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[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 12-2-2020 12:45 AM | Show all posts

Link:  FAKE IT TO MAKE IT Meghan Markle ‘faking love’ with Prince Harry for ‘glamorous’ life, Germaine Greer fears

MEGHAN Markle is "faking" her love for Prince Harry in a bid for a more “high” life, fears Germaine Greer.

The controversial feminist told Australian broadcaster 60 Minutes she was sceptical of just how authentic the Duchess had been in her marriage, with the outcome "likely to be disastrous".

The 81-year-old said: “All I can think is she'd better be in love.”

“If she's been faking it all this time, oh boy, what misery. How many orgasms will it take? How many fake groans will get her through this?”

Greer’s comments come after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s decision to step back from the Royal Family last month.

Since quitting their roles as senior royals, it has been reported that Megan is looking for an agent in a possible return to showbiz, with Harry even caught on camera pitching his wife as a voice over artist to Disney CEO Bob Iger.

Many believe their self-imposed abdication was a ploy driven by the “fame-hungry” former Suits star in a bid to return to Hollywood.

Long-time royal critic Germaine Greer suggests there were warning signs of ‘Megxit’ from the outset.

Greer told 60 Minutes the Duchess’ potential to manipulate her husband in order to climb the “celebrity” ladder was evident in their extravagant £32 million wedding, which was “full of showbiz.”

She said: “The marriage was terrible too, because it was full of showbiz personalities, as if Megan lived in a completely artificial world.”

"The whole point about showbiz - it's not real, and it won't sustain you.”

Greer explained she wasn't at all surprised when the couple announced their plans to step back from Royal duties just 599 days after walking down the aisle.

Just two years ago, she told 60 Minutes: "She'll bolt. She's bolted before,” alluding to Meghan’s former failed marriage.

Her eerie prediction was based on the argument that a combination of boredom and pressure would see Meghan call time, adding: "But maybe she’ll take Harry with her.''

Greer’s scepticism was backed by Prince Harry’s official biographer,

Angela Levin, who on Sunday claimed the Duke’s bid to make his wife happy was “to the detriment of himself,” and that Meghan’s focus on celebrity was to blame for her unpopularity – not racism.

Levin said: “I think a lot of the criticism has come about because she sort of lectures the public on how they should behave, but not do it herself.”

"We shouldn't fly, but she can go off on private jets to Elton John and see the Clooney’s and all that sort of thing.”

Also speaking to 60 Minutes on Sunday, Trisha Goddard argued it was indeed the force of racist undercurrents in the UK that was to blame for the couple’s relocation to Canada.

She told reporter Tom Steinfort: “There's a narrative that's been here long before Meghan Markle, which bubbled to the surface about this.”

“There are ways of saying things you know about, ‘Them, exotic’. A lot of it is also very misogynistic, ‘Oh, she's got Harry wrapped around her finger.’”

The television presenter added that the decision to step back from their royal duties was likely one made by Harry.

But she claims it was easier for the British public to turn on Meghan for the 'Megxit' mess, mimicking the public outcry: “How can he possibly desert us? It must be her.”

“That's the misogyny bit as well. If I can use that term, ‘he's p***y whipped,’ as they call it. I think it's racism. I think it's xenophobia. I think it's misogyny, she’s a strong woman.”


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Post time 12-2-2020 03:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 11-2-2020 11:44 PM
I baru baca lagi sekali news psl ni, rupa2 nye diaorg dah berpisah since last year, dan Autumn tak ...

Oh my sedihnyaaaa..... Dah la I suka citer cinta dorg..

Yeap dia kerja dgn RBS pastu kerja dgn McLaren semua tp bahagian pengurusan or kewangan.. Sedih yg amat.

Tahan juga la kan Autumn bertahan.. since last year berpisah.. Lagi satu sian kat anak anak dia Savannah dan Isla.. Mesti x sedap tengok parents gaduh gaduh kan.. lain yg buat hal, lain pula yg bercerai.. so sad..

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 11-2-2020 11:47 PM
Smeg terlalu sakit hati sampai terpaksa release this BS story (same ol same ol BS) utk yakinkan di ...

katanya nak start all over lagi... start from Disney punya project... Igor masa kena tny kat Oscar abt him ngan Hanat punya project, dia sebut Invictus Games bagai..buat buat x tau psl Smeg.. langsung x mention.. they learn their bloodiest lesson, jgn layan pompuan mcm smeg nnt dpt curse memanjang hahaha..

Oh iyer ke Blac Chyna tu plus one.. at least dia pandai mengedix utk dpt invitation ke Oscar.. ex striper kan pasti hot cake la juga dikalangan celeb.. sbb dia terang terang bgtau dia ex stripper.. so public tau dia x suci murni mcm Smeg walaupun profession striper dan yachter tu lebih kurang jer... Smeg takder da aura menarik. title da x boleh pakai... nak masuk Oscar, x ada sapa nak jemput even clooney pon buat x tau kat dia ngan hanat

haishhh Snazzy pls pls jauhkan mata anda dr JM .. dia nak tunjuk skin dia.. tu pakai baju cinonit je sizenya tp haiyoooo.. itu kulit x lawa mana ooooo.. dah kendur semcm dahhh hahaha .. paling x suka tengok pesen bikini dia dan pesen German lady costume dia itewww... aiyoooo.. menakutkan utk mum of 3


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Post time 12-2-2020 03:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 12-2-2020 12:19 AM
I harap one day Kate akan dapat courage to say "enuf is enuf, stop being so passive, be a leader"  ...

yeap semoga Kate ada kekuatan nak kata enough say.. sian... dia sanggup hadap semua tu..kalau PW x appreciate juga, mmg teruk la keluarga BRF nie..

cake ism wahahaha... sib baik x kena coin term yg berkaitan dgn previous profession kat laut.. yachter.. kalau tak haru stans dia nak delete term tu hahaha

kate teruk kena attack sbb ramai yg jeles sbb kate kawin dgn PW.. kalau Will pilih dorg jd bini I rasa berebut jugak girl nak jd bini dia..

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 12-2-2020 12:45 AM

Link:  FAKE IT TO MAKE IT Meghan Markle ‘faking love’ with Prince Harry for  ...

jd ke dia nak buat voice over tu. Iger nak bg ke kerja kat unemployed smeg nie?

takut nnt x laku movie tu nnt. I think Huliwuud dah tunjuk belang kat Smeg.. dia je x mo terima yg huliwuud dun want her to be there..

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Post time 12-2-2020 04:13 AM | Show all posts
British royals visited the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre


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Post time 12-2-2020 07:55 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-2-2020 03:43 AM
yeap semoga Kate ada kekuatan nak kata enough say.. sian... dia sanggup hadap semua tu..kalau PW x ...

Depa jeles sbb dapat kawen dgn william je pun, hot prince kan masa tu, pastu lama pulak bercinta tuu, rasa kalau kawen pompuan lain pun sama jugak kena kecam nanti
Meggot tu ada ke org nak jeles dgn dia? Setakat dapat hanat si spare je, dah tu byk buat hal pulak tu. Kalau setakat lovely & protective husband tak bawak ke mana pun, boleh kenyang ke


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Post time 12-2-2020 10:03 AM | Show all posts
from CDAN:
Despite it being a private event and earning in excess of $1M, this couple didn't contribute a dime to the security costs incurred by THREE countries and two local police departments.


salah satu komen menarik:
The Harkles didn't get a million. They got $50,000. They were not the main event, but side speakers. Gayle King got them the gig. The Harkles were add-ons. Someone tweeted that Harry spoke and sounded like a drunk at the end of a bar, complaining about his mental illness. It was cringe-worthy. JPM was glad to be rid of them. I wonder if Gayle King was embarrassed.

it's the beginning of the end for Baldy and Sweaty

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Post time 12-2-2020 12:03 PM | Show all posts
rosewhite replied at 12-2-2020 04:13 AM
British royals visited the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre

I suka tengok PC dan PW
Comel je PC tolak wheelchair tu hahaha

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chip92 replied at 12-2-2020 07:55 AM
Depa jeles sbb dapat kawen dgn william je pun, hot prince kan masa tu, pastu lama pulak bercinta t ...

kenyang dgn kutukan bukan pemoja smarkle ..

Kate kena kutuk sbb dia x melawan kan.. Lantak la apa org nak kata.. anak2 dia bakal monarch... sooo celaan org tu cam kentut je kot bg dia

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-2-2020 10:03 AM
from CDAN:


dani... hot teaaa...dah makin teruk la Hanat. siann.. dah la gmbr William dan charles looks very sweet.. happy je.. mesti geram Hanat dgn aksi bapa dan abgnya.. too bad, they never missed him

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kuchenta_81 replied at 12-2-2020 12:03 PM
I suka tengok PC dan PW
Comel je PC tolak wheelchair tu hahaha

kan... comey.. mcm William masa kecik2

betul la agaknya PC wish William je seorg anak lelaki dia, dan dia nak princess.. Kalau si Hanat tu princess mesti x ada masalah walau mukanya hauk

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I like these gifs kat tumblr duchess ni.

happy tengok dorg happy

https://countesscuriosity.tumblr ... wnprincesses-prince

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Post time 12-2-2020 03:36 PM | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-2-2020 03:13 PM
kan... comey.. mcm William masa kecik2

betul la agaknya PC wish William je seorg anak lelaki d ...

Baru sekarang nampak FabFour ni kan
maybe plan istana or maybe genuine feeling
harap2 dorang memang okay for real fabfour

mengelupur la harry sebab before kawen elok je dia mengekor abang dan kakak iparnya
dari dulu Harry ni nampak manja di mata I, bila mengekor PWKM, terasa dia disayangi.
skang jadi apa? tak pasal2 macam merempat jahh

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Post time 12-2-2020 04:06 PM | Show all posts
kuchenta_81 replied at 12-2-2020 03:36 PM
Baru sekarang nampak FabFour ni kan
maybe plan istana or maybe genuine feeling
harap2 dorang mem ...

makin sakit hati la acik Meghan tgok gambar dieorg berempat..hehehhe

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Post time 12-2-2020 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Jemahkepam replied at 12-2-2020 04:06 PM
makin sakit hati la acik Meghan tgok gambar dieorg berempat..hehehhe

ko tunggu dia balas apa nanti, mesti ada punyalahhh

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Post time 12-2-2020 04:21 PM | Show all posts
kuchenta_81 replied at 12-2-2020 04:07 PM
ko tunggu dia balas apa nanti, mesti ada punyalahhh

kita x sabar nk tggu Acik Meghan muncul kan diri die di khalayak ramai

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Post time 12-2-2020 05:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kuchenta_81 replied at 12-2-2020 03:36 PM
Baru sekarang nampak FabFour ni kan
maybe plan istana or maybe genuine feeling
harap2 dorang mem ...

org kata dia jd jeles lepas george dan lottie lahir... bila louis lahir lagi dia tension..

dia pun nak merasa juga jd king.. tp x sangka pula pwkm sgt subur ye

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Post time 12-2-2020 06:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah lama kan si smeg ni x muncul kat public? Muncul pun, gambar staged (jln bawak archie pelesu). Selain tu, mana ada org terserempak ke apa... mcm kena kurung je.. si harry pun sama... yg ada gambar candid, dia dia punye double.. misteri sungguh... mustahil org level dia xde org terserempak langsung...

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Post time 12-2-2020 07:42 PM | Show all posts
savannah phillips ni muka dia cantik.

muka mak dia versi semenggah sikit

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