Reply chimei
yea ke, tp ada org jual emas korea harga murah
ki_aries Post at 22-6-2012 07:36 AM
oh mianne!! chimei x dapek nak comment lak..basically kalo nak accessories than u can get for cheaper...but if real jewelery not sure..but from what i see most of them are wearing white gold and boleh cari jewelery shop kat area2 supermall cam coex, shinsegei, lotte..tu je le yg chimei tau sesikit..but for sure it's expensive...huhu..chimei x pakai emas so x bape boleh helpfull..huhu |
chimei welkam bek again!huhu
vamplave Post at 22-6-2012 10:00 AM
tengs... |
Reply 580# chimei
hahahha...well said chimei...
ahjumma ni , aku rase jenis yg join the bandwagon jer.. org pegi korea, die pun nak pi korea .. pastu pegi buta2 without doing any minimal research... pastu expect things to go smoothly .... in your 'perfect' k-drama life boleh lah yer ahjumma ....
nak jer aku cakap kat ahjumma tu ' Welcome to the real world ' |
Pesan dekat ahjumma tu kalau nak orang senyum je sentiasa layan dia pergilah Disneyland. ㅋㅋㅋ Itupun belum tentu Mickey Mouse tu nak piggyback dia. |
Reply chimei
hahahha...well said chimei...
ahjumma ni , aku rase jenis yg join the bandwagon ...
azradiza Post at 22-6-2012 12:17 PM
hahha..yup..if not mistaken..article ni kuar kat the star kan? i've seen it somewhere lam fb..anyway..nasib la kalo org bang dia...ekekee |
hahahahaha nak tergelak baca pasal ahjumma tu paling tak tahan komen azra n chimei muahjahahahaha mmgggggg welcome to the real world ahjumma dear.... |
Reply 580# chimei
great response chimei.... point by point awak responded.
kalau lebih rajin, tolong respond kat the star kat ahjumma ni. sabar je la. he he he... .byk betul dia komplen. tapi mmg lawak la part piggyback tu, agaknya tak sabar2 jejak kaki ke seoul je hoping to see lots and lots piggybackers ha ha ha ha.. betapa hampanya dia. |
Reply chimei
great response chimei.... point by point awak responded.
kalau lebih rajin, tol ...
mclaren Post at 22-6-2012 01:53 PM
ngahaha..xde maknenye...dah le kat sana tangga dengan bukit je penuh...dorang pun bijak gak..x kose nak piggyback ni..baik dorang tekan je butang lif tu senang cite...skang zaman moden..ekeke...so far spnjang 9 kali pegi tak penah skali pun chimei nmpk org piggyback..ekekeke.. |
Reply 580# chimei
yerps btol sgt pe chimei ckp, kitaorg pon 1st timer pegi sana dlm 7 ari tu mang at least skali nek cab on each day, kitaorg pon ade jek cabbie yg xnk bwk sbb dia xpham tp ok jek dia ckp elok2, then tipu la lau derang xrespons when we greet them even in english..masa nek cab nk g jetty nami cabbie yg bwk kitaorg tu mang gangster giler muka dia bengis jek scary giler tp bila kitaorg nk turun we said gamsahamnida terus jek dia reply 'yeh' dgn very soft tone...then psl men langgar2 tu bese la tu mang bpusing kena lnggar ngan derang tp after few days kita plak yg tlanggar ngan derang tp derang mang wat bodo terus jln so its their culture men langgar2 ni xyah nk bother2 say sorry ke hape..hahaha seriously ahjumma tu pon, g tmpat org what you expect kan... |
kalau nak pi tpt org kena lah open minded, setiap tpt tak sama dr semua aspek. Kalau tak open minded, baik dok rumah tgk tv jer....hehehe |
yup agreed with u guys!
peg tmpt org kene la EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! |
Post Last Edit by chimei at 22-6-2012 19:48
ok..those yg tanye sal zebra cross kat myeongdong ni dia ye..
AZra, sila la lepuk di depan ye..komapta!! |
Really helpful, thank you for the picture chimei! |
ENCIK MOMOD sudi sudi la kasi credit..akkakaka..memandangkan encik momod skang tgh bercuti so den tunggu je la ye..ahahaahhaahhaha
k testimoni POCKET WIFI lak..
sape nak book benda ni..sila follow step ni ye..
1. booking kat website nih.. kat web ni jugak boleh sewa mobile phone ye..once dah make reservation for pocket wifi ni nnti korang dpt email reply print email tu ye..http://www.sroaming.com/eng/Product/Product_PocketWiFi.asp
2. bile smpi kat airport kuar dr pintu arrival tuh, trus ke kanan...hujung skali ..hampir kat ujung airport la gak..same floor..cari pintu exit no 13..nnti akan jumpe kaunter sroaming and tunjuk email tuh...for those yg kejar masa better think about it sbb nak gi smpi ke kaunter ni takes time and process nak ambik pun leceh skit byk cekadak..especially kalo line panjang sbb everyone akan tanye cane nak pakai and org tu akan explain panjang lebar...chimei arituh ade sorang je kat depan tapi rasenye 20 minit gak la tunggu dia selesai...kaunter ni bukak 24 jam.
3. Charge/ Fees. caj dikenakan 7700 won + 10% vat satu hari. unlimited usage selagi ade bateri slagi tu bleh guna. Coverage area kat Seoul..kuar skit cam Nami Island ade la skit2..Pocket wifi boleh guna tuk 3 device so boleh la share2 dgn kawan so bayaran skit la kan...chimei guna 6 hari total 50,820 krw..so bahagi 3 org..sorang cuma bayo 16,940 krw..after cek dgn kredit kad..total yg di caj dlm ringgit is RM137.85
4. Method of payment. Sila guna kredit kad tuk bayo ye..nnti dia akan caj total lumsum tuh..kalo nak guna cash boleh tapi akan dikenakan deposit 300,000 won + day use + 10% vat..giler mahal k..huhu..
5. Pocket wifi hanya boleh pakai di handphone, tablet or laptop yg ade WIFI... harap maklum..
AZRA, sila la rajin2 menempeknye di depan ye..komawo ^^ V |
Post Last Edit by chimei at 22-6-2012 19:55
Really helpful, thank you for the picture chimei!
seoulbackpacker Post at 22-6-2012 07:43 PM
no prob~ i definitely will share anything about korea here...
but dear! if it happens you wanted to use information from this thread for your blog, appreciate if you could CREDIT the info from CARI forum thread korea ye..that would be much much more lovely dear!!
our forumer would love it..sharing is caring |
ni from paper semalam... anyone care to confirm?
Thursday June 21, 2012
Doing some Seoul sea ...
mclaren Post at 22-6-2012 08:32
aigooo ahjuma ni... aku pun mcm nak kata welcome to the real world.
ok ni dari experience aku yg tak seberapa ni (baru 3x gi korea)
Four days later, as I write this on the flight home from Seoul, I am reworking my initial impressions.
I am sorry to say the Koreans are nowhere near the Japanese in their civility and courtesy to visitors.
- tu memang..
Perhaps it is unfair to compare the Koreans to the Japanese. The latter are simply in a class of their own.
- masa kat sana jangan sesekali compare korean dgn japanese... musuh tradisi dorang ni.. mati2 dorang akan kata dorang lain.. contoh masa pegi Yeoido Park hari tu tanya mana bunga sakura.. mampos dorang kata takde pokok sakura kat sini bila sebut cherry blossom atau plum blossom baru dorang bagi direction tu pun siap bagitau cherry blossom kat china jer
My previous column on their awesomeness elicited so much response from readers who shared their own wonderful experiences in Japan that I felt my effusive praise of them was completely vindicated.
The Koreans, on the other hand are rather more like us. They have a lot of First World hardware – Incheon International Airport, for example, is huge and swanky (with clean loos) – but their software was a little lacking (their Immigration and Customs officers were downright surly).
- what do you aspect nak suruh dorang sengih2 ker? jgn harap
The hour-long ride into Seoul was pleasant on smooth highways and my friends and I had no complaints about the limo or the non-English speaking driver.
But apart from the limo driver, just about every cabbie we encountered was rude and uncommunicative. Maybe Seoul cabbies just didn’t like the look of Malaysian ajummas.
- kenapa ahjuma ni tak ikut TA jer? sure takde masalah ni. Bukan semua negara kat dunia ni pandai cakap English. Sebab kita ke negara orang kena la tau serba sedikit nama tempat dgn ejaan korea dgn betul. Tulis atas kertas dan bagi kat driver tu.
Catching a cab can also be unnerving, especially outside Doota, a popular shopping complex in Dongdaemun. There is no system or a taxi stand and it’s every tourist for him/herself. And that includes dodging traffic on the very busy road to flag one down.
- org korea tak naik cab. dorang naik subway atau jalan kaki
And if you do get one to stop, there’s no guarantee the taxi will take you where you want to go. We were ordered out of a couple of cabs because the driver couldn’t understand us or knew our destination, despite having GPS on the dashboard. Another fellow quoted a fare that was 10 times the metered fare. We jumped out of that cab.
- ni sama jawapan di atas.. sila tulis/print tulisan korea nama tempat tu dgn alamat sekali. Korea bukan negeri huruf ABC. Loghat lain selain korea pun dorang tak penah/jarang dengar.
It’s a bit like how KL cabbies behave I suppose but I do believe if you say “thank you” to our cabbies, they will respond.
- kalau cakap "thank you" mmg la dorang tak paham atau lambat pick-up
That was the other peculiar thing about Koreans (or maybe it’s only Koreans in Seoul): they don’t respond to hello or thank you. From my Korean dramas, I know how to say annyeong haseyo (hello) and kamsa hamnida (thank you) and on screen, it is often accompanied by a bow. So I thought these phrases would surely come in handy.
- sure ahjuma ni sebutan korea dia tak betul. Dorang tak paham.
Also, universally, if a foreign tourist can speak a word or two of the native language, the natives are usually delighted and become quite friendly. Not so in Seoul. No cabbie responded to our kamsa hamnida or the English thank you. Even a nod or a smile would have sufficed but it was as if they couldn’t hear us. It was very strange indeed.
- sama jawapan di atas
Scarier than cabbies were the clothing shop assistants. A surprise was that most boutiques even in fancy malls do not have fitting rooms. You are expected to place the garment against your body and hope it fits in the right places.
- hahaha ni mcm chimei cakap.. kedai dorang utk org kurus jer.. semua baju boleh muat utk org saiz S sahaja.. M pun susah nak jumpa. so aku boleh beli semua baju itu... kekekkekeke
Worse, if you don’t buy, be prepared to be assailed by glares and a stream of presumably rude Hangukmal in your direction. Saying kamsa hamnida was another lost cause with them.
- dah nama pun pegi tempat org.. aku rasa kat petaling street pun camtu gak.. tapi dorang ni mmg kasar tapi kalau ko mintak apa2 dorang mmg tunjuk cuma takde la nak layan lemah lembut bagai tu... org kata kalau masuk kandang harimau kena la mengaum jugak.. dia jerit ko jerit la jugak... hahahha tapi jgn la kalau takde niat membeli tu pegi tanya bukan2 dan mintak diskaun bukan2.. mmg mati la kena sumpah seranah... tapi bukan paham pun kan.. aku hari tu pun ber HOI HOI dgn ahjushi kat Namdaemun tu... cakap pun sebatu boleh dgr kot.. lagi pun byk pilihan kedai.. ada jer kedai lain yg ok.
So despite the fabled business hours that stretch till 5am, it was no fun when you can’t try on most things. Anyway, from my admittedly limited experience, the sales assistants are meaner at night than in the day.
- dah penat.. kalau tak silap aku dlm citer korea pun ada jugak tunjuk pasal ni.. mesti ahjuma tu tgk citer2 korea yg femes jer.. tak tgk drama biasa.
It can also be rough on the streets. No one apologises if they bump into you. They can even elbow you out of their way with nary an “excuse me” or “sorry”.
- ni perkara biasa.. semua org nak cepat.. aku pun langgar & siku jer semua org tu
My romantic view of the street food also turned rancid when I came face to face to it. Our tour guide brought us to Gwangjang market, well-known for its alleys full of traditional hawker fare.
It was an interesting but queasy experience. I may be Chinese and love my pork but I found the sight of rows and rows of pig trotters, intestines, skin and even piggy snouts on display overwhelming.
- ohh geli seh... aku mmg tak pegi.. nama pun pasar.. kat korea pulak tu.. nak aspect apa..
But all was not lost: we had a glorious dinner at celebrity chef Edward Kwon’s restaurant, Lab XXIV. I happily ate kimchee with every meal, had my first taste of soju and enjoyed it immensely. Sadly, one bottle wasn’t enough for me to get drunk, so no one had to piggyback me. No one piggybacked anyone, period.
- ni mmg klakar tak ingat wahahahkakakakakkaka.. tapi aku penah jumpa org piggiback la chimei... tgh2 mlm dgn ptg tapi org muda angkat org tua... tua sgt dah... nenek dia kot.. yg jalan pun goyang2 org tua tu...
Finally, hard as I looked, good-looking Korean men were scarce on the streets of Seoul. I had to settle for surreptitiously ogling at the posters of my favourite actors – Lee Min Ho, Hyun Bin and Song Seong Hun – at souvenir shops.
- dah namanya artis.. pelakon kena la cari yg cantik2 & hensem2..
- sila naik subway time org pegi keja atau balik keja.. boleh jumpa yg hensem2 tapi dorang ni muka plastik la... dah terkenal dlm dunia even masuk kat OPRAH lagi negeri yg tertinggi peratusan buat pembedahan plastik utk cantik kat dunia ni. Even iklan kat dlm subway pun tunjuk transformasi sebelum & selepas bedah... Masa aku pegi hari tu jumpa ramai askar2 (khidmat negara) yg bercuti balik kg... ada yg hensem2 & macho.. ada yg berdiri tegak bersedia dlm subway & dgn machonya bagi laluan kat aku suruh duduk... kekekeke perasan kejap.. ish.. rugi tak amek gambo dgn mamat tu.. dah la sepanjang dlm subway tu pandang memandang & senyum2 dgn aku.... kekekkekkeke... tiba2 rasa malu lak wahahahhaha
All in, it wasn’t the best of first meetings. My friend asked me if I was disillusioned and giving up my K dramas. My reply: Are you kidding? It’s all the more reason for me to stick to my Korean fantasy world. Give me reel life over real life, kamsa hamnida!
- Ahjuma ni kalau pegi kali kedua dgn org yg ada experience sure pandangan dia berbeza.... sila pegi lagi... hahaha |
Reply 594# chimei
bayar pakai debit card boleh tak?? hari lupa nak try bayar apa2 guna debit card.. |
Reply chimei
bayar pakai debit card boleh tak?? hari lupa nak try bayar apa2 guna debit c ...
eyka Post at 22-6-2012 08:12 PM
debit card consider cash gak la kan..so aku rase still ko kene bayo 300k deposit tuh..tak sure lak maybe ko bleh email tanye.. |
no prob~ i definitely will share anything about korea here...
but dear! if it happens you wante ...
chimei Post at 22-6-2012 19:49
InshaAllah don't worry. I always quote my sources takat ni |
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