memang dah pudar la parut yang hitam...yang lekuk-lekuk tu still ada....harap2 dapat kurangkan lekuk2 without fail mami tepek hubby pun suruh tepek kat muka dia gak
kalau ikut instruction kat produk tu.......parut lama akan nampak kesan after 3 bulan....kalau parut baru after 2 bulan baru nampak kesan......betul la tu kan parut mami dah nak nampak kesan after pakai 2 bulan.....
Originally posted by mami at 15-8-2007 06:17 AM
seperti yang dijanjikan......tolong jgn gelak tengok muka mami
13 Jun 2007 (3 minggu baru lepas kena chicken pox)
14 ...
fullamakkkk......mabellessss la mami... bunga teruja tgk mami... mmg ader perubahan yg ketara la mami..
x sabar rsanya bunga nk g bli utk parut chken pox also nk putihkn kwsan ketiak ni & kwasan2 yg swaktu dengannya... nk skata kn kulit...nsib bk oil ni x berminyak sbb klu jnis yg berminyak mcm vit E 2 mmg bunga xleh gna ssb mka
bunga ni oily sgt... rege dia pun xmhl kira brbaloi la dgn kesannyer kann...
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mami, nampak btul dia nyer effect eh, bagus la benda nih, hopefully muka mami bertambah tambah elok in time to come, nak angkat satu jugak nih......
harap2 makin elok la muka mami......masa mula2 kena pox tu memang conscious giler bila kat public....tapi skrang dah okay la....bila make-up langsung tak nampak dah parut yang pudar tu
[table=98%,#ffffff][tr][td]Bio-Oil and scars
Bio-Oil helps reduce the appearance of new or old scars, whether from surgery, accidents, burns, insect bites, scratches or conditions such as acne or chickenpox.
It also enjoys support from physiotherapists, primarily due to its success in maintaining the elasticity of the scar tissue on joints and other high mobility areas.
Bio-Oil and stretch marks
Bio-Oil can help prevent pregnancy stretch marks by increasing the elasticity of the skin which enables it to adjust to changes in size.
Bio-Oil should be applied twice daily from the first trimester.
Bio-Oil also helps to reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks from pregnancy, teenage growth spurts or rapid weight gain or loss.
It absorbs quickly, leaves no oily residue and is suitable for all skin types.
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]Bio-Oil and uneven skin tone
Bio-Oil helps to reduce the appearance of pigmentation marks and blemishes caused by hormonal fluctuations, skin-lighteners or excessive sun exposure.
Note: Bio-Oil contains no SPF but can be applied before a suntan lotion or a moisturizer with a complex SPF 15+.
Bio-Oil should never be mixed with other products to 搈ake it go further
mmg plan nak beli... target nak ilangkan parut2 jerawat kat muka ni.. tp statement diatas tu wat mcm was2 lak camana rutin yg sepatutnyer.. currently after cuci muka, wa pakai bha or alternate with JM bioglycolic lotion..
"Note: Bio-Oil contains no SPF but can be applied before a suntan lotion or a moisturizer with a complex SPF 15+."
base on statement kat atas memang mami apply bio oil sebelum pakai mosturizer.......tapi kalau siang mami akan apply amount sket je.....guna hujung jari and urut in circular motion....tunggu seminit dua baru apply mosturizer.....
mami basuh muka ngan cleanser himalaya n pakai toner himalaya far tak de masalah.....
boleh klu u nak mix ngan other product tp keberkesanan akn minimum atau xde langsung sbb acid bertindak lg kuat.....lebih berkesan if apply bio~oil nie kat first layer skin