Little Claliph tempat anak i monthly RM420 (full day). Itu pun dah naik RM20. Takpelah, anak punya pasal. Total fees RM1400, itu pun dah tolak beg and uniforms. Pakai la selagi boleh ye anak. |
RedScarf replied at 16-10-2017 04:28 PM
Little Claliph tempat anak i monthly RM420 (full day). Itu pun dah naik RM20. Takpelah, anak punya p ...
Total fees tu dh include monthly deposit x?LC mane yer..i check kt LC sini yuran registration utk next year dh naik rm65 |
Dah include monthly fees siap2. So next bayar bulan Feb lah. Memang..Semua dah nak naik harga. Terasa jugak kadang-kadang, tapi pejam mata je lah. Janji seronok tengok anak-anak balik dah pandi tulis ABC, 123. 
Same here.
i already make booking payment rm200.
tapi payah sangat nak bagi total fees registration.
kata nak email by middle oct. tapi tak nampak ape pon.
kte as parents mestilah nk kne prepair dari segi kewangan.
LC kelana jaya sangat mudah. terus kte tahu registration fees for next year.
i punya LC presint 14, putrajaya.

i still tengah mencari tadika dkt2 my area di taman melati or wangsa maju..anyone ada anta anak dekat real kids x? |
kinderkaizen mana tu?
plan nak hantar anak kinderkaizen gak..tak nak dia stress
bulan ni dh kene prepare duit kindy utk next year LC 5 yrs, pergh berpeluh nk huloq duit |
LC area rumah i register 1400++, monthly full day 400.
The fees is quiet reasonable la if compare to Brainy Bunch or Smart Readers. Dari segi pengisian in theory memang bagus, but in practical depends pada branch tu la how the execute the programme..
Dari segi jumlah student, i personally think agak ramai but again depends pd branch tu, in my areas LC guna 3 unit shop lot. So memang besar walaupun ramai.
If compare to tadika Gov/ Pasti / Kemas memang they offer fees yg jauh lebih murah, but for me, if parents can afford, why not. Ada org persoalkan yuran macam nak masuk U, but try to understand, early education is very2 important utk anak2 kita. But if kurang mampu, takpelah asal tak membebankan, after all, parents pun boleh turut bantu ajar di rumah. Cuma if dah masuk sekolah yg baik mungkin memudahkan parents especially for those yg memang husband and wife kerja and busy.
Kalo lc tu mcm ramai review bgs |
shah alam section 27... that was last year's registration fee. Yg 2018 x sure sebab my son dah darjah 1 next year.
my son ... currently 4 yrs, hantar ke one of LC under founder ... I thought it should be better than other LCs since it is under founder & its a model center ... tapi, tidak nampaknya ... fees kalau under founder memang lebih rendah compared to other LCs ...
for 2017, registration/enrollment fees (+ books + bag + uniforms + advance fee for Jan) = RM1,600 +/-
monthly RM420
Next year 2018, saya hantar ke LC yang lain .. not under founder's branch ... yang ni enrollment fees = almost RM2,200 +/- (dah tolak beg, nametag & etc yg kecik2)... tapi ni dah siap advance fees for January & November 2018. Monthly fee RM450.
Adiknya, 2.5 yrs next year, saya hantar ke FDC (LC branch yang sama but known as FDC sebab untuk 2.5 yrs) ... enrollment fees = RM900 +, monthly fee RM400
hi sy baru daftar kt lc Bandar Puteri Klang. Terpengaruh sebab banyak feedback positif.
sy masukan anak sy terus day care.
Monthly rm510.00.
Grand total fee : Rm2340.00 include deposit 300 & january fee
sofar tgok tempat belajar ok.. cuma utk daycare tmpt nap anak2 nmpk selerak kotor dan x terurus sikit. sy positif kan maybe mereka tgh setting2 lg nk kemas.
nk tarik balik pon x boleh d bayar booking 
Tapi anak nampak mcm suka.. and cikgu dia nice2..
Harap2 ok laaaaaa
Best nye. Sy full day RM510. Total RM2340 kalau nak swimming tambah rm150.00 and taekwando rm50.00.
Any parents yg ada experience hantar Real Kids ?
I berkenan sbb ada swimming class sekali once a week.
Monthly fees is RM450.
Most of the students communicate in English. |
i sent 2 of my daughters to Realkids. Fee monthly rm450. Yg registration etc tu I dah lupa berapa.
My daughters enjoyed their time kat sana. Within 2 months boleh speak english with their friends. Can read in English and Malay after a few months. The best way is to checkout the place dulu and tanya other parents coz sometimes ada teachers yg very good and you should try to get your children in their class.
Masa K1 (5 years old) both my daughters attend the afternoon session ie yg start around 12.30pm and finish at 4.30pm (anak2 susah bangun pagi), but for K2 I opt for the morning session.
But for my son pulak he attended for trial session after 2 weeks dia tak boleh sesuaikan diri..he said i dont like teacher hitam... :-)
So I sent him to Dzul Iman instead.
animcute replied at 5-11-2017 09:58 PM
i sent 2 of my daughters to Realkids. Fee monthly rm450. Yg registration etc tu I dah lupa berapa. ...
Thanks for the review.
That's great sbb boleh pilih any sessions morning or evening.
My daugther is 2y 9m.
For now, i homeschool her.
So i am thinking to enrol her dkt Rkids when she is 5yo.
Tp tu lah. Knowing that the kids nowadays dah pergi school as early as 1y +. Tu i risau jgk.
Kawan2 i yg veranak awal dah nak hantar anak next year. hantar pengasuh pun lebih kurang harga. dua2 pilih tadika sama senang nak tumpang. i tanya tadika mana diam je. bila tanya lagi dua2 ckp tadika dirahsiakan pasal bos yg rekomen n taknak ramai2 nanti penuh sgt. pelik jugak taknak promo. ai korek2 jugak nak tau. ai cakap hello anak i lama lg baru nak hantar baru la send link. terperanjat i tgk tadika skrg ni website pun dah tak mcm website tadika, ada video promo lah kelas archery semua tu, online sistem la. kitorang intranet pun offline memanjang.. mmg tak terperanjat la kalau reg beribu2 monthly pun beratus2. |
hi Zeth09 ... I heard management d LC Bandar Puteri Klang x berapa bagus .. but, it last 2 years ... sekarang mungkin ok .. teachers semua dah berganti ... teachers yang lama2 semua dah berhenti sebab dah x boleh go along dengan principle. Now, oke kot.
Yup, tempat baru dia (kat shop lot tu) nampak messy sikit kan ..
LC ni syllabus dia bagus, cuma management/principle dia la pulak .. ada yg ok, ada yg x ...
Yeke... i pon strt rs tak best dah actually. bila pk blik anak kene dduk tempat mcm tu.
dah la kene kene belajar sesi petang.. kalau pagi ok sikit.. mintak pagi tak dpt 
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