[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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alahai sweetnye Lottie & Gan Gan.. 
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234126 replied at 17-2-2020 10:23 PM
agak-agak si harry ni before tido malam terpikir tak dia actually dah silap langkah
mungkin t ...
Takkanlah kut, kan cinta sejati sampai mati...   |
ues1331 replied at 18-2-2020 02:06 AM
Takkanlah kut, kan cinta sejati sampai mati...
Mendapat di situ. Now u go hadap ye harry. |
Pixie cut tu dah mcm jennifer lawrence je 
the video makes it very evident yang william memang tak restu. As usual dia distract and avoid buat busy cari mangsa nak borak which is camilla kat sebelah even ayah dia toleh belakang cari
kalau sugars nak argue its just a theory and why now baru released. Its bcse BRF has always been known to keep their drama among them je until meghan datang huru hara kan everything even inside people cant stand it and talk. |
The British media should simply ignore meg n harry, focus on other royalties |
Entahlah nak tahu identiti orang cek cuping telinga. I see similarity.
uih..pelan nya...x laju mcm selalu...last komen kol 1.45pm je |
MM accused of deleting nasty comments |
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Sussexroyal IG are full of nasty comments |
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Post time 19-2-2020 08:19 AM
From the mobile phone
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iols masuk sini sbb keluar news queen bans cucu x sedar di untung dari guna nama/carry Sussex Royal
hahhaha.. so megxit, ko nak jual apa lepas ni? dedek kuaci?
mysr01 replied at 19-2-2020 08:19 AM
Good morning, everyone! I've got newsss!!! The Queen BANS Harry and MadMegs from using the SussexRoy ...
Long live the Queen! |
Edited by 234126 at 19-2-2020 11:02 AM
mysr01 replied at 19-2-2020 08:19 AM
Good morning, everyone! I've got newsss!!! The Queen BANS Harry and MadMegs from using the SussexRoy ...
Akhirnya. Makin termenung harry malam-malam terpikir dia dah silap langkah biadap dgn rakyat dan nenek.
“ Harry and Meghan have spent tens of thousands of pounds on a new Sussex Royal website to complement their hugely popular Instagram feed.
They have also sought to register Sussex Royal as a global trademark for a range of items and activities, including clothing, stationery, books and teaching materials.
In addition, they have taken steps to set up a new charitable organisation: Sussex Royal, The Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
It has now been made clear that they will need to 're-brand'.
dah bazir duit lagi now kena rebranding. Harap dunia finally nampak lebih jelas game acah2 humanitarian 2 orang ni.
“ Meghan Markle is thought to have told the National Theatre that her role as a patron will be 'business as usual' despite now living in Canada”
How dare she ye. Padahal masa perjumpaan nak bincang pasal title, semua dah agreed (including both harry and meg) yang perkataan royal tu will be questionable on them if they abandoned duty. 

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Post time 19-2-2020 10:50 AM
From the mobile phone
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234126 replied at 19-2-2020 10:45 AM
Akhirnya. Makin termenung harry malam-malam terpikir dia dah silap langkah biadap dgn rakyat dan n ...
My mum selalu pesan: Orang tamak selalu rugi.  |
mysr01 replied at 19-2-2020 08:19 AM
Good morning, everyone! I've got newsss!!! The Queen BANS Harry and MadMegs from using the SussexRoy ...
bak kata mat salleh..ameen 
now smeg terpaksa guna the power of markle. x mungkin prince philips akan bg green lite klau dorg guna mounbatten-windsor  |
mysr01 replied at 19-2-2020 10:50 AM
My mum selalu pesan: Orang tamak selalu rugi.
fairytale bertukar jadi folklore yang ngeri haha |
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