ye ke ish sedey nyer.. multivitamin tu kena beli kat vet ke? berapa harga ye?
Labeaute Post at 5/2/2010 13:46 
kalau u pegi ke pet shop pun bole dapat multivitamin tu.
cari la jenis yang sesuai dengan poket  |
Bersin adalah tanda penyakit (tetapi tidak spesifik) yang berlaku apabila laluan nasal dirangsang oleh cairan atau ejen lain seperti debu. Tidak ada penyembuh mutlak untuk bersin kerana ia boleh berpu ...
leotazz818 Post at 5/2/2010 14:00 
kak leo, kalau kucing takat bersin je tu memang takde masalah serius tapi kalau kena cat flu tu memang susah nak baik.
symptom cat flu ni bukan saja bersin, malah hidung berair, mata merah & berair, demam (monyok) dan kadang2 ada juga ulcer dalam mulut.
cat flu ni memang tak boleh nak baik 100% sebab kalau dah kena, kucing tu akan jadi virus carrier forever... |
kucing penah sakit mati byk kali dah...nama pun boti ... |
kucen sya semlm mcm gugur 1 baby kot.. coz tgk keras je kat pasir.. sebelum ni ok ja.. sbb before raya cina mknan hbs n all kedai tutup terpaksa la beli viskas sevgai ganti.. tp xthu la bleh keguguran... adess.. |
ok thank, tp ari sabtu ari tu sekor dah mati. sedey hayatnya tak panjang. dah lah skrg ne kita org tengah bersedey kucing kita org tak balik2 dah masuk 4 ari. kemanalah dia pegi cari2 pun tak da ...
Labeaute Post at 8-2-2010 07:56 
dia kuar cari awek kot?
dah kasi ke blom? kalau blom.. elok la neuter kucing tu.. lepas neuter dia tak akan kluar rumah lg... |
hi...nk minta pendapat...
kucing sy ni sejak 1-2 bulan ni mcm xbermaya je....
asik muntah2...makan sikit je..tp muntah...perrgghhh
memula tu igt die peknen...ye laaa....asik muntah2...ade gak nmpk jantans dok mengekor die....
tapi mak kate xmungkin die peknen....ape ptt sy buat??? |
tanay skit.. napa kucing aku sejak seminggu ni asyik batuk n bersin je... napa ye? ke sbb dia skrg tido kat bawah tangga.. berabuk.. dah situ yg dia selesa aku takleh buat apa2.. dia baru je lahir sekor anak.. aku dah try dua kali pindahkan dia n anak dia kat tmpt yg elok skit.. tp mesti dia alihkan balik anak dia.. last2 aku biarkan je..
yg kedua nak tanya.. brp minggu biasa anak kucing akan buka mata n berjalan... |
Hi there.
I really need some help here. Baru2 ni I ade jumpe 3 ekor ank kucing yg baru lahir. skrg ni I dah bela diorg selama 2 minggu. masalahnya kucing tu sakit and doc tak boleh nk buat ape2. Doc kate the only solution is to find ibu tumpang. So kalo ade member2 dalam forum ni yg kucing diorg baru lepas bersalin baru2 ni, I ingt I nk tumpangkan 2 ekor (1 ekor dah rip semalam) anak kucing I. Papehal can msg I kat no ni. 012-7920021. I area Johor Bahru. Really appreciate your help. Thanks. |
Tgl sekor je lagi. Pagi tadi mati lagi sekor. sedey giler pagi ni..  |
Tgl sekor je lagi. Pagi tadi mati lagi sekor. sedey giler pagi ni.. 
dukeocean Post at 20-2-2010 10:33 
tinggal sekor lagik yekk...bela tak berinduk inilah problem nye..last resort...pergi ke www.petfinder.com.my...mana tau ada geng kat area JB yg boleh tlg pinjamkan ibu tumpang...
i feel you...been there done that....infact me and few others forummer kat sini...mcm kak leo, ati penah encounter these prob. kehulu hilir carik ibu tumpang..sudahnye we all tawakal..kak leo ada ibu yg dah habes menyusu tapi we try our luck...tapi kita ni manusia...Tuhan lagik sayangkan dorang...tapi memang menyakitkan hours by hours nengok dorang suffer without having mummy's love, warmth and milk tu yg sangat2 sebak dibuatnye....be strong...
i wish you good luck..paling penting semoga baby kitten akan dpt miracle secepat mungkin...:cry: |
sukses.. yg ke3 tu berjaya diselamatkan. I gi private vet petang tu, then nurse yg jage kaunter tu ajar I mcm mane nk pee pee kn baby kitten. Die kate baby cat cannot pee on its own. Poo can, pee cannot. Mase tu baby cat i tu mcm bengkak kt pee die. tp after nurse tu tolong, kecut balik tmpt pee die tu. Agaknye 2 ekor baby cat I sebelom ni mati sebab tak dapat pee pee.. sob sob.. anyway. Baby cat I tu dh pndi jilat badan die. huhu seronok ngk die clean his self up. 
Yg I bengang mase gi gov pet, bley die kate, "Oo. Ni dah tak boleh nak wat ape2 ni. Last solution cari ibu tumpang.". Angin je I. :@ |
606# dukeocean
alhamdulillah...dpt selamatkan seko anak kucing...sure the kitten wud be thankful 2 u...hehehhehe |
sukses.. yg ke3 tu berjaya diselamatkan. I gi private vet petang tu, then nurse yg jage kaunter tu ajar I mcm mane nk pee pee kn baby kitten. Die kate baby cat cannot pee on its own. Poo can, pee cann ...
dukeocean Post at 22-2-2010 19:12 
ye ke?? wahhh.. bagus..baguss..
nnt ambik gambar, nak tgk baby bertuah tu...  |
sukses.. yg ke3 tu berjaya diselamatkan. I gi private vet petang tu, then nurse yg jage kaunter tu ajar I mcm mane nk pee pee kn baby kitten. Die kate baby cat cannot pee on its own. Poo can, pee cann ...
dukeocean Post at 22-2-2010 19:12 
alhamdulillah...ala comeinye dah pandai jilat badan dah..nanti post pic..one lucky baby...syukur |
tumpang tanya.. kucing leh sakit tekak tak?? kne bwk gi vet gk ke?? kucing ku sekor tu mcm xmau mkn sgt la.nak kata cacing,x pulak.. suara pn lain mcm sket.huhuhu |
Post Last Edit by leotazz818 at 23-2-2010 16:03
tumpang tanya.. kucing leh sakit tekak tak?? kne bwk gi vet gk ke?? kucing ku sekor tu mcm xmau mkn sgt la.nak kata cacing,x pulak.. suara pn lain mcm sket.huhuhu
maksimrvica Post at 23-2-2010 15:47 
kucing kadang2 dapat sakit ulser mulut.. ini disebabkan makanan yg dia makan lah
Symptoms of Lingual Ulcers in a Feline
Your cat drools or drops his food on the floor and you notice what appears to be a sore on his tongue or lips. When your vet diagnoses the sore as a lingual (tongue) ulcer called an eosinophilic granuloma, what causes the disease and how to treat it may depend on what foods your cat eats. Eosinophilic granuloma has no definitive veterinary treatment protocol and, depending on the type of lesion, may be symptomatic of other food allergy or inhalant allergy related diseases, state the veterinary experts at Mar Vista Animal Medical Center.
An indolent ulcer (also called eosinophilic or rodent ulcer) appears on the middle upper lip and tongue of cats of all ages and breeds. Originally thought to be the result of cats eating infected mice, veterinarians still don't know what causes the disease, although a hypersensitivity to certain allergens is suspected. This lingual (tongue) ulcer appears as a thickened, brownish, defined lesion close to the side of your cat's mouth
Tongue and mouth ulcers called eosinophilic plaque can transfer to other parts of your pet's body, usually the abdomen or thighs. Raised and well defined, these lesions appear red, hairless and oozing. Any breed, age or sex of cat may contract these ulcers.
Eosinophilic granuloma ulcers present as long, inflamed lines on the tongue and face, bottom lip, and back legs of your cat. Appearing as thin, straight lines, these lesions are pink-yellow in color. Older, male cats contract the ulcers more often than younger toms or females and often, the lesions transfer to your cat's footpads.
Inability to Eat
Ulcers on your cat's tongue, lips and gums expose nerve endings and cause pain, making chewing food difficult for your cat. As the lesions become larger, they can travel to the areas under his tongue, to the roof of his mouth and down the back of his throat, causing swallowing to become painful. As he loses his sense of taste to the ulcer's erosion on his tongue, your cat may forego eating for comfort and start losing weight.
Some cats with oral lesions drool because the excess proliferation of eosinophilic and epithelial (skin) cells around the ulcers cause the salivary glands to produce more saliva than normal. If your cat also has ulcers on her lips and gums, the sores can cause the mouth to not close properly and drooling to occur.
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ohohohoho ada ulcer kah kucingku itu?? serious tak agak2..huhuh.petang nk bawak pi vet jugak lah kesian tgk dia xmkn sgt. agak2 mahal x kene vet private??more than 100 x? |
ohohohoho ada ulcer kah kucingku itu?? serious tak agak2..huhuh.petang nk bawak pi vet jugak lah kesian tgk dia xmkn sgt. agak2 mahal x kene vet private??more than 100 x?
maksimrvica Post at 23-2-2010 16:51 
rasernye below 100. kalau btol ulser biasanye vet antibiotik/jab. unless kalau melibatkan surgery, x-ray or hospitalised.
tp if kucing dah tak makan byk hari & dia demam.. mesti vet akan drip kucing tu dulu utk bg tenaga segera. |
613# leotazz818
tq kak leo, tadi gi vet doc tu jab dia.. esok and lusa pun akan jab skali lagi,sebab dia ni jenis susah sgt nk mkn ubat. so doc ckp jab pun leh.harap2 akn ok ulcer dia. gusi pun mcm bengkak. |
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