Tidak ada simpanan yang lebih berguna daripada ilmu.
Tidak ada sesuatu yang lebih beruntung daripada adab.
Tidak ada kawan yang lebih bagus daripada akal.
Tidak ada benda ghaib yang lebih dekat daripada maut. |
Jika Anda tidak bisa menjadi orang pandai, jadilah orang yang baik. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
go save for the rainy days...... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
we all have the ability.the difference is how we use it.... |
Be The Best of What You Are |
Friendship is a golden gift cherished above all life's treasure |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
the main thing needed to make a man happy is inteligence....betrard russel |
Redha & Pasrah mengandungi maksud yg berbeza. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Ilmu setingi langit jika tk d amalkan umpama pokok yg tk berbuah. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Kepahitan hidup yg d terima dgn lapang dada bererti telah mendekati tangga keberhasilan hidup. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
1 shld kp his words both soft & tender b cos tmrw he may hv 2 eat them. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
In Prayers lies the coolness of my eyes & peace of mind. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
W/o emotion,I'ld b nothing.Luv,joy,sorrow,fear apprehension,anger, satisfaction & discontent provides the meaning of my existence. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
cut out the complexities ....go lead a simple life....... |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
We r wt we repeatedly do.Excellence then is nt n act bt a habit. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Hati yg mulia bersangka baik dgn org lain & hati yg hina bersangka buruk kpd org lain. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
the wisest mind has something yet to learn..........george santayana |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
The most impt thing in life is 2 learn hw 2 giv out luv & 2 let it come in. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
when u learn hw 2 die,u'll learn hw 2 live. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara