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Author: ariyamusafir

Can Asia unite?

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 09:55 AM | Show all posts
jadi kau kata kau orang india lebih berhak ke atas Malaysia berbanding orang melayu ke? macam mana lah nak memupuk semangat perpaduan kaum kalau ada gelintir kaum macam kamu berfikiran macam tu?

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-5-2004 13:11:
I just laugh at your jealousy and foolish talk. Ahahahahahahaha..........

cheers mate!

Oh we not jealous:cak::cak::cak:

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 20-5-2004 08:05:
by ariyamusafir

Who say muslims are not Asians based on your point. Asian consist of Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims, Christians etc. It deosn't make you a non-Asian because you are a muslim. It m ...

Being an Asian or not has nothing to do with culture or religion but geographically. That is the main and only standing point and criteria. It is just that Asia has its wornderful and variety of culture and we can preserve it. Being yellow hair doesn't make one not an Asian so long as his an Asian.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 20-5-2004 08:05:
by ariyamusafir

Who say muslims are not Asians based on your point. Asian consist of Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims, Christians etc. It deosn't make you a non-Asian because you are a muslim. It m ...

There are minority. I once met an Iranian kid. I thought he was a musim, but later my muslim friend (also a kid) told me that he is an Iranian Christians. There are many Christians living in Palestine. Correction, there are many Palestinian Christians, and the muslims here also support their cause as a Palestinian.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 20-5-2004 08:52:
Berambus ke Dunia Arab kamu tu ... ini bukan Dunia mu dan kami (non-Muslims) tak akan sokong kamu.

Tengok sahajalah berita2 kematian, peperangan di Palestine dan penderaan di Iraq yg kamu sibuk  ...

Oh ya, akulah satu contoh.

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:58 AM | Show all posts
How can Asians unite whne there are so many terrorists in Phillipines, indonesia and southern Thailand?

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Robotic This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Possible but without Singapore...

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robotic at 20-5-2004 11:09:
Possible but without Singapore...


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Post time 20-5-2004 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Count us out please, we don't want to unite with yu terrorists buggers.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 11:46 AM | Show all posts
no wonder you try to be closer to America!..but the question is...does America want to be closer to you without gaining any profit?

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Post time 20-5-2004 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 20-5-2004 11:37 AM:
Count us out please, we don't want to unite with yu terrorists buggers.

You did unite with US terrorist in Iraq... we didn't :nana:

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Post time 20-5-2004 01:00 PM | Show all posts

jadi kau kata kau orang india lebih berhak ke atas Malaysia berbanding orang melayu ke? macam mana lah nak memupuk semangat perpaduan kaum kalau ada gelintir kaum macam kamu berfikiran macam tu?  

Bila pula saya kata yg orang India berhak ke atas Malaysia lebih dr Melayu?
Yg saya kata adalah kami TAK PERLU layan kebodohan kamu.

Mereka yg berhak atas negara ini adalah BUMIPUTERA, dan mereka BUKAN orang Melayu sahaja tetapi termasuk orang2 Asli di Semanjung dan di Malaysia Barat. Malangnya kerajaan lebih banyak berusaha cium buntut ulama dr menbantu golongan Bumiputera yg hidup spt 3rd Class Citizen di negara mereka sendiri. Hanya di Malaysia Barat (Sabah dan Sarawak), orang Asli lebih bebas sikit dan itupun mula digugut oleh kerajaan dgn meletakan boneka Muslims di sana.

by ariyamusafir

Being an Asian or not has nothing to do with culture or religion but geographically. That is the main and only standing point and criteria. It is just that Asia has its wornderful and variety of culture and we can preserve it. Being yellow hair doesn't make one not an Asian so long as his an Asian.

That just an excuse made by people who are cultureless and heritageless like you. You have no root, no culture or heritage you could be proud of so you are trying to invent an excuse such as one doesn't need heritage to be part of a Person.

When one says "I'm an Indian", it means he has culture and heritage of an Indian (including religion), same as if one says "I'm a Chinese" and so on. One doesn't say "I'm a Muslim" and expect others to know what heritage he supposed to have or where he came from or what is his origin, because Islam is a religion, not a culture or heritage.

Simple proof of above statement - in religion like Islam, one CANNOT add his own defination into it's verse unless it is verbally because it is haram. In culture and heritage, you can add your own culture and heritage by combining new ones with the old. That is how Culture and Heritage grows and become better than it was before.

There are minority. I once met an Iranian kid. I thought he was a musim, but later my muslim friend (also a kid) told me that he is an Iranian Christians. There are many Christians living in Palestine. Correction, there are many Palestinian Christians, and the muslims here also support their cause as a Palestinian.

That is your personal experience.

by Robotic

Possible but without Singapore...

This kind of attitude which makes Muslims impossible to work/live with.

Today you say Singapore is your enemy so we must accept Singapore as an enemy also.

Tomorrow, you will say India is your enemy because it beating the Pakistan trained Kashmir guerillas. Then Thailand, then Philiphines and so on.

Whoever your enemy is, you will force it down our throats and expect us to give you support blindly or you will say that we siding with terrorist or have no patrotism and such crap.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 01:34 PM | Show all posts
by Sephiroth:

Bila pula saya kata yg orang India berhak ke atas Malaysia lebih dr Melayu?
Yg saya kata adalah kami TAK PERLU layan kebodohan kamu.

Cakap engkau ni berbelit-belit macam ular sawa..oh ya aku rasa kau kan orang india yang suka  main seruling panggil ular sawa tapi yang keluar pula kata2 kau  yang  berbelit-belit macam ular. Kau sendiri tau kebanyakan orang melayu beragama islam..kau anti islam tapi kau tak mengaku ayat kau seolah-olah mengambarkan bahawa orang melayu tak berhak sebab yang beragama islam kena berambus pegi negeri arab. buat apa lah kami nak berambus pergi negeri arab kalau kami berbangsa melayu bukan berbangsa arab. kononnya kau orang india pulak yang lebih berhak.Islam hanya pada agama manakala bangsa tetap melayu..tak semestinya orang islam tu orang arab..ada faham ke?? bila aku soal kau sedap saja kau bagi alasan yang kau tak nak layan kebodohan kami. macam lah kau tu pintar sangat dan kami ni orang2 bodoh belaka.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 01:57 PM | Show all posts
by sephiroth:

When one says "I'm an Indian", it means he has culture and heritage of an Indian (including religion), same as if one says "I'm a Chinese" and so on. One doesn't say "I'm a Muslim" and expect others to know what heritage he supposed to have or where he came from or what is his origin, because Islam is a religion, not a culture or heritage.

I noticed you only mentioned Indian and chinese communities without mentioning "malay", but you rather used "muslim" instead. Dont you forget that we have different ethnics, cultures & heritage in Malaysia. Do you think that Malay people  do not  have culture and heritage just because most malays are muslims? Do not forget the origin ancestors of Malaysia are bumiputeras like Malays & native people. We do have culture and heritage and we are proud of the mix cultures we have in Malaysia. Please be frank with us here ..are you anti-malay and anti muslim as well?

[ Last edited by WICKED on 20-5-2004 at 02:03 PM ]

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Post time 20-5-2004 03:55 PM | Show all posts

Cakap engkau ni berbelit-belit macam ular sawa..oh ya aku rasa kau kan orang india yang suka  main seruling panggil ular sawa tapi yang keluar pula kata2 kau  yang  berbelit-belit macam ular. Kau sendiri tau kebanyakan orang melayu beragama islam..kau anti islam tapi kau tak mengaku ayat kau seolah-olah mengambarkan bahawa orang melayu tak berhak sebab yang beragama islam kena berambus pegi negeri arab. buat apa lah kami nak berambus pergi negeri arab kalau kami berbangsa melayu bukan berbangsa arab. kononnya kau orang india pulak yang lebih berhak.Islam hanya pada agama manakala bangsa tetap melayu..tak semestinya orang islam tu orang arab..ada faham ke?? bila aku soal kau sedap saja kau bagi alasan yang kau tak nak layan kebodohan kami. macam lah kau tu pintar sangat dan kami ni orang2 bodoh belaka.   

Adakah SEMUA yg Islam itu Melayu? Tidak ... kerana banyak Muslims yg terdiri dr golongan2 orang lain spt Arab, african, India dan Chinese.

Jadi apakah definasi Melayu? Mereka yg bercakap bahasa Melayu digelar orang Melayu? Tidak kerana orang China dan India pun bercakap bahasa Melayu juga.

Adakah mereka yg menpunyai budaya orang Melayu itu Melayu? Rasa2nya Ya tetapi berapa banyak antara kamu mengamalkan kebudayaan Melayu?  Apa itu kebudayaan Melayu?

Cuba kamu mendefinasikan orang Melayu sekarang kalau kamu pandai sangat. ;)

I noticed you only mentioned Indian and chinese communities without mentioning "malay", but you rather used "muslim" instead. Dont you forget that we have different ethnics, cultures & heritage in Malaysia. Do you think that Malay people  do not  have culture and heritage just because most malays are muslims? Do not forget the origin ancestors of Malaysia are bumiputeras like Malays & native people. We do have culture and heritage and we are proud of the mix cultures we have in Malaysia. Please be frank with us here ..are you anti-malay and anti muslim as well?

It doesn't matter what your ancestors are ... what important is whether you are still following your origin or not.

Do you have beliefs which still follows the origin people of Nusantara? No. Because after Islam come, most of it is banned for being syirik.

What about their culture like playing certain music, singing or things like that? Nope ... because again, it is banned under Islam.

So what is the use of Mix Culture if most of it Banned? And give me example of this mix culture, please.

Anti Malay? Is there such thing as Malay?
Anti Muslim? Most likely true.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Adakah SEMUA yg Islam itu Melayu? Tidak ... kerana banyak Muslims yg terdiri dr golongan2 orang lain spt Arab, african, India dan Chinese.

Tahu pun engkau bahawa tidak semua Islam tu melayu ada jugak orang cina atau india  macam saudara Kennkid yang beragama Islam..sama lah seperti persoalan awak yang mula2 tadi yang mengatakan bahawa orang islam tu kena balik ke negeri arab sedangkan tak semua orang Islam tu orang Arab. Ko rasa orang arab tidak mempunyai budaya ke? kalau kau nak tau orang arab lah yang menyumbang kepada kesusasteraan yang merupakan salah satu cabang budaya. nampaknya awak tu tak faham maksud budaya yang sebenar secara lebih menyeluruh dan universal!

[ Last edited by WICKED on 20-5-2004 at 04:22 PM ]

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Post time 20-5-2004 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Even Malaysians cant unite..and we expect Asians to unite??...:lol

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 04:43 PM | Show all posts
I believe malaysians can unite if someone like seph changes his mentality!

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Post time 20-5-2004 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 20-5-2004 04:43 PM:
I believe malaysians can unite if someone like seph changes his mentality!

You dont usually blame a single individual..You should blame others including yourself(me too:lol) indirectly too..You should know about cause and consequences...

Pointing fingers and putting blame  on someone is usually the quickest way out:ah:

[ Last edited by Seraphim on 20-5-2004 at 04:47 PM ]

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Post time 20-5-2004 05:56 PM | Show all posts

Tahu pun engkau bahawa tidak semua Islam tu melayu ada jugak orang cina atau india  macam saudara Kennkid yang beragama Islam..sama lah seperti persoalan awak yang mula2 tadi yang mengatakan bahawa orang islam tu kena balik ke negeri arab sedangkan tak semua orang Islam tu orang Arab.

Saya tak kata sesuatu bangsa (spt Melayu) tak ada budaya. Saya kata MUSLIMS tiada budaya.

Dan memandangkan Islam bukan berasal dr Asia (Arab itu digolongkan dlm Timur Tengah) ataupun menpunyai ciri2 ketimuran, maka tak wajar utk kami melayan Muslims yg asing dgn situasi/budaya dll di Asia.

Ko rasa orang arab tidak mempunyai budaya ke? kalau kau nak tau orang arab lah yang menyumbang kepada kesusasteraan yang merupakan salah satu cabang budaya. nampaknya awak tu tak faham maksud budaya yang sebenar secara lebih menyeluruh dan universal!

Nak merepak pun bagi contohlah ... sesiapapun boleh dakwa Bulan jatuh ke bawah. Cuba bagi contoh yg bernas. ;)


I believe malaysians can unite if someone like seph changes his mentality!  

Why should me (being Asian) should change anything belongs to me?

Did I trained Kashmir Guerillas to fight in Kashmir while act being peaceful in the eyes of the world? No, Muslims in Pakistan did.

Did I'm the one who launched guerilla attacks in South Thailand? No, Muslims did.

Did I'm the one who entered other people's territory and kidnapped people like in Sipadan and then fight the government to demand a territory of my own? No, the muslims in Mindanao did.

I or any other Asians in Asia NEVER did anything to show that we are in wrong here. WHY should we change?

by Seraphim

You dont usually blame a single individual..You should blame others including yourself(me too) indirectly too..You should know about cause and consequences...

Pointing fingers and putting blame  on someone is usually the quickest way out

That's Muslims mentality for you ... even in arguments, they will not accept their mistakes and their people's mistakes and find some excuses or another.

Speaking and trying to reason with such people are waste. What we should think now is whether we should be entertaining such people or not?

I for one had cut all ties with this race. They can go to hell for all I care. I have stop buying things from their shops, stop being their friends, stop going to eat at their shops and even don't bother about all those death they face in TV every day.

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