Pesawat MH17 (Amsterdam - KL) Terhempas di Ukraine! 295 Dikhuatiri Maut! V1
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ladydutch posted on 18-7-2014 01:09 AM 
blackbox la
blackboard tu tempat tulis papan hitam dekat sekolah
hehehehem nih pun x ketahuan punca nih......BLACKBOARD tu sarcastik jer tuuuu
slippergombak posted on 18-7-2014 01:13 AM
malaysia nih dah macma jaga kampung hulu jah.. apa og luar nak buat pun berserah ajer.... memacam ...
Mentaliti tahap dunia ke 3. Tanak buat prevention, dah terhantuk baru terjaga. Pehtu buat lagi. Pehtu marah sebab tak bersyukur. Nak bersyukur mende kalau dlm kapalterbang jual arak, judi dan maksiat sana sini dlm negara.
Berbalik kepada topik. Boleh nampak dah agensi berita milik yahudi dan milik russia memainkan peranan masing2 dan lawan hujah |
Cdeynye.. dah dkat nk raye nie 
Boeing 777 lgik Uolss..
abis laa MAS camnie, one after another Air Disaster..
Holiday time in Europe skrg nie Uolss  |
korang, boleh tak jangan repeat posting the clear graphic photo of the child strapped to the seat tu?
its too graphic and also very insensitive to the family.
Eee, marahnyee..
Dah tembak pastu xnk ngaku... |
GhostWalking posted on 18-7-2014 01:10 AM 
Persoalannya macamana boleh terbang serendah 10k?
officially cakap 10,000m aka 33,000k laa bukan 10,000k......
Terus aku xbole tido... Terkejut punya pasal...
Ya Allah...
10km tu takkan boleh nampak bendera kecik kat body plane tu .. mcm dah target je ... wallahualamm .. |
ni sebab brazil kalah 7-1 la nii |
patut laa aku tetiba kansel nak gi barcelona berat hati... ropanya ada terhempas lagi.... |
Risma posted on 18-7-2014 01:15 AM
prkataan blackboard tuh popular bukan masa MH370.......... tapi masa kes kemalangan kapalterbang s ...
Air france crashed kalo x silap |
Adakah ini tindak balas russia yg igt MAS nie USA punya disebabkan sekatan ekonomi yg USA isytiharkan on Kremlin? Pagi tadi baru dgr news psl sekatan ekonomi nak di impose on russia sebab serang ukraine.
eyansss posted on 18-7-2014 01:10 AM 
baru je dalam aljazeera ni, andrew, aviation expert cakap ngan salahkan MAS sebab tu route biasa u ...
pakcik andrew itu terang-terangan tuduh russia bertanggungjawab katanyer...
Maseh rmai yg xreti beza ke 33000ft dgn 10,000ft... |
Peterpan17 posted on 18-7-2014 01:04 AM
Tak, tak divert pun. Mmg itulah route yg biasa depa guna. Byk plane yg lalu, MAS yg kena. Sgt bau ...
Noted..tu yg diaorg ckp..normal route..dh terbang height 10km .. set pemisah xde missile yg bleh reach 10km..
kuasa besar mcm russia je ada teknologi tu...tapi opkos...sume pakat nafi..
eyansss posted on 18-7-2014 01:12 AM
okek2... aku tengah gigih carik ni... sambil merempit kat sini...
Tqvm...  |
Dan Milmo in London reports that it has been normal practice for airlines to fly over conflict zones since the Ukraine conflict began. He interviewed a pilot for a major European airline:
"We would often avoid areas where there is air-to-air conflict, but we flew over Iraq and Afghanistan when the British and US armed forces were deployed there, because only one side was using military jets."
Explaining why airlines fly over conflict zones where groups might be in possession of ground-to-air missiles, the pilot said: "There will be weapons based on the ground when you are at 30,000 feet, but that is far up in the air. There are not many missile systems that can be so accurate."
His comments suggest that assumptions about weapons capabilities on the ground will have to be reevaluated, pending investigation of the crash. |
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