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Author: CARI-MRO

Nasihat Tentang Rogol Disalah Anggap, Nazim Othman Diserang Kaum Wanita

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Post time 2-12-2016 10:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 2-12-2016 08:28 PM
mommy punye pendapat pulak mcm mana?

Ada betulnya jugak.... dia cakap dari 1 segi je....

Lagipon dia bercakap dari segi pandangan seorg lelaki.. mungkin bila da jadi suami dia rasa tanggungjawab lebih nak lindung pompuan..

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Post time 2-12-2016 11:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bella cantik sgt baju pn xda yg ketat
tudung pn labuh


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Post time 2-12-2016 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jgn main la twitter semua liberal. Hebohla nazim othman tulis kalau nak lelaki respek, pakai elok elok. Duh laki takde kualiti je yg respek perempuan based on cara berpakaian. Suruh ponpuan dress modestly pon adalah salah satu objectification. Asal perempuan je suruh bungkus.

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Post time 3-12-2016 12:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kibodwatriuh replied at 2-12-2016 08:04 PM
nasihat dia might not be the best, but he certainly did not go off tangent at all. and to claim th ...

As someone yang pernah kena harassed sexually, yes some of his words menyebabkan now i rasa: was it my fault? Was it because the way i dressed? the way i walk or the way i act?? Macam i lak yang guilty, like there was something wrong with me sebabkan perkara tu berlaku. Mind you that i was a teenager masa tu.. And no i didn't dressed provocatively..

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Post time 3-12-2016 12:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Err i dont find anything wrong with his advice:zz

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Post time 3-12-2016 12:36 AM | Show all posts
mommymonster82 replied at 2-12-2016 10:48 PM
Ada betulnya jugak.... dia cakap dari 1 segi je....

Lagipon dia bercakap dari segi pandangan se ...

ya..pd i ade good & bad...side..
pd i kalau die advice family die is one thing...
tp bile die advice's another thing...

the good side..since die selebriti ape yg die kata or buat mungkin ade pengaruh pd public..
bile die remind family die utk tutup aurat/dress bersopan mungkin akan pengaruh org lain buat benda yg same...
at same time..sama ade die sedar ke x ade unsur victim blaming as well..which is also sets a bad kind of mindset "for the public"..

kalau nak cube approach baru kan sedap skit hati kalau bunyi gini..nasihat utk kaum adam
sila la temankan kakak ke mak ke isteri ke kalau die org nak kluar serong diri tapi xde sape la jadi peneman...
sila la temankan officemate ke kalau die org kena buat OT ke kat office or balik jalan kaki sorg2..tlg hantarkan ke..bustop ke..or jiran perempuan tinggal sorg2 tlg jenguk2 kan ke...
kan sedap skit..telinga dengar yea x?..

ofcourse kite xleh nasihat perogol jangan rogol! tp ade mcm2 cara lain lagi utk nasihat kaum adam..yea x?..
just my 2 cents...


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Post time 3-12-2016 01:13 AM | Show all posts
tolong nasihat bank dan kedai emas jgn tayang2 duit dan jewellery jugak. mcm mintak dirompak jah.

anyhoo... FYI rape predates mini skirts, hot pants, spaghetti straps etc. jenayah rogol ni dah berlaku beratus2 tahun... takda kaitan dgn pakaian. sendirik bodoh, bila kena hencap cop org tu feminist la apa la. nak tuduh ai feminazi, tuduhlah... yes ai sentap dgn stetmen mcm tu sbb kawan ai adalah mangsa rogol dan ai sendirik mangsa cabul. kawan ai dirogol masa kami budak sekolah lg... masa kejadian dia pakai pakaian seragam sekolah. ai pulak dicabul, pakaian biasa -- t shirt besar dan jeans longgar. sex predator tak pilih pakaian ya bang... yg penting ada peluang.

penyokong rape culture ni pon ada namanya jugak... rape apologists. banyak kes2 rogol tak dilaporkan sbb pahaman mcm ni la.perogol pon senang hati. satu2nya jenayah dlm dunia yg menyalahkan mangsa. kipidap.

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Post time 3-12-2016 01:21 AM | Show all posts
Nazimah nak pompuan pakai decent je bukan nak suruh pakai purdah segala bagai. Sensitip sangat feminist ni.. nnt karang feminist ni nak hak bogel pulak.

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Post time 3-12-2016 01:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by munchkin at 3-12-2016 01:32 AM

Apa dia cakap betul. Kenapa pompuan pakai skimpy clothing mainly to attract the opposite sex to get love. Depa bukan jalan dalam kontena tapi di tengah org ramai. Antara yg niat tak baik tu ada so yg tak baik label pompuan gini sebagai honey pot lah. Bingai tak paham apa yg dia cakap. Dia nasihat supaya hati hati. Kalau nak terjadi apa boleh buat. Mentioned clearly prevention bagai.

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Post time 3-12-2016 01:31 AM | Show all posts
sendirik pon suka posing shirtless bole pulak... bukan mintak dirogol gak ke. jgn ingat lelaki takkan jd mangsa rogol ok. mana2 gay bear yg berminat sila la cari dan rogol heshe. tengok gambar pun tau... with that come-hither looks. yup he asked for it

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Post time 3-12-2016 01:33 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-12-2016 12:36 AM
ya..pd i ade good & bad...side..
pd i kalau die advice family die is one thing...
tp bile die ad ...

ni ai ambik dari tumblr

Rape is the only crime I can think of that’s 100% inexcusable.  There’s absolutely no reason for it ever.  In any circumstance.  You can murder in self defence, you can steal to help your starving family.  Even doing illegal drugs can really help calm people down.

But rape doesn’t help anyone except the rapist.  And it just baffles me to this day the way people will excuse rape with, “Well he/she was drunk” or “What was she wearing?” or “He’s a guy though, he probably enjoyed it.”

it’s the one crime that everyone should find inexcusable and yet it’s the one that people try to justify the most often.

rape apologists takkan faham punya... yg penting salah mangsa. tak berbungkus = mintak dirogol.

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Post time 3-12-2016 02:28 AM | Show all posts
nasihat ke kalau secara halus hinting pompuan at fault kalo kena rogol... isunya sekarang, mesej si mulut hitam tuh mcm bg lesen perogol tak bersalah provided mangsa yg pakai seksi. dah berzaman org asyik kaitkan rogol dan pakaian. tak pulak ambik kira mangsa kanak2, org tua, OKU dan pompuan bertudung... abis yg mcm tu apa pula nasihat heols yg cerdik lg bijaksana?

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Post time 3-12-2016 02:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-12-2016 12:36 AM
ya..pd i ade good & bad...side..
pd i kalau die advice family die is one thing...
tp bile die ad ...

Me setuju ngan u..byk faktor sebenarnya..Sbb tu me kata..dia tegur 1 segi je...
Dari segi pemakaian.. so kita fokus tu jelah..nampak je nazim gtuxsangka dia nak sentuh jugak bab ni..pada me ok je bukan dia suh kita kuar pakai telekung pon..

So kita fokus itu dahla..ada betul ke tak kata2 dia..ada betulnya jugak... gtu jelah pendapat me... jgn tgk general..just fokus 1 1 apa yg dia cakap cukuplah..

Victim blaming ke tidak tu terpulang pada pendapat masing2... betul jugak kata2 nya.. sbb nak elak kita jadi easy target..salah 1 nya pakaian.. so pada me fokus tu jelah...  sama macam kalu kita takut dirompak.. janganla tayang2 kita bawak duit banyak... tu kan dah dedah kita sbg easy target... part tu boleh plak  kita salahkan org yg tayang keluar duit kepuk2..

Pada pompuan sumer pandai2la jaga diri..Allah lebih tahu niat kita utk pelihara diri kita..kalu nak jadi jugak kita nak buat jahat mmg byk skrg elakkan diri kita dari jadi perhatian..salah 1 nya sj je letak gambar mcm2 lam fb tu...tahulah awak comel..

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Post time 3-12-2016 07:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pakai baju yg moderate tu USAHA utk kurangkan risiko rogol. Memang mangsa rogol tak kira org. Ada makcik tua, kanak2, OKU dll. Apalah salahnya pakai baju yg tidak menonjol dan tutup aurat. Cara pemikiran lelaki berbeza. Kdg2 dia tengok awek seksi tepi jalan dia naik stim, tapi dirogolnya makcik kat bus stop. Kalo awek seksi kurang pakai seksi aritu, makcik tua tu pasti terselamat. Contohnya mcm tu lah maksud baju yg moderate kurang risiko rogol. Bukan utk diri sendiri semata2 tapi utk melindungi org lain jua. Perintah Allah yg Maha Bijaksana byk kebaikannya. Tapi hamba Nya ada yg tetap memilih utk ke neraka selain syurga eg: perogol, pemakai seksi tunjuk aurat.

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Post time 3-12-2016 07:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Prevention utk perempuan: jaga pemakaian. Prevention utk lelaki : stop watching porn. 2-2 bawa maksud yg sama. Avoid temptation. Kan? Betul la nazim ckp tu. Cuma tang lelaki dia x sentuh. Eh eh. Acah2 feminis nak sentap pulak. Maksudnya, korg nak pompuan semua seksi sesuka hati dia pastu laki kena jaga kote. Its a bit one sided kan? 2-2 la jaga diri. Feminis bangang takleh diajar. Learn how to take responsibility.

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Post time 3-12-2016 08:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betu l la tu nasihat dia, korg yg x suka sila lah buat apa je yg korg suka x payah emo

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Post time 3-12-2016 08:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betul je ape dia ckp.kire perempuan sedikit sebayk bg peluang kt perogol kalau pakai seksi sgt..harap kite semua dia lindungi dari mende mende x elok..takut sekarang ni byk sgt kes

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Post time 3-12-2016 09:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalo undang2 potong btg dikuatkuasakn kurang la kes rogol sbb senjata utk merogol dah x ada

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Post time 3-12-2016 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Edited by kibodwatriuh at 3-12-2016 09:13 AM
32kW replied at 3-12-2016 12:19 AM
As someone yang pernah kena harassed sexually, yes some of his words menyebabkan now i rasa: was i ...

I like to begin by saying that I am very sorry to hear that you were violated in the past. Rest assured, you are THE VICTIM, and shall not be BLAMED. It is the perperator of such crime that shall bear the blame and consequently the punishment by law. It's grounded in our legal system and therefore recognizes the fact that victims were never to blame.

But I am very interested in the idea of victim-blaming. In no way Nazim is saying that if you were sexually violated as the result of perhaps wearing skimpy clothes, therefore you are asking for it hence, padan muka. He's simply giving advice that women should avoid the RISKS of being sexually violated by dressing modestly. I bet he understands that this is just one way of many. Please, just leave the fact for a moment that perhaps this is one WEAK advice.

Now, let say Nazim advises again saying that women should practise prudence by not naively trusting strangers in your private company. Can this also be called victim-blaming  as there are many such cases? There are many cases of sexual harrassments/rape of women carelessly meeting up strangers communicated via we-chat and what not kan? So can we say Nazim is victim-blaming here?

He is merely giving out advice to avoid risks of being sexually violated. Unfortunately, this one advice is to me a weak one. But more disappointingly,  some people (*feminists) tend to see this as victim-blaming. It is not.

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Post time 3-12-2016 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by nikaido at 3-12-2016 09:29 AM

Betulla benda yg dia cakap .Kita nak mengurangkan risiko dirogol bukannya nak dedahkan diri pada perogol.
Perempuan feminis- “ ini dah dikira victim blaming. Kenapa tanak nasihat lelaki sama?”
bukan semua lelaki tu perogol.lelaki biasa even tengok pompuan mcm mana pun dia akan dapat kawal tp jgnlah pergi provoke dia takut dia triggered.perempuan seksi tu normal tp lelaki jadi perogol x normal. Perogol ni penjenayah. Most of them sakit mental. Kamu nak suruh artis nasihat perogol jgn merogol? So dia berilah nasihat berdasarkan ilmu yg dia ada. Lagipun lebih mudahkan perempuan pakai lebih sopan daripada suruh perogol jgn merogol

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