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Author: kikilalat

Kaedah IVF-volume 3

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Post time 24-11-2011 11:10 PM | Show all posts
good luck utk semua yg sedang berusaha..

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Post time 25-11-2011 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 737# siti_ng

    Waalaikum salaam Siti,

You don't know me but I remember reading your posts as part of my preparation to proceed with IVF .
Kagum dgn ketabahan you.. You're such a strong lady!
Hopefully kali ini you akan berjaya.. Buat dgn dr P lagi ke?

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Post time 25-11-2011 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 728# mrsLY

    Good luck mrsLY. Semoga berjaya

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Post time 25-11-2011 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 731# regal

    Regal, it depends on whether you buat long protocol or short protocol.
Kalau short protocol, macam yang biyuti dah bagitau.
Long protocol lain sikit.. Lamaaaa kita kena inject sampai kan period cycle kita bukan lagi jadi indicator bagi hari kesuburan. Macam I baru ni, OPU dibuat selepas sebulan tarikh period! I pun suspense di buat nya, takut ter period sebelum sempat pick up telur, which is kinda impossible really, sebab cycle kita dah di kontrol oleh ubat ubatan.

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Post time 25-11-2011 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply  regal

    Regal, it depends on whether you buat long protocol or short protocol.
Kalau ...
ziara Post at 25-11-2011 17:31

oic.. patut la doc kata kalau period x regular lagi senang,
maksudnye u can start anytime.. thanks 4 the info

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Post time 25-11-2011 05:49 PM | Show all posts
I nak update sikit abt my 2ww.

Kali ni tak stress sgt, sbb anak dah cuti sekolah, jadi tak payah nak risau about her transport arrangement for school and KAFA. Hati I pun lebih terhibur coz Ada anak temankan.. Baru ni boring nak m****s ;)

Tapi kali ni asyik terlanggar 'pantang' pulak. Dua Kali dah I keluar rumah, sekali utk attend majlis penyampaian hadiah anak di sekolah kebangsaan Dan sekali lagi majlis serupa di KAFA. Actually dah tanya nurse, dia kata okay, cuma jgn berdiri lebih Dari 1 jam.

Ahad lepas adik I dtg ke rumah pulak dgn family dia. So terpaksa layan diorang serba sedikit. My family doesn't know that I'm going through ivf. I malas nak explain myself. Would rather keep this thing private. Kat forum tak pe, org tak kenal I .

Anyway, other than that I've been pretty disciplined. I rest je kat atas ni (my house double storeys). Makan pun maid hantar ke atas. Tapi I tak follow strict bed rest lah... I banyak duduk (coz nurse kata tak perlu strict bed rest, boleh duduk). Spend my time on the net, buat crochet, main games kat iPad.

Oh ya, Kali ni I lebihkan mengaji juga. I don't know whether it's appropriate to mention this, but something weird happened during my last ivf attempt.. Sampai sekarang I don't know whether I betul2 kena kacau or it's just my imagination. Apa2pun tak rugi pun I mengaji kan.

My blood test hari khamis ni.. Another 6 days to go! Please pray for me.


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Post time 25-11-2011 06:31 PM | Show all posts
I nak update sikit abt my 2ww.

Kali ni tak stress sgt, sbb anak dah cuti sekolah, jadi tak payah  ...
ziara Post at 25-11-2011 05:49 PM

good luck ziara...cuba2 baca doa nabi zakaria.

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Post time 25-11-2011 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply  regal

    Regal, it depends on whether you buat long protocol or short protocol.
Kalau ...
ziara Post at 25-11-2011 05:31 PM

betul ckp ziara...i yg 1st long protocol sbb opu day-17...yg 2nd ni short protocol. sbb tu penting scan size folikel2 itu.

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Post time 25-11-2011 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Assalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh and good day to all.

Hello semua ivfers
Lama ...
siti_ng Post at 23-11-2011 10:22 PM

good luck siti...kami doakan tuk kejayaan awak kali ni...jgn stress2.

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Post time 25-11-2011 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 747# biyuti

    Thanks biyuti.

You dah dapat result ke? Hope it's what you've been waiting for, Ameen

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Post time 27-11-2011 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Assalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh and good day to all

Just got home from Johor, attending my nephew's wedding yesterday. Tonight is my HCG injection night. It will be @ 12 midnight (I hope it is a good time coz it was the time cinderella had to come home... ... gurau jer).

Anyway, what is the best place to be when I need some time for myself to do the injection than this you moms

Reply  siti_ng

    Waalaikum salaam Siti,

You don't know me but I remember reading your pos ...
ziara Post at 25-11-2011 17:24

Hi there Ziara, yes we have not met before (online I mean). I hope what I wrote was beneficial for you ya and thanks for the do'a . This time am doing with Dr M. Just request a transfer of embies to HUKM, they will talk to each other and arrange for the transfer.

Am kinda nervous...oh well...we all do
Ni tgh browse2 youtube tgk women doing HCG injection. Dah tak igt sgt mcm mana I did the injection last time.
Tomorrow will do some food shopping since I won't be able to go out after the transfer for at least a week. Dr M kata, I can drive IF and ONLY IF my car is auto. But mine is not, so 2 weeks of not going anywhere. Tapi dia kata kalau auto car, no problemo. If the needs rise, I might rent an auto car. Need to prepare that too.

And buyuti is right, let us make a lot of du'a using nabi Zakaria's do'a. His do'a is the best for this matter, that's why it is in the holy book . Jazakillaahu khair buyuti for an excellent reminder .

Haha..I still can't believe I am on it again. Dr M said, on Tuesday (the FET will be at noon), depa akan tgk frozen embies yg dipindahkan dari KLF. Klu berkualiti dan boleh digunakan, then only dia akan call me to come for FET. If not, I do not need to come to HUKM.

Plus Dr M also said, stress is the number 1 killer of the embies sebab bila kita stress, the environment in our womb will be too acidic for the embies to develop. I kinda wonder, how to do this without stress . At times tak dapat nak detect kalau tgh stress ke apa. I hope what I am feeling right now is not stress, just excitement hehe...and yes ziara, reading the Qur'an is the best for stress reliever because we will be reminded of what this life is all about, where our concern should be ie. the eternal life and promises of our Lord. Allahu rabbana...

Minta maaf ya, nobody knows about me doing this IVF except my husband. Malas nak cerita. So di sinilah tempat saya mengomel sorang2 ttg the whole experience and nervousness...hope you moms do not mind.

Ouh...ada tak rakan2 disini yang dapat tips apa2 tentang permakanan semasa 2ww?
Dr M cuma cakap no extreme taste food (ie. pedas, masam etc.), no frozen meat, no food in can. All fresh only for at least the 2ww. Kurma that works like folic acid and more. And of course all the sunnah fruits and food - pomegranate, madu dan olive oil.
Fish is good and fruits. 2 hard-boiled egg is a must everyday (WHITE ONLY) starting from the day before FET till end of the 2ww. Nak teruskan pun I think no harm, just that within these 2 weeks it is crucial to have enough nutrition for the embies development.

Anyone ada any other tips for daily menu within that 2ww?
Please share ya...jazakumullaahu khair semua.

Wassalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh and pleasant days ahead

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Post time 28-11-2011 12:04 AM | Show all posts
assalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh and good errr...night everyone

dear moms,

just to share, just did my ovidrel jab just now, i forgot how thankful i was for having 'spare tyre' the last time when i had to do this injection thing for few days..haha...alhamdolillah

good night and sweet dreams

wassalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh

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Post time 28-11-2011 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 752# siti_ng

    Alhamdulillah, and insyaallah everything will go smoothly. ET is tomorrow right? All the best to you.

How lah not to get stressed out? Kita stress sbb tak pregnant, and now the dr is saying kita tak pregnant sbb stress? It's a catch 22 situation if you ask me haha.
But I find FET less stressful than fresh cycle. Tak banyak ubat, cheaper cost, simpler procedures, tak payah tunggu lama.. Tau2 dah buat transfer and move into 2ww..
Tapi Ada disadvantage juga when it's so easy. I asyik nak langgar pantang je... Sabar, sabar...

I asked my dr about driving, coz I was considering the option of driving back home after ET! My hubby was too busy, so I rasa nak balik sendiri je instead of tunggu dia till evening. Dr kata I boleh drive, provided the car is auto, and I drive very very slowly, and I rest in day care until daycare tutup at 5 (ET was scheduled at 11). As it turned out, I had an accident 2 days before ET. Kereta teruk.. Will take about a month to repair. Hikmahnya? I tak boleh nak merayap keluar haha..

I Ada post about TMC guidelines during 2 ww.. Agaknya 2/3 pages behind. Tapi tak Ada apa sgt lah.. Elak coffee, tea, food that's too oily and spicy. Eat healthily. About pomegranate, my sil dah banyak Kali keguguran. Now she's pregnant again.. Dia jumpa dr M. Dr M bagi dia pomegrenate, olive oil, and a few other supplements. Alhamdulillah she's doing well now, due bulan January ni.

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Post time 29-11-2011 02:26 AM | Show all posts
Assalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh and good day to all

Ziara, thanks for the additional tips ya. You are right, ni mcm chicken and egg punya case. Dan mmg less stress la drpd fresh egg dulu. Neway, ada kerja2 yg tak boleh di tangguh, so kena buat juga walau dlm 2ww.

Hmm...this morning Dr M called, there has been some unexpected complication with the embies yg depa nak transfer ke HUKM. So kena tangguh next month's cycle, alhamdolillah. Whatever it is, inshaAllah is the best. Tapi dah tercucuk Ovidrel last night hehe...

So now ada lagi masa untuk take a deeper breath and try to relax some more

Waiting for good news from mums to be dlm 2ww

Wassalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh

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Post time 30-11-2011 09:28 AM | Show all posts
salam.. tumpang tanya lagi,uols cakap makan putih
telur tu time bila?
makan masak penuh kan?maksudnya keras
mcm telur kenduri tu kan?

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Post time 30-11-2011 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 754# siti_ng

    Oh kena postpone pula.. Sorry to hear that. What happened exactly? Mesti you sedih..

On the other hand, mungkin Ada hikmahnya. Use the extra time to better prepare yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. And to settle apa2 yg perlu di settle so that you can step into 2ww with peace of mind . I baru ni boleh dikatakan kurang preparation, tau2 dah buat FET. Nak stock up on food pun tak sempat.

My bloodtest is tomorrow. Malas nak fikir.. Kalau Ada rezeki adalah. I dah cuba, now I leave it to fate..

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Post time 30-11-2011 02:00 PM | Show all posts
salam.. tumpang tanya lagi,uols cakap makan putih
telur tu time bila?
makan masak penuh kan?maksud ...
regal Post at 30-11-2011 09:28 AM

boleh mkn rebus or goreng or keras...terpulang

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Post time 30-11-2011 02:07 PM | Show all posts
boleh mkn rebus or goreng or keras...terpulang
biyuti Post at 30-11-2011 14:00

Thanks biyuti,makan masa bila ek?
kan start cucuk day2,dalam day8 seterusnya
scan2 dan pelbagai proses tu..
ke lepas telur dikeluarkan?FET kan?
ke kalau x sakit xyah?
ni nak elak OHHS tu kan?
alamakkkk sorry banyak la tanya

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Post time 30-11-2011 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Hi Biyuti....tak update ur results??
Keep waiting for ur good news....

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Post time 30-11-2011 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by siti_ng at 30-11-2011 19:00

Assalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh

Hi regal..the adventurer..hehe.

Yes..putih telur macam telur kita dapat masa kenduri tu. And I believe buyuti is right, goreng pun boleh, cuma make sure makan putihnya saja ya...

In my case regal, makan putih telur rebus tu untuk sokongan embies dan dimulakan sehari sebelum ET or FET dan sambung sampailah selesai 2ww tu, dan mungkin teruskan bergantung kepada nasihat doktor selepas kita disahkan preggy (inshaALlah).

Ziara, ermm sedih mungkin rasa sikit tapi lebihnya ialah relief sebab minggu ini memang ada perkara yg tidak boleh tidak kena siapkan dan kena uruskan jumpa orang sana sini. Jadinya, it is a nikmah juga ni tangguh. betullah like you said, I can prepare more lepas ni. Mentally and emotionally tak fully prepared ni rasa. Tapi i dah terbeli stok telur 3 dozen, hehe dah bagi2 jiran dah pun.

Actually the medium for the embies d KLF tak sama dgn d HUKM. HUKM did not know that in advance (ermm...agaknya before this tak ada ke KLF transfer ke HUKM??? Baru terfikir now...). So depa tak dapat nak sediakan the medium masa a day before transfer tu so depa minta tangguh.

Mcm kelakar saja i asked Dr M..."habis saya dah tercucuk ovidrel ni doktor, mcm mana?" as if it will do me harm apa2..haha.

Life is a gift, it never punishes. There are never failures but just lessons, just make sure we learn from each one of them.

Love you mums and mums to be

Wassalaamu`alaikom wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh

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