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Author: KimchiMen


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Post time 16-3-2015 08:04 PM | Show all posts
korang...out of topik ni.. saya nak pergi seoul rabu ni.. tadi dh print tiket semua..AAX.. bile check,tak dapat duduk sebelah anak..anak umur 4 tahun.. cmne eh?boleh mintak tukar tak? sori.. tak pernah naik AA.. harap korang dapat membantu...

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Post time 16-3-2015 08:40 PM | Show all posts
embunberseri replied at 16-3-2015 08:04 PM
korang...out of topik ni.. saya nak pergi seoul rabu ni.. tadi dh print tiket semua..AAX.. bile chec ...

option terbaek adelah salah sorang kene beli seat

tapi since dah less than 48 hours, aku tak pasti la boleh beli seat lagik ke tidak
kalau dah tak boleh beli seat, kene la mintak belas kasihan passenger lain utk duduk kat sebelah anak dlm flight tu nanti
yg pasti, mesti ade suara2 tak puas hati bile kite mintak nak tukar seat bile dah kat dlm flight ... bertabahlah yer


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 Author| Post time 16-3-2015 08:49 PM | Show all posts
nisaxiaojie replied at 16-3-2015 06:02 PM
nak tanya lagik.. korang sewa pocket wifi yg mana eh?
dah buntu nak memilih

klau nk sewa wifi egg better amek yg LG U+ LTE
bleh cover ramai org n sgt laju
tu kate kwn2 yg penah gune la
cume sejak2 sy ulang alik korea..xpenah lg la sewa mnde tu
sbbnye :
1) rugi pkai klau sorg2 sbb mahal
2) better bli prepaid wifi tuk 4ari trus sbb murah n bbaloi klau pkai sorg2
3) klau pegi lame..better bli temporary simkad je sbb mmg trus2 ade data plan dlm tu


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 Author| Post time 16-3-2015 08:54 PM | Show all posts
cikkesom replied at 16-3-2015 07:18 PM
nak menyebok jugak.
pasal portable wifi tu.
berbaloi ke sewa (rasanya dlm rm20/day) atau redha je  ...

rase cm xbbaloi pn ade sbnrnye
better time jln2 tu xyah tgk phone (xcept snap gmbr2)
blk guesthouse br la gune wifi diorg yg sgt laju tu
br puas ati bjln tnpa ade gangguan seksual dr phone korg2 yg bzbody sgt tu


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Post time 16-3-2015 08:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KimchiMen replied at 16-3-2015 07:16 PM
tmpt pkai hanbok ade 2 kt myeongdong tu
sy biase pi yg kt MPlaza (tgkt 5) sbb sng nk jmpe
yg lg  ...

Tu la kan....rasa cam bazir masa n duit je  kimchi class tu. Saya je suka lain x suka hehe.

Kimchimen...dah dpt contact ningmaru. Pekerja msian dia yg call.pantas sungguh service tak sampai sejam email dia dah call.Dioffer villa 3 bilik . Harga ok...semua ok. Yg tak ok...bilik mandi ada 1 je waa.....kami 13 incl 2 babies...tak praktikal bilik mandi satu.

Ada lagi guesthouse yg dekat area shopping boleh disyorkan tak?

how bout apartment ke...yg jenis sewa satu rumah tu?

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Post time 16-3-2015 08:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KimchiMen replied at 16-3-2015 08:49 PM
klau nk sewa wifi egg better amek yg LG U+ LTE
bleh cover ramai org n sgt laju
tu kate kwn2 yg p ...

Yg prepaid wifi 4 hari boleh beli kat mana?

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Post time 16-3-2015 09:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
azradiza replied at 16-3-2015 02:57 PM
ni yg kat M-Plaza Myeongdong
rase mcm free

Tq for e info azradiza.nanti saya study tempat2 ni.

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 Author| Post time 16-3-2015 09:02 PM | Show all posts
embunberseri replied at 16-3-2015 08:04 PM
korang...out of topik ni.. saya nak pergi seoul rabu ni.. tadi dh print tiket semua..AAX.. bile chec ...

rase xde ape2 kot
wt ms skung ni flight g korea cm da xpenoh cm dulu2
lg2 klau g on weekdays
so bile msuk flight nnti ask kt pramugari psl seat full ke x
klau xfull bgtau je kt pramugari tu kate nk tukar seat sbb tpisah ngn anak
pramugari airasia tuk korea biasenye baek je sbb xpenah jmpe yg kekwat lg wt ms ni
lg2 minah2 kpop..diorg tu baek je n helpfull je bile kite mntk tlg diorg
then lg 1 gune nasihat azra tu
g bli seat tuk korg sume
tuk sume msih bleh tukar even kite da wt web check in
slalu sy akn tukar seat dlm ms 24 jm sblm travel klau2 ade org kt sblh kiri or kanan
sy akn cr seat ber3 yg kosg sbb nk tido


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 Author| Post time 16-3-2015 09:34 PM | Show all posts
gazelle replied at 16-3-2015 08:55 PM
Tu la kan....rasa cam bazir masa n duit je  kimchi class tu. Saya je suka lain x suka ...

alamak sori xprasan akn hal toilet tu
tlupe tnye plak aritu sbb bajet stiap blk ade toilet
sori sgt2 k
klau umah len tu xpsti la..better check sm airBnB rasenye atau search fr aprtmnt kt or agoda

bab prepaid wifi 4 ari..bleh g mn2 cnvenience store n tnye diorg
slalu diorg ssh nk jual sbb diorg akn bg yg shari
kene tnye btl2 kt org kt kaunter tu nnti
xpn time kuar kt gate C incheon airport tu
corner kiri n akn jmpe 7E..try tnye diorg ade x wifi prepaid yg 4ari tu
klau diorg kate xde n ade yg shari tu bli je la dlu
then da smpi kt area tmpt tggl g cr lg kt mn2 cnvenience store len cm GS25 or CnU

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Post time 17-3-2015 12:29 AM | Show all posts
KimchiMen replied at 16-3-2015 08:54 PM
rase cm xbbaloi pn ade sbnrnye
better time jln2 tu xyah tgk phone (xcept snap gmbr2)
blk guestho ...

cikkesom mmg bukan pengguna tegar internet.
tapi, ahli rombongan yg lain yg kata perlu internet kot2 kalo2 sesat nak tengok jln itu ini.
lebih kurang camtu la.

bg cikkesom mmg tak berbaloi nk sentiasa kne bukak internet, pegi sana nk jalan2. eh?


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Post time 17-3-2015 04:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Its ok kinchimen. Kita x expect toilet 1 je kan.
Ni masih lagi mencari accomodation.
Trip ke korea ni unplanned.selalu kalo nak kemana2...mmg berbulan search tempat.

Ok..will keep on searching...Chaiyok...chaiyok...hehhee (betulkan word tu?..) means berusaha, jgn give up kan?)
Citer korea yg saya tgk ada 2 je...'jewel in e palace... and 'successful story of a bright girl'. Winter sonata pon x tgk.

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Post time 17-3-2015 07:44 AM | Show all posts
KimchiMen replied at 16-3-2015 09:02 PM
rase xde ape2 kot
wt ms skung ni flight g korea cm da xpenoh cm dulu2
lg2 klau g on weekdays

oh..tq.... tak sabar nak pergi sana... tapi berdebar jugak sb first time backpakers.. dengan anak dangan suami.selalu pergi mane2 mesti under travel agent...hihi

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Post time 17-3-2015 08:08 AM | Show all posts
KimchiMen replied at 16-3-2015 09:34 PM
alamak sori xprasan akn hal toilet tu
tlupe tnye plak aritu sbb bajet stiap blk ade toilet
sori  ...

Kimchi...cmne nak cakap ngan dorang nak prepaid wifi 4 hari tu...kne cakap korea ke? ke belasah cakap omputih...hehe...kalau cakap korea, ape ayat dia...nak hafal siap2 ni...

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Post time 17-3-2015 08:17 AM | Show all posts
gazelle replied at 16-3-2015 08:55 PM
Tu la kan....rasa cam bazir masa n duit je  kimchi class tu. Saya je suka lain x suka ...

kalau nak yg muat ramai, boleh cuba usha2 Seoul Tower Ville!en-room-rates/ciev

ni area seberang myeongdong gak
tapi apartment ni kat atas  bukit... mmg mendaki tangga

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2015 08:54 AM | Show all posts
misz_minie replied at 17-3-2015 08:08 AM
Kimchi...cmne nak cakap ngan dorang nak prepaid wifi 4 hari tu...kne cakap korea ke? ke belasah ca ...

klau kt airport or myeongdong ckp omputih je diorg phm
biase yg xphm omputih kt area yg xramai plancong je
nnti gtau je kt diorg nk wifi prepaid or korean wifi를 선불 형 있어요? (tgk kt gugel translator nnti k bunyi die cmner)
klau diorg tnye nk ape jenis bgtau nk yg OLLEH (3300won shari or 9900won 4ari)

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2015 09:05 AM | Show all posts
cikkesom replied at 17-3-2015 12:29 AM
cikkesom mmg bukan pengguna tegar internet.
tapi, ahli rombongan yg lain yg kata perlu internet k ...

klau bwk rombongn ramai2 ok la kot klau nk gune egg wifi tu
tp still kene amek 2 router tuk ksenangn bile korg bpecah
tp klau xmau gune egg wifi tu pn xpe
nasihatkn ahli rombongn bile lpskn diorg2 kt 1 kwsn
then bgtau time tuk jmpe blk kt tmpt yg drancang bjmpe
klau lmbt tgglkn je spy org2 bleh phm situasi sesorg bile bwk group
tu je nasihat yg biase sy buat kt group2 yg sy bwk
n alhamdulillah xpenah lg jmpe org or group yg xtepati ms xcept time nk kuar ppagi dr guesthouse

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Post time 17-3-2015 09:25 AM | Show all posts
embunberseri replied at 16-3-2015 08:04 PM
korang...out of topik ni.. saya nak pergi seoul rabu ni.. tadi dh print tiket semua..AAX.. bile chec ...

hai embun, pia penah terpisah ngan anak masa flight sydney - kl
anak 5 taun dia duduk sbelah tp tgh2 ade runway
sbelah dia 2 mat saleh laki & sbelah pia 2 matsaleh laki & pompuan
bile duduk je pia tnye kat stewardess melayu mintak dia tukarkan kami kalau2 ade tpt kosong sbelah2
lepas 10 mnt nak take off dia dtg ckp sory la flight penuh mmg x dpt tukar
dah stengah jam lepas tu mat saleh laki yg sebelah pia offer nk duduk tpt anak pia & let my son seat on his seat
baik sgt aussie tu..sgt terharu

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Post time 17-3-2015 09:36 AM | Show all posts
ada satu tempat lg free utk pakai hanbok
dan juga buat kraftangan
dekat dalam airport
lepas dah setel hal2 departure
selain shopping, bley buat aktiviti tu jugak kat dalam
tak pernah try lg sbb selalu smpai cukup2 masa
this time nak g jenguk jap la

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Post time 17-3-2015 09:48 AM | Show all posts
KimchiMen replied at 17-3-2015 09:05 AM
klau bwk rombongn ramai2 ok la kot klau nk gune egg wifi tu
tp still kene amek 2 router tuk ksena ...

rombongan 4 orang sajor
thanks kimchimen
kitorang pusing2 seoul je
tak mampu nk ke sokcho tu

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Post time 17-3-2015 10:50 AM | Show all posts
azradiza replied at 16-3-2015 07:00 PM
kenape tak book kat namsan semua? ke dah penuh?

saje nak tukar angin... nak merasa duk tempat lain.
gh ni cheaper only 50k je per night

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