Gundam AGE boleh ditonton di YouTube secara "legal" di akaun GundamInfo (dengan sarikata bahasa Inggeris)
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Rekabentuk watak-watak kali ini nampak kebudak-budakan, jalan cerita agak ringkas dan bersahaja berbanding yg dulu. Yang boleh memikat peminat yg berusia matang ialah watak jahatnya kali ini betul2 misteri, sampai seorang ahli pun tak tengok batang hidung tapi cuma mechanya yg nampak, patutlah dipanggil "Unknown Enemy".
Agaknya siapa UE ni? Tentera manusia atau makhluk asing?
Gundam Cafe scores red hot hit with spicy ' Char ' curry
March 20, 2012
A waitress holds a plate of Char Zaku curry at Gundam Cafe in Tokyo's Akihabara district. (Fumiyuki Nakagawa)
When staff at the Gundam Cafe in Akihabara tried to come up with a recipe that would leave a deep impression on their customers, they sought inspiration from Char Aznable, the dauntless archenemy of pilot Amuro Ray of the Gundam anime series.
They may have achieved that goal. Char Zaku Curry, named after the devil-red mobile suit that the Neo Zeon leader commands, appears to have scored points with customers.
Char Zaku Curry is not only eye catching--a devilish red sauce over rice, rounded to resemble the face of the mobile suit--but also spicy hot.
After a few bites, many will find themselves reaching for big glasses of ice water.
And it's no wonder. The recipe includes plenty of red hot chili peppers, according to officials at toymaker Bandai Co., which operates Gundam Cafe.
“ Char is also known as the ‘ Red Comet, ’ and Char Zaku, like a shooting star, travels several times faster than other Zaku mobile suits," said a Bandai official. " So, we decided to make the curry three times spicier than regular curry. ”
According to the official, many diners have had to give up halfway through their meal, yet they still come back for more.
Japanese Politicians Are Thinking about Building Gundam. Like, Real, Working Gundam
Politicians everywhere are crap—even the ones who are thinking about building a giant, working mecha. In an upcoming broadcast on Japanese video platform Nico Nico Live, members of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party are apparently going to discuss the idea of building a real life Gundam.
The Liberal Democratic Party, which ruled Japan for over fifty years after World War II, is not actually " liberal ". Rather, the party is conservative. Well known party members, Tadamori Oshima and Bunmei Ibuki, are slated to discuss biped robots and now the LDP is " seriously considering the development of Gundam. "
Back in 2008, it was estimated that a working (not just a full scale mock-up like above), one-to-one scale would cost US$725,000,000 for parts and materials. That figure doesn't include the cost of labor or the cost of insanity required to build such a machine.
These politicians probably do not mean they want to make a 60-foot tall, 43.7 metric ton Gundam replica (at least I hope they don't), but instead, large mecha contraptions that could be used by, presumably, the country's Self Defense Force. In an age of drone attacks, mecha don't exactly seem to be ideal on the battlefield.
Japan's economy and society are both in a bad way. The country is deeply in debt, the population is aging, and Japan has no natural resources. And with a strong yen and a sour world economy, Japan can't export its way to prosperity. It can ship its manufacturing to China and hollow itself out.
These are serious times. They require serious conversations by serious leaders. And the LDP, who hopes to regain power after the current Democratic Party of Japan implodes, appears like its fishing for the nerd vote by appearing on Nico Nico and talking about building Gundam robots as a viable way to promote industry and protect the nation.
tahun 2006 ada la aku tgok gundam seed di komputer kawan
-masa tu tak minat sangat, cuma kumpul model kit dia saja
-tahun lepas aku beli bnyak model kit gundam, dan rasa mcm nak ikut dia punya anime pulak laa
-gundam age bg aku tak best dia punya mobile suit, anime tak tahu lagi mcmana
-unicorn gundam bila nak masuk malaysia?
gundam age, robot dia dahla hodoh
-aku beli model kit gundam tu ada original bandai, ada bnyak china made
-bab aku tak suka anime gundam ni, hero dia budak2 sangat, umur belasan tahun dah hebat bawak mobile suit, lepas tu persoal apa generasi terdahulu dok buat
-budak2 belasan tahun tp boleh ubah destiny, tak logik laa
The story revolves around Iori Sei - a first-year middle-school student who is talented at building GunPla but is only a beginner to the GunPla Battles - a competition that pit Gundam plastic models against each other. Together with an experienced GunPla fighter called Reiji, they aim to win the GunPla Battle world championships.
Main Characters
- Iori Sei [イオリ・セイ] voiced by Komatsu Mikako [小松未可子]
- Reiji [レイジ] voiced by Kokuryuu Sachi [國立幸]
- Kousaka China [コウサカ・チナ] voiced by Ishikawa Yui [石川由依]
- Yuuki Tatsuya [ユウキ・タツヤ] voiced by Satou Takuya [佐藤拓也]
- Yasaka Mao [ヤサカ・マオ] voiced by Fujii Minami [藤井美波]
- Ricardo Fellini [リカルド・フェリーニ] voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi [中村悠一]
- Iori Takeshi [イオリ・タケシ]
- Iori Rinko [イオリ・リン子] voiced by Mitsuishi Kotono [三石琴乃]
RED 666 posted on 11-12-2013 02:58 PM
mana ada tergantungnya, itulah kesudahan dia.....
alien ELS dan manusia berdamai, buat hal masi ...
Dulu layan juga anime Gundam 00, dari musim pertama sampai musim kedua. Cuba jugaklah nak berfikiran terbuka segala, tapi difikirkan balik, tak berbaloi.
Hero (Setsuna F Seiei aka Soran Ebrahim aka Kamal Majirif) bekas pengganas pejuang Islam tapi murtad tak percaya agama dan Tuhan, pengganas (Ali Al-Saachez) belakang tabir mempergunakan Islam dan agama bagi merekrut kanak2 bawah umur jadi pengganas pemberontak, konflik perang negara Islam Republik Kurgis vs Azadistan, konflik perang saudara berlainan mazhab (berkemungkinan Syiah vs Sunnah) di Azadistan, heroin pemimpin wanita Islam (Marina Ismail) yang senang diperkotakkatikkan dan jatuh cinta dengan hero yg murtad, situasi negara Islam sekular (Republik Taribia) yang terpaksa merayu minta tolong kesatuan Amerika melindungi ancaman Gundam .....
Dialog2 Setsuna tu yang banyak anti-Tuhan ... Masya Allah, tergezut aku. Cemana boleh lepas LPF, siap boleh tayang kat TV lagi. Agak2 lah. Hero anti- Allah, murtad anti agama, Gundam 00 pun banyak menampakkan seolah Islam ni terang2 teroris.
On personal level, aku lebih minat Gundam era Universal Century, lebih spesifik One Year War. Sure, ada orang suka dengan konflik Char dengan Amuro, tapi bagi aku highly overrated. Cuma Char's Counterattack je yang aku minat bab perseteruan tak habis2 antara Amuro dan Char, sebab Char hipokrit gila, guna taktik sama macam Zeon dan lebih pada personal vendetta. Agak2 la pun sampai jatuhkan asteroid ke Tibet semua ...
MS Gundam 0080: War in The Pocket cukup menyayat hati, memberi ruang cerita dari pandangan kanak2 yg idealis di koloni yang neutral, dari semangat setiakawan pejuang2 Zeon yang sanggup berkorban nyawa demi ideologi dan kedaulatan Zeon, dan seorang pilot Federation bagi prototaip Gundam yang merupakan gadis biasa (girl next door) tanpa kuasa luarbiasa Newtype. Dan kesan tragis trauma ke atas seorang kanak2 yang baru akhirnya faham kesan peperangan.
MS Gundam: 08th MS Team pula lebih realistik dimana unit2 prototaip Gundam adalah mecha biasa bukan satu mecha yang tak boleh dimusnahkan, menyaksikan peperangan gerila dalam hutan, pilot2 Gundam / unit2 Zeon hanyalah manusia biasa ada perasaan tanpa perlu emo tahap gaban macam pilot berkuasa luarbiasa Newtype. Mana2 peminat dunia ketenteraan akan menghargai setiap aksi tempur yang realistik yang dipaparkan dalam siri OAV ni. Seolah2 bagai menyaksikan kempen peperangan hutan Vietnam. Kisah cinta antara hero Federation dan heroin Zeon pun dimainkan dengan baik dan kemas jalan ceritanya.
MS Gundam Igloo I pula menyaksikan krew kapal Zeon yang berdepan kerenah birokrasi dalam menguji senjata2 prototaip bagi membantu kempen perang Zeon ke atas Federation. Hipokrasi kepimpinan Zeon, propaganda Zeon yang palsu, serta saat2 akhir kekalahan kempen Zeon dipaparkan dengan jelas menerusi kacamata pihak Zeon sendiri.
MS Gundam Igloo II pula menarik sebab kini ia melibatkan kempen One Year War di pihak Federation pula. Dengan kekalahan demi kekalahan, manipulasi pihak atasan Federation mengorbankan askar2 bawahan tanpa mempedulikan taktik strategi lebih berkesan .... amat mengesankan.