Reply 60# auntieagony
Ok jugak gaji dia ya...Slalu rata2 saya tanya sumer mintak 900 ke atas...huhu
Aunty ambik kat agency mana...leh share tak |
Reply 61# eddina_14
Auntie pakai Mr & Mrs maid agency ( not sure the full name). Bila auntie balik frm holiday, I'll update u in this forum. Tempt kat Puchong. |
Reply 62# auntieagony
Tq aunty...
Enjoy your holiday...:-) |
Sapa2 nak maids from filipina can pm me ya... Ade dapat biodata lebih from agency... |
Reply 54# eddina_14
hehe ntahla..yg kesian kalau ada baby la sian kena usung tgh panas |
Reply 56# auntieagony
memang pun cerita pasal kerenah derang takkan habis, mcm sinetron |
Tadi dah gi letak deposit...50pc dari total amount to pay... So kena 4250 tadi...huhu
Pilih punya pilih... Sangkut yg non muslim jugak... Tadi pagi call tanya dia ok ke tak
Dia kata ok...fikir2 kalau makanan halal tak risau kut sbb kita yg belikan
Cuma nak kena bgtau jgn ajar benda christian beliefla...lain lak jadinya
Yg muslim mcm mostly tade expereince and single so tade anak
Kalau boleh prefer yg dah ada anak and self- motivated...sembang2 dgn dia oklah... Anak2 dia pun sama umur anak dina, 1 boy 1 girl mcm dina gak
Hopefully semua okay nnt....ameen
Gaji rm1000/ month...first 6 months byr 500 sbb dah ada advanced salary
Takut sebenarnya sbb first time amik maid ...huhu
No holiday... |
okay kot ina...
sbb u still nak hantar anak gi nursery kan nanti?
rajin tanya anak psl apa yg maid ajar anak, i think auntie ada cakap kan how she handles her non muslim maid.. |
Reply 68# Ariys21
Tak hantar gi nursery dah kalau ade maid syira
Cuma abang akan pegi tadika pagi- tghari
Ina ada call future maid utk sembang dgn dia
Dia mcm educated juga, amik degree tp setahun jer tak habis sbb tade duit
Kesian juqak bila dengar suara anak2 dia sbb anak2 dia sebaya anak dina
Tp determined nak kerja, baguslah, hopefully kerjanya bagus
Syira, kalau maid lari first 3 months jer ade replacement ya?
Kalau after 3 months majikan tak dpt apa2?
Ade tanya agency, dia cerita camtu...Saja tanya for reference |
ina kalauu tak silap denda kalau filipino maid lari lagi tinggi dari indon, indon dlm rm200, filipino dlm rm600 |
Reply 70# misy
Ye ke misy...? Huhu adei jgnle dia lari plak...
Misy nyer maid dah settle dah? Dah ade update from the agency? |
Reply 71# eddina_14
dah ade update dari agen. panjang ceritanya
i pun dah malas |
Reply 63# eddina_14
As promised earlier, this is the agency that I had engaged for recruitment of my domestic helper - alamak ayat so formal gitu!
Agensi Pekerjaan Y & K Sdn Bhd - Co No: 827932A
(Licensed by Agensi Pekerjaan MR & S Sdn Bbd - Co No 171978-T)
No 45-3 Jalan Puteri 2/1
Bandar Puteri
47100 Puchong Selangor
Tel No: 80622777/ 012 6213038 / 012 3270432
Kalau gi sini, jgn pakai ayat auntie sebijik, nanti dia ingat auntie yg ajar... So just tell her straight that you are very fussy about cleanliness and you are particular about the services rendered by the domestic helper. Of cozlah, tak kanlah kita nak menghamba abdikan maid kita mcm sesetengah kaum tu.
Harap informasi yg auntie beri ini dpt menolong forummer yg lain. Insyallah. |
Reply 67# eddina_14
Kalau makanan tu memang yg kita beli mmglah tiada kemusykilan lagi. Tapi just keep a mental note and observe that your non muslim maid tidak dpt apa2x mknan drp org luar, i.e. other maid.
Sbb my maid ada cakap kat I bahawa one of the other Philippino maids (non muslim) gave her a huge bread. She gave it away to the road sweeper sbb she malas nak fikir roti tu halal or ada ingredient yg tak leh mkn or in another word, malas nak bersoal jawab ngan auntie.
Dari pengalaman auntie, jarang dengar Filipino maid yg lari. Ada tu mmg ada tapi sgt terpencil jumlahnya (very negligible). |
Reply 73# auntieagony
Tqvm aunty...Tapi sayang tak dpt nak try their services, dah confirm with another agency earlier and my maid has undergone medical exam and cleared, so no turning back oredi... Now in training before proceeding with other documentation processes in philippines.
But i'm sure other forummers can benefit from the contact number... So far happy with the services from apask. Cepat and efficient. Advantage dia sebab yg handle philippine maids ni is also a philippine so maybe senang dia nak deal agaknya. Will update on the progress.
From apa yg i gathered thru the scouting exp, ade agency yg still offer gaji at 850, 900, 950, 1000 or more. Depending on their mou with the maids. But slalunya kalau gaji rendah, initial fee tinggi by agency... Terpulang pd majikan mana yg suitable. Try and get their experienced ones rather than not (sbb gaji sama kalau no exp), good command english supaya senang communicate and bila dia cakap dgn anak2 kita taklah tunggang langgang englishnya and ade yg college educated, kalau dpt yg itu the better.
Tapi ofis apask tu aduhai nun kat desa petaling kat tempat paling congested di dunia huhu... Pening carik... |
Reply 74# auntieagony
Ok aunty will keep an eye on that...Filipino maids yg lari mgm jarang dengar... Walaupun dah reduce of maid risks by 50pc, tp still there's another 50. Takut tak lari, benda lain pulak yg problem... Harapnya semua okay... Being new to having a maid, mmg risau sebenarnya. Tp nak tak nak kenalah harung juga....
Ade terfikir nak letak nannycam...ape pendapat korang...? Will it help? Err mcmmana nak beli and install nannycam tu? |
Reply 75# eddina_14
Agreed wz all that you have written.
As long as we are provided wz competent maids by the agencies, dah kira bernasib baiklah. Tak kisahlah mana2x agensi. Fikir2x balik semua sama jer... janji siapkan RM.
Bila maid baru sampai, auntie cadangkan Eddina & hubby lay down your own house rules & regulation.
Years ago, when my previous Philippines maid did not observe one of the rules, auntie ambil salinan dan suruh dia baca depan auntie. Nak marah dan membebel, auntie tak kuasa. Auntie cuma kata as discussed & agreed earlier, if you still do the same, I wld send you back.
Eddina, kurangkan perasaan kesian tu sbb kalau kita asyik kesian, kemungkinan besar diaorg pijak kepala. So treat them like in the office - professionally. They are here to do the job and not on holiday. They are not our relatives, they are our employees. If they do the job well, once a year tunjukkanlah our appreciation. Insyallah, lagi kuat diaorg bekerja sbb diaorg gembira. |
Reply 77# auntieagony
Sound advice. Will sit down and lay the ground rules when she gets here nnt. Pasal kesian tu, I'll work on it. Betul ckp aunty, they are here to work, not holiday. Kesian is why most maids pijak kepala kan? Huhu me so newbie in this haha...
Thanks again... |
Semalam dpt flight itinerary from agent, maid will be arriving next wednesday...
Ada 4 other maids on same flight... Hopefully all will go well... Aminnn... |
Semalam dpt flight itinerary from agent, maid will be arriving next wednesday...
Ada 4 other maids ...
eddina_14 Post at 17-8-2011 15:17 
berapa u byr gaji sebulan and dari agensi mana??hupdate kat kita disini ye |
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