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Author: mysr01

[The BRF] Istana Bawang 12: The Markle Debacle and Other Stories

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Post time 9-1-2020 03:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
HYSB replied at 9-1-2020 12:52 PM
Kenape iolls nk speku sebenrnye queen yg stripe off titles MM dengan Harry, tapi nak jaga name baik  ...

I baca tadi, hanat and smeg mmg tunggu BP yg announce, until dorang tau smlm yg The Sun nak announce the news sendiri. So ofcourseeee they want the limelight as in dorang sendiri undur diri, instead of people saying they’ve been kicked. Again, not sure if betul BP tau ke tak.

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Post time 9-1-2020 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 9-1-2020 03:58 PM

I sampai sekrg masih blur2 dgn latest stunt drpd Slutsex couple ni, mcm baru je "event" kat CH tu then tup2 they pulled off something like this...  
Then byk sgt info + theories + speculations flooded in, too much to digest within a short period of time, so exhausting! Frankly, I have more Qs in mind now, more than ever... we may or may not know the (whole) truth, dan ini sgt sgt mengecewakan!

No, no, no, no, no TP & DD, this is NOT the BOOM yg I harapkan

why are you talking about her "organized departure", what about treason charges for her? She deserves to be punished & locked-up for all the pains & heartaches that she caused. She needs to be called out for ALL her lies, full exposure, nothing but the truth! Akan jadi lebih mengecewakan jika BRF decides to hide certain details demi menjaga maruah monarki, be damn with them if they buat cenggini

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Post time 9-1-2020 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Smeg is so predictable, senang utk dikantoikan!

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Post time 9-1-2020 04:46 PM | Show all posts
emptybotol replied at 9-1-2020 03:53 PM
I baca tadi, hanat and smeg mmg tunggu BP yg announce, until dorang tau smlm yg The Sun nak announ ...

I pun baca ttg the same speculation, but tak SS laa pulak
Smeg cecepat published bila dpt tau yg kenkonon The Sun nak release it...

Timing wise, Smeg nye pattern mmg senang nak detect:
- nak step out from royal life, announced sehari b4 Kate's bday.
- filed lawsuit against publications to steal limelight & upstage Will/Kate incoming royal tour.
- dropped the SA docu during Will/Kate Pakistani tour.
- timely released Archie's new pics to neutralize attention on the Cambs clan.

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Post time 9-1-2020 04:49 PM | Show all posts
ni drpd ppl yg percaya Harry is on BRF's side, ofcoz I cilok drpd aunty Skippy

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Post time 9-1-2020 04:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I speku QE, PC, PW dah agak this will happen. Cumanya they all pun tahu nak potray good image of the Royal Family.
Kalau immediately keluar respon "we understand and ikut suka ko la Hanat & Maggot...korang takde lagi senang hidup kitaorang." nanti dikatakan mmg benci sasseks berdua tu.
Kalau tak setuju with their move di katakan controlling pulak.
BP ambik sikap tak tergesa2 keluar decision statement is a good PR. It shows maturity and consideration before issuing a decision. Senang cakap BP is not in the same level as sasseks yg macam budak bodoh sombong.

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaxa replied at 9-1-2020 09:14 AM
Yang misterinya sugars ni semua cakap Diana's soul is with them, would support them with this decisi ...

I'll say Wallis Simpson's soul is with them.
Apa ke bangang sugars nih nak play Diana card...Wallis & Maggot tu baru la sekufu in many aspects.

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:07 PM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 9-1-2020 04:49 PM
ni drpd ppl yg percaya Harry is on BRF's side, ofcoz I cilok drpd aunty Skippy

Skippy mmg forever harry is a victim. Even photo from canada house pun skippy said it's a sign from harry saying that all works are done. Takut i nak percaya skippy ni because harry tak nampak mcm orang yg kita boleh percaya

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:09 PM | Show all posts
mizziaz replied at 9-1-2020 04:53 PM
I speku QE, PC, PW dah agak this will happen. Cumanya they all pun tahu nak potray good image of the ...

Yup. Best way to maintain good image. Jangan melatah nak bagi statement sangat. Tapi ummah marhaen mcm i geram jah tengok sussex tu

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:09 PM | Show all posts
And i like how some people on twitter (yg malaysian) semakin nampak whats wrong with meghan. Itu theyolls tak tengok lagi receipt pasal fake pregnancy meghan tu.

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:16 PM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 9-1-2020 03:57 PM
I sampai sekrg masih blur2 dgn latest stunt drpd Slutsex couple ni, mcm baru je "event" kat CH tu th ...

Baru lepas mengata pasal canada house tiba tiba keluar statement nak quit senior royals. And like i said, i dah menyampah nak follow tp and dd. Boom apanya dah berapa lama dari fake pregnancy meggot tu.

Mcm attention seeker tau asyik bagi hints jah

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 9-1-2020 10:09 PM

It will be truly a BOOM once the relevant parties menjawab persoalan2 berikut & dedahkan hal sebenar:

- Harry sebenar benarnya berada di pihak yg mana, his family or the princess pit?
- if their marriage is really a sham, kenapa dia perlu play along with Smeg? What dirts?
- siapa yg tolong Smeg plan, finance & execute this scam, only her pimp & her friends, or ada deep state backers? Expose full details.
- if ni bukan scam, if Harry mmg jatuh cinta dgn Smeg at some point & she got greedy etc, when was the turning point? What went wrong?
- if ni mmg a scam, ada kaitan tak dgn Andrew, dgn Epstein nye human trafficking ring or dgn NXIVM?
- re Archie, is he real? If yes, ada royal DNA or not? If yes, adakah Harry akan jaga dia? If not, apa akan jadi kat dia.
- reveal all details re Archie & pregnancy, the dolls, surrogacy or not, his birth place + date + cert.
- BRF to justify kenapa diaorg tak handle & contain this situation/Smeg dr awal, kenapa allowed the marriage to happen, what took them so long.
- adakah Smeg pernah sexually involved dgn Andrew?
- what will happen to Harry, easily forgiven & sweep everything under the rug?
- what will happen to Smeg & konco2 dia, will they be charged?
- will Smeg get anything out of the divorce, monetarily?
- how BRF going to compensate their ppl for their inability to contain a situation wt an aging grifter?

yeaaah I tahu I kena manage my expectation coz probably we wont get the desired answers on all of these, but hey, a girl can dream & hope

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:44 PM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 9-1-2020 05:16 PM
Baru lepas mengata pasal canada house tiba tiba keluar statement nak quit senior royals. And like  ...

I really tak paham ttg tujuan sebenar diaorg visit CH tu, I ingatkan sbb nak yakinkan public yg diaorg mmg pi Canada...

but if they really know yg diaorg akan drop this bomb in couple of days, why nak waste taxpayers money on security & people's time and energy to arrange everything? Heartless, thoughtless pigs sgt

my best guess, she needs a final moment for her favorite "oxygen", royal style...

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Post time 9-1-2020 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chip92 replied at 9-1-2020 08:26 AM
I dah fedup dgn depa ni, brf pulak takbuat apa2. Penat dah nak follow

Kannn ... Dulu punya tazabaaaaarrr nak tunggu smeg Checkmate .. Ujung byk plo

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Post time 9-1-2020 06:05 PM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 9-1-2020 05:07 PM
Skippy mmg forever harry is a victim. Even photo from canada house pun skippy said it's a sign fro ...

I boleh je terima teori aunty Skippy yg Harry is on BRF's side, yg I tak setuju adalah Harry ni mangsa keadaan & terpaksa berlakon demi kelangsungan monarki, yeahhhh right! Harry ni dimwit, entitled, spoiled brat yg always think using the head in between his legs

I baca tweets from TP & DD, some I take into consideration & some not, I just need to feel/see glimpse of hopes yg BRF akan do something to control Smeg coz di mata kasar, BRF hanya acted bila Smeg buat something, then baru kalut nak "quickly dismissed by the palace", kenapa tak kawal dia dr awal? kenapa tak control her excessive PR? If betul2 terbukti on the fake pregnancy, it's totally a Hiroshima/Nagasaki, memalukan sgt!

I lebih suka baca tweets DD coz he explained things, TP asyik teasing semedang. Several weeks ago, DD kata we will see something (yeah I know, I know ) in a matter of weeks, so here it is, at least kali ni betul laa bagai dikata... entah2 BRF nye camp yg sebarkan rumor ttg The Sun akan release info ttg Sussex stepping out tu, just to trigger Smeg & spring her into action, who knows kan...

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Post time 9-1-2020 06:25 PM | Show all posts
What Meghan wants... Meghan (didn't) get...

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Post time 9-1-2020 06:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
huehue replied at 9-1-2020 01:44 AM
Yup. Gigi asal tak berapa kemas. Mujur berduit bolehlah pasang veneer.

Pakai la braces

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2020 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by mysr01 at 9-1-2020 07:04 PM


The Sussexes have released a Media rulebook!

Nah link:

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Post time 9-1-2020 07:05 PM | Show all posts
pity gak kat harry ni..mcm dah kena mandrem dhn permainan semeggot..

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2020 07:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Here's the extraction from the SussexRoyal Media statement. Wehhhhh, I'm so heartbroken for the BRF! Dah lah today is Kate's Birthday!

I swear, MadMegs is so unhinged! And Harry is so Daft and Dense!!!!!! Geram I!!!!


Thank you for visiting Sussex Royal to learn more about the work of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Following their decision to adjust theirworking modelin 2020, it is appropriate to amend their media relations policy to reflect their new roles. Their sincere hope is that this change in media policy will enhance access and give The Duke and Duchess the ability to share information more freely with members of the public. The following section explains the new media relations policy of Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

How will The Duke and Duchess of Sussex handle media relations in the future?

In the spring of 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be adopting a revised media approach to ensure diverse and open access to their work. This adjustment will be a phased approach as they settle into the new normality of theirupdated roles. This updated approach aims to:

Engage with grassroots media organisations and young, up-and-coming journalists;Invite specialist media to specific events/engagements to give greater access to their cause-driven activities, widening the spectrum of news coveragerovide access to credible media outlets focused on objective news reporting to cover key moments and events;Continue to share information directly to the wider public via their official communications channels;No longer participate in the Royal Rota system.What is the ‘Royal Rota’ system?

The Royal Rota was established more than 40 years ago as a way of giving UK print and broadcast media exclusive inside access to the official engagements of members of the Royal Family.

Under this system,the rota, or pool, gives these British media representatives the opportunity to exclusively cover an event, on the understanding that they will share factual material obtained with other members of their sector who request it. The current system predates the dramatic transformation of news reporting in the digital age. The core group of UK outlets with Royal Rota access remain the predominant news source through which worldwide media organisations receive content on the official engagements of members of the Royal Family. These UK media outlets are: The Daily Express, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Evening Standard, The Telegraph, The Times, The Sun.

Why have The Duke and Duchess of Sussex elected to change their media policy now?

The Duke and Duchess have chosen to revise their media policy to reflect both their forthcoming change as members of the Royal Family with financial independence, and their wish to reshape and broaden access to their work.

How does this new media policy relate to the UK’s Royal Correspondents?

Britain’s Royal Correspondents are regarded internationally as credible sources of both the work of members of The Royal Family as well as of their private lives. This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting. Regrettably, stories that may have been filed accurately by Royal Correspondents are, also, often edited or rewritten by media editorial teams to present false impressions.

What is The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s stance on media in general?

The Duke and Duchess believe in a free, strong and open media industry, which upholds accuracy and fosters inclusivity, diversity and tolerance.Both The Duke and Duchess have collaborated with media organisations including: Time Magazine, National Geographic, The Daily Telegraph, British Vogue, and various others. Their Royal Highnesses recognise that their roles as members of the Royal Family are subject to interest, and they welcome accurate and honest media reporting as well as being held to account if appropriate. Equally, like every member of society, they also value privacy as individuals and as a family.

Will they continue to have a social media platform?

Yes, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue to have a social media platform. They look forward to continuing their use ofsocial mediaand believe that their updated media approach will enable them to share more, with you, directly.

Historically, the understanding with the Royal Rota expects that if Their Royal Highnesses were to release a photo that has never been seen, they would be expected to give the image to The Rota (of which four of the seven are UK tabloids) simultaneously or in advance of their own release. This formula enables these select publications to profit by publishing these images on their websites/front pages. Any breach in this understanding creates long term repercussions.

The current structure makes it challenging for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to personally share moments in their lives directly with members of the public (via social media for example), without first going through the filter of the Royal Rota. For more information on the rota system, please see top of this section.

Is this change of policy being adopted by other members of the Royal Family?

The changes outlined above apply to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their son, Archie. They do not speak on behalf of the other members of The Royal Family in regards to their media relations policies.

For more information:

Public InterestRoyal RotaOfficial Statement



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