Hm.. I'm not baby Baby Panda's fan tp i'd like to contribute something to show h ...
will do. kalau mlm nih dpt design, i'll post it here.
tak kesah la sape pun..
asal BB jea kite sokongla.
but obviously my bias Seungri la.
dulu time GDAE ade scandal pun sokong n backing diorg gaks.
adikmanis posted on 3-10-2012 10:58 PM
oh my, x sangka plak diorang buat cmtu! i thought iVIPs are so supportive.. personally, AM xtau ...
i know u da follow @SeungriMalaysia. hahaha!!
takpe, if anything nanti i'll update.
ade yg nak mintak jual hand-fan la, headband la.
so tgh survey dulu.
yg confirm skarang nih banner, placard n tshirt jea.
t-shirt jea yg jual.
banner ngan placard tuh, i kluar duit sendiri since mmg dr awal nak buat camtuh.
then bile ade yg sokong, munculla MySeungri.
psl news tuh, semmgnye kvips da bg warning utk take down all the news.
but ade one blackjack nih yg gi translate, so bebdk naver n weibo nampak.
trus jadik besar. hahaha!!
kalau ikutkan, pepg tuh diam jea laie sbb blum kluar kat tv laie.
just kluar kat webpage papparazi tuh.
kalau tgk video tuh pun, i dun think it's a big deal.
he look so sweet n charming there adela.
just that girl mabuk n kiss riri.
so cam kecoh sket.
adela a few news after that psl riri n how fans reaction.
tp nih da oke, just the hyungs still risau.
so tae, dae n ri kene duk satu building ngan GD n YG.
their floor is just one floor down from ji and which i assume, ji will always be there.
kesianla maknae pasnih. takleh carik awek.
takpe.. dae, taeyang and seungri duk satu rumah nanti, senang la diorang nak buat party dalam rumah tu.
kan ke dae&tae cakap seungri yg slalu ajak diorng pegi party.
bila diorng nak sampai thailand? x sabar pulak nk tengok airport pics diorng.
fiza1 posted on 4-10-2012 02:28 PM
takpe.. dae, taeyang and seungri duk satu rumah nanti, senang la diorang nak buat party dalam rumah ...
[041012] GD, Taeyang & TOP are now on their way to Thailand from Incheon Aiport!! While DaeSung & Seungri will be departing from Narita Airport. All 5 is expected to arrive tonight at Bkk airport for their 2 days concert in Thailand (5 & 6 Oct) source: Twitter.
bintangchomel posted on 4-10-2012 01:24 PM
will do. kalau mlm nih dpt design, i'll post it here.
tak kesah la sape pun..
Ye la.. VIPs should realize, tnpa si baby panda yg kiut-miut tu.. Tak lengkap la our abg2 Big Bang! hehe!
Kita x pedulik, apa pun org nk ckp psl si baby,kita ttp support dia (sorry again,abg Tabi..). To me, dia x buat apa slh pun.. Comel aje dia beriang-ria dgn his friends.. Dia pun manusia biasa yg nk hv fun.. Org lain x pyh sibuk2 making such a big fuss about it..
Ape pn,cant hardly wait for ur tee's design.. and,i think hand fan tu pun mcm a good suggestion.. U shoud think fast about it.. Cuma,time is running out.. Susah skit la if nk dpt sblm concert kat msia,kn?
stanum123 posted on 4-10-2012 02:15 AM
OMO! chill chill dear..unni rasa hanya sebilangan kecil je yg tak bg response sgt kat RiRi ms tu.. ...
haha..forever love the video.. bukan senang tau nk tgk baeri moments.. da la bae ni kuat nyakat seungri.. tapi tau je la si maknae ni, kalau kene sakat pun buat muke toye je
honey_jelly posted on 4-10-2012 09:55 AM
ala kesian riri...nih bukan betul2 VIP..bagilah sapot no matter akan sapot dey all kat kons ...
alah.. x blh bwa kamera digital ek? Aduii.. baru bercita2 tggi nk bwa my digital camera.. hmm.. terpksala dipendamkn shaja hasrat itu.. Kang x psl2 kenal erti penyesalan plak if bwa camera.. huhu!
idadae posted on 4-10-2012 10:21 AM
dun worry guys, ms concert haritu, i akan cheer abes-abesan bkn setakat utk DaeDae,GDTOP,Taeyang mal ...
poyo sikit? salah tu sis... poyo banyak adala kalau dulu2 lagi la, AM dok kutuk mamat ni attention seeker sekali, hamek ko, yg attention seeker ni la pujaan hatiku sekarang konfiden level dia yg tlebih tinggi tu mmg AM admire la, totally inspiring.. pedulikan apa orang nk kata, if you are determined to do it, you absolutely can do it! i love you baybeyhhh
You all!! check out this beg designs from Indo-VIP (@sergeantkero) & SGVIP ( @mthasia)..So sool!!!!! Sapa berminat nak order bleh check it out kat blog diorg..Anyone rajin amek order leh beli in bulk ok! I dah tanya diorg & dpt greenlight nk tepek kt sini so please credit properly..
p/s: security checked every beg and took away some cameras & playcard. (source mystifize@twitter) update!!! A few VIPz got kicked-out from concert for taking pictures!!! uwaaa..giler strict mcm kat Koya plak!(source Joj Thalia Alma@twitter)
jujuanna posted on 6-10-2012 12:20 AM
memang confirm la terpaksa batalkan niat nk seludup masuk camera digital.. mesti ketat giler ...
huhu..sadis betul...dia punya security ppl udah ghoper ninja!! siot jer..playcard yg x leh bwk masuk tu dgrnye sbb besar & ada mmg hampeh la..sian VIP tu dah prepare..
But Still love BB project was a big success! sumer VIP pegang yellow A4 paper and RIRI took it to the stage!
Yang ni pulak project TOP Get Well Soon! Sweet sgt...diorg pakat pegang ramai2 masa TOP tgh nyanyi..uuu..
stanum123 posted on 6-10-2012 11:11 AM
huhu..sadis betul...dia punya security ppl udah ghoper ninja!! siot jer..playcard yg x le ...
What's wrong with playcard yg lampu berlip-lap n besar ye? Mcm very strict sgt la pakcik2 guard diorg..
Hope pkcik2 guard kat msia ni lbh bertmbg rsa la terhdp para VIPs kat SM ni..
Aloloh.. cutenya Thai VIPs.. Apelah agaknya M-VIPs bkl buat utk our abg2 Big Bang ye? Excitednya nak tahu.. Setakat ni blue n red lightstick tu aje la.. Yg bus advert tu xde citer pn..
But i'm more interested dgn apa yg bkl dibuat dlm SM nnti.. Hihi!
Tik tok tik tok..20 days to BB Alive Concert in Malaysia!!
Korang sumer sila prektis fanchant dibawah ini okeh!! Hopefully this encore fanchant mission will be a success!!
stanum123 posted on 6-10-2012 11:11 AM
huhu..sadis betul...dia punya security ppl udah ghoper ninja!! siot jer..playcard yg x le ...
sweettttnyeeee!!! omo sis, nak nanges la tgk set alive tour tu, AM da blh bayang da camne diorang akan transform stadium merdeka tu jadi camnih... uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
yg concert kt Singapore bleh seludup camera kn?? tgk ade byk je fancams...hrp2 kt malaysia blehla seludup camera tp pastikn xde flash la, kang kantoi plak....adoi xsbr nk g concert ni...akhirnya baju hujan i da beli...risau gk sbb skrg slalu hujan...huhu