Thanks for the info Kak Mila...tp kulit Deila ni ada masalah skit...xleh pakai scrub dan sewaktunya...nanti naik jerawat...camner tu ye... |
Post Last Edit by minahsaudi at 20-8-2009 15:00
Thanks for the info Kak Mila...tp kulit Deila ni ada masalah skit...xleh pakai scrub dan sewaktunya...nanti naik jerawat...camner tu ye...
Adeila Post at 20-8-2009 10:56
Cosmeteq/Glyco tidak ada scrub dlm range penjagaan kulit kami. apa yg kami ada ialah exfoliator yg dpt membantu masaalah awak?
boleh kakmin tau what is yr age group n scrub apa yg u pakai smpi naik jerawat?
Based dari pengalaman kami muka yg prone acne, kami ada treatment khas for masaalah ni. utk mengatasi masaalah ini we advice our customer/s to use twice a day. these are for optimum result.
1. Acne, pimple & problem skin cleanser
2. Firming toner
3. Acne & pimple cream
4. AHA, B5 aloe vera serum
5. ACE, B5 + UV complex
u can also buy as an option
1. DMAE Lifting serum - for skin repair, shine, healthy & lifting
2. Flawless - to smoothen the skin & heals pimples. Remove scars & pigmentation
3. Refiner - an anti aging cream
Kesemua products diatas boleh didapati dlm bentuk travel size yg boleh dipakai sehingga 2 minggu. All the best to you! |
641# Adeila
kalau kulit too sensitiv, x boleh guna scrub..pakai rutin macam biasa
ok saja |
641# Adeila
Salam Deila,
Actually Zana dah cuba the exfoliator. Zana buat weekly and my skin getting better. If anybody suffer from acne and dh recovered elok guna exfoliator. All dead sikit kuar and parut pun pudar cepat sikit. |
641# Adeila
what kakmila maksudkan bukan harsh scrub exfoliator cream kami nie. our exfoliator is a gentle scrub yg u just rubbed in slowly n gently. more to massaging it in lah!
tapi kalo kulit adeila jenis yg nipis n sensitive cos of other products u pakai dahulu, i suggest pakai exfoliator ni once a week saja. cosmeteq exfoliator can be applied once a week for 20 mins utk mempercepatkan pembaharuan sel2 baru n menghilangkan wajah yg kusam disebabkan kulit yg sudah mati. Ia jugak dpt mengecutkan lubang pori2, mengurangkan masaalah jerawat n acne n dpt menghilangkan masaalah pigmentasi, jeragat, tompok2 itam, blackheads/whiteheads n jugak boleh menghilangkan kesan2 jerawat atas kulit muka. Kulit muka akan bertambah cerah, bersih n kelihatan awet muda n berseri2.
sesiapa yg ingin memakai exfoliator kena ikut peraturan dia dgn betul. |
Post Last Edit by catalina at 21-8-2009 13:52
kak mila, apa beza pigment cream, whitening cream n radiance cream? unutk nak cerah muka pakai y mana? tak sempat nak selak post lepas
aha serum tu pakai every day ker?
Credit: [email protected]
Link : http://www.wanitamelayu.com/forum/showthread.php?p=3353200#post3353200
Ini perbezaan antara 3 krim ni...biasanya kmila advice ikut kes & bajet...
Cosmeteq Whitening Cream 30gm , 5GM
Krim Pencerahan Kulit Cosmeteq adalah formula yang berkombinasikan 4-n Butyl Resorcinol, Vitamin B5, Alfa Lipolik Asid, DMAE dan Aloe Vera untuk menghasilkan pencerahan secara semulajadi, meremajakan dan melembabkan kulit. Wajah kelihatan putih, muda, berseri dan licin. Pengunaan yang berterusan juga dapat mengurangkan tompok-tompok hitam, pigmentasi, bintik-bintik dan parut.
Cosmeteq Radiance Cream 30gm , 5GM
Krim Radiance Cosmeteq dapat merapatkan liang roma dan menyamaratakan tona kulit dan memberikan keserian pada wajah si pemakai. Dalam masa beberapa hari sahaja, wajah anda akan kelihatan segar dan berseri. Kandungan Alpha Lipolic Acid, 4-n-Butynl Resorcinol, Asid Amino and DMAE dapat mengurangkan kedutan, mengurangkan kesan kehilangan keanjalan kulit dan tanda-tanda garisan kedutan atau kesan penuaan pra-matang. Penggunaan yang berterusan akan menjadikan kulit wajah anda lembut, licin, berseri dan awet muda.
(For some skin type, Radiance Cream can induce the underlying problem such pimples to surface of the skin before it cures, repairs and gives a glowing skin)
Smoothens the pores, removes pigmentation, freckles, blotches, black/white spots and scars. Removes the dull darkened dead skin to make the face look clearer, fairer, youthful and glowing
Untuk Cerahkan Kulit ,Boleh gunakan
Normal Skin :
::GFC , Firming Toner, Whitening, UV Sunblock, 3 hari skali guna Radiance Cream (PM)
Oily/Problem Skin
::FC utk Problem skin, Firming Toner, Whitening , ACE, B5 UV (tanpa foundation), 3 hari skali guna Radiance Cream (PM)
AHA Serum tu mmg kn guna setiap hari selagi kita under treatment. maknanya, sekiranya skin kita still ada jerawat, open pores, pigmentasi, berminyak etc |
Dulu sy pakai Dr Philips...tp jerawat yg halus2 tu lg banyak...tp bila pakai Cosmeteq ni dah kurang tinggal yg besar2 je sikit
Credit: [email protected]
Link : http://www.wanitamelayu.com/foru ... osted=1#post3353320
Insya-Allah...yg tu kmila rasa is part of healing krisis yg have to go thru lah..once underlayer skin kita dh bersih, pembersihan toksin makin berkurang (melalui jerawat)...ape pon yg kita guna later on spt serum, cream akan serap dgn baik dan proses pemulihan akan jadi lebih pantas.
kita tak mo nnt berlaku pembaziran sbb sapu krim pelbagai tp x dek efek yg spt org lain nikmati. kita nk kan result yg long term bukan kejap2 jek,supaya skin yg cantik tu kekal lama skit Insya-Allah.. |
If ada sesiapa yg berminat nk wat Facial dengan Barangan Cosmeteq, boleh kontek org ni, dia ada wat mobile Facial Treatment. Boleh just call for details;
Shanti Hair & Beauty Care
No:26V Jalan Dato Teoh Siew Khor
86000 Kluang Johor
07-7738100 |
nak share experience guna cosmeteq....selalunyer deal ngan zana je..
1st & 2nd week
1) memula test trial pack
first day pakai...pedih giler muka...and naik jerawat untuk 2 days..lepas tu getting better.. alhamdullilah
3rd week....
then beli normal pack cleanser for problem skin -(suka yg ni walaupun muka takde problem jerawat...berangin gitu..test masa guna trialpack hehehe )
and beli gak trial pack for glyco spirulina/ radiance cream/ eye cream/ wrinkle cream/dmae serum
My feedback :
1) radiance cream - pakai seminggu sekali..kulit glowing....
2) eye cream - pakai everynight , yg ni bagus coz..wlaupun tido 2 jam je sehari..mata langsung tak nampak sembab...and eyebag pun takde....best best....
3)dmae serum - nice sgt..kulit jd tegang je
4)glyco spirulina - ok je pakai..cuma a bit oily....
5)wrinkle cream - hmmmm yg ni...frankly..takde effect...bukan to my face je...and i kasi my sis guna..she's mid 20s...and garis halus pun tak hilang.....
4th week - jumpa zana sebab beli dmae serum normal pack...and she noticed the different within a month guna yg trial pack je ni...hehehe yeap..my friends pun ckp..muka dah start glowing....
5th week ..tadi...
beli gs sebab dah habis...and trial pack for refiner/uv sunblock/flawless....later kasi feedback...cuma dah inform zana...my pores jd visible laa kat nose and pipi...previously i dont hv any open pores....and she said will highlighted this issue...
p/s: really nak get rid off this pores laaa...ASAP...pls advice yer....
errrkkkk...aper product yg ada trial pack...saje nak test semua and setakat ni... i like all except the wrinkle cream....
end of this month nak test yg Timeless serum lak hehehehhe |
650# SiMontel
TQVM for sharing yr testimonial |
nak share experience guna cosmeteq....selalunyer deal ngan zana je..
nak share experience guna cosmeteq....selalunyer deal ngan zana je..
1st & 2nd week
1) memula test trial pack
first day pakai...pedih giler muka...and naik jerawat untuk 2 days..lepas tu getting better.. alhamdullilah
3rd week....
then beli normal pack cleanser for problem skin -(suka yg ni walaupun muka takde problem jerawat...berangin gitu..test masa guna trialpack hehehe )
and beli gak trial pack for glyco spirulina/ radiance cream/ eye cream/ wrinkle cream/dmae serum
My feedback :
1) radiance cream - pakai seminggu sekali..kulit glowing....
2) eye cream - pakai everynight , yg ni bagus coz..wlaupun tido 2 jam je sehari..mata langsung tak nampak sembab...and eyebag pun takde....best best....
3)dmae serum - nice sgt..kulit jd tegang je
4)glyco spirulina - ok je pakai..cuma a bit oily....
5)wrinkle cream - hmmmm yg ni...frankly..takde effect...bukan to my face je...and i kasi my sis guna..she's mid 20s...and garis halus pun tak hilang.....
4th week - jumpa zana sebab beli dmae serum normal pack...and she noticed the different within a month guna yg trial pack je ni...hehehe yeap..my friends pun ckp..muka dah start glowing....
5th week ..tadi...
beli gs sebab dah habis...and trial pack for refiner/uv sunblock/flawless....later kasi feedback...cuma dah inform zana...my pores jd visible laa kat nose and pipi...previously i dont hv any open pores....and she said will highlighted this issue...
p/s: really nak get rid off this pores laaa...ASAP...pls advice yer....
errrkkkk...aper product yg ada trial pack...saje nak test semua and setakat ni... i like all except the wrinkle cream....
end of this month nak test yg Timeless serum lak hehehehhe
erm a very thorough n honest testimonial. tqvm montel. actually zana have briefed me abt your condition. alhamdulillah there are loads of improvements on yr skin condition albeit visible open pores u had recently. to be honest m quite concern on this recent development. i am going to penang tomorrow n will discuss with dr segar n will get back to u once m back to kl.
in the mean times carry on with the regime as per advised. take care |
honey_dew...no problem..for that testi...
kak min...ohh really.....thank u..muah muaahh.. frankly..i love these products...
errr one question....why gs refiner the smell too strong ehh..mcm jamu....hehehhehe |
salam,I'm a newbie here,sy x pnah dgr psl Glyco nih until a friend came to our reunion party,bknla dh lama x jumpa dia,dlm setahun jgkla(lama ek?)hehe...last time jumpa kulit dia gelap,kusam,uneven and byk whitehead/blackhead....aritu nmpk cerah,glowing,muka mcm kilat ala2 c1n4 kaunter sk-11 even whitehead/blackhead dia pon dh reduce a lot,I tot dia guna sk-11,i asked her,dia ckp "aku pakai glyco lah!!" , terlopongla kami,apela glyco tuh,dia siap ckp kalau nk tau,g kt forum cari,ramai leh tolong kt situ..kedekut tol ek nk gtau sendiri rahsia kecantikan...so,bila sy browse2 sini dan read all the testimony from users,sy pon teringin la kn sbb dh nmpk depan mata kepala sendiri kesannye pd kwn sy tu(she's not even put any makeup on that nite),so sy nk tanya pd senior2 sekalian what should i do to my skin,currently sy pakai clinique 1-2-3 even dh guna pon segala mak nenek extras selain 123 tuh still xde improvement to my skin,sy ade jgk sk-11 facial treatment essence dgn dia nye toner pakai campur2 dgn clinique tp skin sy x glowing pon,sy xde la sgt masalah kulit,no pimple Al-hamdulillah even time peod,bila scan kulit kt clinique kaunter sy ni dlm golongan combination skin (oily at T-zone and dry at bit je at U-zone),tp muka gelap dr badan (due to bersukan mase sekolah and x pnah pakai sunblock),pipi cam cerah sket,dahi,hidung,dagu gelap sket,kira uneven la kan,then ade bintik2 hitam (jeragat kt both pipi ala2 minah saleh sedangkn sy x pnah pulak g obersee),kulit sy pnah licin banget time skool (time anak dara plus curik felisa mak sy) tp mase start masuk university dh nmpk kasar sket2 maybe pertambahan hormon ke ape..haha xtaula,since sy peknen lagi jelas dan nyata kulit sy bertambah kasar,pigment makin byk,dh deliver pon seems x berkurangan jgk,tp pimple xde jgk nk tumbuh,tuh satu bonus la,tp fine lines,kulit uneven and kusam,pigment tuh yg sy nk kurangkan/hilangkan terus lg baik,sy de baca kak mila nye note untuk normal,oily and dry skin,how about combination skin?...anyone can help? |
Post Last Edit by honey_dew at 24-8-2009 09:07
654# MistrezHermanaz
u boleh pakai range ni :
cosmeteq acne & problem skin
DMAE lifting serum
whitening cream or pigment cream
UV complex with foundation |
653# SiMontel
Sorry been bz, tak sempat nak masuk thread tis few days. Nanti kita dating I will give u the exfoliator for ur white head. |
salam,I'm a newbie here,sy x pnah dgr psl Glyco nih until a friend came to our reunion party,bknla dh lama x jumpa dia,dlm setahun jgkla(lama ek?)hehe...last time jumpa kulit dia gelap,kusam,uneven and byk whitehead/blackhead....aritu nmpk cerah,glowing,muka mcm kilat ala2 c1n4 kaunter sk-11 even whitehead/blackhead dia pon dh reduce a lot,I tot dia guna sk-11,i asked her,dia ckp "aku pakai glyco lah!!" , terlopongla kami,apela glyco tuh,dia siap ckp kalau nk tau,g kt forum cari,ramai leh tolong kt situ..kedekut tol ek nk gtau sendiri rahsia kecantikan...so,bila sy browse2 sini dan read all the testimony from users,sy pon teringin la kn sbb dh nmpk depan mata kepala sendiri kesannye pd kwn sy tu(she's not even put any makeup on that nite),so sy nk tanya pd senior2 sekalian what should i do to my skin,currently sy pakai clinique 1-2-3 even dh guna pon segala mak nenek extras selain 123 tuh still xde improvement to my skin,sy ade jgk sk-11 facial treatment essence dgn dia nye toner pakai campur2 dgn clinique tp skin sy x glowing pon,sy xde la sgt masalah kulit,no pimple Al-hamdulillah even time peod,bila scan kulit kt clinique kaunter sy ni dlm golongan combination skin (oily at T-zone and dry at bit je at U-zone),tp muka gelap dr badan (due to bersukan mase sekolah and x pnah pakai sunblock),pipi cam cerah sket,dahi,hidung,dagu gelap sket,kira uneven la kan,then ade bintik2 hitam (jeragat kt both pipi ala2 minah saleh sedangkn sy x pnah pulak g obersee),kulit sy pnah licin banget time skool (time anak dara plus curik felisa mak sy) tp mase start masuk university dh nmpk kasar sket2 maybe pertambahan hormon ke ape..haha xtaula,since sy peknen lagi jelas dan nyata kulit sy bertambah kasar,pigment makin byk,dh deliver pon seems x berkurangan jgk,tp pimple xde jgk nk tumbuh,tuh satu bonus la,tp fine lines,kulit uneven and kusam,pigment tuh yg sy nk kurangkan/hilangkan terus lg baik,sy de baca kak mila nye note untuk normal,oily and dry skin,how about combination skin?...anyone can help?
MistrezHermanaz Post at 23-8-2009 14:18
salam dear....
Tqsm sbb bersusah payah mencari glyco yg hanya dijual di alam siber ni...tapi worth it pencarian tu kan...?
Langkah pertama bg setiap org yg 1st time nk guna Glyco Cosmeteq ni ialah....DETOXkn skin terlebih dulu. Detox ni bukanlah maksudnya mkn fibre untuk cuci pewot. Tapi gunakan 3 brg terlebih dulu. Jgn amik yg besar...amik size kecik tu dulu...
3 barang tu Facial Cleanser for problem skin 20ml, AHA serum 5ml & Acne Cream 5gm.
Ramai yg tanya, why nk guna acne cream klu tak dek Acne kan? well, set ni utk menclensekan underlayer skin kita. Gunakan sehingga habis, tak kira aper pon skin type kita at that time. Usually akan amik masa 2-3 weeks untk habiskan set detox ni.
Selepas habiskan set tu go back to ur agent & bg tau status ur skin at that time, ada jerawat ker, oily skin dh kurang ker....just bg tau ur status. Your agent akan bg tau aper yg akan digunakan next.
Ini set Detox + UV sunblock |
kita pernah berhubung melalui call.ni nak tanya pdapat,saya 36 th.mengalami jeragat keturunan dr mak.jenis halus ala-ala berpasir.dah lama sgt di muka ku ni. sjak sek men lagi!!! ari tu pkai mior+ gc/gs. nampak mcm x de kesan.saya dah pkai mcm prduk..citra ayu,BML,reenas,sendayu tinggi,natasya.new york solution (pakej rm10,500 ), life cod,tia, mcm2 lah. tapi still x hilang.jeragat warisan ni mmg tak hilang ke??? terbaru,try mnum dr11 dr hpm, blh mila bg pdapat...tqvm
Credit:[email protected]
Link : http://www.wanitamelayu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15173&page=14
Salam kamalisa,
Kmila pon klu ikutkan mmg keturunan ada jeragat. klu tgk my kazens...ayoyoyo...so scary...sbb penuh satu muker..patut snap pix derang masa kenduri nnt ...
knowing yg kmila pon ada potensi naik jeragat, kmila mmg panik giler biler nampak 2-3 titik mulai tumbuh masa kmila masuk umor 30. masa tu kmila dh tau i must look for sumtin utk prevent drp jd makin teruk. kmila x mo jd like my kazen sisters suma...
for ur kes...Cosmeteq mmg ada set utk pigmentasi. so far Flawless yg paling kuat lawan pigmentasi. Whitening Cream pon boley tp klu x ketara sgt, baru nk naik..ok guna FC for problem skin, Whitening Cream + AHA serum.
tapi sblum start treatment utk jeragat ni....tolong detoxkan skin dulu. klu tgk kan list product yg adik pakai, i'm going to be honest with u, healing krisisnya mungkin akan lebih skit.
cthnya: tia, BML , etc - biasanya akan naik bump jerawat tak bermata.
So, if rasanya tak sanggup nnt nk go thru the healing krisis, tak sanggup nnt tgk muker naik jerawat during that period, better jgn guna glyco. Sbb glyco cosmeteq ni rawatan herba. segala produk yg ada chemical ker atau aper2 aje guna last time, dia akan kuarkan terlebih dulu without mercy.
until dh clear suma ur underlayer skin, baru result yg u expected Insya-Allah akan dapat. |
1. Acne and Pimple Cleanser- is a must use. Wet face with water. Apply the Facial Cleanser to the whole face.
Leave it for 3-4 minutes to absorb and cleansing the under layer skin. Wet you hand and massage gently to cleanse.
2. AHA B5 Aloe Vera Serum - Apply the serum to make skin good and to reduce the excess oil. Leave for 2 minutes.
3. Acne pimples cream (D-tox Cream) - applies all over the face and neck and wherever pimples have emerged.
It cools, soothers, heals and moisturisers. Can be used at chest and back of the body.
4. ACE, B 5 + UV Complex - Vitamins to further enhance the skin complexion and health + UV protection. OR
5. DMAE serum can be used to further enhance the smoothness and the glow on the face.
Normally after the treatment of all above, within a few days you will see great improvement on you face.
However, the products will not have control over your internal toxic factors that breaks out new pimples due to hormonal imbalance, intestinal problems, bad toilet habits etc. and because of these problems intake of oily and fatty food, lack of sleep, less intake of water and stress may due the break-outs further.
If acne or pimples gets worst please visit your doctor for internal treatments as well.
Detox set consist of 3 items only - Facial Cleanser for Acne, AHA serum and Acne Cream (Detox Cream), Items 4 & 5 are sold separately. |
salam dear....
Tqsm sbb bersusah payah mencari glyco yg hanya dijual di alam siber ni...tapi worth it pencarian tu kan...?
Langkah pertama bg setiap org yg 1st time nk guna Glyco Cosmeteq ...
catalina Post at 25-8-2009 13:03
thx for the prompt reply and concern psl my skincare..checked my PM just now..will reply later on k |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki