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Author: AinunMardhiah

Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli (part 2)

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Post time 28-2-2009 08:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #716 AinunMardhiah's post

kiosk di Bukit Bintang ada tu, ganya chances kan tejumpa Hans Isaac disana teramat tipis

contact saja tia agent arah link i paste atu... disini kureng pasti, ada kah inda maseh agent nya

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2009 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hane at 28-2-2009 07:56 AM
lawaaa lawaaaaaaa...... buleh ku minjam sehari dua kah?

ambil tarus lerrr...

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Post time 28-2-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #722 AinunMardhiah's post

yipeeeee............ when can i collect the bag???

pengsan selajur ku kalau kana bari *lain yg menghulur lain yg pengsan*

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hane at 28-2-2009 08:04 AM
kiosk di Bukit Bintang ada tu, ganya chances kan tejumpa Hans Isaac disana teramat tipis

contact saja tia agent arah link i paste atu... disini kureng pasti, ada kah inda maseh agent nya

aiyahhh Hane bukit bintang?
wa cakap sama lu ah .. itu bukit bintang wa tala suka mai .. pasai apa .. orang ramai ..beasak keciuman bau ketiak .. mencikk tawww
Ainun ani kan mencari skin care yang baru sebab skII yang masa ani Ainun pakai masuk udah 2 tahun .. hasilnya masih jua sama .. malahan makin dark pulang spot spot pigment ah .. apa kehelll...

Hane, fyi hans isaac makan d nasi lemak kg baru ..pakai motoka KAYAN warna putih ..waduuuhhh masa atu Ainun menapau makanan ....inda tantu bah rasa , kajar kajar, gagap cakap pun inda lurus ... perasaan Ainun si hans atu malar meliat arah ainun .. macam kan mengurat jua .. macam tepakai jua .. macam ..err.. macam kan drungkupnya jua ainun masa atu ...   (kes perasaan seribu malam)

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2009 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hane at 28-2-2009 08:49 AM
yipeeeee............ when can i collect the bag???
pengsan selajur ku kalau kana bari *lain yg menghulur lain yg pengsan*

iatah ah .. patutnya org menghulur yang mau pengsan .. apadaaaaa...

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Post time 28-2-2009 09:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #724 AinunMardhiah's post

awuu di sana atu selalu ramai... tourist spot...

my purpose to moisturise my skin, al-maklum tah duduk di bawah aircond seharian ani buleh mengeringkan kulit.. cuba ja Glyco, serious Nun, the founder she has fabs skin, lembab... masa jumpa kedia, perghhh amazed ku... cuba tah Glyco, price pon nda squeezing ... and yg penting it works

dulu pernah kan mencuba SKII... tapi nda ku jadi... pasal ada org memanggil SkinKiller.. tungkal ku selajur

napa nda Ainun rungkup saja kalau menunggu HI merungkup lambat tu eh *I'M SORRY * hahahaahhaaa....

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Post time 28-2-2009 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AinunMardhiah at 27-2-2009 09:09 PM
my new lv..
beli d uk melalui kawan, sampai ke kl 18 dec 08 ... baru now ada masa menampali..

wah wah!!! NIce!!!!
I saw yg mcm ni but the bowling quilted one(tak ingat wat the specific name is)...
so far blom nampak lagi kat SG, nampak online jek...takpe lagijap I nak gi butiknye..huhuhuu

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2009 11:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #726 Hane's post

mau ainun mencuba tu Hane, tapi mesti ada d brunei distributornya .. sebab nanti sanang kalau kan membali bali.. i was thinking abis sk II ani ku tukar tah eh ..

kalau d KL payah lagi nanti mengorder sebab kalau kan tukar skin care ani ainun mau long term bah makai .. manatau esuk lusa kena panggil balik keraja Brunei ...

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2009 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skgerl at 28-2-2009 09:42 AM

wah wah!!! NIce!!!!
I saw yg mcm ni but the bowling quilted one(tak ingat wat the specific name is)...
so far blom nampak lagi kat SG, nampak online jek...takpe lagijap I nak gi butiknye. ...

oh ya.. i think Etoile Bowling kot ???
apa pun nanti u go butik lv u double check k? ainun pun dah lama tak pi
apa pun tivoli tu my last bag for last year ... 2009 pulak REST!!!

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Post time 28-2-2009 06:49 PM | Show all posts
ainun.. beshnyer sc tengok all ur gambar2.. ur LV beg lawa!!

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Post time 28-2-2009 06:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #710 Hane's post

wah.. mestilah happy. ni sc ngah masuk lelaman yg hane share kat kita semua.. tenkiu!!

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #730 SweetCandy's post

Thank you kerana suka ..
candy, u takder gambar nak share share ker?? nak cuci mata

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Post time 28-2-2009 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AinunMardhiah at 27-2-2009 09:09 PM
my new lv..
beli d uk melalui kawan, sampai ke kl 18 dec 08 ... baru now ada masa menampali..

Tivoli!!!!!!!!!! my dream bag..
masa d sg ku pigang2 ku ayun2 udah... tapi damit tah jua perasanku..
tapi bila meliat beg ainun ani.. berkobar2 tah ku jua.. hehehe

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2009 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chichi at 28-2-2009 11:42 PM

Tivoli!!!!!!!!!! my dream bag..
masa d sg ku pigang2 ku ayun2 udah... tapi damit tah jua perasanku..
tapi bila meliat beg ainun ani.. berkobar2 tah ku jua.. hehehe

awu chi.. damit masa mula mula ainun mendapatkannya menyasal jua tapi hubby and frens gtau ok just nice kurang labih tia jua spacenya cam speedy 30..
chi, yang basar atu talinya atu cross bah ..

chichi, aga beliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....

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Post time 1-3-2009 06:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #732 AinunMardhiah's post

no prob Ainun. takpe insya-allah kalo kita ada, kita pun share kat sini;)

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Post time 4-3-2009 02:18 AM | Show all posts
Chanel opens flagship store in Singapore
by Audrey Phoon, The Business Times|03 March 2009

Keywords: watches, jewellery, ngee ann city, chanel

The current economic climate has not deterred fine jewellers from opening new stores. BT Weekend looks at four luxury brands that believe customers still appreciate authentic jewellery of lasting value even in a recession.

[Opening on Monday]
391 Orchard Road, Ngee Ann City,
#01-04 Takashimaya Shopping Centre
Tel: 6836-7588

As global markets struggle to catch their footing on the slippery financial slope, people are fast trading the excesses and trend-driven frills of earlier years for classics that will better stand the test of time.

The same could be said of the situation in 1932, when Coco Chanel (who was better known for her costume jewellery at the time) produced her first fine jewellery collection in the midst of the Great Depression. Explained the fashion designer then: 'I started designing costume jewellery because I felt it was refreshingly free of arrogance during a period that tended towards ostentatious displays of luxury. This consideration faded into the background during the economic recession when, in every sphere of life, there emerged an instinctive desire for authenticity, and amusing trinkets were once again put into their proper perspective.'

Human nature, it seems, has changed little in the more than 70 years since Chanel released the Bijoux de Diamants collection. And in much the same fashion, the Frenchwoman's design house is remaining true to her philosophy: on Monday, Chanel will soft-launch its first South-east Asian fine jewellery and watch standalone boutique, Chanel Watch & Fine Jewellery, on the ground floor of Ngee Ann City.

The over-1,000 sq ft store (Chanel's 44th watch and jewellery emporium in the world) is designed by award-winning New York-based architect Peter Marino, who reimagined the fashion designer's Rue Cambon apartment in Paris where she used to live and work: there are custom-made chandeliers by haute couture art atelier Goossens, a fireplace of marble and crystal, and coromandel screens that were a particular favourite of Chanel's. The boutique also has private corners for those who seek a more discreet viewing of the collections.

According to Chanel's managing director for South-east Asia, Cho Sung-In, it's purely a coincidence that the new shop's opening in the current economic climate draws a parallel with the designer's 1932 launch. 'The new boutique was actually planned two years ago, when we felt it was time to open a flagship jewellery store in South-east Asia. But we were waiting for the right unit, which we eventually found at Ngee Ann City. We call it our Place Vendome in Singapore,' she says.

The timing, she adds, does not affect Chanel as it is a privately-owned company that 'builds structures which look towards the future'. In fact, since the downturn has prompted a return to authenticity, the fashion house is seeing it as a good thing because 'we're offering diamond and platinum, things of ultimate value; classics that don't change with time', says Ms Cho.

Agrees Chanel's regional general manager for watches and fine jewellery, Frederic Bocquillon: 'We believe that, given the situation, people may come back to more traditional, less eccentric high jewellery pieces that are still creative.'

Indeed, some of the designs that will be showcased at Chanel Watch & Fine Jewellery have already sailed through the decades quite effortlessly. Several are recreations of Chanel's 1932 series whose main theme was comets, while others capture the brand's signature camellia in sparkling gems and glinting metals. All necklaces and bracelets are finished with clasps that are virtually invisible, too - another Chanel signature passed down from the first collection.

Comets and camellias aside, the boutique will carry Chanel's full range of fine jewellery along with its Haute Joaillerie collections (jewellery produced by master craftsmen that's generally priced upwards of US$50,000 ($77,500)). Although there are no designs that are exclusive to any country, most of the high jewellery is customisable, while fresh fine jewellery pieces are launched every year - this year, for instance, a Baroque range is slated to enter stores in May, reveals Mr Bocquillon. Inspired by the Russian period and Coco Chanel, the Baroque collection will feature lustrous pearls, opals, diamonds and other precious stones in ornate arrangements set in yellow, white and pink gold.

Also in the new boutique will be the brand's timepieces that include elegant, petite jewellery watches - such as its Premiere Ceramic modelled after the shape of Place Vendome and the Camellia Secret Watch - that were previously not available at its Ngee Ann City fashion flagship. This, believes Mr Bocquillon, are on-trend as 'more and more small watches are becoming popular after the past few years of large faces'.

Chanel is confident about how it will perform in Singapore despite it being a new entrant in the high-end jewellery market here. 'We have an extraordinary customer database locally and regular clients from outside Singapore,' explains Ms Cho. But it is not resting on its gem-encrusted camellias.

'We also want to communicate who we are to the people who don't know us yet,' she says. 'I can't reveal exactly what we have in store, but I can tease and tell you that it will be an exceptional year for Chanel Fine Jewellery - we will organise exclusive exhibitions, meet people and so on. I cannot wait to see the result from Singapore.'



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Post time 4-3-2009 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 4-3-2009 02:18
Chanel opens flagship store in Singapore
by Audrey Phoon, The Business Times|03 March 2009
Keywords: watches, jewellery, ngee ann city, chanel ...

aduiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... very the tempting....
kalau la ada duit berkepuk2.... boleh sopin..!!!  .....

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Post time 4-3-2009 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 4-3-2009 09:19 AM

aduiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... very the tempting....
kalau la ada duit berkepuk2.... boleh sopin..!!!  .....

xpe kak mie..... kita senasib.....   kita tengok je eh? kalo laaa air liur bole ditukar jadi duit..... mesti best kan?

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Post time 5-3-2009 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AinunMardhiah at 28-2-2009 11:54

oh ya.. i think Etoile Bowling kot ???
apa pun nanti u go butik lv u double check k? ainun pun dah lama tak pi
apa pun tivoli tu my last bag for last year ... 2009 pulak ...

ainun, eluxury tu boleh dipercayai eh?

few mths back i ada pikir-pikir nak beli bag Prada from there...but after awhile thinking takot je kena's their services?

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Post time 5-3-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 4-3-2009 09:19

aduiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... very the tempting....
kalau la ada duit berkepuk2.... boleh sopin..!!!  .....


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