Yup...they are!!!Dajjal with one eye symbols.....
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall... |
knew it.they operate rather secretly. |
good job aenemy
The supremacist white idea was planned by (a Mason) 'Charles Darwin' to provoke the non white as non human, and treat the black people use to be research specimen.
The 'theory of evolution' crap out to convince that the white scientifically has large skull than other races, while the african black are inferior 'Apes' races.
Later numerous scientist discover the theory are lies and invalid to be proof when they not able to explain the first creation (ex nihilo). |
charles darwin tuh pon yahudi ;) |
Have u seen the recent preview of the film "National Treasure"(if im not mistaken)??the star was Nicholas Cage....there's plenty freemason one eye symbols in that film including the famous one dollar note,i think the story is about American Freemason indirectly or directly....this is the most clearest sign of their hidden agenda ever exposed in any film yet!!!!
i don't know when it will be showed in the cinema yet, i think they want to potrayed themeselves as a hero or freedom fighter to brainwashed the world(they called non jewish as "Goyim")!!! :hmm:
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
Originally posted by aenemy7 at 5-1-2005 08:20 AM:
Have u seen the recent preview of the film "National Treasure"(if im not mistaken)??the star was Nicholas Cage....there's plenty freemason one eye symbols in that film includ ...
u know what??i also noticed and thought the same thing!!! |
Do u know that a cartoon like "The Simpsons" also a product of a Freemasons???There's are series which shows a line like "World Domination",the cartoon also playing down Christianaty itself.....wasn't it relevant with the Zionist Protocol plan to destroy religion and the morale of the non-jewish(Goyim)???:hmm:
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall..... |
This is the Zionist Freemasons "methods of conquest".....read it carefully and u will find out it already happen today!!!!!beware....:ah:
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
2. The constitution scales of these days will shortly break down, for we have established them with a certain lack of accurate balance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear through the pivot on which they turn. The GOYIM are under the impression that they have welded them sufficiently strong and they have all along kept on expecting that the scales would come into equilibrium. But the pivots - the kings on their thrones - are hemmed in by their representatives, who play the fool, distraught with their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power. This power they owe to the terror which has been breathed into the palaces. As they have no means of getting at their people, into their very midst, the kings on their thrones are no longer able to come to terms with them and so strengthen themselves against seekers after power. We have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart.
3. In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we have set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendencies towards independence. To this end we have stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every ambition. Of States we have made gladiatorial arenas where a lot of confused issues contend .... A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal ....
4. Babblers, inexhaustible, have turned into oratorical contests the sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards. Bold journalists and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive officials. Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob.
5. All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly than ever. They were chained by slavery and serfdom; from these, one way and another, they might free themselves. These could be settled with, but from want they will never get away. We have included in the constitution such rights as to the masses appear fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called " eoples Rights" can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life. What is it to the proletariat laborer, bowed double over his heavy toil, crushed by his lot in life, if talkers get the right to babble, if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by side with good stuff, once the proletariat has no other profit out of the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them from our table in return for their voting in favor of what we dictate, in favor of the men we place in power, the servants of our AGENTUR ... Republican rights for a poor man are no more than a bitter piece of irony, for the necessity he is under of toiling almost all day gives him no present use of them, but the other hand robs him of all guarantee of regular and certain earnings by making him dependent on strikes by his comrades or lockouts by his masters.
6. The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster- mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers.
7. We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our SOCIAL MASONRY. The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings. |
8. By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way.
10. The GOYIM have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists. Therefore they do not see the urgent necessity of what we, when our kingdom comes, shall adopt at once, namely this, that IT IS ESSENTIAL TO TEACH IN NATIONAL SCHOOLS ONE SIMPLE, TRUE PIECE OF KNOWLEDGE, THE BASIS OF ALL KNOWLEDGE - THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN LIFE, OF SOCIAL EXISTENCE, WHICH REQUIRES DIVISION OF LABOR, AND, CONSEQUENTLY, THE DIVISION OF MEN INTO CLASSES AND CONDITIONS. It is essential for all to know that OWING TO DIFFERENCE IN THE OBJECTS OF HUMAN ACTIVITY THERE CANNOT BE ANY EQUALITY, that he, who by any act of his compromises a whole class, cannot be equally responsible before the law with him who affects no one but only his own honor. The true knowledge of the structure of society, into the secrets of which we do not admit the GOYIM, would demonstrate to all men that the positions and work must be kept within a certain circle, that they may not become a source of human suffering, arising from an education which does not correspond with the work which individuals are called upon to do. After a thorough study of this knowledge, the peoples will voluntarily submit to authority and accept such position as is appointed them in the State. In the present state of knowledge and the direction we have given to its development of the people, blindly believing things in print - cherishes - thanks to promptings intended to mislead and to its own ignorance - a blind hatred towards all conditions which it considers above itself, for it has no understanding of the meaning of class and condition.
11. THIS HATRED WILL BE STILL FURTHER MAGNIFIED BY THE EFFECTS of an ECONOMIC CRISES, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES WHEREBY WE SHALL THROW UPON THE STREETS WHOLE MOBS OF WORKERS SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able to loot.
13. We have demonstrated that progress will bring all the GOYIM to the sovereignty of reason. Our despotism will be precisely that; for it will know how, by wise severities, to pacificate all unrest, to cauterize liberalism out of all institutions.
14. When the populace has seen that all sorts of concessions and indulgences are yielded it, in the same name of freedom it has imagined itself to be sovereign lord and has stormed its way to power, but, naturally like every other blind man, it has come upon a host of stumbling blocks. IT HAS RUSHED TO FIND A GUIDE, IT HAS NEVER HAD THE SENSE TO RETURN TO THE FORMER STATE and it has laid down its plenipotentiary powers at OUR feet. Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of "Great": the secrets of its preparations are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our hands.
15 Ever since that time we have been leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favor of that KING-DESPOT OF THE BLOOD OF ZION, WHOM WE ARE PREPARING FOR THE WORLD.
16. At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other States. It is the bottomless rascality of the GOYIM peoples, who crawl on their bellies to force, but are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the violence of a bold despotism - it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence. From the premier- dictators of the present day, the GOYIM peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings.
17. What is the explanation of this phenomenon, this curious inconsequence of the masses of the peoples in their attitude towards what would appear to be events of the same order?
18. It is explained by the fact that these dictators whisper to the peoples through their agents that through these abuses they are inflicting injury on the States with the highest purpose - to secure the welfare of the peoples, the international brotherhood of them all, their solidarity and equality of rights. Naturally they do not tell the peoples that this unification must be accomplished only under our sovereign rule.
19. And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it wishes. Thanks to this state of things, the people are destroying every kind of stability and creating disorders at every step.
20. The word "freedom" brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, shall have to erase this word from the lexicon of life as implying a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts.
21. These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such time can easily be riveted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they will not sleep and continue to struggle
Beware!!!!they already destroy western's morale......don't sell ur own country!!!
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall... |
so they are a team of global chaos.. |
can u guess George Soros membership in the zionist freemasons????yes he was!!!!!Ted Turner(CNN owner) is one of Soros friends...both are billionares!!
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
This is a fact & history of the Jehovah Witness & Mormons believer relations with the Freemasons under Illuminati movements.....:hmm:
by David Icke
It's amazing how everything fits together in the world of the Illuminati if you are prepared to dig deep enough.
The people and organisations who attack and abuse each other in public, or appear to be in competition, turn out over and over to be different masks on the same face. Take the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses (if we must).
We are told they are different organisations which stand for different "beliefs" and the followers of both would be aghast at the thought that they could be connected in any way. But then the mass of unthinking followers in any religion are merely the fodder and the screen behind which the real business goes on.
The founders of both "faiths", the Mormons and JWs, were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, who founded the Watchtower Society (JWs), was of the Illuminati Russell bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a Satanist, a paedophile according to his wife, and a friend of the Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers, through "contributions" by organisations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organisation set up (in theory) to help Jewish people and promote the Jewish faith, be funding into existence the Jehovah's Witnesses?? I think the name Rothschild answers the question. Russell was also a high degree Freemason and Knights Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation (see Was Hitler a Rothschild), on behalf of his friends and backers.
Joseph Smith, along with Hiram Smith and Brigham Young, were the key figures behind the creation of the Mormon religion. They were of the elite of the elite Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian or "Holy Grail" line, and were all high degree Freemasons. They were also Satanists and formed their "church" as a front for Satanic activity which very much still goes on today. Why wouldn't it, that is what it is there for. The Mormon empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds through their Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution and Adolf Hitler, and yet again B'nai Brith, the Rothschild intelligence arm and defamer of genuine researchers, was involved.
Notice any similarities between the last two paragraphs??
Again the followers of these mind control cults would be shocked to think that the upper levels of these "religions" would engage in Satanic activity and human sacrifice of children, but it is about time they knew.
Russell's family was formerly known as Roessel and went to Scotland from Germany. Of course, Germany is a massive occult centre, from which the Rothschilds emerged, and Scotland is one of the key areas of the world for Illuminati bloodlines. From the start, Charles Taze Russell used his new Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, as a front for black magic, or Enochian magic as his brand of Satanism was called. He put the flying Sun disk on the front of his books, an ancient Illuminati symbol going back to Egypt and Babylon. The Watchtower magazine has always been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolism and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code. To them watchtowers are areas of the "magical universe". The unseen realms. Russell was buried under a pyramid in the United States after being ritually killed on Halloween 1917. These leading Satanists of the Illuminati are ritually killed when their time comes in line with their obsession with ritual. To them, everything is ritual. Again and again the Jehovah's Witness church is named by survivors of trauma-based mind control as being involved in these unspeakable mind control projects.
The Mormons were also created as a front for Satanism and, like the Watchtower Society, Enochian magic.When I spoke in Salt Lake City near to the Mormon Temple, I came across the fascinating book by William J. Schnoebelen called Mormonism's Temple of Doom. Schnoebelen was initiated into the Wicca religion, then into Freemasonry, before going through the Mormon initiation in the Salt Lake temple. He shows in great detail that all three initiations were the same. The same oaths, secret handshakes, and garb. Of course they are. We are looking at one face here hidden by many masks. The Salt Lake temple is covered with Illuminati symbols, like the All Seeing Eye, and it is built with granite, a rock which has been used throughout the ages for temples on earth power centres and for esoteric initiation. The Mormons also use the bee symbol, a classic symbol of the Merovingian bloodine which people like the author, Sir Laurence Gardner, want to kid us goes back to "Jesus" when in fact it is the "Holy Grail" bloodline of the Illuminati, the "purest" reptilian line. Joseph Smith carried a dove medallion given to him by an English masonic lodge. The dove is Illuminati symbolism for Queen Semiramis, the female deity in their Babylonian trinity. The Mormon Church, like the Watchtower Society, is also a front for trauma-based mind control. Many survivors have told of their horrific torture in Salt Lake City in Mormon buildings and centres. The Mormon genealogy operation is also a front behind which the Illuminati keep track of the reptilian bloodline, who has it to a "pure" enough level and who has not.
You won't be surprised to know, therefore, that the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses are the same organisation at the top level where the Elders of the Mormons and the leaders of the Watchtower Society operate a very different agenda to the one their followers believe. But what chance have you got of knowing what is happening within your "church" when you refuse to think or question? "Have faith", the mantra of these religious con-men through the ages, really means "Don't think and don't question." I was taken around the Mormon temple site (not the temple which is only for initiates) by two lovely girls from Thailand and Hong Kong. They had worked their asses off for years to pay their own fare to America and to pay for their own accommodation and living expenses for the privilege of serving this unbelievably wealthy organisation, as "guides" (recruiters) for the faith. On the way round, I asked them what they thought the significance was of the founders of the Mormon church all being high degree Freemasons. They looked at each other for a moment in bewilderment and then one said: "What's Freemasonry?"
And a few can't control the world??
I want to give people the opportunity here to tell their stories about the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses - and any other religious fronts - both to expose what is happening and to give people still in those "faiths" the chance to see what is really going on around them. If you want to contribute your experiences on these subjects please sent them to this website and we will start a new archive if there is a big enough response. You may have seen two contributions about the Watchtower society already.
Have faith!
DAVID ICKE ( http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/russell.html
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall..... |
Now let's see the freemasons activities in Australia history....:hmm:
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
Freemasons and the media????ever thought about AIDS possibly created in the lab?????....the list is ongoing!!!!!check it out
( theunjustmedia.com/Freemasons/From%20The%20shadows%20emerges%20a%20new%20world%20order%20their%20order.htm )
From the Shadows, emerges a New World Order, Their Order
We are all aware of the effects of media propaganda in our daily lives. Few of us however, realize that media propaganda is a well orchestrated global campaign to influence our behaviour; our thinking, our dressing, our culture, our lifestyle and virtually every aspect of our life, including our religion.
August 2nd 1990, Saddam Hussein's forces crashed through the defences of oil rich Kuwait. In fear of an Iraqi invasion into Saudi Arabia, the United States and her Coalition allies poured into the Arabian peninsula to form a deterrent; a deterrent that would be known as Desert Shield. The result was a series of diplomatic talks; negotiations and counter negotiations that rapidly declined into a no-hope situation. On January 17th 1991 Desert Shield became Desert Storm!
The conflict was witnessed by millions through the eyes of CNN and the BBC. Showing propaganda of the systematic eradication of Saddam's forces by a coalition far superior in technological, political and economic power. However, what was little known was that from the outset, the War was engineered, controlled and manipulated by an elite group.
A group which had created the illusion of a man with power, at the head of a million strong army, on the verge of going nuclear. A man who had gained control over one fifth of the worlds oil overnight. However, in reality he was merely a pawn, in amongst many pawns - Just a puppet in a grand master plan, with the Gulf War as a well-orchestrated stepping stone.
The orchestrators of the War were by no means strangers to controlling major world events, in fact they have done so for centuries.
From the Shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control Everything You Read, Everything You Hear and Everything You See. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populous to their way of thinking, and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority. And it is from the Shadows that they have created A New Political Order, A New Economic Order and more sinister A New Religious Order.
Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States: George Bush: "What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a BIG idea, a New World Order".
In the year 1099, Pope Urban II of France, declared war on the Muslim Caliphate to capture the land of Jerusalem, which was under Muslim rule since 637. The Dome of the Rock was seized by a group of warrior monks calling themselves the "Knights of the Temple of Solomon" or more simply "The Knights Templers". In Jerusalem the Templers learnt the secret arts of the Kabala, an ancient form of Jewish magic, along with its dark rites and rituals. In 1314, Pope Clement 5th declared all Templers as heretics. The Templers subsequently formed an alliance with the King of Scotland, Robert de Bruce and aided him to defeat the strong English army thus achieving an independent Scotland and winning favours with the King.
The Templers had brought themselves back from the brink of destruction and never again would they allow themselves to be destroyed. In 1603 King James 5th of Scotland became King of England by virtue of descent. In doing so Scotland and England joined to form a new Kingdom and the power that the Templers held over Scotland spread to give them a firm grip on the whole of Great Britain. In order to preserve their secret order the name "Templers” would have to die and instead the new name they chose for themselves was the "Freemasons".
The first Royal member of the Freemasons was Frederick, Prince of Wales. The latest members include Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and consort to the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II, who herself is the grand patron to the Mason. In the years to come the world would witness Europe and America being plagued by wars and revolutions, which were in fact schemes created by an exclusive few driven by hunger for absolute power.
In 18th Century France, the majority of the population was very poor whilst the Aristocracy and Royalty lived a life of luxury and extravagance. The Freemasons would use this gap to make the pledge for power (by a carefully planned propaganda war) resulting in the biggest upheaval in French history - the French Revolution. They completely controlled the media system and used it to sway the tide of public opinion. With the people, the politicians and the Military of France under Masonic control, the Freemasons could finally strike. In 1793 King Louis 16th was beheaded in front of a crowd heralding an end to the French monarchy and paving the way for another Masonic controlled state in Europe. In 1904, Marquee du Rosambo, a freemason, said before a packed audience: " We are then in complete agreement that Freemasonry was the only author of the French Revolution."
When the so-called founding fathers of America landed on Plymouth Rock they were faced with a tyrannical British regime. In order to gain complete dominance of the new state, the Masons orchestrated the American War of Independence. The leader who took the war to the British was none other than George Washington, a Freemason. The world's first Masonic State was born-a nation that would represent masonry in every way. A sign of the Masonic presence in America is plainly visible on the dollar bill, which carries a picture of George Washington, the First Freemasonic president in the world, and the picture of the freemasonic symbol of the so-called all seeing “one eye.”
The Freemason's recognize that their plan for a global government hinges completely on subjugating the masses to their agenda. The greatest threat to their plan posing more danger than any army or law is the threat of a free-thinking mind. In order to eliminate this threat and to achieve their objective the Masons have set about the boldest plan devised. The complete control of every aspect of human life. YOUR life. And the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes, entertaining you and your children and gradually indoctrinating you without you even realizing. In today's society, people are spending more and more time engaged with modern media, television, cinema, and computer games and the Internet. Popular fiction and popular music are integral part of our lives yet these provide a vast expanse on the information which you are taking either consciously or subconsciously into your mind- information on society ranging from ideals and morals and the difference between right and wrong to the way societies and economies should be structured is passed before you every single day. These media play a significant role in providing the basis for determining an individuals view of the world and everything that exists; thus any one group in complete control of this information placed on these media will in effect have the power to indoctrinate practically the entire populace of the world to their way of thinking and it is this fact that the Freemasons are exploiting. The Masons are using the entertainment industry in particular to condition people to their way of thinking either openly or subliminally; the methods they use vary, but the goal is the same: to impose their beliefs, their ideology and objectives on you in such a way that you begin to think of them as your own. |
The products of the masonically-controlled music industry are riddled with subliminal (subconscious) satanic messages. Although the listener may be unaware, backtracking is a form of hypnotism or brainwashing and has the power to be very destructive.
(a) Mozart
Wolfgang Mozart, a freemason himself, composed a symphony, which is based on a story taken from ancient Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiaris, The pagan rites of ancient Egyptian Mythology form one of the fundamental aspects of freemasonry.
(b) Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson is hailed today as the King of Pop. On the cover of the recent "Dangerous" Album, the freemasonic symbol of the one eye can be found as well as a picture of a bald headed man well known to the Occult (Satanists) as Alistair Crowley. Alistair Crowley himself was a freemason who became a Satanist and wrote the book "The New Law of Man", which stated in it that it would one day replace the Quran as the law of man.
(c) Madonna
In her famous song "Like a Prayer" it is not God that the prayer appears to be directed at but Satan. When played backwards, the words "0h hear us, Satan," are clearly audible. The freemasonic one eye has also been featured on the video for one of Madonna’s songs, where Madonna actually appears with the one eye coming out of her forehead. Madonna also appears on a video for one of her songs where she is standing on some writing; closer examination will reveal that this writing is actually Arabic, and is Quranic verses
(d) The Eagles
Their famous song called "Hotel California" when played backwards the words "Yea Satan" can be clearly heard.
(e) Mick Jagger
Wrote the song "Sympathy for the Devil".
(f) Church of Satan
The "Church of Satan" was headed and founded by Anthony Sans Delivi, the author of the Satanic Bible. It appears that the teachings of this church may have been the integral belief of many famous personalities in the entertainment industry, from rock groups to more main璼tream artists; Openly or subliminally their agenda and beliefs and ideals are propagated on the big screen and the small screen, from big-budget Hollywood films to simple cartoons. Ideas spread through the domestic television can reach a far wider audience than movies and cinemas and it is through this media that a new concept is being introduced: The concept of one global leader. (g) The Simpsons
Matt Groening the creator of the most famous cartoons The Simpsons is a self confessed anarchist. He has himself admitted that he wanted to get his own political ideas across within his own work but he wanted to do it in such a way that people find it easy to accept his ideas & the means he chose for this was the cartoon "The Simpsons". There are many lessons programmed to us. These include disregard for authority, either parental or governmental, the bad manners & disobedience is the ways of attaining status amongst people & the ignorance is cool whereas the knowledge is unfashionable. However, what is especially worrying is the masonic undertone in one episode in particular. The father of the family "Homer Simpson" get obsessed by a group of people known as "Stone Cutters" or should they be called the Freemasons. Upon joining the group, his fellow members find a birthmark on him, the mark which makes the rest of the group declare him to be the chosen one. So goes on to say: "I always wondered if there was a god. And now I know. There is, and its me."
(h) Rudyard Kipling
Famous for his novel, 'The Jungle Book", Rudyard Kipling another freemason wrote a book "The man who would one day be king". The book is the story of two soldiers who journey to a country on the edge of India and are captured by the local inhabitants, a people called "Kaafirs", named after their country, "Kaafiristan". A necklace is discovered around the neck of one of the soldiers on which is engraved the symbol of the masonic one eye. The Kaafirs revere him as their god and attribute to him the divine attribute of immortality. The man himself first regards himself as a king and then in his new-found power, begins to regard himself as really being a god. From the Muslim perspective it is prophesized that a man would arise from amidst the kaafirs (which means infidels in Islam). He would be recognized by his one eye and would be made a world leader claiming first to be a king and then later to being god.
Drug abuse in terms of monetary value is one of the largest industries in the world. During the 1980’s with the threat of communism taking over Central America, money was urgently required to finance the rebellion movement against communism, and to raise this the CIA allowed drugs to be traded between America and the rest of the world (revealed by American Senator, Jack Bloom). The freemasons have used or created problems within society to turn and manipulate events in accordance with their agenda.
Advances in technology are the way forward for freemasons; these allow the actions of all individuals in society to be monitored, checked and recorded. Technology is there to restrict the choices you have. Control of the masses means the complete control of every aspect of human life - YOUR life! Shocking acts of terrorism, soaring crime rates and increasing incidences of violence are propounded by film, media and government reports alike, creates strong public sympathy and support for harsh tactics and surveillance techniques. In this way, more and more technology can be introduced and the level of monitoring and surveillance can be increased. They can already find out who talked to you on the phone, where you work, where you shop, what you eat, what you wear, how much you are worth, what you earn, etc. One identity card will allow even closer monitoring and enable a complete psychological profile to be compiled on each and every individual in society. In addition, moves are being made to replace hard currency with a system that relies totally on electronic funds transfer (smart cards). Inside the smart card is a microchip with a tracking device that calculates every single transaction, and thereby log your every movement anywhere in the world.
The Freemasons’ plan for complete global control by one governmental body means that they must pave the way for complete global economic union, complete global legislative and political union and complete global military union. With the formation of the European Economic Community (EEC) the first significant steps in the creation of this global government was taken. The EEC has become a testing ground for the New World Order. Plans are already underway for the establishment of complete monetary union. All this will mean that eventually, in the super state, in the EEC there will be one currency, one economy and one government (a masonic government).
By the 1970's, it was becoming increasingly clear that the population of Europe and White America was rapidly declining while the 3rd world nations were expanding. Somehow, the gap between western populations and 3rd world population had to be abridged to restore Western (masonic) supremacy on a global scale. In the 1970's, President Jimmy Carter commissioned the Global 2000 report. The findings of the report blamed virtually all of the world's problems on the population growth of non-瓀hite people. The report went on as far as recommending elimination of at least 2 billion people in 3rd world nations off the face of the earth by the year 2000 in order to restore Western supremacy.
In the 70's, the AIDS epidemic broke out claiming huge amounts of life in 3rd world nations. On Oct 26th 1986, the Sunday Express became the first Western newspaper to run a front page story confirming the findings of Indian and Soviet newspapers entitled: "AIDS made in lab shock". In this article, a distinguished physician Dr John Seele, and professor Jacob Seegull, a retired director of the institute of biology at Berlin University both concluded that the AIDS virus was man-made. The outbreak of AIDS has been linked to vaccine programmes around the world administered by the World Health Organisation (the medical wing of the United Nations). Germ warfare against the innocent and the weak aimed at eliminating an entire populace off the face of the earth. AIDS is nothing other than the modern day "final solution". |
The United Nations is a general assembly of the majority of the nations of the world. Britain, France and America are already ranked within the five major powers of it's security council with the others being Russia and China. This means they have enough power to veto any motions passed. In December 1992, the president of the general assembly declared that "the UN must become a functional world parliament", and went on to say that "the UN should be equipped with it's own intelligence service".
Already above the law However, the UN has already attained military power. It operates it's own army, an army that stood back while thousands of BOSNIAN Muslims were killed by the Serbs in Bosnia. And instead implement an arms embargo that left the BOSNIAN Muslims without any means of self defence. When UN soldiers were sent to wage war against General Mohamed Farah Aidid, during the months between June and October 1993. American helicopters fired on hospitals, houses and civilian crowds killing hundreds of unarmed people. After an attack in which 71 died, the head of the UN mission, Admiral Jonathan Howe said, "We knew what we were hitting: it was well planned." This was a clear breach of the Geneva Convention, but when the US military attorney was confronted on these points, his reply was that "The Geneva Convention did not apply to the UN forces, on the technicality that the UN is not the signatory to the convention." In other words, UN troops were free to commit any war crimes or atrocities they wanted, and were above any law. In fact, the UN far from bringing peace with it as it claims, instead has spread corruption in the land, leaving a trail of death and destruction wherever it has gone.
During the days of the cold war, the very existence of the Soviet Union, meant that the freemasons path to a global government would take time. Now that Communism has been destroyed, it seems that the freemasons can at last use the UN to achieve their goals of a global government, therefore, having the entire world at their grasp with none to stand in their way. Or so they thought.
For as the Earth cries out because of the corruption and injustice they have spread over the land, through the agonizing centuries of their dominion, the world is witnessing the reawakening of an old noble warrior "Islam". Since Islam stand against injustice and discrimination, freemasons now trying to portraits Islam an enemy through their media and by spreading misinformation about this great religion. During World War One the Freemasonic governments managed to destroy the Islamic caliphate and annex all its territories. The part now called Iraq was put to British mandate and current borders were defined by them and through the Iran Iraq War.
After its independence the USA took over interest in Iraq. In fear of a DEMOCRATIC uprising the CIA aided the Baath party rise to power, making Saddam Hussein the leader of Iraq and an ally to the Masonic states. When Kuwait later started raising its oil prices, it was destroying the war torn economy of Iraq. Threats were made but ignored. The situation worsen until finally Iraqi troops were mobilized to the border. The freemasonic media, the American media in particular, portrayed this as a shock and an outrage. However, it is reported that the US ambassador to Kuwait had prior knowledge of the invasion and Iraq's intentions, as did the CIA. But the US stood still until the invasion.
After the Gulf War Saddam is still alive, and Kuwait has been liberated. It remains to be asked exactly what purpose the Gulf War served to the it's freemasonic orchestrators. The Masonic west has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies, one of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport. However, although technology exists to mass produce fully operational electric cars, all attempts to do so have been vetoed. This is because oil is crucial to maintaining their world order, without the wealth from oil, Muslim economy would fall, and without the puppet governments and leaders, such as Saddam Hussein, the freemasonic west could not control the Muslim nations.
The Gulf wars served many purposes, to promote Western unity, to create divides amongst the Muslims nations, to act as a testing ground for a entire arsenal of military weapons and cocktails of chemicals and drugs, but most of all it served to ensure a strong military presence in the middle east.
As the Earth cries out at the injustice and corruption that they have spread out across the land, through the agonising centuries of their domination, the world is witnessing the awakening of an old warrior, Now the freemasons have another enemy to contend with - an enemy which they thought that they had destroyed; an enemy that will never bow down to the demonic plan and evil of the freemasons. That enemy is Islam.
The last Prophet of God - Muhammad (SAW) said that a man will appear first as a tyrannical king, then he will claim to be a prophet, finally he will claim to be the lord god himself. The Prophet (SAW) further foretold that this liar would start to conquer the world and no place would remain unscathed except the two Holy Cities of Makkah and Madina. He will call to a false religion. He is the Dajjal, meaning "impostor" and he will be born with one eye. It is also known that before the appearance of the Dajjal, a group of people will pave the way for setting up a system to prepare the world for his arrival. In other words, the forerunner to the Dajjal will bear all the characteristics of the Dajjal. The forerunners to the Dajjal are none other than the freemasons.
Dajjal -The Anti-Christ
"One eye" is their official symbol
Will be born with one eye
Through the World Bank they oppress the 3rd World through unattainable interest loans
Will oppress all who do not follow him
Many viruses have been created or mutated in laboratories
Will have the ability to spread disease
Are playing "god" by using genetics to alter and "improve" creation
Will claim the Divine Attributes of God for himself
Today the freemasons weave another kind of magic in the form of hidden or openly propagated messages in films, televisions, cartoons, music and all the other cogs in their well-oiled media machine. And this same media machine has continuously been put into action to slander and destroy the character of Islam. Their arrogance knows no bounds and they obey no law, but that of their own making. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that a time would come when the whole world would gather around to plan the destruction of the Muslims as if they were gathered around a table to take part in a meal. Today the nations of the world are doing just that around the circular tables of the United Nations General Assembly hall.
He also said that the time of the Dajjal -The Anti-Christ would be years of confusion, people will believe a liar and disbelieve one who is trustworthy and those who rebel against God will have a say in general affairs. Today, during the time preceding the Dajjal -The Anti-Christ, there is also a time of confusion. The system set up by the freemasons have ensnared many Muslims away from truth using lures such as wealth, materialism and fulfilment of earthly desires. These times of tribulation are like a giant sieve sorting out the true believers from the apostates and the hypocrites. Many have adopted the lifestyle and philosophy of the Dajjal system retaining perhaps only their Muslim name or clothing wearing like a badge to their identity, and in every other way embracing wholeheartedly the system that is being used to eradicate Islam.
Embracing the same system that stood back and did nothing when pregnant Muslim women had their bellies ripped open by Serbs, killing them and the contents of their wombs. The same system that stands still while women and little girls are being raped in Kashmir. A system that stood still while mothers saw their children dragged away by soldiers during the night, never to return. The forerunners to the Dajjal have set up this system to destroy Islam, either directly through military and economic coercion or indirectly using ideological warfare. They have divided and conquered, instilling diseases such as nationalism and racism, into the heart of the Ummah. Their biggest fear is Muslim unity and revival of the Message brought by the Last Prophet (SAW) to mankind. And everything they do is geared to prevent this.
The masonic West has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies. One of their main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport. However, although technology exists to mass-produce fully operational electric cars, all attempts to do so have been vetoed. This is because oil is crucial to maintaining their world order. Without the wealth from oil, Muslim economies would fall and without the puppet governments and leaders such as Saddam Hussein the freemasonic West could not control the Muslim nations. Poverty creates unity. And Muslim unity is the greatest fear to the forerunners to the Dajjal.
The Gulf wars served many purposes to promote Western unity, to create divides among the Muslim nations, to act as a testing ground for an entire arsenal of military weapons and cocktails of chemicals and drugs. But most of all, it served to ensure a strong military presence in the Middle East. The forerunners to the Dajjal have placed a stronghold in the very heart of Islam itself and laid a firm grip on the Muslim Holy Lands. But although they plan, Allah also plans, and Allah is the Best of Planners. The final victory will be to the Muslims.
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
How the Zionist freemasons runs the media????:hmm:
( http://theunjustmedia.com/Media/ ... 0really%20works.htm )
How the media really works
The "Jewish Conspiracy" controlling the media, etc. There have been some systematic analyses done of the news media that would prove that there is a massive bias in the media and who owns it. Of course the argument that the market forces cause the news media to compete with each other for audience viewer ship so that they can charge large amounts of money to their advertisers is something that ties in as well. In order to get the most amount of audience view ship the media competes with each other to get at the story first and process the information so that the public will turn to them first for information instead of using there competitors within the news media. In order to be competitive at processing the story first, the news media relies on the government to provide them with information and "expert analysis".
The Government has a large intelligence apparatus spread all over the world that allows them to gain information about changing events. Market forces do not make it economically realistic for the news media to try to duplicate the same intelligence apparatus as the government.
The political elites know that the news media is dependant on them for information and they cultivate the attention of the news media by readily providing them with news briefs and press conferences. The political elites synthesis information for the media in such a way that serves their interests and interpret the conflicts from their perspectives.
They call enemies of the U.S. "terrorists" and allies of the U.S. "freedom fighters". There is no objective answer about who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter.
From the perspective of the British Sam Adams could be a terrorist. The British newspapers probably described him that way. The fact that their is constant repetition of a particular view point with only a token mention of the alternative view points makes people believe that they are getting a fair view of reality.
When in fact they are getting an interpretation of a particular conflict that is being told from the point of view our political elites, Political elites also make conscious decisions to give the media information about certain conflicts and will ignore other conflicts around the world based on whether the combatants are friends or enemies of the United States.
As an example when the Lecha Welsa's Solidarity movement was trying to gain freedom in Poland the U.S media covered the various conflicts between the police and the workers on a daily basis because the Communist Polish government was an enemy of the U.S. and U.S. officials made an intentional attempt to highlight the violence that went on in that country to make the Polish government look bad.
If a Catholic priest was kidnapped or the Polish government used tear gas on demonstrators the news media covered that story for a week. But in South America, the news media did not cover the violence being perpetrated by governments that were Allies of the U.S nearly as much. General Pinochet of Chile is supposed to have killed and arrested thousands of people.
Since U.S. officials did not make the information readily available to the media because they did not want to make one of their allies look bad, you never heard stories in the news media of individuals being arrested and tortured on a regular basis in Chile. If there are a few stories that mention some acts of violence it makes the system of propaganda that much stronger because people think that they are getting a fair presentation of reality. They think that there is overwhelming evidence supporting a particular position and some flimsy evidence supporting the opposite point of view and that America's foreign policy interests are fair or moral. When in fact the effect of this symbolic relationship between political elites and the media is that the media dispenses information in a way that reflects an elite world view.
As far as us discussing who are the elites in America. It can certainly be stated that conscious whites are not one of them. We are marginalized in this country. However certain groups in this country are well organized and work together collectively to fulfill their society's best interests and elected officials actually listen to them. AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action committee) is the largest political action committee in the United States. They give money to virtually every member of Congress and every mainstream presidential candidate (with the exception of Pat Buchanan).
AIPAC does not care about American foreign policy interests; AIPAC only cares about Israel's foreign policy interests. If Israel nuked the Middle East, AIPAC would lobby America to support for Israel. There is no comparable Arab lobby in the United States to lobby American elected officials to support the Palestinians.
There is no "comparable" pro white/euro American lobby in the United States to lobby American elected officials to have an American First Foreign policy. As a result of AIPAC lobbying efforts, no matter which party is in power, America will loyal to Israel's interests. It does not matter that some of America's elected officials are not Jewish. They all receive campaign contributions from the Jewish lobby and therefore do whatever the Jews want.
This complete support amongst our elected officials for Israel results in a bias in the news media. The news media is much more likely to cover stories where Jews are killed than stories where 20 Palestinians children are shot by Israeli soldiers for throwing rocks because the political elites in America make a concerted effort to provide information to the news media that makes America's Allies look good and America's enemies look evil.
When a Jewish person is killed the story is told from a "humanistic perspective". They show a picture of the person's crying family and the funeral precession. The purpose is to make you feel sorry of the person.
Then they show a picture of a bunch of Arabs screaming and yelling, firing guns into the air and burning American flags. This does not even have anything to do with the original person being killed but constant repetition of these pictures convey the impression on Americans that the Jews are innocent victims and the Arabs are crazy people who love violence and hate America for no reason.
Most people are not aware that the Israeli's have built their own housing settlements on Palestinians land. Most people were not aware of the war crimes that Ariel Sharon has committed in 1982 when he allowed a few thousand Lebanese people held to in a POW camp toe be killed until Belgium indicted him a few days ago. Most people have heard of Hamas and their desire to destroy Israel but have not heard about Israeli leader Rabbi Meir Khane who before he was killed in 1990 wanted to take all the Palestinian land on the West Bank and Gaza strip away from the Palestinians to make more living space for Jews and push the Palestinians into Jordan. The news media does not cover these things the same way because American elected officials selectively provide information to the news media that makes their allies look good and their enemies look evil.
There are many Middle East "think tanks" in Washington D.C. Most of these are very biased towards Israel because either Jews work there or because Jews are the ones who give money to support the "research" of the "think tank". When they are asked to come on shows like Meet the Press, Hannity and Combs, THe O'Riely Factor and give their interpretation of the Middle East conflict they are all biased in favor of Israel.
The analysis they give usually presents Israel as being all peaceful and the Arabs as being crazy killers with no legitimate interest. Since all the elected officials in the United States are bought and paid for by the Israeli lobby. None of them have anything bad to say about Israel. They never call assassination attempts against Palestinians leader’s acts of terror or bombing Yassir Arafat's compound to be an act of terror. No mention of the daily shootings that go on against Palestinians. No mention of how the Jews have destroyed Palestinians houses and built their own housing settlements on top in the West bank and Gaza Strip.
No journalist asks any tough questions about what is the difference between the Jews wanting to have a pure Jewish State and the South African System of Apartheid where whites wanted to have their own separate society because they identified themselves as being different from the blacks. This media bias has to do with the Power that the Israeli lobby has in America. They are able to buy the support of American politicians and then since the news media is dependant on political elites for sources and information, the news media presents information in a biased manner.
This is not a "conspiracy theory". This is a systematic analysis of the nature of the mass media in our free market economic system to show how it is used as a system of propaganda to further Jewish Interests at the expense of America's foreign Policy interests.
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall... |
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