu group apa sis?
mana lah dpt statistik ni. jauh bena beza nicol david ngan tokti ni |
Edited by NAT_11 at 17-2-2015 03:40 PM
Memang sampah, kan eddy.................
Imagine, dia nilai asset Nicole Davis cuma 1.4 million - padahal kiralah
hadiah yang Nicole dapat setiap kali menang perlawanan. Setiap tahun,
ada berapa perlawanan. Nicole dah berlawan lebih 10 tahun, ini lom
dikira bayaran iklan, tajaan dan lain-lain. Tapi asset Nicole dinilI cuma 1.4 million!!!....
Masok akal tak.........??????
Lom cakap asset tuan punya tudung Farida .........................KIKIKIKI
Camna pulak, asset Q putih.........????
Lebih renndah dari Tokti ke....................'P
Senarai ni tak betul la..mana pergi Raja Eleena ..ta de dalam list ke? dia kan wanita no 2 terkaya kat Malaysia |
Apa le punya research ni! |
Edited by NAT_11 at 17-2-2015 03:52 PM
Research tahun 1996 di bawak ke tahun 2015..................
Hari ni, kalau takat 1.4 million dianggap terkaya, memang tak masok akal.
Tak perlu jadik Nicole, sesiapa pun ada asset takat 1.4 million..
Tanya AGM or GM kat kompeni GLCI macam Telekom or TNB,
kwsp diaorang je dah cecah 1 to 2 million! Jangan cakap Agm & GM
kompeni kaya macam Petronas, lagilah 3-4 jota takat kwsp je. Lom
cakap pasal duit gratituti.
mysykil jugak sebenarnya.. siapa yang keluarkan list ini.. macam meragukan jer. |
Research zaman tok kadok!......................KIKIKI
Sekarang ni, ada ke lagi orang nak bayar TokTi nyanyi 2 lagu
dengan rega rm75K..........................???????
I tot, ini zaman Shila Amzah & Yuna.
Tokti cuma nyanyi kat badan-badan amal or masok pertandingan Gegar Vganza......
Orang kaya baru dah ramai, ganti dia dengan asset puluhan jota macam Q putih,
tudung Fareda, Juma, Neelopa, etc.
tu la pasal.. jutawan tudung n kosmetik bukan main ramai kat mesia nih..
linda onn pun aset banyak jugak tuh...
sayawifenikmie replied at 17-2-2015 10:16 AM
TAHNIAH Dr.z_k ............ im happy for you ...... bolehlah berporum sampai muntah hijau sekarang ...
Motif nak citer hal period dalam threaf siti? |
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