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Author: johnconan

Kubur Adam n Hawa

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Post time 28-4-2009 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by johnconan at 3-5-2007 14:34
kat mana kubur ni berada? Ada yg kata ada kat Arab. Ada yg kata ada kat India...sape tau?

ingatkan awak nk share gambar kubur dlm ni rupanya nak tanya

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Post time 28-4-2009 01:42 PM | Show all posts
kebetulan ada topik Adam dan Hawa, baiklah kita diberitahu Nabi Allah Adam hidup di dunia selama 1000 tahun, tapi berapa lama Nabi Allah Adam hidup di syurga ? Ada sesapa yang boleh merungkaikan kemusykilan aku ni?

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Post time 1-5-2009 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myzano at 19-4-2009 18:46
Aku pernah dengar pendapat mengatakan makam nabi Adam terletak di Kaabah oleh sebab itu kita solat dan sujud kearah itu kecuali iblis yg enggan sujud kpd Adam.

kalau mcm tu,  seolah2 sujud pada Nabi Adam , bukan pada Allah..
pada aku,tu semua dongeng jer la, maksud aku tu, dongeng pasal kubur Nabi Adam kat Kaabah...

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Post time 9-5-2009 01:45 AM | Show all posts
kuasa tuhan...xsiapa tahu...huhuhu

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Post time 9-5-2009 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Nih saya ambik petikan dari

"there are many traditions concerning the place of Adam's descent upon earth. Ibn Abi Hatim narrated that Ibn Abbas said: "Adam descended on land 'Dihna' between Mecca and taif." AL Hassan said that Adam descended in India and Eve in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Iblis Bodistiman (Iraq), and the serpent in Ashahan (Iran). This last was also reported by Ibn Hatim.

Ass'ady related that Adam descended with the Black Stone (a large black stone set into the wall of the ka'ba in Mecca. It is said to have come from Paradise) in India, and he had a handful of the seeds of Paradise. He sowed them in India and they grew into the fragrant tree therein.

Ibn Umar said that Adam descended on As-Safa and Eve on Al Marwa ( names of two mountains in the vicinity of the sacred house in Mecca. Part of the rites of pilgrimage (hajj) includes pacing between these two hills in commemoration of H's search for water). This was also reported by Ibn Hatim. Abdul Razzaq reported that Abi Musa Al-shari said that when Allah ordered Adam to descend from Paradise to earth, He taught him the making of everything and provided him with the crops from Paradise.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "The best of days on which the sun has risen is Friday. One this day Adam was created, and on this day he was descended to earth." (al Bukhari)"

Maybe kita tak tau exactly kata mana tempat persemmadian Nabi Adam dan isterinya, tapi wujudnya mereka mewujudkan kita... so terima je lah hakikat tu.. takyahlah bersusah payah nak mencari.. Kang kat Padang Mahsyar kita jumpa gak...

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