Kota Alhambra ~ Cordoba ~ Andalusia... Sepanyol
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Package ke selatan Spain harga lebih kurang RM 7000 ke RM 8000. |
Reply #59 stormyrain's post
bukankah di alhamra ni juga bermula kisah Isabella ?
...kisah Ratu Isabella nie berkait besar ngan paderi St Valentino yg sinonim ngan sambutan valentine day itu...Rasulullah lahir pada 12 Rabiulawal manakala tarikh kejayaan St. Valentino dan konco-konconya menawan Cordova daripada umat Islam ialah pada 14 Februari. Tetapi apa yang peliknya terutama di kalangan umat Islam sendiri, tarikh 14 Februari lebih senang untuk diingati berbanding 12 Rabiul Awal itu sendiri.
...Versi pertama.. ialah dia merupakan orang terpenting Ratu Isabella yang berperanan menumpaskan kerajaan Islam Cordova, Sepanyol. Jasanya itu dianggap oleh Ratu Isabella sebagai amat bermakna sehingga Valentino dianggap kekasih rakyatnya sendiri. Justeru itu 14 Februari ditetapkan sebagai cuti umum di samping hari untuk merayakan kemenangan tersebut setiap tahun sekaligus mengenangnya sebagai mengingati St. Valentino sebagai rakyat Cordova. Sehingga ke hari ini, peristiwa kemenangan St. Valentino tersebut terus diingati dan rakyat Cordova mengingatinya semula dengan melakon semula kejayaan tentera Ratu Cordova Isabella itu.. ![](http://photos-p.friendster.com/photos/05/45/36545450/1_991765253l.jpg)
..dan versi kedua pulak.. St. Valentino sebelum kejayaan itu dikatakan mempunyai dua orang kekasih. Kekasih pertama dikatakan beragama Islam manakala yang kedua beragama Kristian berfahaman Protestan. Oleh kerana lain agama, St. Valentino terpaksa melupakan kekasih pertama dan menumpukan perhatian kepada kekasih kedua. Apabila ditanya Ratu Isabella apakah bentuk ganjaran yang boleh dikurniakan berikutan kejayaannya mengalahkan umat Islam, St. Valentino terus menyatakan yang dia ingin berkahwin dengan kekasih keduanya itu. Ini terus menimbulkan kegemparan di kalangan rakyat Cordova sendiri kerana Valentino merupakan paderi Katolik yang tidak boleh berkahwin dengan pengamal Protestan sementelahan lagi paderi sememangnya tidak boleh berkahwin. Ratu Isabella pula dikatakan murka dengan hasrat St. Valentino lantas memenjara sementara paderinya itu. Begitupun, baginda tetap mahu cuba mengingati jasa paderinya itu dengan menetapkan 14 Februari sebagai Hari Mengingati Kekasih yang diuntukkan khas untuk St. Valentino sendiri.
[ Last edited by anakencana at 23-10-2008 05:25 PM ] |
Balas #56 anakencana\ catat
:handshake: ..
apa punca kejatuhan empayar nih? kl leh sentuh sket2 elok gak...
-kat tempat2 yang pernah ada empayar islam, "roh/perasaan" nya masih kekal sampai hari ni...
ak penah g cairo egypt...suasananya, makanannya, orang-orangnya., ... macam ada perasaan rindu..huhu..
masa lalu kat lorong2 dan bazar2 di cairo, ada perasaan best yg dapat di rasa.. sama dengan bila tgk gambar2 nih...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Alhambra, the Lions' Court
Once you made it to the Lions' Court, you should sit down, to relax and bring your mind into the right mood. With the Church of la Familla Segrada, this must be Spain's no. 1 tourist and cultural attraction. How many times every angle, every detail of the Lions' Court have been photographed nobody could ever estimate.
As a matter of fact the Lions' Court was neglected for centuries, and as in almost every other country in the world, it was a foreigner who first appreciated its value. But the man in question, the American writer Washington Irving, was far from the first foreigner to arrive here. In 1812, the French forces of Napoleon had stayed here, and in other parts of the Royal Palace, and all they could contribute was the looting of everything nice and moveable. But when Irving arrived in Granada in the late 1820's the story would change. His Tales of the Alhambra has more than anything else contributed to the fame of Moorish Spain and Granada, as well as the saving of the legacy of Alhambra.
Irving wrote about the the Lions' Court: "It is impossible to contemplate his scene, so perfectly Oriental, without feeling the early associations of Arabian romance, and almost expecting to see the white arm of some mysterious pricess beckoning from the gallery, or some dark eye sparkling though the lattice. The abode of beauty is here as if had been inhabited but yesterday."
The Lions' Court was built in the second half of the 14th century during the reign of Muhammad 5. It opens up to 3 beautiful rooms, the Hall of the Two Sisters, the Hall of the Abencerrajes and the Hall of the Kings. Together with the Lions' Court do they make up the Harem of the Royal Palace.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:20 PM ] |
Reply #63 thessailly's post
Ade sentimental value rase seolah olah suasane itu masih wujud.![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Reply #57 lizz_7777's post
Seruan kepada mereka yang memiliki kesedaran...
Apabila manusia pertama kali melihat imej-imej kekejaman tersebut, mereka sering meluahkan perasaan marah dan berkata mahu melakukan sesuatu. Walau bagaimanapun, laporan-laporan kekejaman yang bertali-arus, yang tidak pernah putus-putus itu, akhirnya tidak berupaya untuk menarik perhatian mereka lagi. Semakin ramai manusia yang mati setiap hari, wanita-wanita dicabul kehormatannya, kanak-kanak sewenang-wenangnya ditembak atau kehilangan kaki setelah terpijak periuk api... Walau bagaimanapun, reaksi masyarakat ketika awal-awal konflik dan peperangan, akhirnya telah digantikan dengan sikap acuh tak acuh dan tidak ambil kisah. Apabila mereka membeli suratkhabar, mereka lebih suka membaca gosip-gosip artis berbanding berita-berita peperangan. Oleh sebab itulah, kematian manusia yang berlaku di Palestin, Chechnya, Kashmir ataupun Timur Turkistan hanya sekadar menjadi suatu "berita rutin."
Tambahan pula, propaganda-propaganda yang dicipta telah menggambarkan kebuasan-kebuasan manusia itu sebagai suatu perkembangan politik sahaja. Akibatnya, pembunuhan berterusan di Chechnya hanya dianggap sebagai urusan sulit pihak Rusia, apa yang berlaku di Palestin hanyalah suatu perjuangan untuk mendapatkan tanah di antara orang-orang Israel dan Palestin, dan penekanan puak Hindu ke atas penduduk Kashmir sebagai masalah yang berpunca daripada posisi strategik wilayah itu. Memang benar bahawa faktor sejarah dan ekonomi memainkan peranan penting yang mencetuskan konflik-konflik tersebut. Chechnya mempunyai kepentingan ekonomi dan strategi yang penting kepada Rusia. Orang-orang Yahudi yang fanatik terus berniat untuk menawan Jerusalem dan kawasan-kawasan pendudukan Palestin yang lain sejak berabad-abad lamanya. Namun demikian, faktor-faktor dalaman dan ekonomi bukanlah satu-satunya penyebab kepada tekanan yang dikenakan kepada orang-orang Chechen oleh pihak komunis Rusia, ataupun kekejaman yang dilakukan kepada umat Islam di Afrika, ataupun keganasan dan proses pembersihan etnik yang dideritai oleh umat Islam di rantau Balkan yang dilakukan di hadapan mata penduduk dunia.
Mereka dihimpit dengan berbagai-bagai bentuk penindasan kerana mereka adalah golongan yang beriman kepada Allah dan mahu hidup dengan berlandaskan Islam, dan mahu melihat anak-anak mereka menjadi orang-orang yang beriman juga
Mengapa kamu enggan berperang di jalan Allah dan (membela) orang-orang yang lemah baik lelaki, wanita, mahupun kanak-kanak yang semuanya berdoa: "Ya Tuhan kami. Keluarkanlah kami dari negeri ini yang mempunyai penduduk yang zalim, dan berilah kami pelindung dari sisi-Mu. Dan berilah kami penolong dari sisi-Mu." (An-Nisaa', 75)
nota tulisan: Harun Yahya |
Reply #63 thessailly's post
apa punca kejatuhan empayar nih? kl leh sentuh sket2 elok gak...
untuk renungan bersama....sebuah nota/artikel dari harun yahya yang sangat sarat dan jelas informasi nyer... panjang lebar sket.. sangat membantu sbg sumber rujukan.... happy reading ya..
Apabila kita melihat dunia Islam hari ini, kita akan dapat melihat dengan jelas usaha menghancurkan, menindas dan menghapuskan umat Islam di Bosnia, Algeria, Tunisia, Eritrea, Mesir, Afghanistan, Turkistan Timur, Chechnya, Thailand, Filipina, Myanmar dan juga Sudan. Jika dilihat secara sepintas lalu, umat Islam di kawasan-kawasan yang berbeza itu sedang berhadapan dengan musuh-musuh yang ber璴ainan. Orang-orang Serbia di Bosnia, pejuang Hindu di Kashmir, orang-orang Rusia di Caucasus, dan rejim-rejim penindas yang menentang umat Islam di negara-negara seperti Algeria, Mesir, dan Maghribi. Namun, kuasa-kuasa anti-Islam ini, yang kelihatan tiada perkaitan dengan yang lain, kesemuanya bertindak dengan logik yang sama, strategi yang serupa, dan menggunakan modus operandi yang sama. Faktor asasnya ialah mereka semua anti agama.
Kuasa-kuasa yang menafikan kewujudan Allah itu dan melihat agama-agama ketuhanan - terutamanya Islam, satu-satunya agama yang korup - sebagai musuh paling berbahaya kepada sistem sekular mereka dan seterusnya mengisytiharkan perang keganasan terhadap agama dan mereka yang beriman, sebenarnya mewakili ideologi-ideologi ateis. Inilah sebabnya mengapa musuh sebenar Islam bukannya orang-orang Serbia, Hindu ataupun pelbagai rejim-rejim penindas yang lain, tetapi adalah pegangan tidak beragama yang menyelubungi dunia ini. Dasar peperangan menentang Islam tersebut berakar-umbi daripada ateisme dan telah bermula sejak sekian lama.
under Arab rule, Toledo was called Tulaytulah... Toledo was famed for its production of steel and especially of swords and the city is still a center for the manufacture of knives and other steel implements...
Dunia Islam tidak selalunya kekal statik. Beberapa ratus tahun dahulu, dunia diperintah oleh empayar Islam. Pada permulaan tahun 1700, hampir seluruh dunia Islam ditadbir oleh tiga empayar agung. Empayar Moghul memerintah India, manakala Empayar Safavid memerintah Iran dan kawasan-kawasan sekitarnya. Kuasa ketiga dan yang paling berkuasa ialah Empayar Uthmaniyah, yang memerintah seluruh Semenanjung Balkan termasuklah Anatolia (sekarang digelar Turki), Mesopotamia (sekarang digelar Iraq dan Syria), Semenanjung Arab, dan Afrika Utara.
Walau bagaimanapun, ketiga-tiga empayar tersebut akhirnya hilang secara beransur-ansur daripada peta dunia. Empayar Moghul menjadi lemah, menjadi semakin kecil, dan akhirnya tumbang. Sub-benua India akhirnya jatuh ke dalam tangan kolonial British. Kawasan yang dikenali sebagai Indocina telah dikoloni oleh Perancis. Kerajaan Safavid di bahagian tengah Asia akhirnya jatuh di bawah peme璻intahan British dan Rusia. Empayar Uthmaniyah, empayar umat Islam ketiga dan yang paling kuat, akhirnya menjadi semakin kecil bermula sejak permulaan abad kesembilan belas. Tanah-tanah jajahan Uthmaniyyah di Barat telah jatuh ke tangan Rusia, dan negeri-negeri Balkan telah dipengaruhi olehnya. Timur Tengah, Semenanjung Arab dan Afrika Utara telah dikuasai oleh British, Perancis dan Itali. Dengan berakhirnya Dunia Pertama, sebahagian besar dunia Islam telah diperintah oleh kerajaan-kerajaan bukan Islam. |
Apabila kita menganalisis musuh-musuh dunia Islam, kita akan berjumpa dengan tiga idea-idea asas:
1. Imperialisme Barat: Sebagai contoh, kolonialisme British dan Perancis seperti yang telah diterangkan di atas.
2. Ekstrem-fasisme nasionalisme: Fasisme Itali, Israel, dan kumpulan-kumpulan profasis yang menyebabkan tercetusnya perang-perang saudara di dalam dunia Islam.
3. Komunisme: Soviet Rusia, China, Kemboja di bawah peme璻intahan Khmer Rouge, komunis di Afghanistan dan pelbagai lagi kumpulan komunis di Timur Tengah.
Kajian yang lebih mendalam mendedahkan bahawa ketiga-tiga idea tersebut muncul pada abad kesembilan belas, dan berkembang pada abad kedua puluh. Nasionalisme ekstrem dan fasisme yang muncul daripada kebangkitan idea-idea tersebut merupakan ideologi-ideologi yang terbit secara menyeluruh pada abad kesembilan belas, dan mula dipraktikkan dengan meluas pada abad kedua puluh. Komunisme bermula daripada teori materialisme dialektikal yang diperkenalkan oleh Marx dan Engels pada abad kesembilan belas, walaupun regim komunis yang pertama masih belum ditubuhkan sehingga tahun 1917, di Rusia.
Ini menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa musuh dunia Islam yang sebenarnya bukanlah sebuah kesatuan ataupun peradaban (misalnya peradaban Barat), tetapi adalah "ideologi-ideologi" yang telah menukarkan kesatuan-kesatuan atau peradaban-peradaban tersebut kepada penindas-penindas yang hauskan darah. Ideologi-ideologi ini telah mendominasi sebahagian besar dunia pada abad kesembilan belas, dan telah membawa kekejaman dan kezaliman ke mana-mana sahaja ia pergi. Sebenarnya ideologi-ideologi inilah yang menjajah, membahagi, merompak, memperhamba, dan menyembelih umat Islam sedunia.
Apabila kita memerhatikan ketiga-tiga ideologi ini, kita dapat melihat di sebalik segala apa yang berlaku ialah peningkatan kepercayaan ateisme di Barat. Setiap daripada mereka muncul apabila dunia Barat sudah tidak mahu lagi percaya kepada Tuhan dan agama, dan mula menerima fahaman golongan materialis sebagai cara hidup mereka.
Satu kebenaran penting yang mengesahkan hakikat ini ialah ketiga-tiga ideologi ini telah diasaskan daripada teori evolusi Darwin, yang mana menggambarkan "asas saintifik ateisme" dan yang mana buat julung-julung kalinya falsafah ateis telah menjadi satu "kebenaran saintifik."
Darwinisme turut menjadi asas kepada komunisme. Ia telah dijelaskan oleh pengasasnya yang pertama, Karl Marx dan Friedrich Engels. Kedua-duanya merupakan ateis, yang melihat penghapusan ke璸ercayaan beragama merupakan sesuatu yang amat penting kepada komunisme, dan kedua-duanya memahami sejelas-jelasnya bahawa teori evolusi dapat membantu mereka mencapai hasrat yang diidam-idamkan.
Tidak berapa lama selepas buku Darwin diterbitkan, Engels menulis surat kepada Marx yang berbunyi: "Buku Darwin yang sedang saya baca ini amat bagus sekali."2 Pada 19 Disember 1860, Marx membalas, "Inilah buku yang mengandungi asas sejarah semula jadi untuk rujukan kita."3 Di dalam suratnya yang lain kepada seorang lagi rakan sosiolis, Lassalle, yang bertarikh 16 Januari 1861, Marx menulis, "Hasil kerja Darwin adalah sangat penting dan memenuhi niat saya yang mana ia menyediakan asas kepada sains tulen untuk perjuangan kelas yang bersejarah,"4 maka dengan itu telah mendedahkan betapa pentingnya teori evolusi kepada komunisme.
Para diktator seperti Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin dan Mao Tse-tung telah memberikan komen mereka tentang komunisme, yang mana ia menunjukkan suatu hubungan ideologi kepada idea Darwin. Teori evolusi dijadikan asas pendidikan dan polisi pertanian di bawah rejim komunis. Semua pergerakan komunis menemui asas ideologi dan justifikasi apabila mereka melihat fahaman Darwinisme.
Dan mengapa mereka tidak memikirkan tentang (kejadian) mereka? Allah tidak menciptakan langit dan bumi dan segala yang ada di antara keduanya melainkan dengan (tujuan) yang benar dan untuk waktu yang ditentukan. Dan sesungguhnya ramai manusia yang ingkar tentang pertemuan dengan Tuhannya. (Ar-Ruum, 8)
Namun demikian, musuh-musuh agama seperti para pemimpin komunis, telah melemparkan tuduhan-tuduhan tidak berasas yang menyebabkan ramai manusia berpaling dari agama, sehingga mendakwa agama menghalang manusia dari berfikir. Namun seperti yang telah kita lihat, agama sebenarnya mengajak manusia untuk berfikir.
Inilah sebabnya mengapa perang intelektual adalah baik kerana ia suatu tindakan untuk meningkatkan keimanan dan juga sebagai satu "perang moral" menentang "korupsi" yang sedang menguasai bumi ini. Kewujudan ramai umat Islam yang sedang ditindas oleh sistem ateis di seluruh dunia telah menyedarkan kita betapa pentingnya perjuangan tersebut. Setiap kejayaan ideologi menentang ateisme (dan juga falsafah-falsafah, ideologi-ideologi dan yang kononnya merupakan teori saintifik seperti Darwinisme yang bersandarkan kepada dasar-dasar ateis) juga merupakan kejayaan moral yang dapat membantu umat Islam yang sedang ditindas di seluruh dunia. |
Gardens of Generalife
The inspiration for the Garden of Generalife is supposed to be nothing less than the Koranic description of Paradise. Running water and plenty of shaded areas together with fresh plants of all sorts; there was nothing that appealed more to the rulers of Granada, who never forgot their historic past of the hot desert.
All of the Generalife is delightful, and the views towards the Alhambra, the city of Granada and the mountains make this a place to walk slowly. A nice thing to do here, is to buy some food in one of Granada's delicacies and eat your lunch here.
The highlight of Generalife is the Patio of the Cypresses, a walled garden. Nearby lies the Walk of the Cascades, a staircase with water flowing down and with a Summer Palace at the base.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:20 PM ] |
Often neglected by visitors to Alhambra |
Alhambra, the Harem
The Harem of Alhambra springs out of the Lions' Court, and consists of a nice selection of rooms and one bath. To the south of the court is the Hall of the Abencerrajes with the most fantastic ceiling in the entire Alhambra. The ceiling is 16-sided with stalactite decorations, lit by windows in the dome itself, with light that is reflected by the fountain on the floor.
As your neck is already bent back, you might continue into the Hall of the Two Sisters. The ceiling here is made up of more than 5,000 honeycomb cells.
The ceiling of the Hall of the Two Sisters. Almost impossible to give justice on photo
In the Hall of the Kings you will find a very unusual form of art: Lifelike representations of humans, which is forbidden by Islamic law. While the artist most probably was a Christian, it was the Muslim Nasrid rulers ordering the decorations. And they let it stay.
The last important sight of the Harem are the Baths, which cannot be entered, but rather seen through the doorways.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:22 PM ] |
The Moorish quarters of Albaic韓
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:22 PM ] |
Ladies' Tower
As you come out to the Ladies' Tower, you are in the neighbourhood of the Royal Palace. The wealthiest of Granada's citizens built their homes up here. The more money or social importance, the closer they came. Among these buildings, the Ladies' Tower is the foremost and most beautiful. Especially nice is the view over Granada seem from between the buildings.
There are really no stories connected to the structure now called Ladies' Tower, except that this was never its name in Moorish times.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:22 PM ] |
Alhambra, the Serallo
The Serello was mainly built during the reign of Yusuf 1 in the middle of the 14th century. It was largely decorated thanks to serving as the reception area of embassies and distinguished guests.
The Patio of Mytles, seen in direction south.
It consists of a selection of very attractive rooms and courtyards. The most appealing is the Patio of Myrtles (Patio de los Arrayanes), with its pool flanked by myrtle bushes. At its northern end lies the Comares Tower (Torre de Comares) within the Hall of the Boat (Sala de la Barca) lies. The Hall of the Boat has a fabulous ceiling, though it is a copy of the original following a fire in the 19th century.
The Patio of Myrtles, seen in direction north, with the Comares Tower in the back. Inside this lies the Hall of the Boat and the Hall of the Ambassadors.
Further into the tower, lies the Hall of the Ambassadors, which is the largest and possibly the finest room in the entire Royal Palace. It is a perfect square, and has a esquisite wooden dome, which was meant to symbolize the seven heavens. This hall was the staging ground for Sultan Boabdil's signing of Granada's surrender to the Catholic king and queen, as well as the place where King Fernando later the same year discussed the voyage of Columbus to find the sea route to India.
The Hall of the Ambassadors.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:23 PM ] |
Alhambra, the Mexuar
The Patio of the Golden Room.
The Mexuar was the parts of the Royal Palace where the sultans conducted the everyday administration and business. It is far from the most striking parts of Alhambra, slightly modest in its decoration. Visitors are allowed into a number of its rooms, like the reception hall completed in 1365, and the Golden Room, which was only open for the staff of the palace.
The most attractive part of the Mexuar is the Patio of the Golden Room, wits its facade to the Serallo.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:24 PM ] |
Originally posted by silver_nano59 at 23-10-2008 12:52 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku suka perkataan2 yg yg digunakan kat sini
mcm ada something dgn perkataan2 ni..
apa pun, tak pernah melawat sana lagi. tgu turn nak kesan ...
Cordova = Qurtubah |
Below the white mountains
Sunset over Alhambra, with the Sierra Nevada mountains in the back.
Granada might seem packed with sights, but in reality is everything in easy walking distance. In many ways is Granada the ideal tourist destination, you can sleep, eat and explore everything inside a radius of 500 metres. But what an area! It will appeal to all your senses, tickle your curiosity and it might even change your perception on peoples and religions.
Granada was the capital of the kingdom of the Nasrids. But it was never an imperial capital, Granada was more of the little kingdom allocating a great part of its wealth into beauty. And it is the palaces, fortress and other buildings on the hill top of Alhambra which was the arena of the best craftsmen that Spain had in the 13th until 15th centuries.
Granada seen from the Alhambra. This belongs the the less inhabited eastern quarters.
From 711 Granada was no more than an important regional centre in the Caliphate of Cordoba, and from 1031 under the Almoravids, and from 1154 under the Almohads, both ruling from Sevilla. But in the 1240's did Ibn al-Ahmar of the Nasrid tribe manage to establish an independent rule from Granada. But the new kingdom was quite isolated, Cordoba had fallen to the Christians in 1236 and Sevilla followed in 1248. The only Muslim lands now were just 350 km from east to west, and at the most stretching 150 km into the Iberian peninsula. Yet, this included all of the future tourist destination of Costa del Sol with Malaga and Marbella.
The kingdom of Granada would survive the following centuries thank to the rulers' ability to cooperate and receive protection from the different neighbour kingdoms of Aragon and Castille, as well as the Merenid kingdom of Morocco.
Granada's final fall came over a period of 13 years, starting with th uniting of the kingdoms of Aragon and Castille. The united Christian kingdom took control over most of the coast, and by 1490 there was little left of the kingdom of Granada but Granada itself. Sultan Boabdil was unable to get help from other Muslim states, and after a 7 month long siege did he surrender to the Spanish.
The story of Muslim Spain would last another century. The Christian suppression of Muslims and Jews was harsh, and concluded by the expulsion of them all. Spain was left without its able craftsmen.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:19 PM ] |
From 711 until 1492 southern Spain was under Muslim rulers. They brought with them a new culture to Christian Spain, new styles and new customs. The flourishing multi-cultured society of these centuries has created a treasury of palaces and religious buildings of the finest artistic value.
A tour of southern Spain is unique in a European setting. It offers a sight into a great past, but also a view into a future where peoples and religions can coexist and learn from each other.
Credit to LookLex
[ Last edited by lizz_7777 at 23-10-2008 10:18 PM ] |
Arabic: 'al-'andalus
Other spelling: Andalusia
Lands of southern Spain, and at times, Portugal, ruled by Muslim rulers, between 711 and 1492. Throughout Andalucia's history the territory was gradually decreased, reflecting the emerging strength of Christian Spain and the increasing military and political weakness of the Muslim world, then especially in North Africa.
The term "Andalucia" is really only the name for the remaining southeastern parts of the Iberian peninsula, the last surviving Muslim state here until 1492. But from this, "Andalucia" has been given as name to the entire Muslim history on the peninsula, even periods when other names were used, and territories extended far beyond Andalucia; Cordoba, Almoravids and Almohads.
With the end of Andalucia, Muslims and Jews would eventually have to convert to Christianity or leave Spain. Today, many communities around North Africa are direct descendants of the Andalucians, still keeping their identity strong.
Among the most interesting questions concerning the Muslim conquest of the Iberian peninsula, is why it happened so swiftly. The explanation is found both with the long experience of warfare with the Muslims, as well as Iberian weakness. Iberian rulers at the time seemed mainly concerned with terrorizing the Jewish community, and the aristocracy ruthlessly exploited the peasants.
Consequently, locals regarded the Arabs and Berbers entering their land as liberators, not marauding aliens. Stories tell that where the Muslim army came, they were welcomed by rejoicing locals.
Bad governance was the rule most of the peninsula, facilitating a fast conquest in the following decades. The Iberian peninsula was placed under control of the Caliphate, becoming a part of the Muslim civilization.
In memory of Tariq ibn az-Zaid, the general of the first Muslim army, the cliff marking the southern end of Spain was named for him: Jabal at-Tariq or Gabal at-Tariq; Gibraltar.
Andalucia is often referred to as the most prominent example of a tolerant and cultural Muslim state, an image enhanced by the lack of such qualities in contemporary Europe. In Andalucia peoples of different religions were allowed fair freedom of faith and expression. This image is tainted and the product of European Leftist romanticism towards non-European peoples.
In reality, as the rulers after the Muslim cultural decline from the around the 12th century, had no other choice but to treat its Christian subjects well, otherwise they would have sought help from neighbouring Christian states. Hence, the tolerance was not a Muslim product, it was forced upon the Andalucian rulers from the outside. As this is clarified, the Muslim rulers did secure a society far more tolerant than many other European states, and especially far more tolerant than the Christian regimes after the fall of Andalucia in 1492.
The image of Andalucia is also interesting, as the Muslim occupation of Christian Spain is never referred to as colonization, while French occupation of Muslim North Africa through the 19th century is always referred to as "colonization" and "imperialism". To make it clear, the Muslim invasion of Spain and the French invasion of North Africa are the phenomenon. Both exploited weaknesses in the invaded countries, both established regimes which secured people with the same belief as the rulers benefits better than the indigenous population and both managed to create stability and progress to the benefit of all.
Furthermore, while information of the Spanish cleansing of Muslims (and Jews) is widely covered in historical works, the North Africans arranged a similar ethnic cleansing of Christians (and eventually also Jews) after gaining their independence in the middle of the 20th century.
711: The Muslim general Tariq ibn az-Zaid sets out from Morocco with 7,000 troops in order to loot Spain.
719: Muslim conquerors reach the Pyrenees |
Balas #68 and #67 anakencana\ catat
terima kasih~....
bab ni best sikit... |
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