terima kasih pd semua yg beri pendapat... itulah, insyaAllah nak mula melabur dlm koop ni start bulan depan... tq for all the views and advices... best thread nih... boleh dpt maklumbalas... untuk kebaikan bersama... tahniah mod surina.... |
Originally posted by mamaSarah at 22-3-2007 12:43 PM
kalu pasal tax tu x tanya pulak, tp dah tanya td kalu aset cair + aset tetap mungkin dah nak dekat RM 1 million. Kene tax ker? x brape mahir dlm bab nih... tp Ok ker melabur dlm koop tu? tang menten dividen tuh, bendaharinya kata so far for 3 years nih masih menten. tp yerlah kita x tau future kan...
try tanye pasal tax dulu. tp rasenye kene tax. kalo masih kene tax, 10% dividen no much different than 8% asb la. asb takde tax plus more secure |
Reply #760 juwaini's post
koperasi aper yg kat perak boleh bagi 20% tu...
yg aku tau max. koperasi boleh bagi ialah 15% setahun.. |
Originally posted by mat403 at 23-3-2007 09:57 PM
koperasi aper yg kat perak boleh bagi 20% tu...
yg aku tau max. koperasi boleh bagi ialah 15% setahun..
koperasi perumahan le..
memang takleh lebih 15% ke?
peraturan koperasi ke tu? |
hebatnye kalo leh menten 20%. sehebat2 berkshire 24% |
Reply #764 juwaini's post
aku pernah baca somewhere kalau tak silap la..
koperasi tu boleh sape2 boleh masuk ke ?
macam mane performance dia ?
maintain ke bagi 20% tiap2 tahun. it's too good to be true. |
Originally posted by mat403 at 25-3-2007 11:37 PM
aku pernah baca somewhere kalau tak silap la..
koperasi tu boleh sape2 boleh masuk ke ?
macam mane performance dia ?
maintain ke bagi 20% tiap2 tahun. it's too good to be true.
too good to be true?
15-20% too good to be true?
mesti ko ni manusia konservatif kan?
nature of business koperasi apa?
business kan?
ko bisnes pasar malam, sehari punya ROI boleh sampai 300-400%..
apa lagi kalau koperasi yang melabur dalam hartanah.. |
Reply #767 juwaini's post
kalau betui camtuh.. aku nak join gak bley?
nak jugak merasa return 20%
kalau nak join koperaso pasar malam ada tak? untuk 200% kalau bagi 50% skit kat aku pun berbaloi gak..
hehehe |
Originally posted by juwaini at 25-3-2007 11:57 PM
too good to be true?
15-20% too good to be true?
mesti ko ni manusia konservatif kan?
nature of business koperasi apa?
business kan?
ko bisnes pasar malam, sehari punya ROI boleh sampai ...
20% annual dividen too gud to be true no matter how great the business ROI |
Originally posted by cipanbakar at 26-3-2007 01:23 PM
20% annual dividen too gud to be true no matter how great the business ROI
tu maksud aku, kalau koperasi tu mmg leh bagi SECARA TETAP 20% setahun, mmg power esp cam cipan cakap kalau yg yayasan BUFFETT yg paling famous kat dunia pun hanya boleh bagi 24% tu pun tak tetap.
aku mmg konservatif esp bila nak buat investment ni..
tu la boleh sebutkan koperasi aper yg boleh bagi 20% tu..
coz yg aku tau koperasi kat malaysia yg famous dgn return dia ialah bank rakyat (15% + 2.5% zakat ) dan koperasi askar pun dalam linkungan tu jugak. |
Originally posted by mat403 at 26-3-2007 05:59 PM
tu maksud aku, kalau koperasi tu mmg leh bagi SECARA TETAP 20% setahun, mmg power esp cam cipan cakap kalau yg yayasan BUFFETT yg paling famous kat dunia pun hanya boleh bagi 24% tu pun tak ...
aku tak ingat nama koperasi tu, tapi koperasi perumahan kat area ipoh le..
diorang sewakan dewan untuk kenduri, seminar..
sewakan rumah di kawasan perumahan tu dan ada gak buat kelas komputer..
ada personal financing untuk ahli, tapi tak banyak le jumlahnya..
pastu diorang terlibat dalam construction..
kalu tengok pejabatnya memang takde la gah sangat..
tu pasal aku terkejut makcik aku cakap dia boleh mantain 15-20% per year..
tapi sebenarnya ROI koperasi kecik ni lagi mantap dari koperasi yang gah..
sekolah aku dulu senang2 boleh kasi 16% setahun.. |
Reply #771 juwaini's post
ko tanya la makcik ko tu n bagi nama koperasi tu kat sini.
aku pun interested nak join gak kalau yea macam tu. |
Originally posted by mat403 at 26-3-2007 05:59 PM
tu maksud aku, kalau koperasi tu mmg leh bagi SECARA TETAP 20% setahun, mmg power esp cam cipan cakap kalau yg yayasan BUFFETT yg paling famous kat dunia pun hanya boleh bagi 24% tu pun tak tetap.
aku mmg konservatif esp bila nak buat investment ni..
tu la boleh sebutkan koperasi aper yg boleh bagi 20% tu..
coz yg aku tau koperasi kat malaysia yg famous dgn return dia ialah bank rakyat (15% + 2.5% zakat ) dan koperasi askar pun dalam linkungan tu jugak.
erkkk yang berkshire punye 24% tuh average for the past 40 years. sometime in a single year ada 50% dan sometime ada gak negatif. tp 24% tuh actually increment book value compare ngan previous year. berkshire tak penah bagi dividen.
yg aku konfius betul ke ada yg bleh maintain dividen 20% per year. kalo ada aku pun nak masuk. banyak kompeni ROI tinggi tp tuh untung bisnes. bukan semer untung bisnes tuh di bagi kepada investor dalam bentuk dividen. most of the untung akan retain sebagai next year punye modal. brapa yg akan retain depend pada kompeni punye polisi dividen payout ratio.
tp kalo untuk stock memang bleh dapat dividen 20% or more every year. caranye beli la mana2 saham yg bagi dividen masa saham tuh jatuh. let say saham BAT harga rm44 skang dan dividen yield maybe dalam 7%. maknanya kompeni tuh bayar dividen 7/100*44= rm3 setahun. biasenye dividen yg dibayar akan dimaintain. so katekan sebab bad speculation then stock nih jatuh harga let say rm20 and u beli. so bile kompeni tuh bayar dividen next year, ur yield 3/20*100=15%. kirenye u dah lock dia punye untung mase beli stock nih. but it just a simple calculation for simple example |
Originally posted by cipanbakar at 27-3-2007 10:11 AM
erkkk yang berkshire punye 24% tuh average for the past 40 years. sometime in a single year ada 50% dan sometime ada gak negatif. tp 24% tuh actually increment book value compare ngan previou ...
yup.. 24% tu bukan pulangan tahunan dalam bentuk dividend, cuma orang kalau ukur pulangan (ROI ) biasenyer refer tu Bershire coz secara average, it is the best.
bank koperasi pun pun baru dalam 6-7 tahun berturut-turut bagi 15% ni coz sebelum ni ade yg bawah 10% pun cuma setahu aku koperasi terbuka ( semua orang leh masuk ) ni anatara the best kat malaysia. |
aku tak tau ler ada org dah pernah baca blog zaidi ni....dia ni yg co-organise bengkel kewangan aziz ibrahim tu...aku penah attend bengkel ni tapi tak jalankan apa2 plan secara serius lagi..tapi kalau nak baca posting2 dia pasal merancang, meyimpan, menguruskan duit ni boleh la baca kat sini
selain tu boleh jugak dapat panduan2 berguna dari yahoo personal finance atau msn money. robert kiyosaki salah sorang kolumnis kat yahoo personal finance tu.
[ Last edited by mantan at 29-3-2007 07:13 PM ] |
Reply #775 mantan's post
bagus site yg ko beri tu.. |
saja aku up thread ni dgn artikel dari ben stein kat yahoo personal finance 30-03-2007, artikel ni dia extract dari kewangan pasal returement jugak. and cam biasa la content dia camna nak simpan duit utk persaraan, prinsip asas yg kita dah tau, nothing new cuma put in his words. prinsip2 asas saving sama je dari dulu sampai la ni tapi kita je takleh nak ikut untuk artikel lain boleh gi kolum dia atau kolum org lain cam robert kiyosaki, suze orman atau david bach.
Six Key Principles of Saving for Retirementby Ben Stein
Posted on Friday, March 30, 2007, 12:00AM
Occasionally,some deep thinkers come along with advice so excellent and points ofreference so basic that I feel compelled to pass them on.
Naturally,I wouldn't pass them on if I didn't also agree with them. I think theyform a solid basis for your progress on getting that house next to the16th green for your retirement (if that's what you want).
Miles to Go
Thefirst set of principles come from my old pal and colleague, financialplanning whiz Raymond J. Lucia (or Ray Lucia, as I call him). He'swritten a fine new book called "Ready...Set...Retire!: FinancialStrategies for the Rest of Your Life" in which he lays out the six mostfundamental considerations for retiring.
Before he even getsto those, though, he insists that you consider how long you're likelyto live. Of course, none of us knows the date we'll die, but you canassume that if you make it to 65, you have a darned good shot of makingit to 83. And if you're a couple who makes it to 65, there's close to a40 percent chance you'll make it to 90.
The web site for Northwestern Mutual, a large life insurance company, can help you estimate your longevity.But the main point to bear in mind is that you're probably going tolive about 20 years after you retire. That's a long, long time if youdon't have enough money saved up.
The Six Principles
Withthat in mind, Ray presents the bedrock principles that will influencehow you live financially after you retire. Specifically, they are:
1. How much you save.
Simplyput, if you're a typical American (who happens to save close to zeroright now), you have to save more. When you're young, 10 percent ofyour income will get you there. If you don't start saving until middleage, aim closer to 15 or 20 percent. If you don't start until laterthan middle age, save every penny you can.
2. How long you give your savings to compound.
Thegreat Milton Friedman famously said that the greatest invention of manwas compound interest. Maybe he was joking, maybe not.
In anyevent, compound interest is a great gift to young people. If you startearly, tiny amounts grow to immense amounts, and pretty soon you're allset for retirement. My pal, the genius investment advisor Phil DeMuth,says that if you're old enough to start thinking about sex, you're oldenough to start saving for retirement.
A thousand dollarssocked away when you're 20 and growing at 10 percent per year will bealmost $73,000 when you're 65. The same sum saved when you're 50 willgrow to $4,200 at age 65. That's a stunning truth that should compelany young person to start saving early -- and the rest of us to startright now.
As for timing your retirement, Ray advises that ifyou can push it back by even five years you'll allow your money to growand have fewer years to need it.
3. How you allocate your assets.
Typically,for those who start early, stocks are the answer. Over long periods, adiversified basket of common stocks wildly outperforms bonds, cash, andreal estate. The differences are breathtaking.
But, as we'veseen lately, there's also a lot of volatility in stocks. As you age,you'll want more of your money in bonds and money market accounts.These have lower returns than stocks, but they also have far lowervolatility.
Phil DeMuth recommends that, as a basicportfolio, you have half of your savings in the broadest possiblecommon stock index such as the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index (VTSMX) and half in the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index (VBMFX).
Tome, that's a bit conservative if you're young. I would have more instocks and also a good chunk in international markets. (Phil haswritten a fine book about supercharging your portfolio that will be outin a few months. It's far beyond his basic portfolio in sophisticationand returns, so watch for it.)
Ray has a portfolio that he uses in his "Buckets of Money"strategy that uses stocks, bonds, variable annuities bought with asharp eye on fees, and real estate, and his returns have been excellent.
4. How much your investment returns annually.
Now,this is largely unknown from year to year. But over long periods,stocks return close to 6.5 percent after inflation, and about 10percent before inflation.
The supernova-genius of investing,the investor's absolutely best pal ever, John Bogle, who founded indexinvesting through Vanguard Funds, says -- and his evidence is powerfulindeed -- that you'll do best as a stock investor with index funds thatcover the largest possible universe of stocks in the free world. Thesetend to be very low-cost in terms of fees and loads (sales charges),and beat almost all actively managed funds in terms of return over longperiods.
I heartily concur. I would add that it's alsohelpful to juice up your portfolio with real estate, and to lean towardhigh-dividend and real estate funds.
5. How low you keep your fees and costs.
This principle is largely about using index funds and no-load mutual funds, which makes perfect sense.
6. How closely you keep an eye on taxes.
Finally,Ray advises maxing out your tax-protected accounts like IRAs and401(k)s; keeping high-dividend stocks in accounts that aretax-deferred; and, when retiring, carefully considering what bracketyou'll be in and drawing out your funds to remain in the lowestpossible one.
Remember the Basics
Theseare basic principles to be sure, but they're vital. The three mostimportant to remember are: 1) Start saving for retirement when you'reyoung; 2) Save as much as you can; and 3) Maximize your returns byusing index funds with low costs and high diversification.(Diversification and time are probably the investor's best friends.)
It may sound simple, but it isn't easy. If you're diligent, though, you'll be well on your way to that house on the fairway. |
jom kite berposting kat sini.. |
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[ Last edited by shahgti at 7-5-2007 04:15 PM ] |
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