merepek merepek merepek. show yg run out ideas now. and getting ridiculous each and everytime now. dah sebijik mcam Prison Break Season 2. CANCEL permanent je show nie!
[ Last edited by `pSyCho` at 19-2-2009 05:55 PM ] |
dek kerna komen2 korg yg tak besh tu aku tak tgk lg epi 16 smpi la ni... aku da donlod lama da |
Reply #674 FreeMen's post
amboi ayat ko... aku terasa mcm berbunga laks yg benornyer aku tak tgk laie epi 16! tak sempat ar... smpi da kuar epi 17 |
kat astero da kuar iklan tuk volume 3 the fugitive tu... next month tp lupe lak biler |
volume 3 actualy berapa episode ? |
Reply #678 Rempit_25's post
mengikut sumber kt tenet, ader 22 epi |
Reply #677 FreeMen's post
xpe aku bley carik sendirik, tq. |
Br tgk ep 17...semalam nak donlod Heroes ..sekali dah siap aku terdwload House pulak... ..
dah la ngan connection yg lembab..
btw ep 17....better la than last week ponyer ep...
Daphne's alive..(as expected kan?)...
Last sekali Matt painted White House...kena bom kot... |
a bit boring.. sylar takde langsung  |
yg bulan 4 ni volume brapa ? |
Reply #681 nashrudean's post
waaahhh ko da tgk epi 17... cepatnyerrr aku da donlod lama da tp tak kesempatan nk tgk ar. ade smangat aku nk tgk epi 17 sbb ko ckp epi 17 better than 16...  |
Reply #683 Rempit_25's post
bulan 4? vol 4 ar kot kalo da konpem tp vol 3 tak abes lagik cepatnyer dorg nk tyg vol 4 |
EP 18 best giler..!better tgk cepat2...
action+drama+romance in a package..
but i expected more horny part between Claire+Alex..! tp scene kissing dlm pool tu enuff la kot...
Scene yg aku sgt2 eps ni masa reunion between Nathan+Peter+ngan mak diorg..sebak je tgk Peter masa tu....sampai hati abg sendiri buat dia cam tu..huhuhu...
Nathan ni bebal..dia yg buat this whole operation pastu nak buat exceptional plak untuk dia,Claire n Peter...mestilah agent sorang lagi tu bengang...
Scene Sylar+Luke tu pon best..Luke tu poyo giler..hihi...
This is one of my fav ep so far! 
[ Last edited by nashrudean at 4-3-2009 12:35 AM ] |
Balas #688 FreeMen\ catat
silap tulis..dah edit dah..ep 18!  |
Balas #687 barney\ catat
Rebel= Micah?  |
| |