Reply lil_sparky
amboi. menyelam smbil minum air nmpak...
hani85 Post at 18-11-2010 12:02 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
haha...harus laaaaa
gpon xkn nk duduk saje smp menanti si dia
kne mencari gak
tp kalo terwujud club ni..
main obj ialah memenuhi masa lapang dgn aktiviti berfaedah
cth: jungle trekking, holiday, men boling,tgk wyg ramai2...
ish,mcm best lak![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
kepada sesapa yg tak paham napa thread ni dibukak, sila baca post #21. n paham2 kan ape yg aku nak smpai kan kat situ. kalau xpaham2 lagi no komen. kena guna bahasa alien kot baru paham.
aku tgk rmai pbaca cari ni ade masalah ngn bf la gf la. curang sana sini. tp still xde courage nak move on as single n find the better person. so sbb tu aku terpikir nak buat thread ni tuk tnjukkan single life can be a good thing too. aku cuma mahu menolong menyedarkan org2 yg takut tuk single, atau pun yg rs sedih hidup single, it's ok guys.
kalau rasa thread ni da agak meleret, xmenepati matlamat asal, n rmai xsuka, sila tutup. aku xde hal. fullstop. ok? xyah kecoh2. mulut tu jgn mcm harem sgt. yg menanya scr baik tu, aku trima. trimas. |
Reply 272# skymania
tekanan dr org2 luar memg menekan ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
aku yg 100 % pure single ni pun kehidupan aku hari2 ok jer...tp...org2 disamping aku plak yg dah mule tertekan..nak wat camno tu..![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply 276# lil_sparky
ade org jeles thread ni ade sambutan. tah. aku pun pelik. aku bukan mintak pun forumers2 suma masuk sini. cuma nak tolong melegakan hati guys n girls yg sedih sbb single- they r not alone. n try not to treat dat as their problem.
xtau la kalau attention aku tu salah. |
kepada sesapa yg tak paham napa thread ni dibukak, aku just nak tell ladies n gentlemen out there yg masih single n rs tertekan sebab masih single- its ok to be single. aku tahu rmai yg single n happy being single. fine with dat. tp rmai jgak yg agak gila meroyan sbb masih tak berpunya smpai skg. some ppl treat that as their problem. so why not kita gather rmai2 n tnjuk kat these ppl it's fine to be single. u r not alone. ini bukan thread andartu, tolong betulkan tanggapan anda. kalau yg single tu da jmpa jodoh, just go ahead. kawen. n kalau jmpa cinta sejati, well we pray for u.
aku bukan nak berkempen semua org jadi single. bukan.
aku hnya nak tnjuk, its not the end of the world kalau jd single, especially those yg baru putus cinta, rindu kat ex and stuffs. itu je. even for me kalau aku da jmpa org yg betul2 aku suka aku pun akan tggalkan dunia single ni jgak. life- is a gamble. if yg single jmpa jodoh n nak kawen- its good- tp kena make sure he/she is really the rite person. gitu jgak kalau yg nak berkapel. if u dont know whther he/she is the right person, well u r gambling ur feelings here- to be hurt, or gain ur happiness. n if u stay single- u r also gambling for more time of loneliness. it's ur choice.
wachaaa!!! ![](http://images/smilies/default/smile.gif)
hani85 Post at 18-11-2010 13:25 ![](http://eforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ok dah bace dah...adikkkk, jgn marah2...kami cuma bertanya...mungkin tajuk thread adik bule tukar pada, ape yg best jadik SINGLE?...ha pastu isi dalam yg 1st entry tuh terus tulis...
BEST jadik SINGLE sebab....satu: bebas, dua: takyah penat merindu, tiga: hidup pikir utk diri sendiri & parents jer , empat: etc etc..
tuh baru tandanya membantu nak bgtahu yg mane bukak thread ade masalah perhubungan tu utk terus bersemangat utk hidup sbb dah dijelaskan dr 1st page lgi kebaikan2 seandainya masih single...
hanya sekadar pendapat..![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Reply 277# lil_sparky
excited nmpak... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
takpe thread ni baru lg. tgkla sejauh mana dpt bertahan.
tggu dan lihat ajelah ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
saya pon single gak!! tpi x tertekan pon hahaha.. cume kekadang tu je ar rase sunyi lololol ade sesape yg sudi x? lol |
Reply lil_sparky
excited nmpak...
takpe thread ni baru lg. tgkla sejauh mana dpt bertahan. ...
hani85 Post at 18-11-2010 13:33 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
lil sll semangat lebey pon.
tp smgt lil akan down bila d kelilingi oleh org2 yg pk -ve je....![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif)
cth: dh brape kali lil jd PM nk holiday ngan kwn2
tp asik x jd je...sbb msg2 ade je yg xleh g la, date x sesuai la
ssh tol jd PM ni
PM: project manager |
saya pon single gak!! tpi x tertekan pon hahaha.. cume kekadang tu je ar rase sunyi lololol ade sesa ...
darthery Post at 18-11-2010 13:37 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
sudi pe? |
sudi pe?
lil_sparky Post at 18-11-2010 13:40 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
sudi berkenalan hehehehe |
Reply 282# MsQuerida
marah pd org yg menyindir n kecoh2. if nak tegur, this is the way. me bleh trima. xyah nak sindir n stuffs. anyway memg tajuk tu agak controversi sket. sbb ni kat section masalah peribadi. so 'single? tertekan?' tuh is the most appropriate title i cud think of at the moment. lebeh nmpak 'masalah peribadi'. kalau tak sesuai, its my bad.
this is the things that i expected when i first open this thread:
- ppl yg tertekan akan masuk n story ape yg dorg tertekan menjadi single ni (from the option yg me bg kat 1st posting). contohnya: "aku tertekan/ sedey (words sedey ni pun antara words yg me pk besides tertekan) tgk org lain hepi sgt berdating every weekend while aku dok uma sorg2 jek...." ini hanya contoh.
- then me akan cakap, aku pun single gak. its ok. dulu aku susah jgak nak accept aku ni single tp lama2 bla bla bla....
thats how i expect it to happen. but seems that it doesnt go that way.
sekian time kasih. |
Reply 285# lil_sparky
moge2 semangat hang tuh meresap ke sini. aku jenis xrajin sgt nak beraktiviti2 ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply 287# skymania
good answer. biar org tersenyap terus ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
anyway momod. kalau thread ni mcm hampeh kan, tutup jelah. aku bg triple greenlight. biarla xde misunderstanding lagik. adios. |
mari raikan kebebasan dgn molten choc cake
MsQuerida Post at 18-11-2010 12:57 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
nak join ![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
anyway momod. kalau thread ni mcm hampeh kan, tutup jelah. aku bg triple greenlight. biarla xde misu ...
hani85 Post at 18-11-2010 14:04 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hang majuk ka? relax la hani |
thats how i expect it to happen. but seems that it doesnt go that way.
hani85 Post at 18-11-2010 13:47 ![](http://eforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
guess what darling, things rarely go according 2ur plan, same jugak dgn mereka yg masih single..rata2 yg masih single pernah berkeinginan utk menamatkan zaman single nya lebih awal, ade anak bla bla bla tapi takdir mengatakan belum sampai seru & rezeki mereka utk melalui semua tu...mungkin da way we see things differently... tajuk u tuh lebih seolah2 melaungkan org single mesti tertekan..da way i see it, yu patut mulakan dgn vibe positive bgtahu jadik single pun ok n best then ppl masuk komen, tapi saye bla bla bla....tapi yerlah thread yu kan sbb tuh tdi i bertanya elok2 sbb i kurang mengerti
hanya sekadar pendapat... |
ngah gian nk jungle trekking...tp xde kawan
lil_sparky Post at 18-11-2010 13:18 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
jojom iolss teringin gak nak jangle treking ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan