[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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NAT_11 replied at 13-2-2020 04:30 PM
Ooooo....posting si Riyamittal 01 kat atas ni je yg kna ban. Konfuse, kejap....hehehe
hahahaha.. saja je tuk redakan tension tu nat |
Edited by NAT_11 at 14-2-2020 10:50 AM
eva replied at 14-2-2020 01:37 AM
Hanat bastard! Tergamak buat mcm nie kat QE, BRF dan seluruh tax payers!
Dia dgn Meghan rancang n ...
Speech like a drunken sailor guna mak tu dibayar usd400k....???
Ada yg kata cuma usd50k sebab Harry bukan key speeker, cuma tambahan tuk cukupkan masa. Apa pengaruh Harry & Markel dalam dunia perniagaan , sampai bank-bank kaki jarah mcm Jp.Morgan & Goldman & Scar pun nak guna dia to gain influence. Ramai sgt ke naik dengar whinning Harry kehilangan ibunya sampai trauma ke tua......???
Apa pun, dua bank ni memang terkenal menjarah duit 1Mdb. |
NAT_11 replied at 14-2-2020 10:44 AM
Speech like a drunken sailor guna mak tu dibayar usd400k....???
Ada yg kata cuma usd50k sebab H ...
byk tu... byk theories kat tumblr nat kononnya soho mmg nakx duit dr GS dan JPM sbb dorg mmg ada masalah dr dolu2 lg.. dunno apa peranan ex prince dgn bini dia nie dlm majlis tu.. penyeri majlis kot 
GS ni mmg sesuatu.. |
Golden sachs nie la board mereka nie yg collapsed the american economy in last decade and yet the country bailed on them.. even worst one of the board appointed as one of the treasurer member for the usa.. mcm cibbbbaiiii |
Saya budak baru belajo.. check in dulu ya |
ambik Hanat sbg speaker jemputan pun atas rekomen Gayle King.
cobaan utk kick start karier Hanat Botak dan Mega Ketibas yg kunun bakal bernilai berbillion dollars. Dah masuk tgh bulan dua nih, krik krik krik jah
peminat sendirik ambik gambar

agaknya balik LA, naik commercial flight jah 

Sejak bila pendapat Nicki Minaj relevan? Abang dan suami dia, dua2 SEX offenders - dan dia bekap mati2an. "REAL MAN"lah sangaattt. |
I have friends and clients at stanford. They were all shocked that they missed them. Lol. I asked someone up there if Harry was on campus this Tuesday... because it was confidential, he couldn’t say yes or no- but he stuttered. I said “see he was there!” And he just smiled. Stanford President is a everyday man, he doesn’t walk around with an entourage- so Harry being with them would be a small scene with only Hs security. Silicon Valley doesn’t care much about people’s “presence.”
I’m down the street from Stanford, I’ve talked to many students and faculty. Some juicy scoop- the Stanford faculty is not stupid. They know Meghan's behavior. They all laughed when I asked about her, they said “yeah, I’ve heard some stuff.” Everything that Tumblr talks about is REAL. Haha haha
RE the Markles visiting Stanford
PLANT! I’ve just read a Katie Hopkins article on The Charlatan Duchess and this line made me spit out my coffee: “…a source close to the Palace tells of how for her first date with PH, Meg researched, bought and wore the perfume Diana used to wear.” - what in actual stalking f*ck is this? Katie adds “…I heard from agents to major stars that Meg was perpetually stalking their talent in the hope of a moment in the spotlight.” Cheesus.
tetiba ai tingat dgn sugars porem.
mesti dia org hepi lompat bintang kalau dpt hadiah nih, sayang betol kedudukan geografi yg jauh nak beli secara borong 

dani-rox replied at 15-2-2020 04:06 PM
Sejak bila pendapat Nicki Minaj relevan? Abang dan suami dia, dua2 SEX offenders - dan dia bek ...
Sejak bila pulak ditched family sendiri yang bukan toxic kerana bini queen control dianggap real man. Real man kalau dia dapat rapatkan family dgn bini queen control dia tu. Ni tak dia yg diheret bab lembu dicucuk hidung oleh bini queen control sampai ditched family sendiri 'the family she never had' |
dani-rox replied at 15-2-2020 04:20 PM
tetiba ai tingat dgn sugars porem.
mesti dia org hepi lompat bintang kalau dpt hadiah nih, sayang ...
 punya buruk gifted art ni..sesuailah jadi rakyat marhean hahaha...bengong punya sugaris ini.budak tadika punya gift lg cantek. haha |
dani-rox replied at 15-2-2020 04:06 PM
Sejak bila pendapat Nicki Minaj relevan? Abang dan suami dia, dua2 SEX offenders - dan dia bek ...
padahal si nigga ini yg ada hati beria2 kali nak kawen dgn c prince of jenglot hahaha..ada hati nak ckap realman..idiot punya speech. |
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