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Author: CARI-MRO

Korea Utara Lancarkan 4 Peluru Berpandu Misteri Ke Lautan Jepun

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Post time 6-3-2017 10:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
selagi China maseh nak berkawan dgn negara terasing ni, selagi itu le dunia susah nak deal dgn NK ni. dalam tak setuju dgn perkembangan terkini dgn NK ni , China maseh lagi tunjuk  sikap neutral dan berlembut.siap hantar delegasi ke pyongyang minggu lalu utk mengekalkan persefahaman dan  kerjasama perniagaan bagai. mungkin sbb terlalu curiga dgn us tu yg China terpaksa  hemoi jgk dgn rejim kim  yg kejam ni. itu sbb NK jd mua

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Post time 6-3-2017 10:42 PM | Show all posts
batmana replied at 6-3-2017 02:55 PM
kalo bosan,
sila meninggal.

entahnya. dah elok2 aman mintak perang. sendiri yg hidup miserable nak orang lain pun miserable macam dia.
tengok la kalau negara dalam peperangan camna. stray cats pun bole jadi hidangan enak.
tak ambik iktibar langsung.

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Post time 6-3-2017 11:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Realitinya dunia pasti akan masuk perang dunia ke3 . Adakah sebab korea utara x tau la. Bila akan berlaku pun tak tau...harap blh cepat sikit sbb penat dah tunggu

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Post time 6-3-2017 11:11 PM | Show all posts
akusukaq replied at 6-3-2017 10:21 PM
selagi China maseh nak berkawan dgn negara terasing ni, selagi itu le dunia susah nak deal dgn NK ni ...

China needs buffer state against US/SK...

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Post time 6-3-2017 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Over naw naw korea utara ni
Harap adala konspirasi antara askar dia p tembak j0ng un mok tu

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Post time 6-3-2017 11:51 PM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 6-3-2017 12:03 PM
Alangkah baiknya kalau salah satu bom tu terkena kapal China yang kebetulan berada di perairan situ. ...

Kau ingat missile spt ni mcm mercun lidi hari raya ke?  Cucuh je merata dia pergi. Nasib pah Kalau masuk dlm kain or seluar kawan2.

Peluru jenis ni terima command dari bumi. Either hendak teruskan mensasar sasaran yang dilock atau abort. Ia juga ada ID utk avoid apa sahaja sasaran yang disetkan.  

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Post time 7-3-2017 12:14 PM | Show all posts
ada keluar news... rakyat malaysia dilarang keluar dari NK... termasuk diplomat.... ada ke rakyat malaysia kat sana.... aduhai

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Post time 7-3-2017 05:05 PM | Show all posts
show offffff

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Post time 7-3-2017 05:43 PM | Show all posts
kalau perang pun, agak mustahil la North Korea nak menang lawan South Korea, Japan and US Forces. Tapi memang ramai lah yang dijangka akan terbunuh.

Military action against North Korea wouldn't be pretty. Some number of civilians in South Korea, possibly Japan, and US forces stationed in the Pacific would be likely to die in the undertaking no matter how smoothly things went.
In short, it's not a decision any US commander-in-chief would make lightly.
But the US would have to choose between a full-scale destruction of North Korea's nuclear facilities and ground forces or a quicker attack on only the most important nuclear facilities. The second option would focus more on crippling North Korea's nuclear program and destroying key threats to the US and its allies.

btw, THAAD anti ballistic missile US dah stationed kat south Korea.

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Post time 7-3-2017 07:44 PM | Show all posts
kelana36 replied at 7-3-2017 05:43 PM
kalau perang pun, agak mustahil la North Korea nak menang lawan South Korea, Japan and US Forces. Ta ...

kalau jadi perang, China akan sokong belah mana agaknya?
takkan dok diam tengok sekutu dia kena balun?
n macam mana dgn Russia?

siapa forumers yg buat analisis konflik kat asia ni, mai story sket.


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Post time 7-3-2017 09:52 PM | Show all posts
capiloton replied at 7-3-2017 03:44 PM
kalau jadi perang, China akan sokong belah mana agaknya?
takkan dok diam tengok sekutu dia kena b ...

China macam biasa la, tak nak involve DIRECTLY... cuma support sikit sikit..

On Monday, the U.S. began the process of assembling an anti-missile system in South Korea, delivering the first of the five major components of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. South Korea had requested an accelerated deployment of the missile defense system, approved last year, after North Korea launched four ballistic missiles on Monday, apparently in response to annual joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises. China "firmly opposes" the deployment, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang reiterated on Tuesday. China will "take the necessary steps to safeguard our own security interests, and the consequences will be shouldered by the United States and South Korea," he added.

China fears the missile defense system will give the U.S. the capacity to detect Chinese missile launches, not just North Korean salvos, The New York Times reports. That would affect China's relationship with not just South Korea but also Japan and other U.S. allies in the region. President Trump spoke with the leaders of South Korea and Japan on Monday, assuring them that the U.S. will stand with its allies against North Korea. Geng warned the U.S. and South Korea to not "go further and further down the wrong road." The THAAD system will likely be ready by April. Peter Weber


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